Chapter 18: Solutions

A DaeFany love story
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'Yul come on lets go ! What are still waiting for?' Taeyeon asked

'I'm scared... Sajangnim will probably kill me for what has happened... You know him. He will not tolerate any dating scandals that we are involved in.. I'm dead..' Yuri said as she started sobbing again. 

Taeyeon hugged her tightly and said,' We will be there for you. Let's face it together okay.' Tiffany nodded and agreed,' Majayo yul. Gwenchana. Let's face everything together, okay? We are gonna pull through this small obstacle.' 

'Gomawo fany and taeng unnie.. ' Yuri replied, trying to force a smile out. 

'Lets go,' Taeyeon said, as she held Yuri's hand tight as they procceded to SM for the meeting. 


At SM Entertainment, Yuri, Taeyeon, Tiffany, Taeyang, Gdragon and Daesung have all arrived. They were in a conference room in SM which made the atmosphere even more tense

'Ottoke.. Sajangnim only uses this conference room when he wants to talk to us about either something very serious, or when he wants to scold us..' Yuri said.

'Don't worry ok. I'm here. Trust me,' Taeyang assured, trying to sound confident to improve her girlfriend's mood. With her boyfriend's assurance, Yuri's mood improved a bit. 

At this moment, Lee Soo Man and YG both entered the conference room. As the other members bowed to them politely as they enter, Lee Soo Man spoke

'Remain standing,' he said curtly, as he and YG both sat in the middle of the conference room, facing the members. The members began to get anxious and looked at each other nervously.

'What have you done wrong?' he continued, pointing at Yuri and Taeyang

'Sajangnim, I can explain. It was not-' Taeyang replied but was cut by Lee Soo Man

'No explanations. Answer my question. What have you done WRONG?' he interjected, placing strong emphasis on his last word.

'We were caught in a date,' Yuri plucked up her courage and replied. 

'And?' Lee Soo Man asked

'Photos of us dating were taken and it went viral, sajangnim,' Yuri replied nervously

'Do you remember what I told you 2 years back, when you asked me for permission to date?' Lee Soo man questioned further

'Yes sajangnim.' Yuri replied

'What did I say?' Lee Soo Man asked tersely.

'You said that I was free to date anyone that I liked, whether he is a celebrity or non-celebrity. But on the condition that I must never be caught by the media,' Yuri summarized.

'Well, if you did remember, then what is all this?' Lee Soo Man asked, raising his voice.

'Sajangnim, I can explain.' Taeyang butted in.

'Carry on,' Lee Soo Man said

'It was my fault. As you can see in the picture, I was the one without disguise. Yuri wore a cap to cover her face partially. I'm to be blame. Please do not blame Yuri,' Taeyang continued.

'Do you think that the cap, is able to to hide her identity? And you call this an explanation? It's more like an excuse !' Lee Soo Man shouted.

'Joesonghamnida sajangnim,' Yuri apologised and bowed.

'Is an apology going to solve this scandal?' Lee Soo Man asked fiercely. 

'No, sajangnim.' Yuri replied, on the verge of crying.  

'Then? What's the point of it? Right now, I really have the urge to separate both of you from meeting again to prevent any such scandals from happening again !' 

'What about the collaboration sajangnim?' GDragon asked. 

'I can remove those 2 from it. And You 4 ! Better be careful when you are going on dates or you are going to be like these 2 over here.' 

'Sajangnim, you are going to separate both of us?' Yuri asked, tears starting to fall.

'Why should I not?'

'Please don't sajangnim ! I beg you. I will do anything ! Please don't separate me from Taeyang Oppa.' Yuri begged as she sobbed. 

'If I'm just planning to separate both of you, I'm being very nice already. You do remember your BoA unnie, right? I made her break up with one of her past boyfriends

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bigsnd #1
Chapter 20: I will wait for it...thanks for this fanfic it really wonderful and thanks for new daefany fanfic....i really big fan of daesung
minhnam #2
Chapter 18: dont let yulyang seperate
sabrina14 #3
Chapter 14: great story, update soon please (:
Plz upvote and subscribe guys !! Thanks for all your support !
minhnam #5
Chapter 17: Ohh u are so lucky . I really want to go to yg's concert but they never come to canada hahah . Btw this chapter was soooo good haha madr me laugh from the cuteness
bigsnd #6
Chapter 16: Wow such a good update. Update soon daefany
Chapter 14: Omo, who is that? another soshibang couple??
Chapter 14: OMG. Who is in the other VIP room??????
tiffany06 #9
Chapter 13: nice update authornim~~~~