chapter 1 introducing me

My live in korea

My name is YoungMi(you) and Im 21 yrs old Im study B.A. in English Im half korean half American my mom is korean and my dad is American
I am iving in LA with my parents, well I lived in LA now Im on my way to korea is noon her so i think i will be in korea at night, well why im moving to korea cuase im gonna finish my carrer there, actually  my mom wants me to go to korea.

I speak little korean well just the basic korean, it will not work a lot, i necer went to korea and my mom used to talk to me in korean but i dont remember it, i look korean but im more american for the trip to korea i dyed my hair blonde and i have long hair


well back to the travel to korea, well i will living aone year there, and work in a elementary school teaching english, also i will contact my bff sou jin, but a month later she is working in busan i think she will back in seoul later.... 



first chapter wait for the second!!! XD 
hi to everyone >u< 

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Nice fic ... good luck with it ^_^