The Long Awaited Call

My Boyfriend is an Idol?! (Updated)

The two of you decide to choose a Sunday where you both have time to be able to talk for at least a few hours.


Your P.O.V.


Although I usually don’t wear any makeup, I think that I should today because I want to leave a good first impression and a little bit won’t hurt anybody. Even though this isn’t my first-time “meeting” an online friend through Skype, why am I so nervous today?


Ah, I want to look decent but I don’t want to look like I was trying really hard either. Maybe I’ll just wear a cute shirt. That shouldn’t give it away that I’m trying very hard to leave a good impression.


(You look around the room at the wall covered with K-pop idol posters.) Maybe I won’t show Kevin too much of my room just in case. At least for now I would like him to not know about this side of me.


You two had decided on using Skype because it was the easiest program to use for video calling.  You get onto your laptop and wait for Kevin to log on as well.


Your P.O.V.


Maybe I should've agreed to exchange photos beforehand. Now I’m nervous just from imagining how he would look like… oh well, it’s too late now because we are about to ---


Before you could collect your thoughts, the familiar ring of Skype goes off.  You run from the mirror to your laptop. Right before you pick up the call you decide to look around the room once more to check and make sure there aren’t any messy piles or weird spots.  


In the end, you give up and settle for a spot in the corner of your room so Kevin doesn’t see all of your K-pop posters, especially your U-Kiss posters, which cover a great portion of one wall.


Kevin POV


Alright, you got this Kevin Woo. You’ve rehearsed what you would say when you first meet you. Even this outfit I’m wearing is new… I hope you won’t think I’m trying too hard. Maybe if I did this (fixes hair into a new style). Like this even my biggest fans won’t recognize me… hopefully, you don't either… I feel bad not telling her I’m actually an idol but it’s for the better.


(You take one last look in the mirror.) Now all I have to do is press this green video call button and I’ll finally be able to meet the girl I’ve had my thoughts filled with.


*Ring ring ring* The two of them sit there, both nervous of what is to come. Finally, the moment comes. The call connects successfully (as expected) after what seemed like 10 years and you both sit there awkwardly staring and taking in the image of the person on the computer screen. Slowly smiles start to form.


“Oh my gosh… you are…” Before you could finish their sentence Kevin exclaims while blushing, “Finally I get to talk to you! You are better looking than I expected… not that that’s a bad thing.” Kevin lets out a little giggle.


The two decide on logging onto the game they first met on-- Wound of Angels. The two spend the next 5 hours laughing and playing together. However soon it is time to go to sleep.


Neither of the two really don’t want to leave each other right now but it's almost 12 am and they both have to go to school tomorrow. The lectures tomorrow are at 8 am. “Alright sorry but I should really go to sleep. You sleep soon too. Goodnight sweet dreams. I had a great time today and look forward to tomorrow,” you say while looking down, “we can talk tomorrow too if you want.”

Kevin smiles, “Of course I’d love to. Goodnight sweet dreams.”'


Wow after 3 years of hiatus I finally decided to update this story. Even after this many years Kevin is still my number one bias so this story has always been in the back of my mind whenever I read a manga or talk to my own internet friends and today I finally decided to update this story. Sorry, this might take a long time again to update but for now, I hope you enjoyed. ^_^


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Can't wait to read this! :D
looking forward on this :)