M I A N H E !

♔ --c h o c o l a t e creams ― OFFICIAL'THREAD;


Sorry for being so inactive for awhile now. Aff just got me bored and plus I have loads of tests to study for -__-" and well, this chapter is to tell you guys who have been waiting so long for their posters that.... I don't think you're designers are going to do it as they have been ignoring me. So, if you still want your poster to be done at Chococreams, it's gonna be by me. I'll try my very best to follow your instructions on doing the poster. If you do want it done by me, please comment your name and your story title below. Note, this only applys to people who have their names on the pending list. If you want your request cancelled, just comment below like " please cancel my request" or something.You don't have to rub salt into my wound to add like " It's been months, blahblahblah " kay... 

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Chapter 40: well good luck on your tests and stuff :D life comes first anyway <3
ive subscribed and i cant wait till you guys reopen
hi im a reviewer in this shop. i just want to inform you that my username is changed from JonghyunJessica to mindblowinglyawesome.
lethargic #4
masquerade! <3<3 daragon!
lethargic #5
the prince's pauper <3
KiseopLover #6
Please inform when the shop is open for requests! I'll subscribe ^^
Please Cancel My Request :D