You're my fate

Its been a month since Tiffany was missing. At first, Taeng just act like he didn’t care about it but he failed to go on with that kind of live. He cannot lie to himself anymore. His mind just fill with Tiffany image. He also cannot focus on his work. He feels something is missing from his life. Dont know why although he has many friends that always clingy on him everytime, but his heart feel alone. When he come home, he hopes that Tiffany will welcome him like always.

Lately, its getting hard for Taeng to fall asleep. His mind never stop thinking about something. His feeling. Yes. Taeng actually confused with what he feels right now. He talks alone to himself.

“hey Kim Taeyeon..dont tell me you love her?”, Taeng-

“no...i don’t love her...”, Taeng-

“if you don’t love her, then why your mind couldn’t stop thinking about her? Why you still cannot get over her? Its been a month since she left you without any news..why are you still hopes that she will come back to you?”, Taeng-

“who said i was hoping that she will back..i’m not hoping at all..i’m happy that she is not around..i’m so happy i dont need to see her face again..”, Taeng-

“are you sure you don’t wish to meet her again? Are sure that you are happy right now?”, Taeng-

“yes, i am happy...”, Taeng-

“stop lying Kim can’t lie to your own do hope that she will wait for her to come back everyday..every morning you go and check her room, in hopes you will see her on her bed like before..but the reality is when she never appears since the day she’s gone..just admit that you do need her in your life..just admit that you actually love her..”, Taeng-

“errr...”, Taeng get confused with his own feeling.


Taeng and Yuri were having their lunch at a restaurant.

“what are you thinking? Patting other like that?”, Yuri witnessing the earlier scene.

“i thought she was Tiffany..they look alike from the back..dont blame me..”, Taeng-

“Taeng...this is not the first time you are doing like this..dont you afraid people will call you crazy? Don’t you worry about what people will said about you? Hey...remember, you are an idol Taeng...”, Yuri-

“dont be silly..just by doing that nobody will claim me as crazy..”, Taeng-

“i wonder Taeng, why you are so eager to find Tiffany..don’t you said to me that you never approve her as your wife?”, Yuri-

Taeng just stay silent. No words come out from his mouth.

“ you love her?”, Yuri-

“what do you think?”, Taeng-

“i think you are...”, Yuri-

Taeng just sighing not wanting to continue the conversation anymore. The thought of Tiffany just making his heart get worsen.


Taeng is alone at home. The gloomy of the house is the same as the gloomy of his heart. Staying alone make him regret with all his wrongdoing to that girl. Don’t know why, but that night his legs bring him into the girl’s room. While he was taking a walk in the room, suddenly he feels urge to open a drawer beside Tiffany’s bed. He find a pink book in the drawer. It was a handmade book.

“did she made this book on her own?”, Taeng questioning himself.

Taeng just realized that it is a diary when he opening the first page. This book is so cute, the owner must be put her hard effort to do this. Thinking about that making Taeng smiles.

12 may 2012

Its already 2 months since i start living in this big house. Day passed by means another day without seeing him. Only God know how i wish he was here in front of me. I don’t mind being yell or being insult by him, as long as i can see his face. Just looking at his face already make me happy. It just enough for me. Taetae..i hope you can hear me :)

“taetae? Is that me? Hehe..where in the earth she get that nickname for me?”, Taeng smiles alone.

Taeng getting interested to continue reading that diary. So he keeps flip the pages.

The more he reads the diary, the more he understand that girl now.

More and more pages. Without he realize, his tears suddenly falling down touching with all the hurts that Tiffany had gone through since she starts living in his world.

23 june 2014

“I know i am not the best for you. I’m not even once listed as your dream girl. But i always try to give the best for you. i will always love you no matter how you hate me...because i am your wife forever...”

That is the last words had been written in the diary. The date was 2 months ago which means a month before Tiffany is missing. That words really touch his heart. He knows realize how cruel he is to that girl. All the memories of hardship that he was giving to his wife keep coming back to his mind.


“its weird that you come here Taeng..normally its so hard to force you to come to my house..even my daddy also cannot make you changed your mind..”, Jessica-

“Sica..i need to talk to you...”, Taeng-

“come inside..”, Jessica-

“Sica...please help me...”, Taeng-

“help you? On what?”, Jessica-

“to find Tiffany..”, Taeng-

“why so sudden..i thought i heard you said before that you are happy that she’s gone..did i?”, Jessica-

“i know i’m so bad..i admit that i was wrong before..but Sica, now i realized that i need her..i need wife..”, Taeng-

Jessica was speechless. She dont expect Taeng will make this confession to her. Well she knows how ego Taeng is when it comes to his feeling. But now, she can see how fragile Taeng is. He even tears down when talking about Tiffany.

“i’m glad that you finally realized Taeng..but dont you think its too late..we dont know where is Tiff right now..”, Jessica-

“thats why i want you to help me find her..i want to ask for her forgiveness for all my wrongdoings..i promise i treat her good after this..”, Taeng-


Since that day, Taeng never stops to find Tiffany. He has go everywhere just to look for that girl but all his effort was useless. He got no sign where is Tiffany right now. He even going back to the village just to find Tiffany but the girl was not there. He dont care anymore if Tiffany grandma want to mad or insult him because what he wants right now is too see Tiffany again.

Jessica can see how hard Taeng is doing just to find Tiffany back. Since she knows Taeng, she never see this guy doing all out in the thing he do. This is the first time she see Taeng is so worry about Tiffany.

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Chapter 27: Kyaaaaaaa taeny~
Chapter 31: Thank you author-ssi your story is daebakkkk~
Chapter 27: Thank you Author-ssi 감사합니다 (っ´▽`)っ*bow
I love this story very much
sweet_taeny #4
Chapter 32: I want epilogue...hehe
Thank you for this story! I enjoyed reading this :D
rongttae #6
Chapter 28: its really a beautiful story :') good job authornim ♥
tipco09 #7
Chapter 27: Its a beautiful story. I like it.
Chapter 28: Thanks for coming back~
I love the story ;)
ia #9
Chapter 28: Thank you author-ssi ! Good story hope we can have a sequel
Chapter 27: It's already the end?Is it too much if I ask for more author-ssi?Please make an epilogue