Chapter Two

Our Intertwined Pinkies

Luhan was lying on his bed just staring at the ceiling thinking about what had happened. Every time he thought about it his heart would hurt. Sehun noticed his hyung in a slump so he proposed that they go out to clear their heads. They didn’t have a schedule the next day so it was perfect. Luhan finally agreed after seeing Sehun make his best puppy face. Plus he needed a distraction.

Luhan and Sehun decided to go to a café near the SM building. It was the only place opened at night and they actually had a private area for celebrities so they won’t get bothered. When Luhan and Sehun walked up the stairs they were both surprised to see their sunbaes. Luhan’s heart started beating faster and a smile form on his face when he saw Seohyun but it quickly vanished when he saw that she was with Minho, Kyuhyun, and Changmin. Changmin noticed that the boys and he scurried them to his table.

When Luhan realizes that he was going to sit next to Seohyun he became extremely nervous. Seohyun and Luhan were very awkward with each other. As his sunbaes were talking Luhan let his hands fall to his sides. His left hand accidently brushed up against Seohyun’s hand, which made his face turn a rosy pink color. Luhan quickly stole a glance at Seohyun and to his surprise her face was the color of fresh strawberries. ‘Is she blushing?’ Luhan thought, a small smile sneaking onto his face. He didn’t know what came over him but he got a rush of confidence and at that moment he decided to not be a coward anymore. He didn’t care if she already had someone she liked. He wasn’t going to give up and this time he was going to show his true feelings.

Luhan slowly wrapped his pinky around Seohyun’s pinky. The moment his finger touched hers he felt a rush of happiness, excitement, and nervousness. His heart started beating so rapidly that he thought he was going to have a heart attack. He felt so relieved that she didn’t pull away. Then Seohyun slowly wrapped her pinky around his, leaving Luhan stunned. He swore at that moment time froze. Luhan just stared at her in shock. ‘Does she have feelings for me as well? Or am I just being delusional?’ Then Seohyun suddenly le t go of Luhan’s pinky when Minho announced that they should all go back to their dorms. Changmin, Kyuhyun, and Minho were already heading out the door but Luhan wanted to stay.

“Are you coming hyung?” Sehun asked the dazed Luhan.

“You go first,” Luhan said still staring at Seohyun, who was packing up her things.


When Luhan saw that Seohyun was about to leave he quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled away.

“W-wait Luhan what are you doing?” Seohyun shouted. But Luhan wasn’t paying any attention so she just stopped at that.

Luhan took her to a corner on the café’s rooftop.


Seohyun was surprised when he suddenly leaned his forehead against hers. Their noses were literally centimeters apart. That was close they were to each other. Seohyun, who has never been this close and intimate with a guy before, started panicking. Then Luhan slowly lifted up her chin. All of Seohyun’s worries suddenly vanished when her eyes met with his.

“Can I kiss you?” Luhan softly said. Their gazes were stilled fixed on each other.

Luhan was over whelmed with nervousness. He could tell she was shocked by his question. Seohyun didn’t say anything for what seemed like an eternity then slowly she closed her eyes. Luhan immediately landed his lips on hers. Their kiss was slow, soft, and passionate. He was trying to convey to her that he loved her. That he had loved her the moment his eyes landed on her. He got his response when Seohyun started kissing him back. He smiled as he was kissing her. His happiness couldn’t be contained. He ended their kiss with a soft peck. His forehead was still touching hers as he intertwined their hands. They looked into each other’s eyes and it was clear that their feelings were mutual. They both smiled and chuckled at the moment. ‘She’s so beautiful’ He thought.

“Seohyun do you like me?” Luhan cautiously asked, even though he already knew the answer.

Seohyun chuckled at his question. “Of course. Do you think I would just do this with anyone?”

Luhan smiled upon hearing her answer. “Then would you like to be my girlfriend?”

“De,” Seohyun replied.

Their lips met again and at times a chuckle could be heard. They were both on cloud nine that night. Luhan walked Seohyun back to her dorm with their hands intertwined and smiles never left their faces.




Hello! It's Owlz_Eyes. Anyway I've been wondeing if I should continue this or not. I already wrote some/a little bit of the third chapter. Tell me what you guys think.

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Chapter 2: please continue this story~ update soon thor >o<
Chapter 2: please continue this story~ update soon thor >o<
Chapter 2: Please continue this story T.T I'm begging youu :)
Kpopseohan #4
Chapter 2: Pls continue! The story is awesome
Chapter 2: Thats cute. Update soon
Chapter 2: Continue please!^^