Cross Stitches


xx Cross Stitches xx

Jung Taek Woon | Lee So Hyun (OC)


Fate. Pain. Love. Tears


Each petal that has fallen seems like us, making my heart ache.

I love you, I love you, that's it.

Don't go.

You're mine.


(C) Casettetapesxo


Inspired by Blossom Tears MV by LYn and Leo. Some parts will be adapted.

It's been over a year (or even more) since I made a new fanfic, excluding the one shots. Though some parts of the MV like the heart scene was unexpected, the MV was really beautiful. Although Leo is my bias in VIXX, I want to use this fic to just show how I feel about certain things. Personally, I'm someone who really loves romantic things. I'm not attached, but I just like to imagine of things like that. I'm just someone who wants to translate this out into this fic, and I hope that all of the readers here will like it!

I may not be the kind of author that updates really quickly because I'm too busy, but I promise that I'll do my best in every update. 

If there's anything you want to pinpoint about the fic or praise about it, do drop a comment below!


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