Base Staff Line 2

~Masterful Composition~

Base Line Staff 2: Invasion

                Hansol looked over his battle plans on his bed. He memorized the terrain of the kingdom he had set his sights on. From his meeting last night he had gathered that they had not been at war for a month. A miracle in this day and age. There was a knock at his door but before he had the chance to say come in his uncle came inside uninvited. Annoyed Hansol drew his dagger out faster than he could blink and flicked it at him. Unfortunately it only almost grazed his uncle’s cheek and lodged itself in the wall opposite to his room in the hall.

“From what I remember you are to wait until I say come in before invading my living quarters.” He said feeling under his pillow for his second dagger.

“Listen brat I’m still one of your advisor.” His uncle said glancing back at the dagger in the hall. His nephew had a strong dislike for him. Those feelings were reciprocated. There was no reason for a boy like him to take over a thrown that should have been his.

                Hansol sighed. If anything stressed him out more it was his family. His mom and dad were on vacation disguised as middle class citizens. He could never understand why they were so eccentric. He had no brothers or sisters but his aunts and uncles were just as strange as his mom and dad. Two of his uncles were inventors which everyone considered crazy. His third uncle was also one of his advisors but Hansol had figured out long ago that he wanted to manipulate him in order to become King so he was always weary of him. His aunts, all four of them owned successful business that essentially monopolized the kingdom.

“Are my soldiers ready?” Hansol asked refusing to acknowledge him. His fingers twitched as the cold steel from his dagger kissed the tips. He really just wanted to lodge the metal into his uncle’s shoulder so he could leave him alone.

“The troops are always at attention. We are only waiting on you, Your Highness.” He said sarcastically. Hansol gripped the handle that was engraved with bones. Just one more comment like that and he would gladly put a gapping, oozing hole in the man’s skin.

“Your job is also to call my servants dear uncle.” He replied much too sweetly.

                His uncle cringed and his heel. Whenever his nephew spoke like that his life was in jeopardy. Yes his uncle was red with anger but he valued his life and went to do his job. He could never understand why his brother would ever leave the kingdom in his immature son’s hands. The boy maybe a genius but he was still just that, a boy. He went on his way to fetch the three maids that always helped Hansol getting dressed. They came in the room and laid out simple clothes for him. After he dressed he went out to his soldiers. He saddled up his horse then started their march to the neighboring kingdom. He was unexplainably excited about what he would find there.

                Nora woke up just as the sun settled on the skyline. She blinked her eyes a couple of times. TO her surprise she could see perfectly fine from both of them. But when she touched her injured eye it was extremely sore. With a sigh she got off the roof and into her small home. Her aunt was gone, the living room a mess and there was a strange pungent scent in the air. She cleaned everything up making sure not to think about anything she saw too much and she didn’t want to relive the terror of that unknown man grabbing her up. When that was done she got dressed for work.

                After tying up her hair and putting on a homemade dark and short wig she dressed in breeches and an oversized rough woolen shirt. Somehow she was able to find work at a coal mine. Only men worked there and a couple of months ago she wore her hair short and was flat as a board. But it honestly didn’t matter how hard she worked and how much she got paid her aunt would take all her hard earned money and spend it on anything. Sometimes there was no food or her aunt simple wouldn’t feed her so she resorted to begging the streets and eating on sidewalks to stay alive. She looked into her piece of broken glass studying her reflection. With a sad sigh she made her way to work. In the months she worked there not one person had discovered she was actually female and she hoped to keep it that way. Grabbing a pick and a safety helmet she settled between two large men. Once glanced at her and laughed.

“What’s the matter with your face boy?” He asked his voice raspy from inhaling so much dust over the years.

“Seems like the you tried to socked you good,” The other chimed in laughter rumbling in his chest. Nora’s mining faltered. She could never stand when someone cursed but her coworkers did it every day as if they were sailors.

“Something like that,” she muttered. Hopefully they let her continue her work in peace.

“Boy doesn’t have much muscle anyways. Skinny as a twig.” The other commented.

                Their vulgar banter continue all through the day. They found her weakness hilarious and kept on poking fun at her. When the day was done she was more than happy and bolted out of there as fast as she could. She ran home to grab her Haegeum and rushed to the city square. This was her routine every day. After work she went to meet Star to perform and hopefully she would get enough for dinner.

“Nora!!” Star shouted from in front of the bread shop. Nora ran up to her breathing heavily.

“Am I late?” Nora asked surprised that Star was here before her.

“Nope I was hanging around here all day so I just happen to be early.” She said smiling wide obviously proud of herself.

“Then we can start early.” Nora took out her Haegeum from its shabby case.

                As the girls set up in the center of the crowd people didn’t seem to notice them like usual. Everyone seemed to be in a rush to get home. There was a tangible tension and the air was heavy. Glancing around Nora watched the people pass then looked up into the sky. It was a bright vibrant blue but a gray film seemed to filter it. Something was terribly wrong. Just as Nora got settled to play there was a high pitched shout.

“Foreign Soldiers!!!”

                All came to a stop. Eyes darted left and right searching the area for unwelcomed, unfamiliar, unfriendly faces. Then that’s when the synchronized marching of metal clad feet was heard, they were coming from all four entrances to the city square blocking them off.

“Attention!!” One soldier on a horse commanded his comrades. The swift sound of metal moving rapidly was heard in square as they straightened in attention. “Stay still or be killed, chose!” The soldier on the horse said to the people in the square.

                With those six simple words chaos erupted. Men threw themselves onto the soldiers and immediately died when they drew their swords. They began to advance on the people.

“Star!!” Nora shouted. In the confusion she had lost her. “Star!! Ppyol!!! Yah!!!” She shouted calling out her given name but to no avail. The shouts and cries drowned out her voice.

                Carrying her Haegeum she struggled against the wave of running people. She continued calling her friend but it was no use. With all the screaming and confusion she would never hear her. Suddenly she fell to the ground. A soldier had a chunk of her wig in his hand and was dragging her on the floor. She kicked and screamed while trying to claw at his armor. Annoyed he slapped her across the face with his metal enclosed hand. Refusing to give in she continued to struggle. Fed up the soldier turned her around, with the of his sword he hit the back of her neck. In an instant she was nothing more than a rag doll in his arms.

“Prince Yano!!!” A housemaid shouted bursting into the dining room where he was being served his dinner along with his four advisors.

                One of his advisors stood up banging both of his hands on the wooden table. His face red, eyes narrowed and his mouth set into a grim line.

“Get out!!” He shouted. “That is no way to address your King!”

“Prince Yano please!!” The housemaid begged trying to get her words out as fast as possible.

“Guards!! Guards arrest this woman!!” He said gesturing to the guards at the door posts. The two men pulled her up from her arms and started to drag her out. But she fought against them furiously until they couldn’t hold onto her anymore. She ran to Yano’s chair and dropped to her knees bowing her head.

“Prince! My prince foreign soldiers have seized the city square!! They are killing off the men and capturing women and young ones!” She put her hands on the floor and rested her head on top of them. “The city is in chaos my Prince!”

“What foolishness…” The same advisor hissed going over to her and pulling her up by yanking her arm. She cried out in pain and held her injured limb. “How are you not able to hold a simple maid?!” He shouted at the soldiers.

“It’s true! It’s King Hansol!!” She struggled against the advisors grip. “King Hansol has invaded the city!!!” She started to cry because of the sheer pain she was in as the advisor gripped her.

“Woman know your place!!!” He shouted at her while shaking her body.

“Enough!!!” Yano said silencing everyone. The only sound was of the maid whimpering. Yano glared down at his advisor his blood red eyes seeming to glow reflecting his anger. “Let her go.” He commanded and immediately the advisor released her. “Send two of our soldiers to scout the city.. I want our army ready and waiting.”

“You’re going by the word of a mere maid?!” The advisor asked with indignation.

“Unless you are going to scout the city then be quite!!” Yano said pissed that he was being questioned. Once again the room went silent. “Why has no one moved yet?!” The two guards immediately left the room to find scouts. “And you find a nurse in the Palace for her!” He ordered the advisor. He bowed his head, sure that if he opposed the King he would regret it. He walked out with the maid behind him.                      

“My Prince what of your younger sister?” Daejun asked fearing the worst for the Princess in the invasion. Hearing this the advisor that was walking out stopped in his tracks and turned around.

“She could have died long ago Daejun! Renounce this ridiculous search!” He shouted.

“Kim Fa Xieng watch your tone.” Yano warned him. The middle aged advisor became silent once again. There were a couple of things that would make Yano’s anger spike and one of them, his worst pet peeve was anyone disrespecting Daejun. “I will keep looking for Harmony after we have driven out King Hansol’s army. Until then my kingdom is my top priority.” Yano said closing his eyes. Almost immediately the image of his younger sister when she was still a toddler manifested behind his lids. He opened them once again. Right now was not the time to worry if she was dead or alive. If King Hansol had invaded his kingdom he needed to be driven out.

“Very well.” Daejun said bowing his head. He was relieved that the Prince wouldn’t’ give up his search.

“When the scouts come back come to me immediately. I need to look at the maps in the battle room.” Yano commanded making eye contact with all four advisors before leaving the room.

                When he was so far that no one could hear his footsteps Fa Xieng turned to Daejun. His face red hot contorted with rage and humiliation.

“Your time as advisor will come to an end and when that happens the Prince nor our beloved dead Princess won’t be able to save you.” He said harshly. Daejun only watched him until he finished speaking.

“Whenever that time comes I’ll be sure to look out for you specifically, Fa Xieng.” He said then briskly walked passed him beckoning the injured maid to follow him.

                Nora moaned and rolled her sore neck. Lethargically her eyes only opened half way. The noise around her that was muted filtered through her ears. Shouting, crying and arguing. All she could see was a blurry white blinding light. Scrunching her eyebrows she tried to focus. Soldiers came into view clad in blue and back armor. They held women by their hair as if they were dogs into piles. Children huddled together in a corner crying for their parents. She recognized the kids and that recognition woke her up. She was surrounded by other men and wondered why she wasn’t with the women but then she remembered she had never changed from her work cloths when she went to meet Star.

“Star,” She whispered remembering she had never found her. “Star!

“You’re awake! Wonderful our commander needs more entertainment.” A soldier said hovering over her like a dungeon.

                Roughly he pushed her down making her face kiss the dirt then yanked her wig up. He dragged her to a large tent and threw her on the ground. She heard laughter from people surrounding her.

“Isn’t he too frail to be a man?” Someone said. Nora got on her knees and glared at the soldiers.

“The lad has a black eye!” Another said laughing.

“Rough night boy?!” There was a howl of laughter from them. Slowly she stood up. She stumbled a bit but held herself up without saying a word to them.

                A young boy say on a comfortable chair dressed in white pants and shirt a red handkerchief on his left . His hair was a strange shade of blue and silver shaped like a bowel with a bang that reached his eyebrows. His eyes the color of hazel amber flowed watching her. A smirk twitched onto his lips before disappearing and she wasn’t sure if she saw it at all. He sat back in his chair not saying a word.

“What happened boy? Your knocked you good?!” There was more laughter. Then someone came into the tent a girl behind them. Nora looked up and gasped putting her hands to her lips. The young man on the seat smirked again. Things were getting interesting.

“Star!” She shouted going over to where the soldier had thrown her. “Oh gosh Ppyol are you ok?” Star looked up at her friend and started to cry while holding her tightly. “Shhh it’s alright you’re ok.” Nora said hugging her back.

“You two must be lovers.” Someone said before pulling them apart.

“No let go of me!! Let go of me!!” Star cried trying to go back to Nora.

“Let go!!! Get your hands off of me!!” Nora screamed at the soldier trying to get away from him.

“For a man you’re like a little wench!!” The soldier grabbed onto her wig and pulled it hard hopping to silence her.

                The wig came off and out of it Nora’s long curly pitch black hair flowed out. She ran back to her friend finally freed from the soldier and hugged her even more tightly than before.

“You !” The soldier said surprised he went to go get her but a dagger flew between her and the soldier and all laughter ceased.

                The young boy stood and crossed between them and pulled the dagger out of the tent fabric. He walked up to Nora and patted her head. Some of her curls tangled his fingers but he gently pulled them out. She pulled away from him the intimate touch making her guard stronger than before. She watched him wearily.

“I wondered how long you would try to deceive us.” He said still going to caresses her hair and twirled one curl on his finger. She pulled her head away yet again, he clearly wasn’t getting the message. “I wasn’t aware that in Prince Yano’s kingdom there were such beautiful women.”

“King Hansol you shouldn’t touch a peasant girl’s filthy hair.” One soldier said stepping close to him. Hansol ignored him.

“What do you want with us?” Nora asked trying to stoke Star’s back to calm her down. She was shaking. Hansol glanced at Star that strange glow back in his eye. He looked at Nora again and traced the circle that made up her black eye.

“Woman, your name,” He said refusing to stop playing with her hair. He went right back to the same curl after tracing her black eye.

“Answer me first.” Nora responded her voice wavering. That earned her a smack on the head with the sword sheath from a soldier.

“Now your place peasant!” He shouted. Annoyed she turned to him and glared. Her light brown eyes flashing red and he backed off some.

“Nora…” Star whimpered holding onto her tight. “I’m scared.”

“I know. You’re alright.” She replied turning her attention back to her. “Don’t worry.”

“Nora isn’t a good name for a girl like you.” Hansol stood up and began to circle the girls walking ever so slowly. “I’ll give you a new one.” He stopped walking and touched her cheek. “I’ll name you, Hana” She turned her head away in disgust. He was treating her like some kind of pet. “As to what I want,” He shrugged his shoulders then smirked again. “Relieve my boredom my beautiful Hana.” He said it as if it was the simplest request in the world.

“What do we do with them your liege?” A soldier asked. Hansol looked from Nora to Star.

“Take them back outside.” Was his verdict. Nora looked down at Star seeing the panicked expression on her face made her heart race. If they went back out they would either be used as entertainment or killed.

“Wait King Hansol!” Nora said as the soldiers started to grab their arms. She shook them off. “Please let her go. I’ll stay so please let her go home.” She pleaded her head bowed. Hansol watched in interest.

“How does that profit you and I, Hana?” He asked taking his seat once again. She tried to go up to him but the soldier grabbed her arm holding her with an iron grip.

“Star has a home and a family!!! I don’t have anything to go back to, no one is waiting for me. If you let her go I’ll stay to become your slave!”

“Nora no!” Star shouted shaking her head but she ignored her.

“A slave,” He mused. Taking his dagger he placed the tip onto his bandaged thumb. He pressed against it and when he drew blood he seemed satisfied. “I like this. I’ll let the girl go home and I gain a maid servant.” He set his eyes and Star. “She has her freedom.” He said.

                Two soldiers were at their sides again. They pulled the girls apart and one grabbed star hoisting her up by her waist to carry her out. Star screamed for her friend but Nora had her back turned and did her best to ignore her cries. It took all of her will power not to turn around and go back to her but she made a deal with the devil and she wasn’t going to break it.




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