there's so much more (to me)

diamonds (in the rough)

» ACT 1 «

Kim Jongin was thirteen years old when he met his best friend, Oh Sehun.

He remembers it so vividly.

They had both been lanky little things, stringy little boys that scoured the streets for food, overlooked for their age, yet causing scenes with their statures. No place to call home, no one to call family.

(it was rather lonely—having nothing and no one)

The day they met, Jongin had swiped some bread from the cranky man who spoke loudly, and screeched the prices at the top of his lungs. He grabbed five loaves, stuffing them so quickly down his shirt he was surprised, and still is to this day, how no one saw him. He ran, so fast, before finally coming to a halt. He dumped the bread on the ground, marveling at the gold crisp loaf that seemed it was sent from the heavens. He almost shouted with pleasure, danced with joy and ran for the desert outside the walls of Agrabah. (almost)

He grabbed one, breaking it in half, muttering to himself, “Thank Allah for this food”

He opened his mouth wide, jumping (and proceeding to choke) when he heard a small whimper. Immediately his head whipped towards the side, eyes widening at the sight of another boy, tattered clothing just like his and a certain fear laced in his features. This boy was small, fragile and pale, the exact opposite of Jongin’s tall, lean, sturdy, tan complexion.

In the back of his mind, he registered the fear in the boy’s body movements, and in that moment he knew. He had to protect this boy.

So he stood, hand outstretched with bread, and that was the start of their adventure.

Two boys stood close to the edge of a building, gazing over the two feet that separated them from a gruesome death from a twenty foot drop. The taller of the two gulped. “That’s a big jump Jongin.”

“I know, but at lea—”

“Stop! Thieves!”

The two lanky boys turned, eyes wide, lips pursed. The large burly guard stood tall, his mouth pinching into a line before he growled out. “I’ll have your hands for trophies, you filthy street rats!”

Jongin’s head whipped to the side, large brown eyes glaring as he shouted latching onto Sehun’s arm. “We’re not street rats!” He extended his hand out fingers grazing a clothesline before gripping it and swinging them away.

Sehun struggled to stay attached to Jongin’s arm. His eyes flickered back and forth. “All of this for a few loaves of bread? Their acting like we stole from the Sultan!”

Jongin snorted before letting out a large exhale. “Uh-oh.”

“Uh-oh? What uh-oh?”

“Watch your head.”

Sehun’s eyes widened. “Jongin, no—”

Jongin sent him a smile, before he let go of his arm and slammed into the wall, bread clutched tightly as he groaned. Beneath him, on the sandy ground Sehun moaned. “I hate you.”

Jongin opened his mouth to retort before losing his grip on the line he was hanging from and falling flat on top of his paler counterpart.

They were a mess of limbs and a cloud of dust spread around them. “Jongin-ah.” Sehun whined. “You’re really heavy.”

“I am not. You’re just really weak.”

On the roof, the largest guard screeched. “There they are!”

“We’ll get you.” Another began. “Just wait!”

Swords cluttered above them as the two boys stood. A sharp squeal. “You won’t get away so easy!”

“You think,” Sehun wheezed as he rolled his eyes at the elders above him, hands on his knees. “that was easy?” Jongin’s eyes widened as he yanked the brown haired boy away. He pulled the younger along before wrapping a blanket that had fallen moments before. Jongin walked towards a group of women that were standing to the side. “Good morning ladies.”

“Both of you are getting into trouble very early this morning, aren’t you Jongin?”

“Trouble?” Jongin smiled, top row of white teeth sparkling. “Why, it’s only trouble if you’re caught.” He sent a cocky smile their way, before he suddenly felt his blanket being tugged. “I’m in trouble.”

“Relax.” Sehun nodded towards the women. “It’s only me.”

“Ah, Sehun.” Jongin wrapped his arm around Sehun’s neck. “Perfect timing.”

One of the women sent them a questioning look, the hint of a giggle on her tongue. “Why must you two cause so much trouble?”

Jongin coughed. “Why,” he bowed. “It’s our life ma’am. We steal, only what we can’t afford.”

“That’s everything.” Sehun chimed.

“Gotta stay ahead of the law. It’s the only way to survive out here.” Jongin bowed in a goodbye before he turned, Sehun on his right.

Behind them a woman spoke.

“It’s a shame.” She began. “Jongin has the manners and looks of a prince, yet the makings of a,” Jongin’s arm tightened around Sehun. “street rat. Makes me quite sad.” Sehun’s eyes flickered towards his friend. “If only he was born a little higher up.”

“His parents were simple people, no?”

“Oh they were simple. But still slum. That’s what he is. Sadly, that’s all he’ll ever be. Slum.”

Jongin’s jaw clenched before he spoke clearly, fingers loosening on the cloth around his shoulders. “If we could be born however we wanted, we would still be born slum. Ma’am every single one of us, including you, is that slum you’re so rightfully speaking of. So if being slum,” he turned, Sehun’s fingers gripping his arm. “is the cost I have in order to live. Then I would gladly be slum anyday. Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat. Otherwise we’d all get along right?”

“Jongin,” Sehun murmured rolling his neck, a tell-tell sign he was uncomfortable. “Let’s go.”

Jongin exhaled, a twitch of his top lip, before he bowed slightly. “Good day.”

They walked through the town bazaar before seeing a group of girls giggling and pointing at the two. He smiled, lips pulling back and revealing perfectly straight teeth.

Sehun rolled his eyes, before he shuffled forward head down. “I don’t know why you do that.”

“Do what?” The black haired boy questioned, eyes roaming around, searching for the guards who seemed to disappear.

“Make little girls go, like, crazy. We both know you’re giving them a chance that they don’t have.”

“And why wouldn’t they? Hmm?”

Sehun snorted. “Because they’re not boys, more specifically the prince—”

Jongin’s face flushed. “Shout it to the whole city of Agrabah why don’t you Sehun.”

“Oh, I would if I could, but I can’t so I shan’t.”


“Nah, I’m perfectly fine.” Sehun turned, smiling, cloth slipping from his head.

“I really don’t understand you.”

“Most people don’t.”

“What do you mean most people. I’m the only people you know—”

A gruff voice shouted suddenly, startling the two. “I just saw them! There!” They looked at each other, before running into a nearby building. Sehun fell through the doorway as Jongin slammed the door shut and immediately ran towards the window to check their surroundings.

“Oh,” a soft voice began, capturing the boys attention. “It’s our lovely prince’s.”

The boys turned, eyes meeting that of a few women clad in small tops and longs pants, eyes exposed, mouths and noses covered by mesh veils. Giggles exploded from the every point. “Running from the law again?”

Sehun smiled, eyes lighting up with affection. “Of course, as we always are. Where’s Soojung?”

“And Jinri?” Jongin questioned from his position at the window.

“I’m hurt boys. Asking for other women when I’m right here? It’s quite painful, you know?”

“Ah,” Sehun pouted. “We didn’t mean it like that Yoona.” He took a strand of her hair between his fingers. “You’ll always be number one to me—”

“—and me—” Jongin echoed, eyes glancing, as he crouched by the window.

“Of course,” She grinned. “Why wouldn’t I be? I will always be number one, at least until you find that special girl—”

“—or boy—” Sooyoung beamed from behind her, enthusiastically pointing towards Jongin, who rolled his eyes releasing a fake laugh.

Jongin dove suddenly, whispering indiscreetly. “Sehun. Their outside. Outsideeeee.”

Sehun nodded. “We have to go! Tell Soojung and Jinri we said hi!” He nodded pressing his lips to Yoona’s cheek, Jongin following suit on the other cheek. “Love you!” They echoed before climbing out the window. She waved.

“There they are!”

“Street ratttsssssss!” Echoed through the bazaar. Jongin jumped, before nodding towards Sehun.

“Where’d they go?!”

“You were supposed to keep watch!”

“Jongin’s over here!”

“Sehun’s over here!”

Jongin’s head popped up, “Woo-hoo! I’m over here!”

“Where’s the other one?”

“There was another one?”

Sehun gasped. Well, that hurt. “Oh, Jonginie! It’s not nice to play around is it? You gotta let them know where I am too~!”

“Oh-ho-ho! Sehunie’s over there~ Jonginie’s over here~”

“Get him!”

“Which one?!”

“The street rat!”

“Their both street rats!”

“Hey!” The two echoed. “We aren’t street rats!

“No you’re—”

“Riff-raff!” Jongin grabbed a nearby ledge reaching into the window, grabbing a old book.

“Street rat!”


“Take that!”Jongin threw the book.

“Such strong language.” Sehun laughed, leaning an arm against his knee. “I’m surprised it was in your vocabulary.”

“Ah-ah-ah~” Jongin waved his finger. “How true it is.”

Sehun and Jongin exchanged looks before jumping to the their feet. “Sehun!”

“Yes Jongin?”

“I say,” he grinned. “Storm the palace!”

He jumped and disappeared.

“A great idea indeed!” Sehun followed.

“Street rats!” The head guard yelled. “Find them! Or it’ll be your head.”

The hoard of men quickly dispersed. Sehun chuckled, walking out. “Such tiring work, stealing is.”

Behind him, Jongin spoke. “It always is.” He threw his arm around the younger. “Let’s go home.”

“Ah, truly where the heart is.”

Jongin pushed his head away. “Shut up.”

Sehun rubbed his head, snarling at the darker boy. “I hate you.”

“No you don’t.”

Sehun yawned. “Yeah. I really do.”


if anyone is reading this than that means you are either, a) new to my story so thank you and welcome or b) have decided to reread this which again thank you as of this date i have rewritten chapter one and i am rewriting chapter two and i will get started on chapter three. bear with me, but im getting there.

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because an aladdin!au suddenly popped into my mind one day. the first idol I thought of that was darker skinned who would be perfect, was jongin.


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Awesome_gurl #1
Chapter 2: Oops I meant next part
Awesome_gurl #2
Chapter 2: Part 2...? No...? Criesss :'(
If u still read the ments, fighting, author!
Chapter 2: Ayyyee i really do hope u finish this. its cute af and i wan see their relationship development (esp baekyeol)
MeiXiah #4
Chapter 2: i fricking love the relationship between jongin and sehun! they're my brotp so it's perfect rn >< i can't wait for jongin and kyungsoo to meet though omfg orz and WHOA minseok is jafar?!? jongdae is iago?!? that's a nice surprise, i can't imaging such a cutie being the villain in this fic >w< can't wait for the next update!!
Seoulai #5
Chapter 1: Very Nice beginning, I already like your writing so it's good :3. I like Sehun and Jongin's relationship, it's so cuuuute x3 Hope you update soon :3
im really excited about this!
Chapter 1: This is a good beginning. I love Jongin's and Sehun's Camaraderie. Very nice beginning.