


“What’s your name?”

“Sungmin, Lee Sungmin”

“Ah… Sungmin… nice to meet you, I’m cho kyuhyun, so what you don’t understand about this procedure”



“Whole thing, I just don’t get it” Sungmin blushed in embarrassment while Kyuhyun smiled softly at him

“It’s okay, I will teach you slowly, I know you can do it”




It had been 3 weeks, since the last time Sungmin saw him, someone he admired and loved, after his posting in hospital over a month ago, Sungmin sighed and look around the lecture hall, 3 weeks of holiday wasn’t enough for him, he stared blankly at the seats in front of him until his best friend came

“Have you seen Eunhyuk?” Donghae asked while looking around

“We haven’t met for almost 2 weeks and the first thing you ask me is Eunhyuk? What a friend” Sungmin sulked, and Donghae scratched his head awkwardly

“Sorry, I just curious, he haven’t texted me since yesterday” Donghae looked around again

“Yeah right, and you haven’t texted me for one week already but you never ask about me” Sungmin rolled his eyes and took out his book, preparing for the first lecture that day

“okay I shall stop talking” Donghae took out his books too and remained silent, well it was better for Sungmin since he had no mood for talking on the first day of school. Few minutes later Sungmin saw someone he knew walked in and sat in front of his seat ‘it can’t be…’ Sungmin thought inwardly, the doubt all gone away when Sungmin realized the guy who sat in front of him was really the guy he loved ‘how can….’ Sungmin didn’t realized his mouth opened widely until Donghae reminded him “close your mouth, don’t embarrassed me” but Sungmin just didn’t care of what Donghae said, the guy he loved sat in front of him, the guy he thought will never see again sat just right in front of him



“I’m going crazy” Sungmin ruffled his own hair in frustration, he hug the patient record while holding his tears to drop down, it wasn’t an extraordinary view for medical student to stress down over case study especially during their posting in hospital, and it’s including Sungmin, he was a second year medical student and for the first time he had to be separated with his friends, Donghae and Eunhyuk during his posting, he really broke down, he knew no one on this posting, he had no one to talk to about his stress, and that morning a resident just scolded him for not being careful about one case he handled

“are you okay?” a gentle voice waken him up from his daydreaming when he sat down in the cafeteria inside the hospital, Sungmin quickly stood up and bow 90 degree

“I… I’m sorry professor! I won’t do it again!” Sungmin quickly said without even looking at the owner of the voice

“hey… chill down, it’s me” the owner of the voice laughed, Sungmin quickly straighten his back and saw Kyuhyun was standing in front of him

“kyu…” Sungmin’s eyes turned teary again “don’t shock me like that” Sungmin sat down again and wiped the tears that finally drop on his face

“what happened?” Kyuhyun sat down and looking at Sungmin with worried face “don’t cry” Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun’s eyes when he wiped the tears that flow down from Sungmin’s eyes “i hate to see you cry, please don’t cry anymore”




Sungmin’s heartbeat getting harder and harder, Kyuhyun sat in front of him, Sungmin never saw him before in the same lecture hall, his first meeting with Kyuhyun was when he went to hospital for clinical posting 2 months ago, he never thought Kyuhyun actually in the same lecture hall with him, where have he been? Sungmin asked himself and trying to regain his memory back but he really just never saw Kyuhyun before in the same lecture hall with him

“Why…” Sungmin didn’t realize he voiced out his mind

“What why?” Donghae asked confusedly when finally after few minutes his best friend talking again

“Ah… why I saw some new faces in this lecture hall?”

“Oh! I remember one professor told me there will be one group joining our lecture group this semester, they’re from special class, they’re famous for being the most intelligent class, well I don’t know why suddenly they mixed with our lecture group” Donghae shrugged and back to flipping his book.

Sungmin almost tapped Kyuhyun’s back to say hello when a guy suddenly sat beside Kyuhyun and greeted him

“Hi kyu! Morning!” the guy smiled sweetly to Kyuhyun and what made Sungmin most shocked was when the guy pecked Kyuhyun’s lips

“Morning wook” Kyuhyun smiled genuinely, no… it can’t be… he has boyfriend already?! Sungmin hold his chest, suddenly it felt really tight and hurt, the pain was unbearable, his eyes getting blurry by the tears that covered his eyes now, although only for one month but working with Kyuhyun was a really great experience, they even had dinner together sometimes but now… Sungmin had no chance to become closer to him again, Kyuhyun really just someone he knew he would never get and by the smile Kyuhyun showed to the guy called wook, Sungmin sure he really had no chance to even enter his life again and the thought of that was just really too painful

“Min are you okay? Why you hold your chest like that? Something wrong?” Donghae asked worriedly as his best friend looked so lost and he could see tears swamp on Sungmin’s eyes

“No… I’m not okay” Sungmin didn’t even try to tell lie

“What’s wrong? Is your chest pain?” Donghae looked more panic now

“My heart… it’s really pain Donghae… help me…” Sungmin looked at Donghae with eyes that showed Donghae how badly hurt Sungmin now, but tears just never flow on the latter’s face, it was just swamp there, as if Sungmin didn’t want to show someone in front of him how badly he hurt was because of him, no he would never show him




“Why you want to be a doctor?” Sungmin asked Kyuhyun randomly as he enjoyed his cheesecake that afternoon in hospital café during his break

“Hmmm…. How about you?” Kyuhyun asked back

“Because I want to help people, guess what? Actually my real dream is to go conflicted area around the world and help them” Sungmin’s eyes filled with excitement “but I never realize before that my dream is really hard to get” Sungmin frowned and looked down to his cheesecake suddenly didn’t have appetite to continue

“Means your dream is worth it to catch, just hang on there, I know someday it will come true” Kyuhyun smiled

“Uh-huh… hope so…” Sungmin bite his last piece and stared at Kyuhyun “so now your turn, how about you? Well I heard your father is a doctor too, of course you want to be like him, right?”

“When I was 5 years old yes I thought I was inspired by my father, but after I grown up? No… it just… an amazing thing isn’t it? to save people, to help them to get through the hardest pace of their life, to see their smile, their family’s smile, it just inspired me a lot, so I guess… I want to be a doctor because I want to see people’s smile, simply because of that” Sungmin swore his heart suddenly beating so fast once Kyuhyun had explained everything, he knew that moment was the time when Sungmin finally realized he in love with Kyuhyun




Sungmin heart stopped beating when Kyuhyun looked behind, and that moment again when Sungmin’s pain just getting more painful than before, Kyuhyun didn’t even bother to greet him, was it over? Those times when he spent his time with Kyuhyun in hospital… was it over? Sungmin really hurt by what Kyuhyun did, did he really forget about him or he just pretend to not know about him? The class started already but he couldn’t even concentrate with Kyuhyun being lovey-dovey with his lover in front of him, seemed like Kyuhyun enjoyed it so much, Sungmin wish the class would end soon, but it was just way too slow that day, when finally the class was over, Sungmin ran outside alone left Donghae and Eunhyuk inside, he walked like a lost puppy and decided maybe he should just went back to Donghae and Eunhyuk but it was a really wrong move, Sungmin saw them again, Kyuhyun and his boyfriend, walking together and Sungmin saw Kyuhyun clearly looked at him but he just walked pass him didn’t even care about him, was he not important for Kyuhyun? Was he just a dust that can simply blown away by the wind? Sungmin decided to run to the nearest toilet and cry there, his love, his innocent love has to be ended like this, it just way too painful for him to realize he’s not that worth it for Kyuhyun




“Why your face look so lost like that kyu? Is everything okay?” Ryeowook, Kyuhyun’s boyfriend asked as they walking to canteen

“No… I just… suddenly remember someone that is important for me” Kyuhyun told the truth to Ryeowook


“You don’t have to know…” Kyuhyun walked faster left Ryeowook behind as he didn’t want Ryeowook to see how hurt he was to ignore Sungmin like that ‘that important person… I love him…’ Kyuhyun thought inwardly








so how? hahaha anw not all based on true story, some are just purely fiction, since i don't even know if the guy like me too or not hahaha

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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 1: sequel please? give us a reason why kyu act like that?
HinKyuMin #2
Chapter 1: what? the end already? *dumbfounded*
no srsly what just happened ! btw i like your writing style.. ^^
but plz could u make a sequel? Oh? :"
ehrytie #3
Chapter 1: this story is great authornim!!
do u mind to made a sequel??
but i know u r bussy... ^-^
gd luck with ur exams, fightiiiing~!!
Cutehair24 #4
Chapter 1: Why is that Kyu? If you love him why dont you chase after him? What really happened? Oh i really wanna know. Authornim please do some sequence? Please! Pretty please!
RayhanAdni #5
Chapter 1: oh yesh we aare same! xc huh .

and why kyu why
Chapter 1: omg is this complete already? no sequel or explanation why kyu did that? T^T thanks for this!