
Chocolate Strawberry Vanilla

Heechul's POV.

After the kiss with my Chinese Prince I walked back to my apartment. Still think if I should tell Siwon or not. As I got closer to the apartment I began to feel anxious. If I don't tell Siwon I would be a bad friend, but if I do tell him I could loses my chance for true love. Ahhh!!!!! I hate thinking it makes my head hurt.

I got to my building and walk inside. Waited for the elevator still thinking of how to go about this. "Siwon! I'm home!" I yelled yet I didn't hear anything. I walked more inside but didn't see Siwon. Then my phone began to ring.

"Hello" I said

"Hey Rella, I'm sorry  not home. I have to stay late at work. Please eat something, and go to bed early." Siwon said 

"I'm not a child Wonnie" 

"I know, when I get home I have to tell you about this guy I met. He is very handsome. I think you will like him. Oh I got to go. Love you Rella" said Siwon then hung up.

I realize I had been holding my breath in. Why did this had to happen now. I don't want to have a boyfriend yet. I want my Chinese Prince. Now I'm mad. Just for that I won't tell Siwon about him. 

I headed to bed to lay when my phone rang again it was a text

My Chinese Prince 
Hey princess I miss you

Oh my. What should I text back. I want this to work out. Wait I should text back soon it'll make me look desperate. And Kim Heechul is not desperate. I stare at the clock. I will wait for thirty minutes before texting back. The time was 10:30pm. I went to take my cloths and make up off. It should be time now to text him back I looked at the clock 10:35pm. How is that even possible. I kept myself busy for a what felt like three hours but finally it was 11pm. It's time to be a little naughty.

Hey handsome, miss me already?

My Chinese Prince:
Of course, I've been think bout you all night long.

Diva Princess:
Well then we should meet up soon

My Chinese Prince:
Anytime you want to. How about tomorrow night.

Diva Princess:
Sounds like a plan. Now dream of me, and my beautiful self.

My Chinese Prince:
I wouldn't want it any other way. Night.

Kept looking at my phone. I've never felt like this before not with anyone. In my life not many have stayed. After I met Siwon my father ended leaving my mother for someone younger. My mother knew about the other women and yet kept it secret so that our family would work out. When I turn 14 my father return to win my mother back but it was to late she had already pass away. 

The next day I found Siwon making breakfast. I sat in one of the empty chairs in the table.  

"Morning Hee, how did you sleep last night?"

I just hum in respond I was still tired. 

"That's good, so yesterday morning while I was at my favorite shop I met this guy. He was very handsome. Muscular, sweet, quiet. I help him pick some cloths out and we exchange numbers. You will like him. I think I found the one." As Siwon keep talking all I could think about was about my Chinese Prince. I still didn't want to tell Wonnie about him.

"I don't think I ready to meet anyone yet, but you can still see him till I'm ready." I said hoping he would forget about our pact.

"Well I could but I want to share this with you. I won't push you just promise me that by the end of this month you will meet him."

"Yes, I promise I'll meet this handsome guy." Smile Heechul, "now can I get some breakfast."

Siwon sit down next to me giving me my morning kiss and we being to eat. 

I hope I'm making the right choice keeping him a secret. Maybe after a month I can share him with Siwon.

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Chapter 3: i like it
Kpop12345 #2
Chapter 2: Awesome! I love your story, can't wait for the nest update xD