The deal.

Losing Love .Sequel.

He looks at the boy who’s standing in front of the piano. The boy doesn’t seem to know how to play, but pressed the piano key.


 He smile and walked to where the boy stood. He lifts up the boy and sits him onto the chair. He settles in beside the boy.


He began to play a song. The boy seems to enjoy and smile at him. The boy keeps looking at the man hands pressing each key.


He stop playing, ruffling the boy’s hair.


“Kiddo, you know how to play piano?”


The boy shook his head. This little boy looks really familiar. He wonders if he had seen this boy in the church. He might be 3 and half years old.


“Whats your name?”




“Where's your omma?”..


“Omma?... ”


Junho suddenly jump from the chair. He run before coming back and pulling the man hands to run with him too.


The man bends abit to keep up with the boy height. Junho run into a children play area shop. Junho let go the man hands and running into a woman who wearing a worried look.


“Omma,” Junho hugged the woman thigh. The woman startled before kneel down and hugged the boy back. After a while she pulled back.


“Where did you go? Omma ask you too stay here for a while right? Why you always make omma worry like this?”


“I’m sorry omma.” He kissed the woman cheek.  The woman expression becomes softer.


“You go to the music store again?” she asked the little boy.




“Dara? Sandara?,” she heard someone calling her name. She look up. Sandara stood up.




Youngbae look at the boy and Sandara back and forth. He slapped his forehead. Sandara prayed that he won’t realize anything.


“Omo, is this Jiyongie..”


Damn. Sandara cursed. Of course he will recognize Junho. It was so obvious. Junho is mini Jiyong.


The hair, the lips and his frame. They also have the same habit. Junho is what made Sandara life without Jiyong is bearable.




“Does Jiyong know, wait, of course he doesn’t. If he knew, then I will know too. He will be super happy if he knows about this,” his smiling excitedly.


Sandara gulped. She tightened the hold on Junho shoulder. Junho struggle to get free, Sandara hold on him slip and Junho ran to Youngbae. Youngbae lift him up and carry him.


”P-please,” Sandara stuttered. Youngbae giving her question look.


“Don’t tell Jiyong. Junho is mine,”


Youngbae doesn’t believe what he heard. But he saw the hurt in Sandara’s eyes.


“Wae? Jiyong need to know this. You’re hiding Junho exixtence for what, 5years? Do you plan to hide this for the rest of your life? What did you tell him about his father?”..


“I told him that his father is away and couldn’t be with us anymore.”  Which is true knowing how busy Jiyong is the past 5years, building his carier.


Junho again wanted to be released and Youngbae put him down.  


“Omma, im going to play,” and he sprinted to the play area. Sandara look at Junho.


“He need to know who his father, Sandara Park,” Youngbae voice stern.


“I know Bae, but not now. Junho is not ready.”..


“Is it Junho or is it you?” he heard Sandara sighed.


“I need Jiyong to love Junho first. Not because of responsibility or guilty. But because he loves Junho sincerely. Despite not knowing that Junho is his son.”


“No, Jiyong will love him,” Youngbae trying to assure her. He senses that she has some insecure issue.


“I need to be sure,” she said. She looks again at Junho who’s playing the sliding game with his new friends.


“Then let Junho stay with us for 1 month,” Youngbae said. Sandara couldn’t hide her shocked face. She hardly believes what she heard. How she’s going to endured 2 month without Junho.


“2month is too long, 2 week,”..


“No, that’s too short. 2 month. Dara-ah, Jiyong doesn’t even know that he has a child. He needs to be attached to Junho,”…


Sandara lost in deep thought.


“1month, and that’s final,” she finally said.


“And Youngbae-ah, promise me that Jiyong will never know that Junho is his son,” she continued.


“I can’t promise you that, Dara. He might know himself. It’s so obvious,”…


“Then promise me, you won’t let Jiyong take him away from me,” she look at Youngbae desperately.


“He won’t. I promise you.”












A/N : guys, daralovegd gkwon880818 jenny_29 HafaNava myhdz24 lanae1976 laDy_akhee LeonaLorraineM mrskwonvarshini SurfaceGlitter  WalkOutQueen Lildudeo0o..

This is the sequel.. enjoy.. :) <3

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 10: I know it’s been years but I hope you won’t totally abandon this story.
Chapter 10: Authornim,please update soon please
Chapter 10: Update this authornim
ummm..need to repost 2 chap..better than losing all of it..@@
kyaaahh.. it's so cute >.<
there needs to be a happy daragon ending!!!!!
ApplerJiDee #7
hoping for a happy DARAGON ending!!!!
Ironically in every daragon story that I read, and there's a child involve., the child is always smart..,though I like how junnie knows everything...
Junnie so smart :)
i hope this end with happy ending..