The Deception

Desperate Housewives

She took what Hyuna said to heart, and went on with everyday life as normal. She didn't say anything to her husband, whose kind smile and concern never failed to make her feel even more guilty. She didn't let on that she knew anything to the housewives, who continued to include her in their get-togethers and events. Even as she sat with them and smiled and chatted about whimsical things, she was secretly observing each of them inside and wondered if any of them could see through her facade. She searched for opportunities, and always took her time to look around when she was over at a housewife's house. She listened intently to their conversations to detect if anything was amiss. She watched them carefully, as if treading on a thin rope that could break any moment.

What would they do if they knew? She tried not to think about that thought, but she knew it would be something similar to Sooyoung. Just the mere thought was enough to daunt her and called her entire course of actions into question. She thought about telling her husband and plead him to move out, but then he would probably think she was out of her mind. Besides, he had work to worry about, and his concern for her would only multiply tenfold if she started telling him she almost got killed.

The only option she had was to go along with Hyuna's so called plan. She was tacitly accepted into the circle of housewives at Wallflowers, and felt like some sort of spy as she carefully observed them. They believed that Hyuna was also her enemy, and seemed like they had no idea of what was really going on. Or it just might be that they were preoccupied with other things. And it was up to her to find out what those other things were.

Of course, she couldn't forget about her oh-so-charming neighbor, Kris. Bom cursed Hyuna for making her use Kris's laptop, as if the man already didn't have enough suspicions about them. Every morning she would come over with breakfast as payment and asked him to use his laptop. And of course, it was natural for him to question what she was doing.

"What exactly are you using it for?" He said, munching the toast she made at his dining table as she carried his laptop with her into his bedroom for privacy. She didn't like the arrangement one bit, and felt as if she was an adulteress for some reason. What kind of married woman went into another man's bedroom? 

"Just for something." She answered vaguely, avoiding the inquisition entirely. Somehow she knew that she was going to have to tell him sooner or later. The man already knew too much. 

She used his laptop to do research like Hyuna said. She digged into the scandal years ago, and read from multiple sources. The basic information was more or less the same: investigation revealed a secret ring of human trafficking and ion among celebrities, particularly female ones. Further investigation from the authorities led to the arrest of many well-known figures, and the scandal was the biggest and most shocking of the year. According to some sources, no evidence was found against Taeyeon, so she was deemed clean. 

Deeper digging into matter, though, gave Bom more insights into the scandal and Kim Taeyeon. Apparently, even before the scandal broke out, many suspected Taeyeon of behind-the-scenes deals, which they rationalize would be an important factor in her explosive popularity. Of course, those were merely rumors and had no substantial evidence to back them up. Bom would have to use something else if she was going to find out anything solid enough.

She pondered over that question. She was stuck on what she could use to shed more light on how Taeyeon could be more involved in the scandal. She was careful enough, and deleted all her search history. The more Kris remained in the dark, the better. Bom still wasn't sure if he was friend or foe. 

"You're stuck?" She confided her trouble to Hyuna when they got together for a secret meeting. Both of them were wearing shades and looking around furtively at the intersection leading to Wallflowers, where a bus stop provided good cover against any form of curiosity. "Where?"

"I can't dig deeper than what the magazines and newspapers already stated in their articles. Unless there's a place to start,..." Bom's voice became uncertain as Hyuna had a contemplative look on her face. 

"What about my boyfriend?" Hyuna suddenly offered, causing Bom to look at the woman. 

"What about him?"

"If you dig into his death you might find a connection to Taeyeon." 

Bom frowned. It wasn't as if she could just type the man's name into the search box and expect something important to pop up. But something was better than nothing. 

"Are you okay honey?" Her husband asked her one night when they were preparing to go to bed. As usual she avoided his gaze and pretended to comb her hair. "You seem worried nowadays."

If only you know the least of it, Bom thought. I almost got killed, which resulted with me involving myself in a plan that might or might not flip our whole world upside down. 

She really needed to learn to leave well enough alone. 

"I'm fine." She smiled at him, guilt prickling at her heart. He was concerned for her, yet all she did was lying to his face. When she looked at him she couldn't help but wonder what the heck she was doing. Here she was jeopardizing her own marriage for something she didn't even know. But the possibility of her ending up dead didn't leave her alone. 


"The show is coming up." Taeyeon cheerfully announced one day when Bom was over at Yoona's. Bom sipped her tea carefully as she focused on what Taeyeon was saying, picking up any kind of clues between the interaction with her and Yoona.

"I'm so excited!" Yoona exclaimed, setting a tray of cookies on the glass table. "It's going to be Oriental-themed, right?"

Taeyeon nodded in confirmation, while Bom mulled over the piece of info. How could she and Hyuna use this to their advantage?

Bom relayed what she learned to Hyuna, to which the female replied with some contemplation.

"Hmmm," Hyuna sat cross-legged next to Bom inside the small bus stop. "I've always felt fishy about her so-called shows. Something that elaborate shouldn't happen that often in a normal neighborhood."

"Well in case you haven't noticed, Wallflowers isn't exactly normal." If there was something she knew for certain, that was it. Wallflowers was far far away from being normal. Everyday she felt like she was sinking deeper and deeper into something she wouldn't be able to get out of. 

"We could use this to our advantage." Hyuna put her hand to her own chin. "Something tells me this 'show' can reveal a lot of things." 

They sat in silence for a moment, thinking about how they could use the show to their advantage. It certainly wouldn't be easy. Something told Bom that the frequent shows hosted in Wallflowers was kind of extraordinary, but unless she could dig in to have an inside look, she would never know what it was.

"Aha!" Hyuna declared, startling Bom. "I've got an idea!"


 Hyuna turned to her and smiled before whispering in her ears. Bom slowly nodded at the female's plan, but was uncertain when the female finished whispering.

"How am I going to do that?!" She said harshly, trying to appear nonchalant to people passing by. "And what if..."

"Don't worry. There won't be any loopholes." Hyuna put on her shades and glanced at Bom before standing up. "I'll take care of the details."


"An outdoor barbecue?" Kris questioned her with a raised brow as he bit into an apple she offered. Bom nodded, trying to sound enthusiastic while cursing Hyuna at the same time.

"A little something to welcome you into the neighborhood." She said with a friendly smile. Kris, however, remained passive as he chewed the apple loudly and looking at her inquisitively.

"I didn't ask for anything."

"I know," she replied, digging desperately in her mind for an excuse. "That's why I'm hosting one for you. Cause I'm a nice person."

He didn't really buy her smile, she could tell.

"We'll have it on your front garden and garage." Bom clapped her hands together. "It's gonna be so much fun!"

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Well I need some help setting everything up. I'm still a woman. And besides this party is for you."

He smirked wryly, finding amusement in the fact that she was requesting for his help in something that was supposedly for him. He grumpily went along with her idea, partly because he found the woman intriguing.

And so for the next few days Bom got everything ready. She spread the word around the neighborhood. She took frequent trips to the supermarket in Kris's car because it was a long walk. She bought food and drinks and everything that were essential to a barbecue. She even decorated Kris's garage a little, and would find him frequently looking at her with half amusement and half wonder as she tried to balance on the ladder hanging up streamers. She felt silly about the whole setup, and could only blame Hyuna for making her lie about the whole fiasco for the so-called plan. 

On the day of the party, all the housewives in the neighborhood gathered to Kris's front yard. It was then that she first noticed that she never saw any of their husbands around.

"Wow everything's great. You outdone yourself, Bom!" Yoona said with a bright smile as everyone gathered around the tables to get foodand drinks. Kris was grilling meat with the grill, and she had to admit that in a white tank and shorts he looked nice.

"Everyone please wait while I get the lemonade ready." Bom announced with the smile of a hostess. She went into the kitchen, and poured the lemonade from a glass jug into tall glasses on the kitchen counter. Then she set the glasses on a tray. But before she carried them outside, she discreetly closed the doors and glanced around furtively to make sure that everyone was outside and no one could see what she was about to do.

With great caution, she took out a small white packet from her pocket and opened it with a scissor. She looked around again before pouring the content of the packet into one of the lemonade glasses on the tray. Once she was done she put the opened packet in her pocket to dispose later, and carried the tray outside with a smile on her face.

"Lemonade!" She watched as the housewives enthusiastically gathered to grab a glass of the juice. So many hands reached for the tray that she lost track of the one glass she had her eyes on, and didn't know who got the glass with the special touch. Oh well, she would know soon enough.

True to what Hyuna said, Tiffany suddenly was bed-ridden for the next few days due to diarrhea. Taeyeon, naturally, was apprehensive since the show was Saturday. Tiffany was in no condition to participate in it, and Taeyeon had to find someone new to replace the female.

"I can't find anyone to replace Tiff!" Taeyeon frowned and sipped her tea in one gulp. The woman had lines of frustration etched on her flawless face. "The show is in four days!"

"Maybe some one'll come up." Said Yoona. Bom just sat there and sipped her tea quietly, silently telling them to notice her. Part of her wanted them to, and part of her didn't want them to. She felt as if she was getting into something way over her head.

"What about Bom?!" She broke out of her musing at Yoona's mention of her name. "She's perfect!"

Taeyeon looked at her, and she could sense hesitation in the woman's eyes. Maybe she was reading too much into things, but it felt as if Taeyeon was uncertain to let Bom in on some sort of secret.

"Do you think you can be the singer for our show, Bom?"


"You do know that it was illegal to drug Tiffany, right?" The man stated, scribbling down what she said as she crossed her arms across her chest indignantly. 

"I do. But at the time it seemed like a good plan." She grudgingly answered. Of course, if she knew what she was getting into combined with the fact that drugging Tiffany was illegal, she wouldn't have done it. But then if she didn't, she wouldn't have make the discoveries that led her to sitting here today. 

"So Taeyeon asked you to replace Tiffany in the show. And you agreed?" It was more like a statement since that was part of the plan. 


"And so what happened?" She was starting to get sick of questions like that, but sighed because she had no choice but to answer with the truth. 

"Something happened the day before the show." Her eyes drifted faraway as she recalled that day.



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Chapter 10: billie eillish' song no time to die reminds me of this story! this story is so amazing!
Chapter 13: Congratualion!! AND OHMYGOD SEUNGHYUN HOW DARE YOU
gaeulil #3
Chapter 13: i read this story again!!hehe..tq authornim..great story..can i suggest something? can u write about kris pov in this story??..i want to know why he moved there? how he found bom and hyuna that night? what he think when bom borrow his laptop and etc? and maybe some krisbom moment at the end...hehe ;)
gaeulil #4
Chapter 13: wow great story..sequel please ><
by the way congratz!!!
Chapter 13: wow! congratulation!!!!!!!
ckeerz #6
Chapter 13: congratz... you deserved it...
Chapter 13: Congratulations!
dntknw #8
Chapter 13: CONGRATULATIONS AUTHOR NIM hehehehehehe i'm still waiting for ur updates
bb2ne1jp #9
Chapter 13: congratulations!!!
khaylilassong #10
Chapter 12: Thank you for such an awesome story author-nim. I hope you win the contest, fingers cross!! Btw, I read all chapters in one go...hehe couldn't help myself being curious, that's how great your story is. For next pairing : any male-idol x Bom would satisfy kekeke... once again, Kamsahamnida author-niiim *bigbow