chapter 7

My live in korea

ou: tumblr_nau4z9JMuW1tho8pno1_500.png Taeyang:tumblr_nckkuv8lFC1rdbp0po1_500.png
JiYong: tumblr_ncuq0iBLG51rrw2ryo1_r1_500.png

Taeyang's pov:

I told my best friend that I will have a date with a girl I will meet her at night, he told me he met a girl in the airport, and take her to her place, so we both have a girl in our minds ....

I arrive to the place and I looked at Jiyong was with a girl and she was not a fan, and well i reconized him 'cause i was with hima all the afternoon, I could see well the girl he was with, i just notice she has long hair .... 


Jiyong's Pov: 

I was with this beautiful girl that i met she looks so pretty, but there's a problem i think she is the the taeyang met a while before i feel bad a little 'cause I know tae likes so much this girl, but well I am not really sure that she is the girl he will meet.

Your Pov:

I was there in the magical han river, so beautiful I didnt want to look so classy XD ok I was so nervious, so i put a shorts a blouse and high heels, I arrived one hour early for some reason i thought he would appear. I met this guy who I met in the airport, he looks so lonely, i came closer to talk to him. 


* ten minutes before 9 pm gd said goodbye to you and went away, you walk closer to the river waiting for taeyang *
*Taeyang arrived 5 minutes before *

Taeyang: Hi beautiful.
(y/n): hello!!
Taeyang: I'm glad you came
(y/n): thanks to you for have time to spend with me.
Taeyang: ok, well first, Do you wanna drink something? 
(y/n): yes i would like a coffee
Taeyang: ok wait here i will go, we can sit near of the river and what it, is really beautiful
(y/n): ok, i will save u a sit :) 
*taeyang leaves and come back  20 min later.*
Taeyang: Here you go. 
(Y/N): Thanks, is true.
Taeyang: What is true?
(y/n) : you said the city is more pretty at night, its true
Taeyang: hehe well... but now is more beautiful
(y/n): why?
taeyang: 'cause your here to watch it. :)

*OMG! does he want something with me? or is it just my imagination.?* 


more chapters will be able soon ....

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Nice fic ... good luck with it ^_^