The First Night

Losing Love .Sequel.

Jiyong crossed his arms looking at Junho who’s happily watching cartoon. Feeling irritated, Jiyong massaging his temple.


Youngbae left after finishing his breakfast. Leaving him alone with Junho. Jiyong don’t know how to entertain him.


So he just switches on the TV and turn the channel to cartoon. He take a closely look at Junho. He got brown eyes. He wonders where he saw the same eyes like that before.


And why did he agree to Youngbae earlier?


He can’t even take care of himself properly, now he has to take care of a boy for a month. He’s the youngest of his family, so he never knew how to treat a child.


Well, he does have his dongsaeng in Big Bang, but that’s different. They were grown up man.


He’s not even married yet. How he’s going to live his life now?  He sends his irritated glance over Junho.






“Omma said, it’s rude to stare at people,”..


Jiyong blinked his eyes; startled at the thought of Junho caught him staring or the boy can talk like that. Jiyong fake a cough. This boy isn’t normal. He thought.


“No, I’m not.”..


He heard Junho sigh. How can a little boy like him paying attention at what happen in his surrounding?


“Ahjushi am not staring. Junho-ah, how old are you?”..


He saw Junho counting and show 4 fingers. Jiyong smile, thinking that Junho, after all is still a little boy. And Junho look decent, maybe his mother taught him well.


After that, they both absorbed watching Pororo. And before he aware of it, Jiyong fell asleep.




Jiyong felt someone shook his body gently.


“Ahjushi, wake up. I’m hungry.”..


Jiyong look at the clock. Its past 1pm. No wonder Junho feeling hungry. He stood up and went to the kitchen. Wondering what will he cooked for a kid.


Then he stops, sensing that the door of his closet opens. His body tense.


This little boy better not touch with his clothes. He walked and pushed the door, to find that his clothes scattered all over the room.


“Shet!” cursing, he took his leather jacket from the floor. He feels like crying looking over all his precious clothes, caps and accessories misplaced and mixed up.


He knew it, that Junho boy is such a disaster. He only looks decent, but Junho is a little menace.


“ Junho!” he yelled.


He getting out from his wardrobe to find Junho is nowhere in the living room.


He looks across the living room, to find Junho holding the milk box trying to drink it. He walked to the kitchen.


“Why did you messing with my clothes?” his voice is stern.


Junho look at him. His eyes show fear. Jiyong walked closer. Sensing danger, Junho drop the milk box causing the milk to spill.




Jiyong couldn’t control his rage and try to grab Junho. He doesn’t even care if he is just a little boy.


But Junho is quicker. He ran through Jiyong before he could grab him. Junho intended to take the couch as his fortress but he stumble upon the carpet at the living room.


Jiyong reach at Junho side and lifting his hand to spank Junho. But before his hand can reach Junho, he felt that someone holding his wrist.


“What happen here?” Youngbae ask. He came in just now and saw Junho stumbling and Jiyong look like he wanted to slap Junho.


He let go Jiyong arms and lifting Junho. Junho eyes are wet and he’s at the edge of crying. He sat Junho on the couch and look back at Jiyong, putting both of his hand on his waist.


Jiyong stand up.


“He’s messing with my clothes.” He explains.


Youngbae couldn’t believe the reason for Jiyong rage.


He knows that Jiyong really loves his clothes and taking extra care for them, but he can’t get angry at Junho like that. Junho is just a kid.


“He’s just a boy, Jiyong. He doesn’t know the value of your clothes. Can’t you tolerate?” Youngbae try to reason out.


Jiyong pouted. He glances at Junho who’s looking at him. Junho sticking his tongue out at Jiyong.


Jiyong furrowed his brows; he couldn’t accept that this boy is going to get away. He stomped his feet and go to his wardrobe. He needs to calm down.




Youngbae brought Junho to eat outside. Youngbae holds Junho hand. Junho swinging their hands.


“Can we go to the park? Omma and I always go to the park on Sunday’s afternoon. Omma will read and I will play soccer.”…


“You really love your Omma ne. Junho-ah~, do you know where’s your Appa? You never say anything about him.”…


“Omma said, appa is too busy and couldn’t be with us.”..


“What did you imagine about your appa?”..


Junho shrugged. “omma said he is cool.”..


Youngbae sigh. Poor Junho. He never knew who his father is. And if he hadn’t discovered about Junho, he bet that Sandara won’t ever tell anyone about Junho.


Youngbae doesn’t blame Sandara, he knew she do this because of her situation.


Jiyong is a famous artist, and being in sandarac shoes, it’s hard to cope with his fame and stayed in hidden relationship.




He brought Junho to the park that near Jiyong apartment. They passed an ice cream truck and Junho stops.


He looks at Youngbae. His eyes telling Youngbae that he wanted one. Youngbae nodded and Junho ran toward the truck.


“What flavor do you want young man?” the ice cream man ask.


“Mint.” Junho replied.


“And the appa?” I guess it will be mint also,”..


“No, I want vanilla,” Youngbae answered. But he doesn’t want to deny the ice cream vendor assumption. He’s afraid that it will hurt Junho feeling.


The ice cream man handed them their ice cream. Junho quickly the ice cream. They sit on the bench enjoying their creamy taste.


“Omma won’t let me eat ice cream.”..




“She said I will fell sick if I do,”..


She won’t know if we don’t tell her right?”..


Junho grinned. Feeling happy that his Omma wouldn’t know.


That will be our first secret okay,”..




Younbae send Junho home after strolling at the park. The house still engulfed in silent when they reached home.


Youngbae guess Jiyong is still in his wardrobe. He’s bathing Junho and tucks him in at Jiyong bed. He knocks on the door and opens it. Jiyong sat on the floor folding his clothes carefully.


“Junho asleep. I’m going back.” He saw Jiyong nodded. He’s about to turn his back when Jiyong ask him.


“Why did you ask me to take care of the boy? You know I’m not capable of taking care of other person.” He lifted his head to look at Youngbae.


“That’s why you need to learn. Try to get along with him from now on, okay?”..


Jiyong just staring blankly at Youngbae who already walked out.




After finished arranging his closet, he walked into his bedroom. Looking at Junho sleeping figure.


Junho sleep with only his pants on. Jiyong smile at the fact, he also sleep shirtless because it feels much more comfortable.


This is his first day with Junho. And his first experience dealing with children.


He lay beside Junho, thinking that he still got 29 days to go through.


He sure his life will turn upside down. Today is a start, there’s more to come.





Sandara cannot fell asleep. This is her first night without Junho. She misses her son so much.


She looks at Junho picture beside her bed. Her eyes glistened and teardrop starting to flow through her cheek.


She calmed her heart by saying that Junho is safe with Jiyong. Part of her wanted to tell Jiyong that Junho is his son, but then she doesn’t want Jiyong to take Junho away from her.













Sorry 4 the wait..

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 10: I know it’s been years but I hope you won’t totally abandon this story.
Chapter 10: Authornim,please update soon please
Chapter 10: Update this authornim
ummm..need to repost 2 chap..better than losing all of it..@@
kyaaahh.. it's so cute >.<
there needs to be a happy daragon ending!!!!!
ApplerJiDee #7
hoping for a happy DARAGON ending!!!!
Ironically in every daragon story that I read, and there's a child involve., the child is always smart..,though I like how junnie knows everything...
Junnie so smart :)
i hope this end with happy ending..