
The Mini-Adventures of Oh Sehun
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Sehun runs to Jongin's room to try to get him to help. He twists the doorknob to find it not twisting.

Sehun knocks, more like bangs, on Jongin's door to get him to open up, "Yah! Jongin! Open up!" He stops banging for a while to lean his ear to the door to hear for any sound of Jongin unlocking his room.

He continues knocking again, "YAH! JONGIN! GET YOUR UP AND OUT OF BED TO OPEN THE DOOR!"

Sehun hear thundering footsteps before a mumble of something like, "What now?" before the door opens and he see a messy haired Jongin looking grouchy.

Walking into the room and making himself comforatable, Sehun spotted a picture of Kyungsoo on Jongin's laptop. "Ew dude, please stop stalking one of our band mates, you see him everyday. Please don't tell me you look at a picture of him before you go to sleep."


"Nevermind. Anyways I need you to help me take this super cool photo so I can post it on Instagram and wow my followers. Can you help me?"

Rubbing his eyes, still tired from the lack of sleep, he asks, "What was it?"

Sehun rolled his eyes, "Ugh. I need you to help me take a photo to post it on Instagram."

"Can't you just do that yourself?" Jongin askes. "Like all you have to do is just stick your arm out and take a picture. It's so easy. Don't tell me you're a noob.

"No that's not what I meant. Here look at the photos. These are how I want them to turn out."

Jongin reaches for the

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Chapter 10: Aww that was choooo cute. ^3^
Shiragiku-chaan #2
Chapter 10: Oh the end was so cute.
RizzieB #3
Chapter 6: THIS CHAPTER IS BEAUTIFUL! I am CRYING with laughter!
Caren91 #4
Chapter 10: All busy hyung, can't they see sehun nid their attention.xp poor sehun
liloandstitch #5
Chapter 10: hunhan at the end though like ahhhhh!!!!1!!!!1!1
liloandstitch #6
Chapter 10: like no. feels. no. stop
liloandstitch #7
Chapter 10: i have too many feels for this
liloandstitch #8
Chapter 10: I keep reading this
and I cry everytime
liloandstitch #9
Chapter 10: haha @seoulmxte no.
SeoulMxte #10
Chapter 7: it was dedicated to both of us lmao. we sarang you