The worries.

The love's chance

He was sweating, nervously, as he stood in the jail’s entrance. Bang Yung Guk was released as soon as the trial ended, and he had to pack his things before leaving the jail completely. Daehyun was expecting some scolding, some lecturing, but mostly he expected a change. He feared that his beloved hyung will not be the same anymore. A soft hand patted on his back and looked down to look at Cho Souha who insisted to be there with him.

“Why are you so nervous?” she asked him. He didn’t answer sighing. “He won’t be that much of different in some days…”

“Two months… he had been in this sickly place for two months Souha.” He said with a broken tone. “I just wish nobody did hurt him in there.”

“He can surely protect himself.” Daehyun glared on Himchan, who was eating a sandwich with the four others, too hungry to even act nervous like the man was. However, the sounds of open doors made Daehyun freeze. Soon enough, a tall strong looking man stepped out of the gates, wearing a sleeveless shirt, a pair of jeans, and a smile on his face. Daehyun didn’t know why his sight blurred, he stood there while the others rushed to hug their leader, happy to see him free. Souha noticed Dae’s expression and smiled waving to Bang Yung Guk who smiled, throwing the bag he had in hand and rushed toward Daehyun whom he hugged so tight that the poor kid whimpered.


“I own you my life, Dae. Thank you so much, brother.” Bang Yung Guk said shaking in his own sobs when Daehyun started sobbing.

“I thought I will lose you too, I thought… I’ll be alone again.” Daehyun said holding on the man’s shirt.

“I know, I know… but I am not leaving you, Dae.” Bang Yung Guk patted on his back before breaking free. “Oh look how thin you became.” He looked over Himchan, falsely glaring. “You promised to take care of him.”

“If I could have a hold on him, surely I would but he does what he want when you are not around.” Himchan chuckled as they walked to the mini-van, Bang Yung Guk’s car. They started getting in when a hand held Souha and she looked up to a mysterious Bang Yung Guk.

“Can we talk? In private, I mean.” She nodded while Daehyun was pushed back in the van before he could step out, his protests muffled between hands and arms. They stood away and she made sure to face Daehyun, smiling to him reassuringly. “I got a hold on everything you did for me and I am really thankful for that…”

“There is a but coming.” She said with a soft chuckle. “I know you may not trust me after all what people from where I come did to you…”

“I don’t care about what people will do to me… I don’t want Daehyun to be hurt. I’m his only family and they are all mine.” He said simply, sighing loudly. “I just want to point out that you come from two different social environments, you are both culturally different… to let your hormones lead your way now is an idioty, and I am not saying that to you so that you will leave him. I am saying so because I don’t want him to get hurt, and neither you.” He looked over the obviously worried Daehyun. “losing his parents left a huge crack in his personality… if he truly fell for you and ended up losing you, it may destroy him completely, and I don’t want to witness that.”


“So, don’t pull hhim closer to you if you aren’t going to stay by his side forever, don’t make a further step if you aren’t going to stay with him even in the time when the love you share fade.” Bang Yung Guk said with a cold tone. “It doesn’t matter when and how, he will be hurt if you leave his side. So decide now.” She widened her eyes in shock and he smirked. “Shocked? You should be, because I want you to make the decision as soon as possible. It’s either your old life, or a whole new kind of life, where I swear you won’t find the same previleges you already have." 

She stood stonned, as she observed Bang Yung Guk show her a small smile before taking the passanger seat. Souha soon found a spot in Daehyun's laps, while the man surrounded her with a worried expression in his face. 

"What did he tell you?" She just smiled and shook it off before leaning to hug him and paste a soft peck on the cheek before resting her head on his neck. He litterally glared on Bang Yung Guk for a second when suddenly they the music and they started singing, all of them. She looked up shocked as Daehyun sang with them.

"You sing so well..." She mumbled in daze as she looked straight into Daehyun's eyes when suddenly he sang a ballade for her, making everybody else observe them either in shock or in awe. She blushed as he finished. "Thank you for the song."

"Thank you for existing in my life." Just as he said so, a fit of cough caught Bang Yung Guk.

"Hey buddy, slow down with that bottle of water." mused Himchan who knew why the man reacted that way. They all could guess it, even Daehyun. Bang Yung Guk was Daehyun's gardian, and he was overly protective toward him, especially after the years where Daehyun was a lifeless doll, not speaking to anyone or socializing with anyone. It was a true hard work to pull Daehyun out from the hole he was in and the twenty nine years leader didn't want to relive the same thing. He wasn't ready for another Daehyun doll. As well, Souha could understand it. She could see the possissiveness in their both behaviors. Didn't Daehyun go wild for Bang Yung Guk, just two weeks ago, kidnapping her?

"Souha... I know that something is bothering you. What did you tell her hyung?" Daehyun chose to ask his hyung instead while Souha felt tears build up in her eyes.

"I told her that both of you are from two different words so she have to give up on everything if she want you by her side..."

"But I am not going to force her to. I know that she is from a rich environement while I'm a orphan, almost illitrate, fisher..." Souha bursted into tears, trying to be as silent as possible. "Souha..."

"I want you to be with me, I swear..." She whispered in his ear. "But he is right, I'll hurt you, if I am not able to be happy with you then I will hurt you and I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't hurt me. Souha, I know you won't..." Souha pushed her faced away and shook her head before looking at Bang Yung Guk reflection in a small mirror fixed right in front of him. The man was tense.

"How can you know that? How can you be sure of that? How?" She said suddenly facing Daehyun who suddenly pulled her to a kiss, while the three guys siting next to them made faces. 

"Do you remember what we said before... making love?" Daehyun whispered. "I knew everything will be hard for us. No, I knew it will b hard for me since I'm not... I am out of your league."  Souha shook her head, about to protest, but Daehyun kissed her again. "Don't worry yourself. I am ready for it. Just be happy, and it is all I need." 

Do you truly think it is enough? 

That what crossed Souha and Bang Yung Guk's minds. 

They reached the B.Y.G and The leader almost bursted in tear caressing every corner. "I truly thought I will never see it again." Daehyun smiled as Bang Yung Guk looked at him. The man pulled Daehyun closer and they got in the small cubicle that serve as Living room, while Souha stood out of the room, trying to contol herself. YongJae noticed her outside and stepped out.

"Won't you come in?" He asked her and when she shook her head looking away to dry a tear that almost fell. "You shouldn't take hyung's word in heart, he's just a worried man who keep pushing us away from hurt. But you know, Hurt is something existing in our lives since its creation. We can't run away from hurt, no matter what we do." He noticed Souhan's eyes on him. "Hurt him, just stay and hurt him." She blinked in surprise. "He will be hurt if you leave but he won't die, and he will move on. Everybody moves in life, Souha. If he didn't move on from all the bad thing he lived, he won't be the man you fell for." 

"He's right." another voice made them look at Zelo who was standing there with the others behind. "For once, I admit Yong Jae hyung said something logic and useful." 

"Hey!" Yong Jae yelled but it was soon ignored, as Himchan pulled him away and Zelo surrounded her shoulders, giving her a small squeeze.

"Hyung is just being a protective dad, I bet your father would have said and done the same to you if he had Daehyun as son" Zelo said before looking at the leader who had a straight face, while inside he was feeling a little guilty. "He's sooo protective that he hurts us as well, like he did hurt you." 

"Yah, I didn't mean it like this! I was protecting her and Dae!" Yung Guk protested standing next to Zelo who glared at him and he pouted looking away when Himchan stood next to them. 

"You can't predict the future, also, Souha's father is not against the relationship, and I think that they can be a really lasting couple." 

Yung Guk pushed them away and glared on them. "What if it won't last? Why can't you see that Daehyun just got on his feet? Do you want to deal with his lifelessness like the first time we met him? I don't want to encounter that, I don't think I'll ever be able to endure that again." He took Daehyun by the shoulder and shook him again. "I don't want you to be hurt, Dae. I just... I don't want you to..." Daehyun pulled him to a hug while Yung Guk let out aloud sigh. "I am not really able to deal with another doll, it was hard to pull you out of it." 

"I was a kid back then and I was alone." Daehyun made a chuckle. "I have you holding my back." Guk made an experated expression. "Don't worry so soon, hyung. It will hurt you more than me." 

"And stop spoiling him." Himchan huffed. "He's not the only orphan in the group." Guk glared at him while Souha paled. "Now are we cool? Will you let him have the girl he fell for?" 

"Okay! Okay! but don't be mad at me if I say "I told you so" later on." Guk said surrounding Daehyun's shoulders.

"When did you ever say that?" Himchan punched his Hyung's back and Guk acted like he was hurt. "Look at the big baby that you are." Daehyun left their side and stepped closer to Souha.

"Still sad?" She shook her head. "But I can feel that you are." She sighed and he pulled her closer. "I love you. I love you despite the fact I am sure things will be tough but I am ready to make it easy for you."  She gave him a small smile and looked away.

"I think he's right. I'll hurt you. But then, your friend YongJae and the others are right as well. I don't know what to think." Hands made her look back to Daehyun who pulled her closer and kissed her with love. "Dae..." 

"As long as I can have you in my life, please don't leave. I'll be hurt anyway, either you go now or later, but... If you go later, then at least I had you." Daehyun said clearly, between kisses. "I want to be happy with you by my side, to fall sick with you by my side, to depress with you by my side... I want to live with you by my side. Please, don't leave me now." 

Souha teared up more. "I didn't want to but.... " he caressed her lips. "Dae..." 

"You make me want to eat you, right now." Daehyun diverted the discussion away as he kissed her deeper, before pushing her away. "Let get married." 

"Huh" She looked at him a if he was insane and he laughed.

"You should see your face." he laughed and she pouted punshing his arm softly.

"Don't joke like that." She sulked and went to sit next to Zelo who, by pure habit, surrounded her shoulders. She soon joined their discussion, while Daehyun was observing her with a smile. 

"I wasn't joking." he mumbled mostly to himself.

The next day, Souha's father was surprised to see Daehyun in his office. "Oh Daehyun ssi, what an unexpected visit." he said as the man got in. 

"I wanted to come personnaly and speak to you about something really serious." The man raised an eyebrow as Daehyun stood in front of him with a serious expression. "I know I'm merely a fisher for you, but I've been having online classes, and I'll pass my exam soon. If I made it for the exam, and manage to get my diploma, can I have a chance to marry your daughter?" 

The man chuckled amused for a moment, and stood to study Daehyun more. "What are your online study?" 

"I'm double majoring in Laws and Market's management. Nobody knows that , so please don't let Souha know." the man had the mouth wide open in front of Daehyun, shocked by the information. "I persued studies in secret because my hyung had barely made it for the college when he got the BYG and he gave up on his studies to take care of that ship and grew a crew. I didn't want to look... like someone with better possibilities than his."

"Your relationship with Bang Yung Guk is clearly a strong model of friendship." The man said after a second of silence. "I'll accord you that but... I have one condition." 

Daehyun felt his guts tighten. "Which is?" 

The man walked back to his desk. "Work under my commende for three months. If you manage to impress me during those months, you will marry my daughter and I'll take care of everything else. But if you fail... you will marry my daughter but the bill is on you." Daehyun made a face and the man laughed at it. "How much do you think my daughter's wedding will cost?" Daehyun realised that if the man pointed it out like that, then it means it will cost more than what he can affrod. No, what the BYG crew can affrod. 

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Chapter 7: OMG MY FEELS I IMAGINED THE WHOLE FREAKIN SCENE <3 Hye Jin I love you ~ nariiiiiii my feels ACH biti 3emdi this is so cuuuute
sapphire11 #3
Chapter 6: Omo...dun dun dun.....oh...i cant wait for them to get together and hopefully married....
The story is getting better I love it <3 see ? You are a wonderful writer :)) I wouldn't be surprised if u win Litterature Noble someday ya know ?
eyesthatsing #5
Chapter 6: The plot is just getting more and more awesome!
beejello96 #6
Chapter 5: omo!!! i like thiss story so much!! my dae>< i hope yongguk will free soon! cant wait for next chapter><
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 4: omo...both of them are just......
eyesthatsing #10
Came across this story..I'm glad i did. Such an interesting plot! Plus, this is written nicely