Base Staff Line 1

~Masterful Composition~

A young girl say on the floor at the door of a bread shop. The smell wafted her nose tauntingly but she sat still at her spot. With no money to buy the bread she was just plain out of luck. Her hair was very dark almost like the night sky. Her cloths were basically rags and her tanned skin looked darker because she was a peasant. She was dirty and couldn’t wash up as often as she would like. Her eyes were a curious case. Most times they were a brown but if reflected in the mirror or sun ray hit them it appeared that they changed color to a florescent fiery red. They shined brightly as they watched the villagers go by, her light hazel brown iris softly looking at a group of children playing in a corner with sticks.

“Nora!” Another young girl shouted running to her. Breaking her concentration on the children she looked up. The girl stopped running and put her hands on her knees to catch her breath. “You’re so early! Why can’t you just relax before coming?”

“Habit,” Nora answered opening her eyes to look at her friend. “Nice outfit,” She said with a laugh.

“You like it?” She asked twirling around to show it. “My mom made it for me,” She wore very sleek looking slacks long with red shoes and a white lace shirt. It was very flashy for what they were going to do. “Prince Hansol retreated his men from the neighbor kingdom plus its Resting Days soon.”

“Star you don’t celebrate that,” Nora reprimanded making her hush. “We’re always at war!”

“But Prince Hansol is just so dreamy,” She responded hearts in her eyes. Nora stared at her for a moment then she stood up to walk away. Noticing this Star latched onto her arm. “Time to make some cash.” She said completely changing the subject. Nora hated to talk about the constant wars that plagued all 12 kingdoms.  It wasn’t something pleasant to think that every minute someone was dying a senseless death.

“Smart girl aren’t,” Nora laughed ruffling her hair. Star playfully glared at her but eventually giggled.

                The two girls set themselves up in the middle of the crowd Nora took out her string instrument, a Haegeum, from her bag. It was scratched up, dirt and old but it was still good. Star placed a hat in between the two of them. The crowd started to make a little circle around them. The two girls made eye contact, Nora started to play her haegeum and then both of them started to sing.

                Yano walked through the capital listlessly. His search last night yielded no results. For the past two months it was the same thing over and over again every night. Annoyed with himself he glared at anyone who set their eyes on him. He would have started to give up if he hadn’t been with her when they were younger. But he didn’t doubt that she could be dead at this point of her life. Disease and abuse in the kingdom was not uncommon. His gaze settled on a bread shop near the capital square and his stomach rumbled. By his dry throat he knew that the full moon was soon but that didn’t stop his other urges. There was food at the castle but he was sure there was no way he could wait that long. So with his mind made up he went inside. The wonderful smell of fresh baked bread wafted his nose making his stomach grumble even more.

“Excuse me?” He asked politely looking over a glass case that was littered with different types of baked bread making his mouth water.

“Coming!” A voice yelled back. A couple of minutes later a middle aged robust women came from behind the kitchen. She smiled at him. “What may I do for you young boy?”

                Yano had on a cloak with a hood that hid most of his face. He put it down and bowed slightly at the woman. Most people in the kingdom had never seen his face. Since his father was ruler it was never necessary for him to show his face to the public.

“I want two of your finest loaves of bread.” He said digging out money from his pocket.

“Aren’t we rich? Why don’t you get something a little less expensive and save that.” She suggested. She knew kids got in over their heads when they had some money but that little bit could barely but them half a loaf.

“I can afford it.” He said knowing she thought he was a common peasant.

                Shrugging she brought the bread out and packaged them still skeptical as she put her hand out to collect the money. Yano gave it to her and took the bread immediately taking a bite. The woman gave him his change surprised that he could actually afford the bread. As he chewed he made his way out. It wasn’t half as good as the Royal Bakers but food was food. He sat outside the bakery and watched as a small circle started to form in the square. Curious and still eating he went to the open circle. There was a young dark skinned girl with pitch black hair and light brown eyes playing a beat up haegeum in dirty cloths. Beside her stood a taller girl her hair dirty but blond in red shoes, black pant and a white shirt. Both girls were singing animatedly a hat in front of them. Their voices harmonized well with each other and her playing was above good. A couple children came and started dancing in front of them and the other blond girl joined them happily. Once they finished the girl who played the haegeum took up the hat and went around the crowd. Some people put money in it and others didn’t. All the same she would smile and thank everyone. She finally made her way to Yano. With that same smile she offered the half empty hat.

“How much do you want?” Yano asked looking at the girl. For a peasant she was unusually beautiful which was rare unless you belonged to a Red Light district and were required to wear make-up. There was something odd about her. She cocked her head to the side and the sun hit her eyes turning them red for less than a second. Yano raised his eyebrows and thought it only the sun playing tricks on him.

“Anything you would like to give us.” She said happily her smile brighter than he had expected. Her hat was half empty, she was a beggar and he was more than certain her living conditions weren’t the best. How could she smile like that?

                Yano stayed silent for a moment then before the girl walked away he pulle out some money and put it in the hat then gave her his whole untouched loaf.

“What’s your name?” He asked keeping her with him for a little while longer.

“Oh umm….I’m Nora.” She whispered staring at the bread and money. She bowed her head. “Thank you for this.” She said gratefully.

“Nora you play very well.” He complimented giving her a kind smile.

“Thank you.” She said bowing again. She smiled once more then went ahead to ask others for money.

                Yano stayed a little more to watch the two beg. But he was more focused on that girl Nora. Her smile never faded as she asked and people refused. After a while she went back to her friend, packed up and tried to walk away when one of the children hung onto Nora’s leg.

“Noona will you give me some please?” A small boy asked glancing at the big loaf of bread.

“Uh huh, no someone gave that to her,” Star said but Nora held her shoulder and shook her head.

“It’s alright Star.” Nora said bringing out the bread. “Here.” She broke off half. “Make sure to share with the others if they ask ok?”

“Yup!!” The boy nodded thankfully and then ran off.

“You’re too nice.” Star mumbled. Their lives were hard enough. She didn’t want to be mean but they were just as hungry as every other person. She wished her friend looked out more for herself than others.

“You’ve always said that.” Nora giggled.

“Yeah, I’ve always said that and that your name doesn’t suit you.” Star rolled her eyes. “You should have been named Peace or something. Anyways how much did we make today?”

“Not much but we did get bread!” She replied on a cheerful note.

“That you gave half to another kid.” Star responded dryly.

                The girls say down outside of the bread shop. Ignoring Star’s comment Nora broke another half of the bread and gave it to her while she munched on what was left. After they ate the girls went their separate ways promising to meet the next day to try again. The profits from today’s performance wasn’t much but it usually never was. With splitting the money in half it was barely enough to buy a decent meal. So they only kept the money to save up.

                Yano entered the castle grounds with his hood still over his head. As a result two guards tried to stop him from coming inside. Promptly he took off his hood and glared up at the guards. They immediately apologized and continued their work patrolling the grounds. Once inside the castle maids helped him out of the cloak bowing respectably.

“Any luck, my prince?” his advisor Daejun asked when Yano entered the castle library.

                Daejun was the oldest of the four advisors. He had been serving Yano’s family in the same position for three decades. He was a hunch back with wrinkly dull skin, gray hair and droopy eyes. The old man was kind and held a soft heart in him. To Yano he as like his grandfather giving him advice on life not only about affairs of being the Prince and ruler of his kingdom.

“No,” Yano sighed sitting at his desk. He put his head own frustrated. “Are you sure she’s alive Daejun? She’s been missing for years.”

“Your parents gave her to people they trusted to keep her out of this ongoing war. I was there. Don’t lose faith Prince Yano.” The old man said standing beside him, he ruffled his hair. “I’m sure she has grown into a beautiful young girl.”

“If she’s still alive anymore.” Yano said morbidly. “Why am I even looking for her again?” Daejun smacked Yano on the head with a book he had been reading. “Ow!!!”

“Your younger sister is the only other family that you have left my prince. Also if anything is to happen to you she will be ruler by default.” He said shaking his head at Yano. He understood that the boy was annoyed with his fruitless search but he did wish he would be more positive.

“Wasn’t the point of sending her away for her not to be involved in the war?” Yano looked out the window in front of him. He remembered that when his sister went missing he was about thirteen or fourteen years old. She was almost a six years old and he would always play with her. She was a feisty one that loved to climb things and would always get scolded for it. When she got yelled it she would always run to him crying. At such a young age she could understand her position in the world and knew she had to act a certain way but she hated it. When she got scolded she would act like a tough little soldier and only cry in front of him. The kid had too many responsibilities even though she was still a baby.

“I do respect your parents decision but the family does have to stay in power of the kingdom will fall into more turmoil.” Daejun explained. Yano focused on a cloud in the sky that reminded him of a bird. When their father decided it was time to send her off Yano had overheard the conversation the night before. He had tried to hide with her in the castle so they wouldn’t take her but their father found them and he couldn’t remember anything else. His memories of her for some reason couldn’t be all pieced together.

“I don’t even remember her name.” Yano said closing his eyes. He knew that he loved his sister more than anything so it made him upset that he couldn’t remember her name. Yet he had little recollections of her. Daejun watched him in concern, their father was not a rash man. His decision to put his only daughter in hiding was something he could never understand and what he did to both of his children, he just could not seem to come up with a good enough reason for all this.

“Her name is Harmony but I’m sure the family she’s with now must have changed it.” He said his gaze not wavering. There was a lot of pressure on him and aside from Daejun he had no one else for support. Once the princess was found maybe it would help him.

“Harmony, Father did love music.” He mused. When he was younger the King would try to teach him how to play instruments. He had never really latched onto it but he enjoyed singing and the music of others. Sadly he wasn’t sure if Harmony had caught onto playing instruments. “I saw two girls singing and playing the haegeum at the city square.”

“Oh that’s wonderful. Peasants are full of surprises.” Daejun said nodding in approval.

“They were doing it for money. No one gave them too much. Her hat was half empty so I gave her what I had and a loaf of bread I bought.” He recounted remembering her beautiful face.

“She must have been a good player.” Daejun remarked. Regardless of skill Yano would have given peasants all of his money. The young Prince was a kind hearted person.

“She played very well. It surprised me. Someone of such a low social class…” Yano mused. “Her name is Nora.”

“Nora is a strong name.” Daejun said. “I’m glad you enjoyed your trip. But now it’s time to study your lessons.” Yano groaned. If only the old man was senile enough to forget his lessons.

                Nora was having a peaceful sleep. The bread the young man had given her even though she shared it made her feel full. But as the night went on her body absorbed her only meal for he ay. It was three in the morning when she finally made her way to the small kitchen. Her stomach growled so as she walked she patted it gently.

“Alright, alright I’m coming.” She whispered groggily.

                As she made her way into the living room that also become a tiny kitchen with only a fridge she heard strange grunts. Her walking slowed and the noise subsided. She continued and when she got there she saw shadows moving in the dark, the grunting suddenly became louder and she heard a women .

“Auntie?” Nora whispered doubtfully.

                The grunting stopped then she felt big burly and rough hands seize her wrists. She felt the person drag her to where she knew her aunt was. She started to kick and scream refusing to be dragged further. The man punched her in her eye to shut her up but she wouldn’t, before she receive another blow she bit his arm and ran out of the house crying. Unsure of where to go and knowing how dangerous the streets were at night she made her way to the side of the little house, climbed the walls and laud on the irregular metal roof. Her chest heaved up and down as she tried to catch her breath. Gingerly she touched her eye but quickly pulled it away. She felt as if it was throbbing in the socket. Tears started to well in both eyes but before she let them overflow again she tried to open that eye and see through it but all she saw was darkness even though the moon was right above her. Without warning she started to sob. TO hold in her wails she covered . The last thing she wanted was that brute looking for her. Looking up at the moon with her one good eye gradually made her calm down until she finally only looked on silently. She had been living with her aunt and uncle since she was younger. She had no idea what had happened to her parents and every time she asked her aunt wouldn’t answer her. As for her uncle she never saw him because he served in the Royal Army for the past 18 years. Her aunt might as well been single. She knew her aunt had started to e her body because of lack of money but she didn’t think she did it in the house. Now that she had calmed down an annoying itch settle in .

“I’m thirsty,” her stomach growled. “And hungry.” She closed her eyes and let the moon watch her as she slept.



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