Chapter 4. Arrogance

Dark of the Moon

Haeri let out a sigh as she sat in her seat at the front, the professor started the lecture right away and she dutifully took notes. It was math work this time and it was simple for her to see how to achieve the answer through all the examples that were presented on the board. 

She started to zone out again as she carelessly thought about how to get some groceries for the day, it would be raining and she needed to get something to eat for those idiots. They would have the munchies and she couldn't come back with nothing, but she did have an umbrella. 

If the rain let up enough, she could run to the convenience store to pick up some instant snacks so that it would tide them over until she could get some real food. Even though, they hated the instant noodles, they ate it at least once a day and complained when she couldn't provide it for them. 

She noticed another piece of paper landed on her desk and it was crumpled up a certain way that she recognized. She sighed to herself as she opened it and saw the familiar handwriting in the note. 

I saw you bandaging up JongUp at lunch, are you friends with him?

She looked to her right and he refused to look at her, she sighed as she wrote her reply back. No, Young Jae. We aren't friends, I felt bad for him. Thanks for your concern.  

She looked at the front and the teacher was facing the board, writing another example on there for the problem. Haeri underhandedly tossed the note on top of his desk as he was second in rank so he sat after she did. 

She watched him open up the note and saw a smile and a frown cross his face. She rolled her eyes as he just crumpled the note up to throw it away and the evidence was completely gone. She went back to taking her notes as she felt that tingling sensation go down her spine as someone's eyes were on her again. She sat up straighter but refused to look to figure it out, maybe the person would give up after a while. 

But the person did nothing of that sort, she continued to focus on the board with her back stiff as a board, refusing to look around to catch the person. At least she could tell our of the corner or her eye that it wasn't Young Jae. 

Despite his second place status, he never had an interest in anyone's life but his own. The only reason why he ever mingled with her was because he thought she was better than everyone else and she should act like it. 

She frowned to herself as she couldn’t figure out which direction the eyes were on her. It was stupid, she couldn’t believe that people constantly felt this unhappiness with her. She was trying her best to get out, she needed to beat them in order to be free. 

The bell rang interrupting the stare and she let out a sigh of relief when she could relax her tense pose. She gathered up her books and she was one of the last ones to leave. 

“Do you want to study together, Haeri?” Young Jae asked her, he held out his arm as an offer to take her bag for her. 

“I have tutoring, sorry, Young Jae.” She said, giving him a little bow and she walked out of the classroom to stuff her locker with her books and heading to the library. As soon as she got there, she found her usual table and sat down quietly. 

She had to be there first in order to be paid as this particular tutee had rather strict parents where she wouldn’t be paid without be there first. The younger boy’s footsteps resounded loudly across the library floor and she let out a sigh of relief that he was late this time. 

“Haeri noona, I am sorry I am late.” He greeted her as he sat across the table from her.  

“Don’t worry, Chanwoo. I just got here, so it is good that you were late because I was a bit late as well.” Haeri assured him. “What do you need help with today?”  

Chanwoo frowned and slunk into his chair, “English. My worst subject.” He sighed to himself. 

Haeri took his books away from him and opened it to the first blank page she could find in the workbook that would be their task for the day. “It’s fine, we can cover it today. Do you remember what we learned last time?” She asked him. 

“Yes. We learned about articles, but I am still confused about it as well.” He said sadly, picking up his pencil and getting ready to work. 

“It’s not that big of a deal. It is a difficult topic for you, I know. It’s hard to understand since it isn’t really something you are used to. But we have to go over pronouns and antecedents.” She said, starting to explain how to use pronouns properly without being ambiguous. 

He studied studiously and followed her instructions in order to finish his homework quickly. She covered all of his topics, English and she reviewed with him as well because he said he had a test coming up the next day. They finished their studying and he managed to get a clearer understanding of articles by the time they were finished. 

“Thank you, Haeri noona.” Chanwoo said, picking up all his stuff as they noticed the sun had gone down. He had to go back home for dinner and she just nodded her understanding to him. 

“It is no problem. See you on next week.” She replied back to him. “Good luck on your exam.”  

She took her chances going to the grocery store to pick up the instant noodles and heading home. There were some thugs walking around and she saw them looking at her. 

She sighed to herself, looking down at the floor as they walked past her, they wolf whistled loudly and she heard them turn around to check out her . 

When she heard nothing, she looked around and saw that no one was there anymore. Haeri frowned to herself, but thought nothing of it. 

As she walked into her house, silence greeted her. The lights were all out and the floor was still dirty from two nights before. It still reeked of alcohol and she held back her gag reflex as the smell started to disgust her. 

She set the snacks and noodles on the counter in their kitchen that was still dirty from the alcohol and cigarettes. After that, she moved back up to her room and organized her stuff neatly.  

Her futon laid out on the floor, with a small piece of wood holding her books against the wall next to bed. She dusted the top of them carefully to make sure no bugs got inside of them. She hung up her uniform and showered quietly, getting ready for bed. She didn’t need to know if her parents were home, if they were she would have to give them her paycheck from Chanwoo. But she could use that money for a new stash of band-aids to replace the ones she used on JongUp.  

When she laid down and looked at the ceiling of her room, she saw all the pictures of the SKY schools there. She was determined to get into at least one of them, she would get a scholarship for her dorming and she would get into the program for pre-med to get started on her track to be a doctor.  

Whatever it took, she needed to study hard. She fell asleep quickly as she set her alarm for 4AM to study and finish her homework before school started. 

Author's Note;;
WOOOTTT sorry for the delay~
But here is another update~
I have to figure out what's up. :o 
But I'm gonna focus on Himchan, LJS and Kris.

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JongUp: Chapter 1 is UP! And go to my twin's poster shop :D


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Chapter 22: Just found this and i really love it. The story was very beautiful
Chapter 22: Just found this and it was wonderful thanks for an adventure in school lol
divinecomedy85 #3
Chapter 22: I loved this story so much. I hope the story gets so much more love.
You did an awesome work.
I found it two hours ago and went crazy reading all the chapters.
I'll check the recommended stories by you and check in your work.
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 22: You're more than welcome! Thank you for giving us a story about Jongup that was enjoyable! I'm so glad that he finally got something worthwhile in his life! I knew she would outsmart those guys! but miyoung.... that was a great curveball! Haeri & Moon are too cute for words and I loved how it ended. Thank you for always updating despite your schedule, as well as completing the story. Look forward to more!
kiba_phoenix #5
Chapter 22: I Loved This!! That was a good twist at the end and everything wrapped up nicely. I love your stories!
Chapter 21: Aw~ That's how you end a story! With plot twist that don't want the reader to kill you!
jmayo81 #7
Chapter 20: Of course Yongguk wouldn't make it easy. but Jongup is right, she's by herself & Yongguk's team has proven they are anything but bright. Odds are in her favor. But I hope Jongup comes out ok! Sheesh...Thank you for updating & look forward to seeing how this all unfolds~
Chapter 19: OMG I KNEW IT THE GUY WAS YONGGUK XD He's always these kind of characters
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 19: I knew it!! YOUNGJAE!!! Dang it!! >_< Poor Jongup, why didn't he see through Junhong's niceness! UGH, I hope he get's to her in time & what a pitiful excuse for parents -_-.... yea, if it's her life or theirs... bye... I just hope Jongup can think clearly! Thank you for updating & can't wait to see what happens next!