B#3 | Eight ⎜amn101

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OG (10 CHAP)

Baekhyun & Chanyeol



Park Chanyeol wanted to forget all his life problems; his divorce, him losing his child’s custody, his debts and fines, his boring job. Most importantly, he want a restart. Byun Baekhyun wanted otherwise. He wanted people to remember but he was cursed with the gift of erasing unwanted memories. People call him a monster but still uses him to ease their pain. These two people collide when Chanyeol was offered by his best friend, Jongdae, to meet a person who is able to make his wish come true. The genie, Chanyeol assume to be one old and wrinkled man happen to be younger than he expected. The genie named Byun Baekhyun, a lone monster.



SBC Reviewshop
SBC Reviewshop
SBC Reviewshop


A good story like this shouldn't have such a title! No please do change it. It is a bomb to the story! 'Eight' which is a symbolic of infinite is commonly known in AFF and though it is not seen on AFF often, it is not a good match to your story plotting. 'Eight' is bring out the feeling of mystery and murdering or death. Perhaps mystery is what you want to bring out but it is not a good fit for your story. It is not interesting and not eye catching. The title will make people misinterpret your story plotting and made people miss out such a well written story. So do change it to something that screams supernatural and angst as the plotting is. Something unique and lure readers to read it. Something which will let the readers wonder and hence continue to read your story. That is a 'shoe' that will fit your story well. Please do choose a good 'shoe' for your amazing story.



Description is well written it is a good sum up and a good head start for this well written story. I still suggest leaving a question mark as in a question in the description for your story to lure or create more curiosity for the readers. E.G. 'Can you understand how much he wanted to treasure unwanted memories?' This sort of get the readers to think and wonder. Curiosity kills the cat a good author like you should know that so do create more question marks which links well with your title. Another good Point is that the description does not give off the whole story which is a good description should be and do. So yehet good job! Your forward is misused or maybe I didn't quite understand it. Forward is used to be connected to the readers, used for crediting and all. The 'To the--' that part, I don't understand. Please explain to me in your comment to me. Then I will further elaborate for you in reply: ]




The poster is not what I was really looking for but it did made good reference to the power Baek have and the blue flowers did make a great point too. Good job here but I would perfer a picture of Chanyeol with an expression rather than cold. After all in this story, he is a guy who suffers from great depression of wanting to forget. I can't see the title that well too so it is a bad Point. Who would know what poster does this story belongs to without giving a closer look? The quotes is a good thing though. I love how it triggers me to know why Baekhyun wants to value unwanted memories.



Each character is well described and changes as the story flows. Reacting as they should when something happens and not 'Mary-sue' type. It is possible for someone to behavior in that manner in real life so good job! However Chen's character seems a bit unrealistic and often used. He is cheerful but he is sad on 26th Nov. I know it is to create a Xiuchen feel. But I am sure he can't be a happy bunny for 24/7 and only sad when he recalls that memories. Please do show more side of him handling sadness in order to be more realistic.




Everything is fine. The font is fine and the size of the wording is fine. The story is well structured and the plotting is a good 'backbone' However I think I'd you bold or use another font for the thoughts or different character point of view would be good too. Since it is you're style, you can stick with it. That is my suggession. No need to follow.



The plotting is very unique and interesting but for Chen's issue with Xiumin is commonly seen since he is a cameo so I don't think I should be harsh on that. I do think that Chanyeol's divorce and child's custody is a good idea and start for the story. But from a straight guy to become 'gay' isn't it a bit to weird. It is possible but wouldn't it take a little more time or a better knowing and all. That is the part which I thought was weird and don't really think it is a good reason for Chanyeol to be with Baekhyun. Do correct e if I am wrong. After all, this is my point of view.




This story is like a river! So much flow and it flows well! Nice and steady! However I do have an issue which perhaps it is my own personally taste again. I prefer you stating who's POV (Point of view) is it to make reading easier for the readers and separate the thoughts and speech clearly also for easier reading but it wasn't a huge issue since I got used to it as I read. The flow isn't to fast too a nice pace to read and understand everyone's thoughts and feelings. Well done here.



The vocabularies used in this story paint pictures like damn it. Why can't I have vocabularies like yours. There is a wide range of vocabularies in your story is used and it help the readers to imagine the scenes with details. Kudos here!




The grammar is no issue at all, I focus more on plotting and characterization more than grammars. So perhaps even if there was, it wouldn't interrupt the story flow or disturb the readers. Spelling wise there is no but I did spot a typo somewhere before chapter 4.



This is really one of the best Chanbaek story I've read in my life. It is not cliche like the normal type of romance story. Each character have their own life trouble and issues which is relevant and real in real-life. They aren't 'perfect' like the rest I've read. This is a good thing because Chanyeol's life is somewhat real in this world. Whereas Baek is an imaginary character and not realistic but it is the main and spice to this story plus it is genre under supernatural too so I won't argue with that. However I am not a fan of very long chapter. I don't know about other readers but I have issues reading a long chapter. I get bored as I read and can't wait to move on to the next chapter. Hopefully I am the only one like that, otherwise I suggest for you to break each chapter up a bit and post it by sections. Then end each section with a question to create a cliffhanger that triggers the readers curiosity. A good point to note but if long chapter is your style, then stick with it. Also if you break each chapter into short chapter, you can update a little more frquently too. I am a bad reviewer. I am picky. Very picky reader, the long chapter is a turn off for me but when it is near the end, I got interested and move on to the next chapter which is a turn on.




Comments and Thoughts: Is this story a fart? Cause it blew me away with the amazing plotting. XD basically one of the best Baekyeol story I've read. Simply amazing and unique.

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Credits to dyodyopie [DD] @ Steph's Bookclub Review Shop ©


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Chapter 100: Omg I don't even remember having requested this and never credited either. I'm so sorry and I'll do it as soon as I have access to a laptop omgomg