



I find myself being kiss by Lizzy? Yes if I’m not mistaken her name is Lizzy. Her lips were attached onto mine. How I wish to push her body away from me but I don’t have enough energy to do so. As if someone take my soul and I can’t just take it back. I can feel her hand risen up to my neck to deepen the kiss. Maybe she feel frustrated since I’m not giving any response.



I remember the kiss chorong and I shared earlier. It was so soft and I felt like I’m flying. I would like to receive a kiss from her every day, Hug her every night and intertwine my fingers with her every now and then. But I guess only suho can do all that with her.



Lizzy’s kiss was getting rougher and rougher. I put all my powers to push her away from me. I blink my eyes and glare at her disgustingly. Oh god please. My head is aching and it is not helping at all.



My balance is not steady causing myself to stumble back, Lizzy abruptly put her hands around my waist and whispered ‘Let’s just enjoy this babe. Don’t act like a shy chick, I know you’ll like this’. I gritted my teeth in anger, suddenly my mind starts spinning around and my vision gets blurred



All I can hear is the bum coming from the music and that’s when I l started to lose my consciousness




Bomi open her eyes slowly but being gritted by a sunrays reflecting through the window. She tried her best to sit up but her head ache is preventing her from doing so. She let out a painful groan. She then decided to close her eyes for a while



After getting enough, she open her eyes again and blink, adjusting her vision from the light. She sit up and massage her temple. ‘Damn, what did just happened last night’ she thought



She looks through her surrounding and gasp in shocked



“What the ! Where am I?” she mutter harshly while furrowing her eyebrow trying to remember the incident last night but cannot utter any memories



She looks at her clothes and gasp again



“What the ? Where’s my freakin clothes?!” she panicked, she peek underneath the blanket she is using and widen her eyes



“Why the am I ??!!” she ask herself, biting her lips.



She can feel someone’s presence beside her. She slowly turn to look at it and let out a faintly gasp. She observed the girl beside her who is too. Trying to process what is happening in front of her eyes.




Her eyes widen ones the incident last night flushed like a flood through her mind. She started to panicked and immediately look for her clothes. One’s she spotted it. She rashly grab it and immediately wear it on.



“! This is so not happening!!!!” she cursed. She looked for her phone and found it on the night stand. She grab it and check the messages. She sigh once she saw chorong’s 54 messages and 101 miscalls.



The girl on the bed started to stir-up and Bomi immediately hide herself by covering herself with a blanket… while standing



She heard a giggle coming from the girl and she can’t help but to peek






“BABO! You think you can hide yourself using that?” the girl named Lizzy smile seductively at the peeking Bomi



Bomi bit her lips then harshly pull away the blanket from her



“Just what the heck did just happened last night?” she scream in anger



“Isn’t it obvious?” Lizzy playfully ask




Bomi glare at Lizzy intensely




“Don’t you glare at me babe. We made love last night” She says while giggling



“Made love? I don’t even know you!” Bomi says in frustration



“Well you just called me by my name” Lizzy shrugged, She stood up while covering her body using a blankets



“It’s not making love. It’s- its”




“It’s what?”







“Congratulations! You just remembered! ” Lizzy clap her hands




“NO no no!”




“Oh Yes yes yes! And I enjoyed it really much! Damn! You’re really good at it” she said seductively while winking



Bomi keeps on shooking her head



“Oh and I love your tongue” she continued




“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” Bomi went crazy and immediately ran out from the hotel




“Hey wait!” Lizzy shouted but bomi was already gone



Lizzy could only bit her lips while reminiscing the scene she had with bomi


‘I’ll find you Yoon bomi, I’m so going to find you’--Lizzy


- -



While Bomi was taking a cab to her home. She decided to check chorong’s messages which made her nervous like hell, but her feelings were immediately replace by a fluttering one


Bom-ah? Where are you? Can we talk?’




‘Bomi yah. Please tell me, where are you? It’s already 11:00pm.Im worried’




‘Please answer my calls! I’m seriously worried’




‘Please let’s talk. I don’t understand. Did I say something wrong?’




‘Bomi ah T.T’



‘Pleaseeeee~ bom ah I miss you’





Even though Bomi’s heart was in a state of pain. Chorong’s messages was like a healing medicine for her. Bomi keeps on smiling widely that it can rip off her face anytime soon. Chorong’s messages is making her heart flutter. Her heart keeps on beating wildly while reading it. Not until


‘I’m serious bomi ah. Where are you?’



‘What the bomi? Where the hell are you? Why is your phone off?’
























Bomi shiver in nervousness. Her apartment was getting near and it was making her heart jump in nervousness. All her sadness and pain was all replace into afraid one. Is she facing hellrongie again? What will she answer if ever she ask where did she sleep. Remembering the incident last night, she gulp in nervousness


‘What if she found out that I slept with another girl? ! Yoon! What did just happened to you! You’re so dead’’—Bomi

- -




Here I am at the couch. Still waiting for bomi to come home. I’m so worried to death. What if something bad happen to her? Oh no!


Suho and I fought yesterday. He keeps on complaining that I didn’t spend my night with him last night. What the I slept with him last last night and yes! We did it. It was my first time making love with him but I can’t help but to compare him with bomi. Bomi is so much better than him. yeah! What the am I even saying! OMG! I’m going crazy T.T




I immediately rash to the door. Omo! Let it be bomi please




As soon as chorong open the door. She was gritted by a smiling bomi who is standing awkwardly at the doorway


“OMO! BOMI AH!!” chorong screamed in surprised



“Hi” Bomi waved at her cutely though its awkward for bomi, chorong can’t’ help but to smile, she engulf bomi into a tight hug


“Thank god! You’re fine! I’m worried to death bom-ah! I thought something bad happen to you. I’m so so so worried to death. Oh my! Thank God” Chorong says with a tears rolling down her face


Bomi smile from ear to ear, Feeling touched by chorong’s sudden care for her.



“Shhh~ don’t worry I’m here now” bomi patted chorong’s back and even kiss her crown. ”I’m sorry” she said hugging her tighter



“Please. Don’t just leave me like that. Please” chorong pleaded, tears are rolling down her face while tightening her arms around her, hands were still around on bomi’s neck



“Ok ok. Please don’t cry. I will never gonna leave you ever again ok?” bomi assured, looking back at chorong’s eyes while giving her a reassuring smile









Chorong smile contently and put her head on bomi’s shoulder. Leaning comfortably on her



Bomi sigh in relief thinking that chorong was not being suspicious on her kind of smell and messy appearance. Remembering about it. She immediately pull away surprising chorong who is frowning



“What? Leaving me again?” chorong pout cutely and bomi couldn’t help but to squeal inwardly at chorong’s cuteness



“I’m just going to pee? hehehe” Bomi giggle cutely, slowly entering the door



“Wait. Why did you suddenly leave me? And Where did you go last night anyway? I couldn’t even contact you” Chorong ask cluelessly, bomi gulp and look away nervously



“Ah that? Ahh. A-about that” bomi stuttered while clenching the bottom of her clothes. Panicking



“Don’t you dare lie at me Yoon. I know you” Chorong says seriously while tapping her foot to the ground impatiently, Hands on her waist






“Ah.Haha.I-i kinda feel like visiting my grandmother. Umh. Y-you know how she miss me right? And I-I am craving for her cupcakes! Yes. That’s right” she tried to reason out. Nodding like a mad to assure chorong though her hands were pretty trembling



“You sure?” Chorong ask suspiciously



“Of course. W-why would I lie?”



“Why are you apologizing last night then?”



“Ah..umh..Because I-uhh i ah! because i ki-kis”



“Ah.i got it” chorong cutted her off



“But then you leave me so suddenly just because you’re craving for a cupcakes?! Seriously. I should have buy you” Chorong pouted cutely


‘Smart bomi! Good job’—Bomi


Bomi sigh in relief



“Hehehe. But my grandmother’s cupcakes are still the best!” Bomi says cheerfully


Chorong nodded in agreement, giggling at the cute sight of bomi who is smiling awkwardly at her



“Ok then.” Chorong smile



Bomi gave her a fake smile and walk pass by her, as soon as bomi walk pass by her she let out a sigh of relief



“Wait bom ah” Chorong close the door and approach bomi who is starting to sweat



“Y-yes? I really need to pee~” Bomi whine.



Chorong ignore her then put her hands around bomi’s neck. Bomi froze. Chorong smiled at her and lean closer. Bomi smile in victory as thought of having her morning kiss.Damn. It feels like they are a couple and bomi is liking it.



Chorong lean even closer and bomi jutted her lips, ready to receive chorong’s kiss when chorong suddenly smelled her neck. Bomi froze again on her spot



“What’s with your perfume? It’s not even yours?” Chorong ask suspiciously. Bomi gulp nervously



“W-what d-do you mean?”



Chorong pulled away and looks at bomi suspiciously. She admire her from head to toe. Noticing bomi’s messy hair and crumpled clothes. Chorong shot her a questioning glare







“Whose perfume is that?” Chorong ask. Shoting bomi a threatening glare





Bomi stood there like a statue








“I-I can explain”





- -





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Alaayyssa23 #1
Chapter 25: Please update athournim
Alaayyssa23 #2
Chapter 25: Please update athournim
Chapter 25: Update soon please :c
Author nim~ please comeback
Chapter 25: Still waiting for this to have a comeback, fighting author nim! We miss you so much ~ this coming monday will be 1 year after you updated T_T
Chapter 25: Please update soon authornim. *sob sob*
Chapter 25: Im still hoping that you'll update :(
Chapter 25: *spoiler alert to the readers out there + major comment coming through*

I remember reading this when the chapters came out haha. One of my favourites. Ah so it seems chapter 25 was released in 2018! Wow not too long ago, and it's such a good chapter. So I just reread the whole thing and wanted to talk a bit. First of all, it's. so. good.

Not that you will, but if I can request it, please don't rewrite anything. I can see that your writing greatly improved from the beginning to the end and that's actually really fun to witness through reading! It also creates a lot of character development which is amazing.. Chorong started off with a temper and screaming all the time, to becoming this cute softie who is in love with Bomi. The confession and final arc with Suho was perfect! Suho's reaction was realistic, and so was their guilt, but it's also light-hearted enough that we readers aren't in pain - which is a good thing in it's own way. The fic Untouchable Face deals with cheating in a more mature way, so I think the difference is really refreshing!! Idk if what I'm saying is coming out right. I'm trying to say that I love this story in its own right.

When Chorong made her final decision, realising the one she is in love with, and then made that mistake of saying it as a response to Suho omg it was so funny and great. Then chasing after Bomi and those kisses, saying those words that Bomi never thought she'd hear, that was breathtaking. A different side to Chorong. Flashbacking to what happened with Suho after that was such a good way to do it. Argh the pace was so good!!

And this fic has such golden moments my god. Chorong finding out just how hurt Bomi is, Chorong feeling herself thinking of Bomi (hehe), Bomi being tired of this and telling Chorong to leave--how Chorong badly wants to hear Bomi's true feelings during that wowowow, Bomi hiding from Chorong in the cafe, Bomi being sincere in the cafe, Bomi saying hurtful words to Chorong before showing how much she loves her, Chorong's confused feelings the entire time too, and that all leads up to the end where I have even more to say!

Bomi needing to court Chorong to be her gf was the funniest fluffiest sh*t ever I loved it!! How did you come up with such greatness to fill this whole story gosh.. The April fools chapter haha, but we were rewarded with sweet sweet love. And now, the last chapter. What I personally really like about this is that it can pass off as an ending. The continuation of the story revolves around Bomi's ex who had supposedly passed away, so if we take out the whole idea that she's alive, there's already a perfect spot to end at, like ending version 1, or the end of part 1, if not just The End. And like I said how your writing seemed to have improved as the story progressed, Chapter 25 touches upon the disappointment of forgetting their anniversary, and oh my how you made me feel for Chorong. You can see the pure love she feels for Bomi. All that worry and guilt that came was fragile and beautiful. The way she spoke her heart out to Bomi was BEAUTIFUL. That "I love you. I love you. I love you" 3 times in succession melted me, fckkk. And how Bomi just chuckles asking why she's crying so much like Chorong is being silly, having prepared all that and she should be upset but she isn't... awwwhhhh.. Their love... Your mind..... can i cry pls

So I love this story. One of my favourites. You say there's more and I'll be waiting, but just know that I'm so happy with what you've given us already and my mind is at ease at that. Thank you.
Chapter 25: And to bomi's reaction what would be her reaction if naeun cameback and also chorong jealous rongie ^___^ please update author.
Chapter 25: Please update~ can't wait to naeun's appearance.