Luck Is Not Chance


Mark is elected by his class to tutor the members of the infamous school gang GOT7.


Maybe it's because I'm the quiet one? Or because I'm not Korean? Or maybe even because I wore two different colored socks this morning, I don't know. But something has to explain my insane bad luck. 

"These are the files on the members." My homeroom teacher smiles slightly, sympathy present in her eyes. Yet, she had no intention of trying to help me out of the situation from the beginning. Less work for her I guess. my life. 

"The leader of them all is Im Jaebum. You'll tutor him Monday. Park Jinyoung Tuesday. Wang Jackson Wednesday. Choi Youngjae Thursday. And on Friday you will tutor the maknaes of the gang Kim Yugyeom and..." My homeroom teacher stops, looks over the paper again, opens to talk, and looks back to the paper. "K-Kunpimook Bhuwakul."

She places some more folders in front of me and walks out of the library as fast as she could. It was like she thought they would all waltz in here at any moment. I watch her leave and had to fight the temption to just walk out as well. Seriously...what kinda ty luck do I have?


Probably ode cliche and over used but...yeah I wanted to write a story where one memeber is getting all the love from others xD

Thank you helloimdee_ for the wonder cover!


Here is the link tot he shop if anyone wants a lovely cover as well~






With the newest chapter posted, I will start to edit the old chapters now~


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Chapter 28: Thank you for the update! This story definitely still brings me as much joy as when I read it the first time. If you ever have time I would absolutely love an update. Hope life is treating you well! Thanks for your hard work!
Chapter 28: Thank you so much for the update!!
Waiting patiently for an update ❤️
Chapter 20: This is such a good story I come back to it all the time. Can we please get an update?
Chapter 1: I love this story so much. I love the story line and how well it is written. I know that a lot of people don't like being asked to update and I get that we all get busy. But if you have time could you please update this story.
mmoodz #7
PLEATHE update... I miss this story....
XxsakuraxX96352 #8
Chapter 27: Update soon please, i miss waking up to see that you updated this story :(
jaemin09 #9
when will you update?
mistymountains 193 streak #10
Nice story!