What If ?




It's been like 3 days since bomi and i fought . I still cant forget how her eyes get teary while we shouted at each other . I can still remember those words that stabbed me real hard . Those stupid words that i never wanna hear . DAMN ! How can i even ask her to do whatever i say . i know its wrong , i know~ i dont have any rights to do so . But everytime i remember cindy together with her . i feel . i dont know i feel irritated , annoyed , not comfortable , hurt ? OKAY FINE ! im hurt ok? maybe i am used to be with her , just me and her . but seeing her with someone else is just a NO NO ! to me . im confuse ok ??! i should be thinking about my boyfriend but she keeps popping on my mind !!!!!!!! what the heck should i do !? and why on earth is she ignoring me ?! 



Chorong is sitting on her leather coach while holding her phone . Waiting for bomi's response her message  . She bit her lips as she prayed silently



" aissshh ! why are you not replying me back huh ! pabo ! " she shouted infront of her phone . eyes are widened while gritting her teeth



' yah ! answer meeee !!!! why are you doing this to me ? T.T  '

- Chorong


Chorong send her 25th message


She waited for like 5 minutes while biting her fingers . but still no response 


" thats it ! "


She press the call button then put the phone infront of her ear


Her eyes are flaring with fires


' you better answer me ' she whisper 


' sorry , the number you dial is not available , you can leave a message ' 


" what ??!!! " she pouted 


' yah bom ah ! why are you avoiding me ? did i hurt you that much ?! you better answer my calls and messages ! you- you pabo !!! ' she sent


" aiiishhh ! this is so frustrating !!!!!!! how can she - what is she doing right now anyway ? she's not going to meet any girls right ??? she better not ! *smirk* wait  but what if -- " 


~ ~ ~ 


" baby look ! " The girl says with her under garments only


" what ? omo !!!! " Bomi who is reading her books on the sofa looks at the girl infront of her .She shouted in shock . Her eyes are wide open gawking at cindy's y outfit


" like what you see ? hmm ? " cindy says seductively while her lips . she swayed her hips from left to right  while walking ily on bomi's way .


" wh-what are you doing ?" bomi stuttered while looking at cindy's y features . she bit her lips hard hoping to ease the hotness she is feeling right now


" what ? i was just walking ?" cindy smirk 


as she get closer to bomi . she straddled her .


" oh my gosh . stop chorong might see us " bomi says while looking at cindy's kissable lips , but trying to stop herself to just eat cindy right there and then


" she not here anyway ~ it's just you and me ~ annnggg~ " she moan ily


" damn ! your right ~ you look sooo in y ~ !!! " bomi bit her lips


" ier than chorong's ?" cindy ask as she smirk


Bomi just stared in shock . she can feel that indy is grinding slower and slower


" ahhh ~ "


" ims exier than that yes ?"


" damn ! your so hot ~~ damn ~ that feels so goood ~~ "


" im hotter than that right ?! " cindy says as she grin faster and harder this time


" yes ! your hotter and ier than that ahhh~ ! " bomi shouted with agony and pleasure


" see im ier and hotter than you !!!!!! MUAHAHHAHAHAH " cindy says as she look at chorong's direction  who is having a raging blood right now 


"DAMN ! faster babe ! yes ! your so better than her ! " bomi moan in ecstacy as cindy laugh like a maniac while looking at chorong teasingly


~ ~ ~


" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO NO ~~ " Chorong shook her head nonstop . trying to forget what she just think . 


" im ier and hotter than the ing hh !!!!!!!!! urrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! " she scream in frustration . punching the pillow beside her .


" I. AM. SO.MUCH.BETTER.THAN.YOU.!!!!!!" She scream . She punch the pillow with each words she screamed


after a minute


She is now having a hard time to breath from all the punching and screaming she did . She is sweating so damn much though .


She close her eyes then breath deeply . she exhale then pouted 


" aiiiishhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! " she scream again then she kicks around still sitting  then talk to herself again


" she is making me crazy ! for real . i am even talking to myself right now ! this is all her fault ! urrrgh ! " she groan while grabbing her hair 


after another minute


she composed herself then sit properly


" i shouldn't think about her " she close her eyes then tried to think on something else like think about flying birds , worms , flowers or suho














" ahh . i miss her ~ *smiles* i miss her cheesiness though ~~  but what if ? " 



~ ~


" bom ahhhh ~ sayy ahhhhh ~~ " 



" ahhhhh ~~~~ "



cindy and bomi are sitting under a tree having a date there for sure . feeding each others with cindy's specialty's


" you like it ??" cindy ask with her killer eye smile


" dae ! " bomi nodded like a kid while smiling ear to ear


" your turn baby ~ say bom-ahhhhhh ~~~~~~` "


" bom-aaaaahhhhhhhhhh ~`" and bomi feed her


" uhhmm ~ yummy " cindy says sweetly


" ofcourse . my baby made it ~ " bomi says proudly


" who's your babe again ?" 


" who else ? it's you ofcourse ~ " bomi says smiling sweetly


" awww ~ " cindy is touched giving bomi a kiss on her cheecks


" and what is your baby's name ?" cindy ask


" Cindy .. soon to be 'Yoon' Cindy ~ hihihi " bomi says as she kiss cindy on the top of her head


" your so cheesy babe thats why i love youuuu~~~ "


" i love you too "


" i love you moreeee "


" i love you mossstt ~~ " 




" You heard it dont you Park Chorong ? her baby's name is Cindy . soon to be 'YOON' CINDY ! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH !!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S MINE ~ ! MINEEEEEEEEE ~~~ " cindy says , smirking  while looking at the now teary chorong


Bomi looks at her then smiled too while cindy is on her arms


They kissed as the music is playing as a background music


~~~~ Yoon Bomi and Cindy kissing on the tree KI.I.S.S.I.N.G ~~~~ 

~ ~


" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO!!!!! " Chorong cried


" just no ! YOON CINDY ??!!!!! that is disgusting ! it sounds weird t ! YOON CHORONG IS SOOOOO MUCHH BETTER !!!!!! " She scream punching her now  poor pillow again


" bomi can be all so cheesy only for me ~ just a big NO NO for cindy! urghh !!!!!!! " she says grabbing her hair again 


after a minute again


she recovered from all the crazy thought on her bloody mind


" this is so wrong ! "



*RIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiinggggggg!!!!!! *


" what ?! " she shouted on another line


" omo ! oppa ! im sorry ~ dae ~ i just woke up . dae ~ nae ! saranghaeyooo ~ dae . anyeong ! " *sigh*


i even shouted at my borfriend omo ! 


" aiiishhhh !!!! " 


" i should go to bomi's house as in right now !!!!!! " she decided to go to bomi's house to avoid talking to herslef again and act like a crazy retard . 


" this is the only way to stop my crazy mind ! im gonna apologize and thats it . or ill give her a kiss ? or should i hug her ? NO !!!then should we have a 'quicky' ? OMO ! PARK CHORONG ! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER AND STROP BEING A Y OVERHER ! FOR CHICKEN FEET'S SAKE ! AIIIIISHHH! BUT I SHOULD REALLY GIVE HER AN EARLY CHRISTMAS KISS ! YAHHHHHHH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "


After having a battle with her mind . she finally drove to bomi's house


~ ~~ 







i like this picture though . hahah . my wallpaper :) 


oh and my lockscreen is the one with chorong kissing bomi's cheeck  like T.T i cant evennn ~~~~~~ 


and that moment when chorong says if she is a boy she'll date bomi because she likes bomi's personality and straighforwardness then bomi says she'll choose chorong too because chorong is good at cooking and cleaning and i ROFL at that then BAAAAMMM !!! eunji killed it saying " you should marry her then " and bomi's face was like " yah !! don't make me blush ! were recording " then she says outloud " she should move on then " lol XD that was the greatest moment i will always treasure in my entire life lol . lets all spazz together :D ANW. LEAVE A COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE ! ANNNYEONG !!!!!!!!!1 :DD

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Alaayyssa23 #1
Chapter 25: Please update athournim
Alaayyssa23 #2
Chapter 25: Please update athournim
Chapter 25: Update soon please :c
Author nim~ please comeback
Chapter 25: Still waiting for this to have a comeback, fighting author nim! We miss you so much ~ this coming monday will be 1 year after you updated T_T
Chapter 25: Please update soon authornim. *sob sob*
Chapter 25: Im still hoping that you'll update :(
Chapter 25: *spoiler alert to the readers out there + major comment coming through*

I remember reading this when the chapters came out haha. One of my favourites. Ah so it seems chapter 25 was released in 2018! Wow not too long ago, and it's such a good chapter. So I just reread the whole thing and wanted to talk a bit. First of all, it's. so. good.

Not that you will, but if I can request it, please don't rewrite anything. I can see that your writing greatly improved from the beginning to the end and that's actually really fun to witness through reading! It also creates a lot of character development which is amazing.. Chorong started off with a temper and screaming all the time, to becoming this cute softie who is in love with Bomi. The confession and final arc with Suho was perfect! Suho's reaction was realistic, and so was their guilt, but it's also light-hearted enough that we readers aren't in pain - which is a good thing in it's own way. The fic Untouchable Face deals with cheating in a more mature way, so I think the difference is really refreshing!! Idk if what I'm saying is coming out right. I'm trying to say that I love this story in its own right.

When Chorong made her final decision, realising the one she is in love with, and then made that mistake of saying it as a response to Suho omg it was so funny and great. Then chasing after Bomi and those kisses, saying those words that Bomi never thought she'd hear, that was breathtaking. A different side to Chorong. Flashbacking to what happened with Suho after that was such a good way to do it. Argh the pace was so good!!

And this fic has such golden moments my god. Chorong finding out just how hurt Bomi is, Chorong feeling herself thinking of Bomi (hehe), Bomi being tired of this and telling Chorong to leave--how Chorong badly wants to hear Bomi's true feelings during that wowowow, Bomi hiding from Chorong in the cafe, Bomi being sincere in the cafe, Bomi saying hurtful words to Chorong before showing how much she loves her, Chorong's confused feelings the entire time too, and that all leads up to the end where I have even more to say!

Bomi needing to court Chorong to be her gf was the funniest fluffiest sh*t ever I loved it!! How did you come up with such greatness to fill this whole story gosh.. The April fools chapter haha, but we were rewarded with sweet sweet love. And now, the last chapter. What I personally really like about this is that it can pass off as an ending. The continuation of the story revolves around Bomi's ex who had supposedly passed away, so if we take out the whole idea that she's alive, there's already a perfect spot to end at, like ending version 1, or the end of part 1, if not just The End. And like I said how your writing seemed to have improved as the story progressed, Chapter 25 touches upon the disappointment of forgetting their anniversary, and oh my how you made me feel for Chorong. You can see the pure love she feels for Bomi. All that worry and guilt that came was fragile and beautiful. The way she spoke her heart out to Bomi was BEAUTIFUL. That "I love you. I love you. I love you" 3 times in succession melted me, fckkk. And how Bomi just chuckles asking why she's crying so much like Chorong is being silly, having prepared all that and she should be upset but she isn't... awwwhhhh.. Their love... Your mind..... can i cry pls

So I love this story. One of my favourites. You say there's more and I'll be waiting, but just know that I'm so happy with what you've given us already and my mind is at ease at that. Thank you.
Chapter 25: And to bomi's reaction what would be her reaction if naeun cameback and also chorong jealous rongie ^___^ please update author.
Chapter 25: Please update~ can't wait to naeun's appearance.