

Hello my little lovely imaginators! Here's the second part to this little FWB story! I'm pretty sure there is going to be another part because I have so much more in my head! But this one was just so long! I was going to break it up, but there wasn't really a good place for me to stop it and then continue it as a third chapter. LOL. But I hope you guys enjoy this part! It's not as ty as some of you would like because, well, I don't think I'm really that good at describing the actual flippity dippity, but ya know. The implication that the hippity dippity is gonna happen is there ;). I'm also sorry if there are any grammatical errors and spelling errors, it's 1:32AM and I have calss tomorow, and instead of delaying this longer than it needs to be delayed, I just wanted to get it posted and out there for those of you waiting. Well, that's all I have to say! I hope you lovely people enjoy reading this and don't be afraid to let me know what you think! And thank you to those that left comments and subbed to this story! I really love you guys! <3 



The next morning you wake up feeling something heavy on your back. Squinting, you look over your right shoulder to see Jackson cuddled into your back like you're some sort of teddy bear. The sight is so comical you almost laugh before resting your head on your pillow. You would think you would be the one laying your head on him, but no. Between you two, you liked to think you wore the pants in the relation-friendship.

 Yes. That's what you just now planned to call what was going on between the two of you.

A relation-friendship.

"I have to pee." You whined, trying to get out of Jackson's iron grip. Why did his big head have to be so goddamn heavy.

"Stop moving." He complained dragging you closer to his body, if that was even possible. The guy was already laying on you, how much closer was he planning on getting.

"But I have to pee." You argued, propping yourself on your elbows. You were lying on your stomach and glancing over your right shoulder. All he had to do was move over and off your back; it really shouldn't be that hard.

"But you're so comfortable."

"I could pee right here." And with that he pushed you off the bed and pointed to your door.


Shaking your head, you walked toward the bathroom. Once you finished your business, you climbed back into bed and his hands were draped lazily across your stomach as he snuggled into your side.

"Are you going to come and watch me practice today."

He asked, mumbling the question into your hair.

"I don't know." You answered, yawning. “I’m still mad at you."

He chuckled and kissed the side of your head.

"You weren't mad when you were calling my name last night." He teased, slipping his hand under your shirt to rest it on your bare stomach. He always had this weird habit of wanting his skin to be on yours. Whether it be something as simple as his hand under your shirt, or something as bold as his hand in your pants.

"Shut up."

He lets out an airy laugh and then props himself on one elbow, his head in his hand as he stares at you. You look up at him from your laying position. You had the strong urge to place your hand on his face. He always made your heart feel a little warm whenever he stared at you like you meant something to him. You always believed it.

Until you saw him flirting with some girls in class the next day. He was always surrounded by girls and it bothered you. But it shouldn’t because you two weren’t a couple or in love or in like or anything. You had to keep in mind that there was no commitment and no feelings involved.  At least, that’s what you were forcing yourself to believe.



"Stop staring."

"I'm not."

"Jackson Wang you are an idiot."

He smiled and kissed your nose.

"I know."

You're heart isn't supposed to race like that and your palms shouldn't be sweaty. And you know you told those damn butterflies in your stomach to stop fluttering around whenever he does cute little gestures like that. But of course, all of those things still happen when he simply just looks at you like you're the only thing in the world that he truly treasures. But you know that's not true. Because he's your best friend. And you know what he treasures in this world and you're not it.

At least, that’s what you’ve forced yourself to believe. You can’t be the thing he treasures most, it goes against the rules you two set up. You sigh and roll to your side, back facing him. You just want to go back to sleep because the feelings you're going through right now are messing with your brain and you don't appreciate it.

You feel him wrap an arm around your waist and once again, you're pulled flush against him. But this time, his chest is pressed against your back and he's holding you so securely it's hard not to feel safe in his arms. When did you start feeling so strongly in love with the man you've been sleeping with for 2 years?  You have no idea and you’re kind of afraid to find out.

But you do know that you enjoy the feeling of his arms around you. And you enjoy the feeling of the nights the two of you spend together. The image of both your bodies working in perfect harmony flash in your head and before you know it, you're hot and bothered and it's only 10am. Jackson seems to have read your mind again because he's suggesting you two “shower” together and whenever you two do, it's less showering and more mess making but you can't help but agree because god do you want him.

The next thing you know, you’re pressed against the bathroom door with his lips latched onto your neck. You know you should be angry about the purple marks that he’s going to leave but it feels too good to stop him. His lips stop their work on your neck and move up to your ear. He’s whispering all the things he wants to do to you and a moan accidentally slips out of your mouth. Jackson smirks and takes that as his green light to, finally, strip you of your shirt. His hands wander down to your waist and then to your .

“You have a really nice .” He moans, lifting you up and sitting you onto the counter.

“Thanks.” You kiss him and tug his shirt over his head. “Yours isn’t so bad either.”

He lets out a loud laugh before walking toward the shower and starting it. You bite your lip as he walks back towards you. He places one hand on either side of you and kisses you forcefully, making you fall back a bit. Instinctively, you wrap your arms around his neck as his hands grasp your thighs, pulling you closer to him. He’s standing in-between your legs and all you can think about is him ing you on the kitchen counter because , that sounds hot. 

We need to try that one day.

Pretty soon you’re pulled out of your thoughts when you feel him press a hand against your core. You throw your head back and let out a shaky moan. No matter how many times he touches you, it always feels like the first time. Adrenaline rushing through your veins, excitement bursting through every nerve in your body and just a little bit of love sprinkled onto your heart.

“The waters going to get cold if we don’t get in soon.”  He whispers into your ear, taking your undies off.

“Hurry up then.”



Feeling the bass of the music rack through your body, you continue to watch as he and his friends dance to the music. They never cease to amaze you, they always found time to practice and when they did, they’re commitment was amazing. Sometimes they would stay hours on end to practice one section of a dance over and over again.

“How does it look?” Jackson asked, sitting next to you. They’ve finally decided to take a break and you’re relieved for them. They work themselves a little too hard sometimes and you find it hard not to worry for these boys.

“It needs a little more work and some sections are still a little messy, but compared to last time, it’s looking better.” You know sugar coating things won’t help them out because Jackson always knows when you’re lying.

“Okay cool. This is why we like you at practice; you always let us know what’s wrong.” He smiles, and takes a sip out of his water bottle. “It’s a good thing you’re a dancer.”

He stands up at Jaebum tells them that their water break is over. They all get into formation and the music plays again. You watch and examine every single one of them, mentally writing notes down in your head. You wanted to believe that Jackson brings you along to practice because he wanted you there.

But you know it’s because you have a keen eye for mistakes, and as a dancer a non-cohesive dance routine is the worst thing you could ever possibly watch. So for Jackson to bring you to practice, it was just another job you do for him whenever you had free time. Sometimes you wished he would just bring you along so you could just enjoy them all dancing and having fun.

You find yourself spacing out, absentmindedly sorting all the emotions running through your head right now. The feeling of loving someone, someone loving you, being in a relationship and how it would be. Then you imagine yourself with Jackson and instead of just the , there’s romance. There is love and genuine feelings and you both aren’t too scared to tell each other how you feel. Then you start to feel anger. You start getting angry at yourself and how stupid you sound. It irritates you that you sound needy and desperate because you don’t really want  Jackson as a boyfriend.


“Are you even paying attention to us.” Yugyeom whines, plopping on the floor in front of you.

When did the music turn off?

Pretty soon you hear all the boys complain about how they worked extra hard for nothing and you shake yourself out of the void of anger. They sit around you and pester for critiques and the flaws that are way too prominent in their choreography. But all you can think about is leaving because you hate being around them when you’re angry.

“Mark, you’re off on formation within the first 25 seconds of the dance. You should be perfectly aligned with Youngjae but you’re too far up. Jackson find a clear pathway between the third formation and the fourth because you keep running into mark. Youngjae, you’re a count too late when the second chorus comes in. JB, I need more energy from you when you’re in the front. JR, watch your formations and where you need to go you look lost at some points. Bambam, give me more confidence because you know your choreography but you dance like you don’t.”

You zip up the zipper to your backpack and then proceed to stand up.

You really needed to cool down.

“And Yugyeom, you are cute as ever but try to not hit too hard. Unlike your other dances, this one is mellower and not as hard hitting as the hip-hop songs you do. Listen to the song and hit as soft as the music sounds.”

They all look at you in awe and you smile in return. It’s not every day that these bad boys get to be put into check. And whenever they are, they can’t help but bask in the amazement that is judgment. You laugh and say your goodbyes and tell them that they shouldn’t push themselves as you walk out the studio doors. You feel Jackson’s eyes burn into your back, but you refuse to turn around and meet them.

Time alone is something you really needed right now.

After a couple hours of sitting in a library and forcing yourself to do homework, you feel someone place their hands on your shoulders. You want to flinch away and tell them to go away, but they start to massage your shoulders. You relax into the warm gesture and let your eyes slide shut. Staring at a computer screen for 3 hours straight is never really a good idea.

“Are you okay?” Jackson asks, concern laced into his voice. “You’re more tense than usual.”

You smile and can’t help but feel your heart skip a beat. It’s times like this that make you want him for yourself. When he’s concerned about you, he gives you his full attention. He dotes on you and holds your hand and looks into your eyes like he’s looking for the answer to world peace.

“Yeah I’m fine.” You say rather coldly, opening your eyes and continuing to scroll through the terrible article your professor has assigned your class to read.

Jackson sighs, and sits across from you, head in his hand. He’s watching you, you can feel it, but you refuse to acknowledge it because you know what he’s going to tell you. He’s going to convince you that you have been working for too long, which you have, and he’ll tell you to come back to his place.

He’ll coax you into his arms again once you’ve walked through his apartment door and he’ll make it feel like you’re the only girl that he’s ever allowed into his home because, home is where the heart is and you’re finally home. He will have you feeling like he’s really in love with you because his fingers will slowly make their way down your sides, sending the shivers you live for up and down your spine.

Then, he’ll carefully wrap his hand around yours and lead you to his room, which isn’t necessary because you could walk to his room blind folded and be perfectly fine, and he could do the same to yours. After being walked to his room a little slower than you’d like, he’d lay you down on his bed and crawl on top of you, cradling your waist in between his legs. He’ll then smile down at you and kiss your forehead, and then your nose, then your cheeks and he’d finally kiss you on the lips.

Slow and tender, just the way you like it.

“What are you thinking about.” He asks, lifting his snapback off of his head and pushing his hair back before placing his hat back on.

You clear your throat and proceed to read.


“Liar.” He states, narrowing his eyes at you. “You know you can’t lie to me babe.”

You shiver at the word ‘babe’. You wish it actually meant something. But it was just another pet name that Jackson called every pretty girl. Usually when he couldn’t remember their names because Jackson Wang never paid enough attention to their names because to him they weren’t ‘entertaining.’ Feeling anger bubble up again, you started to pack your stuff.

“Where are you going?”

You didn’t answer.

“What’s wrong.”

You stood up.

“Are you not feeling good?”

You walked away.

He said your name, and you were frozen in place. How he managed to always have your stomach turning at the sound of your name rolling off his tongue, you had no clue. But you couldn’t deny the fact like you liked it, and neither could he. He enjoyed the fact that he was the only man that could ever affect you in this way. He was the only man that could ‘control’ you in a sense. No one else could get inside your mind and heart like Jackson Wang could. He took pride in his accomplishment. You on the other hand, hated it. To an extent.

So when you were walking through the door to his apartment, you weren’t the least bit surprised. You did, after all, expect this to happen. He knew you were upset about something, and he wanted to know what. You were probably just going to tell him it was something about homework and he’ll pretend like he believes you because again, he can always tell when lying.

So you do just that, and he plays along. Nodding at your very convincing but not so true complaints about your professor. He even throws in little phrases like, “no, really?” and “how dare he say that to you.” And after about ten minutes of explaining your imaginary argument with your teacher, Jackson looks at you from across his kitchen counter.

“You’re excellent at making up stories.”

“I know.” You reply, resting your head on your hand. You don’t know when you picked up his bad habits, but you didn’t really care.

“So, are you going to tell me what’s really wrong?”


“That’s a shame,” He says, walking towards you. You keep your body facing forward, but you watch him out of the corner of your eyes. “I really want to help you out.”

He wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you on the neck. His hands start to wander as he slips his hand under your shirt, resting on your tummy. Always needing his skin on yours, but tonight you weren’t complaining. Jackson spins you around gently, and tilts you head up at him. He leans down and your lips are barely touching.

“I don’t like when you lie to me.” He whispers, softly kissing you. “It hurts my feelings.”

The pounding in your chest seemed to get more intense with each passing second and before you knew it, you were kissing him like your life depended on it. You don’t know what came over you, but the burning sensation in your stomach told you that being ed on the kitchen counter was a good thing to do at the moment. But the clenching feeling in your heart told you to back out while you still could.  

Oh yeah, being friends with benefits was definitely starting to get confusing.

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ggamjongie #1
Chapter 5: thank you, really, for making a ff like this because hell, bestfriends that love each other is so ing complicated & frustating, yet so sweet. I personally love Jackson & this kind of describes him well (wild and y, yes, and clingy, ofc).

you did a great job, author-nim! :)
Stars2Heaven #2
Chapter 5: Awwwww this was so cute! Btw send my kakao Id on here please! My old one stopped working :(
Trin20k #3
Ach, I loved it, thank you so much for writing it and ending it so well. Love love love it.
suamortentia #4
Chapter 5: Awwwn *-* They're so cute together. I'm kinda happy and sad, because yey, they're finally together, but its the end... You did great, anyway \o/
Chapter 5: Ohh mannn sooo goodd. It was worth the wait❤❤❤love u authornimm
Chapter 4: Aww no :( Jackson Why?
syonghwa #7
Chapter 4: Ohh noo! Mann....Jacksonn! Cmonn! I thought he was gunna be likee "I feel the same way" but noooo he had to go and complicate things -__-"
Trin20k #8

omg I love it author nim, I can't wait till you update again. What is the name of your Tumblr blog?
syonghwa #9
Chapter 3: Ohhmygodd, a freaking dream! I thought it was reallll :// Mannn, I wish it ended up like that :p Taht was kind of funny though, " what are you doing here?" Lol. Maybe that's just me lol, anyways...update soon! ^^