B#1 | 49 Days To Find Love | Buttercookies__

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49 Days To Find Love by ButterCookies__ 

Title: 49 Days To Find Love
Author: ButterCookies__ & Friends
Characters: Suzy (Miss A) & Kim Soo-hyun
Genre: Romance, mystery, supernatural
Rating: /
Status: On-going (7 chapters)
Description:"I have 49 days to find love!"

Title (6/10):
the title is quite eye catching for me. Just by the title i know that you're inspired by a korean drama, "49 days".. am i right? If not.. ok back to topic. I mean.. it's ok if you're inspired by that drama. But i suggest you to put more or less than 49 days.

Description & Foreword (5/10):
it's similar with the title. you need to put more than "i have 49 days to find love!" So the readers get more interest in your story.

Graphics (10/10): 
i give you full points. It pictured the story well!

Character Development (4/10):
i love Suzy's character that bright and innocent even though she has a dark past. But the other characters are too plain.

Appearance (5/10):
the font is fine. But instead of using Suzy as "you" I think it's much better to use Suzy's Point of view.

Originality & Plot (4/10):
there are some parts that i don't understand. Like, does kingdom still exist in 1990? How did Soohyun and Suzy met at the first place? I mean.. how can Soohyun trusted Suzy just by that he even let Suzy stay in his home? How did Jongin knows that she's from the past? You need to put more details so the readers won't get confused. Oh and i think it's great if there's a love triangle in the story :D.

Flow (4/10):
the story goes by too quickly so it's kinda predictable. I suggest you to put a little twist to the story so you can bring the readers's curiosity.

Writing (3/10):
as i was saying, your story goes by quickly. Too quick in fact. You need to put more details so the story will be more understanable to the readers.

Grammar & Spelling (3/10):
there are a lot of grammar mistakes there. If you're going to put a word that has vocal letters as the first letter, use "an" instead of "a". Examples: AN apple, An americano, etc. and for the first chapter, it's better to change "i come from the past" to "i came from the past" or just "i'm from the past".

General Enjoyment (7/10):
this is actually an interesting story. I love how Suzy got confused by modern life since she's from the past. the only thing that i concern is the story flow and the grammars. But it's okay since english isn't your first language. I sometimes wrong at grammars too. Hehe. And like i said, try to put more details and twist so you can attract more readers :)


Total score: 51/100
Reviewer: PiperGrace08
Reviewed on: 15/08/2014
Comments and thoughts: i'm sorry for the long waiting. I can't check this site for few days cause.. yeah.. you know, school stuffs. And i sincerely apologize if there are words that hurt you. I'm just trying to be honest so you can make the story better. But overall, keep up your good work! Hwaiting! Reminder:

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Credits to PiperGrace08 (PG) @ Steph's BookClub Review Shop (SBC)©

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Chapter 100: Omg I don't even remember having requested this and never credited either. I'm so sorry and I'll do it as soon as I have access to a laptop omgomg