(being a) prince

diamonds (in the rough)

» act 2 «




"No." He stressed. "I almost died for this bread."

"But they'll die witho—"

"I don't care."

"Sehun-ah." Jongin pouted, eyes widening.

"No no no no no." The younger shut his eyes, crossing his arms, the two small children staring at him in wonder. "I will not succumb to your wide-eye act."

"But Sehun–"

"No Jongin–"

Suddenly, the two children by them sighed. The younger one's stomach growled. 

Sehun rolled his eyes, eyebrows furrowing. "No no no no no. It's not fair."

Jongin sighed, before holding the bread out and offering it towards the children, who accepted it with smiles on their faces, each hugging one of his legs. Sehun marveled at his best-friends unselfishness before deflating, letting his shoulders slump before he offered the bread in his hand out towards them as well. They sent him large toothy smiles, eyes wide and smiles warm, before hugging him as well. Sehun laughed before nodding, following Jongin towards the main street in the middle of town, where a commotion was going on.

"Whoa." Jongin flinched.

"Snooty much?" Sehun muttered, eyes glancing at the prince who sat atop the horse, nose high, and jewels covering his body (and horse as well). The prince was blonde, with three piercings along his right ear, he glanced at everyone around him, dark eyes finding their way around the crowds of people.

"You don't say." Jongin leaned towards him. "Why do you think he's here?"

"Another suitor for the prince." Someone off to the side spoke out. 

"Wonderful," a voice spoke to the right. "Isn't this the sixth this week?"

"Incredible, really. You would think they would stop coming by now." 

"After all, the prince obviously doesn't want to marry."

"No kidding, we've seen twelve different princes in the past two weeks."

"Even the Aleh's prince came."

"Prince Ryeowook came? And our prince declined him?"

"He's probably one of the most prestigious princes throughout the land."

"That's not even the best one!" A voice explained quickly.

"Yeah," another chimed in. "He's even rejected Prince Jinki, and Changmin the Sultan."

"He's rejected a sultan?"

"That's our prince."

"Well shouldn't they just stop then?"

"They really should."

"I wonder—"

Suddenly the little kids from before ran out, the younger boy flying in front of the prince, snapping Jongin's concentration to them in a split second. His eyes widened, mouth open wide in a protest.

The princes horse stuttered, before he snared at the children. "You filthy brats–" he spoke off with an accent, pulling a large rod from his side, before lifting it to strike.
Jongin's arm connected with the rod. "Hey," he began as Sehun rushed the children away from the prince. "If I were as rich as you, I might buy some manners."

He snarled. "I'll teach you manners." He said as he kicked Jongin, who fell into a puddle, the crowd silent.

"Hey, would you look at that," Jongin stood. "It's not everyday, you see a horse with two asses."

The prince stopped, before turning around slowly. "You," he gnawed out. "Are a disgusting filthy worthless urchin. You were born one, you will die like one," he turned around, a smirk present on his face. "And no one will mourn you when you're dead. For the living do not mourn the un-important."

Jongin glared, standing straight before running, pounding on the doors, as they shut. The crowd dispersed, Sehun behind him as he glared at the door. "I'm not an urchin. I'm not disgusting." His voice almost broke. "And I'm not filthy."

"Come on Jongin." Sehun wrapped his arm around him. "Let's go home."


The sun was going down, and the sky was a mixture of blues as the two boys walked into the large rundown building. Jongin was muttering to himself, Sehun was straining to listen. 


"Jongin. What are you saying?"

Minutes later, the boy spoke softly. "Well," he began, gulping. "Riff raff, urchin, street rat... I don't, I don't buy that, any of that. I'm not a street rat, I'm not..." He trailed. "If I wasn't dressed like this, would they see that there's so much more to me–to you–to everyone, who doesn't live in that stupid palace? I think they'd all find out there's more to everyone." He moved the large curtain aside. "Don't you think Sehun?" He stared out of the large window-like hole, eyes roaming over the large dome-like palace. "Sehun?"

He turned around, eyes finding the paler boy asleep on the ground. He smiled before lifting a blanket over his body. "Don't worry Sehun. One day... One day I'll get us there. Yeah." He nodded. "We'll be living in the palace. I promise."


"Good luck marrying that psychotic prince off!"

“A-ah!” The fair man stood eyes wide as he fixed the white cap on his head. “Prince Zitao! Prince Zitao, wait! Please! I’m sorry-”

“No!” He shouted, turning to face the Sultan, as he stood dripping wet on the floor. “That boy, no, that demon, will never find someone to love him. You should be happy,” he exclaimed, throwing an arm up in the air, water flying towards the Sultans face. “That I am not going home and telling my mother and father of the way I was treated here, by the Prince of Agrabah, none the less. I will not declare war,” he stated turning around, clothes sticking to his movements. “but next time I will not be so generous.”

The Sultan raised a hand to his face before stalking out the door the Prince had come through.

He looked around before finding his son perched on the fountain, large friend at his feet. "Kyungsoo—"

The Prince's large friend jumped, nearly knocking the Sultan over. He moved and the Sultan noticed the shoes at the edge of the fountain.

"So this is why Prince Zitao left!"

"Oh father," Kyungsoo began, "we were just playing around with the Prince. It's not our fault at all that he couldn't handle our jokes. Right, Yeollie?"

The taller nodded. "Of course."

Kyungsoo grinned, lips forming a heart as his father choked on his words. The two laughed before the Sultan sent a glare towards his son, causing the younger to cough.

"Son, you've got to stop rejecting every single suitor who comes for your hand. I've said this time and time again. The law states you must be married—"

"—by my twentieth birthday." Kyungsoo finished with his father. "I know, but, that law is wrong—"

"—wrong!? Sweetheart, you've only got ten more days!"

"But father, that a ridiculous reason to marry. For the sake of power? If I do marry," Kyungsoo looked up at the sky. "I want it to be for love."
Behind him Chanyeol nodded.

"Kyungsoo," his father began. "I understand," he placed a hand on his shoulder. "But I'm not going to be around forever. Things happen and I need to be sure that you'll be safe in the end. That you're being taken care of, being provided for."

Kyungsoo walked back towards the fountain, eyes focusing on the waters movements, and the fish swimming around his fingers. Chanyeol watched them as well, eyes locked before staring at Kyungsoo's father.

The Sultan walked towards them, waving away their servants, urging them inside.

"Father, try to understand." Kyungsoo began his reasoning. "I've always been on my own. I've never had any real friends—"

"Hey now."

"—except you Chanyeol. But I've been on my own for a long time already. I mean, I've never even been outside the palace walls. Why must marriage be the answer to that?"

"Kyungsoo, you're a prince, you have duties as a prince and—"

"Then maybe I shouldn't be a prince anymore!" Kyungsoo shouted before turning away.

"Do Kyungsoo—" the Sultan began, before throwing his hands in the air. "Allah forbid you should have deal with this."

Chanyeol looked from side to side. "What?"

Kyungsoo sighed, looking at the sky. "Why must it be marriage?"

"I don't think it's to bad Kyungsoo."

"You don't?"

Chanyeol nodded, shrugging his shoulders. "It could be worse."


Joonmyun sighed as he walked around the large room. "I don't know where he gets it from." He sat down, cheek resting on his palm. "His mother wasn't that picky."

"Aye sir." A voice spoke suddenly, spooking the Sultan. "But she choose you."

"Ooh!" He turned, before he smiled. "Ah, Minseok-ah." He said staring at the baby-faced man in front of him. "If it isn't my most trusted adviser. At a good time too! I need your advise, desperately."

"Of course sire." The man bowed. "My wisdom is yours for the taking."

"Of course it is." The man spoke from behind him.

Minseok kicked him. "Ow."

"Ah, Jongdae." The Sultan began, ruffling his hair, perhaps you could be of assistance too. 

"Yes Sultan. I would be happy too."

"Well," he began eyebrows furrowed. "It's this suitor business involving Kyungsoo. He refuses to choose someone. I'm coming to my wits end, I'm nearly hitting a wall."

"Perhaps I can create a solution to this, particularly pricky problem."

"If there's anyone who can help," Joonmyun began. "It'd be you—"

"Oh you give him to much credit Sire!" Jongdae spoke up. "Minseok isn't the brightest of the bunch. That's for sure!"

"Oh I am," Minseok said smacking Jongdae in the face with his large staff. "However, Sultan, I might require the help of a gorgeous exotic stone."

"Ooh, my stone?" Joonmyun played with the diamond perched on his hat. "But it's been passed down through the generations for years. I can't just simply part with it—"

"Sire, this is to help find your loving son a husband. It's okay," Minseok looked directly into the Sultans eyes. "Everything will be fine." 

Minseok's eyes turned completely blue, before the color shattered away. The Sultan spoke in a daze. "Everything will be... Will be fine."

"The stone."

"Here you go." He said removing his hat and ripping the diamond out. "Whatever you need, will be... fine. Will be fine."

"There you go my liege." Jongdae stated as he caught the Sultan and placed him in a chair. "Sleep tight."

They smiled as they left the room.

Once the doors shut behind them, their smiles immediately turned to scowls. "I don't know how you put up with that."

"It's a hectic plan, trust me."

They looked around before pressing a brick on the wall, watching as it opened up entering the room.

Jongdae grumbled. "How much longer do I have to put up with that insufferable idiot my hair? I thought he was supposed to be gone by now."

"In all due time." Minseok grinned. "Every time I use this little mind control on him, I'm taking some of his life away. Our plan might be useless in the end."

"Well that's a waste."

"Just be calm, soon I will be the Sutan. Not that stupid little twit." 

"And I pray for that day to come."

"Oh we both do." Minseok smirked. "We both do."



chapter two. finally OTL im sorry. chapter three hasn't even been started yet. chapter nine for the boyfriend app is happening slowly but surely and i dont know when you'll all see me again so tata for now. (yeah thats right. i said, tata)

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because an aladdin!au suddenly popped into my mind one day. the first idol I thought of that was darker skinned who would be perfect, was jongin.


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Awesome_gurl #1
Chapter 2: Oops I meant next part
Awesome_gurl #2
Chapter 2: Part 2...? No...? Criesss :'(
If u still read the ments, fighting, author!
Chapter 2: Ayyyee i really do hope u finish this. its cute af and i wan see their relationship development (esp baekyeol)
MeiXiah #4
Chapter 2: i fricking love the relationship between jongin and sehun! they're my brotp so it's perfect rn >< i can't wait for jongin and kyungsoo to meet though omfg orz and WHOA minseok is jafar?!? jongdae is iago?!? that's a nice surprise, i can't imaging such a cutie being the villain in this fic >w< can't wait for the next update!!
Seoulai #5
Chapter 1: Very Nice beginning, I already like your writing so it's good :3. I like Sehun and Jongin's relationship, it's so cuuuute x3 Hope you update soon :3
im really excited about this!
Chapter 1: This is a good beginning. I love Jongin's and Sehun's Camaraderie. Very nice beginning.