It's okay, I love you


Ami, a 15 years old suicidal kid trying to live in a judgemental environment surrounded by people who hates her and being rude to her. She secretly found that she is falling in love with Jeon Jungkook, a boy who is very popular in Kyunghee Arts High School. Jungkook also helps her all the time whenever she tries to hide her tear. One day, Jungkook realized that he had secretly fallen in love with Ami and decided to confessed his feelings toward her. They soon become couple but someday their paths will be separated... Will they be staying forever this way? Or destiny tied them to stick together?


Ami, a 15 years old suicidal kid trying to live in a judgemental environment surrounded by people who hates her and being rude to her. She secretly found that she is falling in love with Jeon Jungkook, a boy who is very popular in Kyunghee Arts High School. Jungkook also helps her all the time whenever she tries to hide her tear. One day, Jungkook realized that he had secretly fallen in love with Ami and decided to confessed his feelings toward her. They soon become couple but someday their paths will be separated... Will they be staying forever this way? Or destiny tied them to stick together?


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Chapter 1: update soon^^