The right choice- Before II (Part 6) The End

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"Who's that?"

The music was loud at the background and the girl's voice who answered the call made it more annoying to your ear.

"Isn't this Lee Hongbin's phone?" You asked, thinking that you might have called the wrong number.

"It is. Who are you?" The female voice sounded annoyed as if you weren't supposed to talk to Hongbin.

"Yah, who told you to answer my phone?"Hongbin's voice was heard finally and you took a deep breath as you heard him talking to the girl.

"It's your fault for not answering it. You didn't tell me you have a girlfriend, Oppa" The female voice whined and you could imagine her shrugging and kicking the ground in frustration.

 But the way she was talking with, gave you the feel that she was close with Hongbin and something inside you clinched, painfully

"Go away now..." Hongbin said coolly and the girl snorted, but he ignored her, taking the call, "Hello."

The noises in the background decreased and you knew that Hongbin went out of the place he was at.

"I called you many times" You said, feeling your heart racing.

"I was busy, I couldn't get your calls."

"So you are free now?" Your tone was filled with sarcasm, but changed into a serious tone when you remembered why you called him in the first place. "I'm talking seriously. I need your help."

"Help?" He asked. His tone was mixed between worrying and confusion.

"It's for work. Our photography had an accident and won't be able to make it. I need your help."

There was a silence for some second before he said, "When do you need me?"

You almost smiled that he agreed, "Tomorrow morning, at 8 O'clock the model will be there."

"That's Okay with me send me the location I will be there before her" Hongbin said.

 This was the first time you heard this tune from him. Work tone, and it made your heart flutter, but then his words confused you, "aren't you coming home today?" You said softly, worrying that he would sleep out and not coming home because of you, again.

"Actually, I want you home early today, Y/N. We need to talk."

"Talk?" was it what you feared?

"I will tell you everything at home."

"Hmm. Okay."

"See you later then." His voice was unexpectedly soft and you didn't know why you expected something else. After all Hongbin had been such a good friend to you through all those years.


Hongbin sighed once he ended the call with you. There was something inside of him and he needed to let it out. However, this meant a lot to him that he almost forgot how peaceful breathing air was.

"Oppa~" a tall girl with a round face, big eyes and long hair, clung around his arm.

"What? Why did you answer my phone?"

"Was it your girlfriend?" She asked giving him a grin.

"No." Hongbin said, his eyes darkened a bit as his expression dropped.

"Your crush." The girl's tone became more worried.

"Asking too much, huh?" Hongbin smiled, ruffling her hair. "She is just someone I know."

"Liar~" she murmured, and hongbin pulled her with him as he made his way inside the building again. "We need to finish our work girl."



You were nervous as you waited for hongbin to be home. It had been a long time since the two of you stayed in the same place. He had been avoiding you that neither did you see him at all, nor did you hear from him, for the whole week. And you somehow felt distanced from him. A feeling that you didn't get used to for the whole years you had known hongbin. 

Your heart jumped as well as your body when you heard the door click opened.

"Binnie, welcome home!" You smiled, running and standing in front of him like the little kid who's waiting for his father to be home or a wife waiting for her husband or a girl waiting for her boyfriend but hongbin was just here friend, best friend. Yet your heart kept on betraying you.

Hongbin looked different. His air grew taller that it almost reached his eyes that his eyebrow weren't anywhere in the sight. He looked tired and exhausted that you felt bad for him. You wanted to put him in bed so he could sleep enough.

"How have you been?" Hongbin asked after taking off his shoes, and made his way to you.

"Wow~ now this is awkward" you chuckled, trying to make a joke even though your words were just the truth. "Have you eaten? Should I prepare dinner?"

Hongbin shook his head and sat over the couch. A loud sigh skipped his mouth as he patted the place next to him so you would sit next to him.

You did as he told you and bit your lips. "You..." You breathed, hardly. "Are ignoring me!"

He didn't say a word as his head kept on tilting downward. You tried to reach your hand to rub his back as he looked so tired but you stopped yourself, bitting your lips painfully for causing his so much pain.

Holding your hands together tightly you started, "You said we would talk later, but this is so long Hongbin. It has been a week... And I...."

He finally looked up to meet with your eyes. His eyes were only shown hurt and sadness and you wondered what was going on in his head. Hongbin could be scary, but you never imagine that look on him since he was always loving and sweet with you. You didn't hope to see it any time soon

He pulled a paper with a key from his pocket and placed it over the coffee table and pushed it toward you. You kept staring at them like they were rock from another planet you wanted an explanation and your expression showed it, confused.

"Y/N... I-I can't do this anymore..." Hongbin said, avoiding your eyes. "I can't be your friend and I don't want to be your friend."

Something sharp stabbed your heart. Your mind went blank that you didn't know how to respond so you remained silent.

"I can't be by your side anymore. I waited for so long, but I think it's no use."

"Hongbin, please don't say that I -"

"You love him, I know that you love him too much, that it hurt whenever you look at him.  You still love him that it was shown..." Hongbin tried to hold back a tear as your own was already running down your cheeks. "The same look... You gave him years ago never has changed. And I can't be selfish anymore." He breathed heavily and looked down at the coffee table that was beside him.

"Hongbin you're not selfish, I-"

"I'm letting you go," he gave you a smile. Your heart caught in your throat. You found it hard to swallow or even breathe. Hongbin was ending everything and you didn't want it. You feared this moment the most. You needed Hongbin beside you-

"Hongbin please-" you sobbed

"It's for your new apartment." Hongbin pointed at the key. "You weren't going to live here forever anyway, so I helped you."

You whispered thank you, even though it was hard even to speak. He really didn't need you or want you around him again.

How much have I hurt you lee hongbin?

"I don't want to see you again." Hongbin said, his eyes weren’t as living as it used to be. And you didn't know what to do as your mind and your heart wasn't in a state to think or react all you did was letting a soft sob and wince. "Tomorrow's work. I'm going to do it as I promised. It's the last thing I could do for you." Hongbin put a hand over her head as he started ruffling it softly and patting it. "You too promise me that you will stay healthy and that you will always be happy. Okay? You have to get him back by your side because he had always been and it was always him that you choose." Your eyes then widened as you met his eyes. He was right. Whenever the thought of love popped up in your head, hakyeon was the only answer as if you get used for this love to him.

"Hongbin I'm so sorry... I hurt you a lot... I-"

"You don't have to be because I'll make sure to get over you today before tomorrow. Go now and get ready. Hakyeon is going to be here in no time." He gestured his hand to the door of your room.

"Oppa?" You asked and he nodded. "He's going to send you to your new home."

"You're not going with me?" You asked.

He shook his head before kissing your head for one last time. "It's time for goodbye Y/N" he whispered beside your ear as you closed your eyes swallowing his words deep inside you. It hurt like hell. And you didn't even know that it would be like this when you left hongbin. He was just a friend to you after all


And I love Hakyeon Oppa, right?

"Are you ready?" Hakyeon asked you, carrying your bag.

You glanced one more time at hongbin who was standing at the end in the hall leaning his side on the wall and he was waving for you to leave.

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Hani02 #1
Chapter 13: It was totally great!!!!! I'd love the story line T-T
fhrauhl #2
Chapter 12: Oh my god. The last part was made me cry. I love this story <3
Chapter 12: LUV THIS STORY!!!<3
nowaywth #4
Chapter 12: What should I say?! Like it.. Yeah!! I liked it
denisaoi #5
Chapter 12: love it! thank you for the story authornim :)
InLuvlyDae #6
Chapter 12: Yes after the long time im waiting for the ending… finally hongbin becomes 'my husband' XD thanks for creating this story. This story gimme so much beautiful feeling. In VIXX my bias is Hakyeon from the start but Hongbin is my ideal type. Everyday I was thinking whos should I choose and whos I love between Hakyeon and Hongbin. After I found this story and read till the end, I found the answer. I agreed with this words "Maybe hakyeon was your first love. But your true and only love was Hongbin." So…. I realized Hongbin is my TRUE IDEAL TYPE TO BE MY BIAS AND DREAM BOYFRIEND.. hehehe :)
Chapter 12: Ooooommmmmggggggg with hongbin !!!!!!!!
Dangerousluv1 #8
Chapter 12: Yay~ She ended up with Hongbin :D Lol, I was rooting for Hongbin about half way through the story. This was a nice ending to a nice story ^ ^
Dangerousluv1 #9
Chapter 11: I loved this chapter~ The emotions were well conveyed
Dangerousluv1 #10
Chapter 10: Good luck on your exams~