
Are you game or not?

“ And where do you think you’re going?”

    Kyungsoo jumped as he felt an arm snake around his waist. It wasn’t even that he was caught off guard; in fact he was half expecting to be cornered sooner or later. He and Chanyeol had started up their own little competition of dares to pass the time. It was his turn to be dared and Chanyeol some how always managed to pick a terrible time to propose his challenge.  
    Kyungsoo was so busy dreading the idea of having to do some humiliating task that he had completely forgotten about the tower of a man wrapped around him, who of course had never stopped talking. It wasn’t until a light squeeze on his hipbone sent a shot of electricity through his whole body, that he was brought back to reality. 
“ Chanyeol. Not now ok?” Kyungoo squirmed underneath Chanyeol’s grip, cheeks burning.
“ Don’t you even want to hear what it is?”
“Look I’m tired, we just finished a concert. I really just want to sleep.”
“But it will only take a second!” Chanyeol pleaded, his puppy eyes begging Kyungsoo to humor him. Kyungsoo glanced at their room, only a few steps away, maybe he should just make a run for it?

“Come on! For your hyung!” Chanyeol began performing a series of disgusting aegyo tactics. 
 “ Fine, what?”  Kyungsoo scoffed. He’d do anything at this point as long as it got Chanyeol off his back…well side. He just prayed the older would remain oblivious to how flustered he had become.
Chanyeol giggled, thoroughly pleased with himself, “ Ok, strip and go sit out on the balcony for 10 minutes!”
“ NO!,”  Soo whipped his head up to glare at Chan, flicking his forehead, “ There are fans out there!!”
“ Ugh, fine.” Chanyeol hummed rubbing his wounds. He maneuvered himself to the floor, dragging a reluctant Kyungsoo with him.
“ I’ve got it!”
“No stripping.” 
“I know I know!” Chanyeol turned to face him placing his hands on Soo’s shoulders.
“Go kiss Jongin!”

    Kyungsoo paled. He knew everyone just assumed he had a thing for Jongin since they were so close but hearing it from Chanyeol made his stomach churn. He could faintly hear Chanyeol still blabbering on, “ And no saying it’s a dare! Oh and on the mouth! And….. Ow !” Chanyeol’s hand immediately grabbed his stinging cheek in shock.
    Kyungsoo couldn’t help it, he knew he had hit Chanyeol harder than he should have but he didn’t know how else to shut him up.
“ What the hell, you could have just said no, I would-“
“ Chanyeol. “ Kyungsoo brought his hand up over Chanyeol’s giant hand the latter flinched expecting a second assault. 
“ I don’t want you to ever talk about me and Jongin again.”
“ I wasn-“
“Don’t insinuate anything, don’t even joke about it.”
“Why are you so upset?!? We all know it’s just fanservice! I mean look and me and Baek! I –“
“ And don’t talk to me about Baekhyun either.” Kyungsoo’s voice cracked, he couldn’t hold back anymore mentally and physically drained he just couldn’t bring himself to pretend anymore.
“ Kyungsoo...” Chanyeol looked down at the little figure beneath him, curled up into a ball, slightly shuttering.  He brought his hand to Kyungsoo’s neck lifting his head up.
“ What’s wrong?” he wiped the streaming tears from Soo’s cheeks, “ Are you mad at Baek and Jongin? Did the-“
“ You’re so stupid” Kyungsoo pushed Chanyeol away. “Leave me alone, I told you I’m tired. “
“ But Soo-“
“SHUT UP!....just go away”
“ Soo..” Chanyeol hesitantly reached for his best friend only to be smacked away.
“You are so clueless. Does everything need to be spelled out for you? Are you that dumb? A-“
     Chanyeol’s eyes darkened and he got up glaring down at Kyungsoo, “You know what? Screw you. I’m not ing dumb, you’re just being a . How could I possibly know what’s wrong when you push me away every time I try to ask? I don’t read minds Soo! Did I do something? If so I’m sorry, ok?   I just… I don’t…. I…please don’t…please don’t cry, I.” Chanyeol’s eyes swelled as he tried to hold his tears back. He lowered himself back to the floor and sat against the wall across from Kyungsoo, who was staring, wide-eyed at him. He knew he shouldn’t have yelled at Kyungsoo and it was his own fault Soo was mad at him.  I shouldn’t have pushed Kyungsoo so much. He thought.
They sat completely silent other than the occasional post meltdown sniffle neither one of them daring to say anything.
Finally Kyungsoo gave into himself, crawling over to Chanyeol he snuggled his head into Chanyeol’s neck. They sat like that for what seemed like an eternity. 

     Eventually, Chanyeol took in a breath to speak but Kyungsoo cut him off pushing himself upright just enough to make eye contact, he captured Chanyeol’s lips. They were soft and warm it took every nerve in his body to get himself to stop. Pulling away he franticly tried to explain himself ,“You’re the only one I want to kiss.” Kyungsoo lowered his gaze down to his chest unable to take the look on Chanyeol’s face, muttering “I want to without it being a dare, without even saying anything and without it being fanservice. I just. I want you.”

     Chanyeol was completely limp, staring at Kyungsoo’s round eyes as his small body heaved trying to catch its breath. 

     Embarrassed at the lack of response Kyungsoo scrambled to get away only to be snatched back. 

“ I want you too.”
Chanyeol placed a kiss on Kyungsoo’s temple, “ I just didn’t know how to say it.”
    Kyungsoo hit Chanyeol’s chest, “ I also really hate you.”
“AHH why are you like this?!”
Kyungsoo laughed kissing where he had hit. Now that he had started he was sure he would never be able to stop. The idea made him smile as he trailed sweet-chaste kisses to Chanyeol’s neck.
    Chanyeol chucked, “ Man, I confess to you and you hit me? What have I gotten myself into?”
    Kyungsoo shot up to straddle Chanyeol, eyes wide, “ You?!? You confess? Please, I was the one who did all the hard parts!”    
    At this, Chanyeol laughed leaning up to place his forehead against Kyungsoo’s, “ You’re right, you’re always right. I’m an idiot.” 
    “You are” Kyungsoo smirked and playfully bit Chanyeol’s cheek then raised himself from the floor.
“I’m going to bed.” He began walking toward their room.
“Yah! Wait for me? How are you just going to leave me here like this?” Chanyeol stood up running to lace his fingers with Kyungsoo’s. 




    They got ready for bed and Chanyeol turned off the lights. He climbed in next to Kyungsoo and stared at the ceiling running through everything over and over.
“So…” he giggled, “Are you my boyfriend now?”
“Don’t push your luck. If anything you are mine.” Kyungsoo turned over trying to get comfortable.
“ Ahh what? Doesn’t being a boyfriend work both ways?”
“  Who said anything about boyfriends” Soo mumbled brushing the other off, “ I just said you are mine.”
“ Well if I am yours then aren’t you mine too?!” Chanyeol pouted wrapping himself around Soo earning yet another smack from the exhausted singer as he turned in Chanyeol’s embrace.
“Goodnight Chan”
“ But-”

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Chapter 2: Very cute, oh my!!! Chansoo stories are killing me!!<(^_^<)
THIS IS SO DARN CUTE OMFG. I reread it several times!
Day_Dreaming #3
Chapter 2: OMG UR MAKING A SEQUEL?!?! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! >=< CHANSOOOOOOO!!! I love ur writing so much ahhaaaaa. Die hard fan here. Notice me senpai OvO
lilymelody #4
Chapter 1: So cute>\< chansoo is too cute. Must resist them but I can't!!
nightingalesatnight #5
Chapter 1: I feel like this is exactly how their confessions would go; Chanyeol would be all sweet and Kyungsoo would hit him.
ryeohaeme #6
Chapter 1: Sweet~ Jealous Kyungsoo...
Poor Chanyeol... keke
Oh my gosh I've got 99 problems and Chansoo's all of them okay? How cute. It was so light hearted and in a sea of Chansoo angst, ugh, what a blessing. Now I love me some angst but really? These two are too cute to even dream about it. Am I right? You made my Chansoo heart break (dont ask how many I have~) and it was simple, yet it captured the attention of the reader. It wasnt even too long- which I never believe in- or too short. I loved it. If you make another Chansoo or Soo anything, I'll definitely be there. Keep up the good work. There aren't many Chansoo stories out there.
Chapter 1: OMFG!!! THIS STORY WAS SO CUTE AND SWEET ~ It was actually the first [boy and boy] fanfic i have read :)