The right choice- Before II (Part 5)

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Oh, No

Your heart beats raised, but you didn’t look at him, your eyes were still on Hakyeon, eyeing his unchangeable expression.

"You’re on a Date! You have a boyfriend?" Yeon-ah exclaimed. "Oh Gosh! He’s extremely handsome. You are a lucky one, girl!"

"He’s not my-"

"A friend, nice to meet you, young lady." Hongbin gave a small smile to Yeon-ah before shifting his eyes to Hakyeon. 

However you felt something bad when he said (A friend) it was like it pinched something, somewhere in your heart.

"Long time no seen." Hongbin said, glancing at you then look back at Hakyeon.

"You know each other?" Yeon-ah asked and you nodded slightly.

You didn’t tell Hongbin that you met Hakyeon before. That he was the team leader in your new company. And you regret not telling him that.

That moment reminded you of the moment that happened, 4years ago. When Hakyeon asked you to come, so he could introduce the girl he loved to you and Hongbin came with you to avoid you from getting hurt.

Hakyeon and Hongbin was glaring at each other. Their expression was darker than expected, that scared you.

"Kim Yeon-ah!" You decided to light up the atmosphere by introducing Yeon-ah. "She works with me, she is the secretary. An active and good girl, we became friends easily."

Hongbin smiled at her and handed her his hand for a handshake, “I’m Hongbin, Y/ns ex-boyfriend and her best friend.”


Hakyeon’s expression flinched into a surprise one and returned back to its blank and cold one, that you were getting used to it nowadays.

"So are you and Cha team leader friends?" Yeon-ah asked hongbin and his smile faded.

"Team leader!!" Hongbin said, narrowing his eyes at you and then looked at Yeon-ah again. "No, we aren’t friend Yeon-ah-ssi. Are we Hakyeon-ssi?"

"You aren’t together anymore?" Hakyeon asked, suddenly and Hongbin smirked.

"Wae? Do you want to take advantage and ask her out? Too bad, I’m not going to allow that because I’m not giving up."

"What are they talking about?" Yeon-ah leaned in and whispered.

"GUYS, stop that now." You interrupted, grinning. Trying not to make the situation worth. Yeon-ah was standing there and you were sure that she had feelings for Hakyeon. You didn’t want her to stop being friend with you because of some old stories. Especially when you felt like Hakyeon’s feelings changed.

"What do you think, let’s enjoy our time together?" Yeon-ah said and your eyes widened.

"Yah, Yeon-ah. I don’t think I can right now-"

"Please, Y/N, it’s the first time for us to be out of the work. Okay?" She pouted, clinching in your arms.

You turned and gave a look at Hongbin who was already smiling, like he was agreeing. What the?

"Fine!" You breathed and Yeon-ah exclaimed in excitement.


After 4 years.

The same tension and awkwardness filled the air and you felt like suffocating.

You decided to have just lunch before going home so Yeon-ah wouldn’t get upset.

On your right side, Hongbin was sitting. He didn’t look good despite him smiling whenever Yeon-ah was talking to him or giving you cold smile that send shiver all over your body.

In front of you Hakyeon was sitting, looking quieter than usual. Next to him, Yeon-ah was sitting. She seemed to be the happiest one.

But still the air filled with awkwardness.

"Do I miss something?" Yeon-ah asked.

"What do you mean?" You said, taking a sip from your soda that came to the table before the food.

"I don’t know it’s just like all of you have known each and I’m being lifted out."

"It’s true, we know each other." Hongbin said, leaning his elbow over the table.

"Oh my god! So you knew Cha leader before coming to our company."

You nodded, glancing at hakyeon.

"That makes me hurt. You didn’t tell me. Don’t you trust me? I thought we were friends" She pouted.

"I’m sorry I just didn’t have the chance to tell you."

"Don’t worry Yeon-ah-ssi. It’s not like you are the only who isn’t being trusted." Hongbin’s tone was flat and it scared you. He was angry, but holding it. You knew he had all the right to be angry and you felt guilty. Hongbin was the last one you wanted to lose. It would be a nightmare if Hongbin stopped talking to you or started hating you. Even if you were working on making him forget you. However, now that you think about it you never want it to happen.

"So you aren’t together anymore?" Yeon-ah asked.

"Yes." Hongbin answered immediately and without hesitation. It scared you. Again.

"Wow. It’s amazing how your friendship is still strong."

"Maybe not anymore." Hongbin whispered and your heart sank. You felt like crying at the moment. Fortunately, no one heard him. Unfortunately, you were the only one who had heard him.

"What did you say?" Yeon-ah asked again.

"I said, thank you." Hongbin lied, he smiled, but his eyes were dark and you knew that he wasn’t himself.

"How did you know them?" Yeon-ah asked you

"You are talking too much." Hakyeon glared at her and she smiled.

"I want to know. I don’t want to be an outsider."

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Hani02 #1
Chapter 13: It was totally great!!!!! I'd love the story line T-T
fhrauhl #2
Chapter 12: Oh my god. The last part was made me cry. I love this story <3
Chapter 12: LUV THIS STORY!!!<3
nowaywth #4
Chapter 12: What should I say?! Like it.. Yeah!! I liked it
denisaoi #5
Chapter 12: love it! thank you for the story authornim :)
InLuvlyDae #6
Chapter 12: Yes after the long time im waiting for the ending… finally hongbin becomes 'my husband' XD thanks for creating this story. This story gimme so much beautiful feeling. In VIXX my bias is Hakyeon from the start but Hongbin is my ideal type. Everyday I was thinking whos should I choose and whos I love between Hakyeon and Hongbin. After I found this story and read till the end, I found the answer. I agreed with this words "Maybe hakyeon was your first love. But your true and only love was Hongbin." So…. I realized Hongbin is my TRUE IDEAL TYPE TO BE MY BIAS AND DREAM BOYFRIEND.. hehehe :)
Chapter 12: Ooooommmmmggggggg with hongbin !!!!!!!!
Dangerousluv1 #8
Chapter 12: Yay~ She ended up with Hongbin :D Lol, I was rooting for Hongbin about half way through the story. This was a nice ending to a nice story ^ ^
Dangerousluv1 #9
Chapter 11: I loved this chapter~ The emotions were well conveyed
Dangerousluv1 #10
Chapter 10: Good luck on your exams~