Chapter 1: Photography Class

Society's Ladder

I made my way through the school's crowded cafeteria that Monday morning with two of my best friends sticking close to my side. The stares we recieved from other students were almost normal, and by this year we had grown completely used to being the center of attention. They were either checking out Karim's new shoes, staring at Minjae's sleek black leather jacket, or admiring the brown curls that bounced lively around my shoulders.

"Why are we eating breakfast today?" Minjae asked as she set her tray on our empty table and sat down. "We don't usually do this. The food is nasty too."

"Because I'm hungry," I replied flatly. "I don't know why everyone picks on the cafeteria food. It seems fine to me."

I dug my fork into the warm pancakes and ate contently.

Sighing, Karim pulled out a small hand mirror from her designer bag and adjusted the sparkly purple bow in her blonde hair. After a few moments, she pursed her lips with satisfaction and stuffed the mirror back in her purse. "How'd the date go with Jaehyo last night?"

"Don't even get me started on that," I said as I rolled my eyes. "He was much too fascinated with the brand of BB cream I used rather than the movie we agreed on watching." 

Minjae held back a burst of laughter and took a sip from her milk carton. 

"I mean If I wanted to date a chick I would've done so already," I continued to complain." He's no different than the stereotypical gossip girl that plays with her hair while popping pink bubble gum."

"Well why are you dating Jaehyo in the first place if you don't like him?" Karim asked.

I sighed. "Because he's the most popular guy in school. It's basically what society would expect of me. It makes sense that the most popular girl would date the most popular guy, right?"

Karim nodded slowly "But if he doesn't make you happy there's really no point--"

Whatever Karim was about to say was abruptly cut off by sound of someone setting a tray on our table a few feet away from where we sat. The three of us turned to see a tall blonde boy in a blue plaid shirt begin to eat his breakfast casually at our table as if he didn't know any better.

Minjae's jaw dropped. "What does that boy think he's doing?"

"Sitting at our table like he owns the place..." Karim echoed.

"Guys chill. He probably doesn't even know this is our table. Just leave him alo--" I started to say something, but realized it was pointless when Minjae flipped her short black hair and turned to the blonde boy at our table.

"You must be new here," Minjae flashed him a smile that wasn't meant to be taken in a friendly manner. "I'm sorry, but you can't sit at this table. It's occupied."

The guy stopped eating and looked at her curiously. "Occupied?"

"Yeah, by the three of us girls." Minjae scowled.

"Oh." the blonde seemed to notice he wasn't exactly welcomed at the table, so he reluctantly grabbed his tray and moved somewhere else.

Sometimes my friends and I were jerks. At least I could admit to it. 




Gathering my books, I slowly made my way to the last lecture of the day. There really was no point in photography class, especially since I've never aspired to be a photographer and probably never will. Editing pictures was a bit fun though.

"We're going to do a project that requires partners," our teacher began once everyone was seated. "You can choose a friend to be your partner, but I won't tolerate messing around in my class so please take this seriously. We also have a new student today."

A blonde boy stood in front of the classroom and bowed politely. "Hello my name is Pyo Jihoon."

I blinked. 

His voice was deep. I didn't expect that to come from someone like him. 

Everyone greeted the new student and rushed to get together with their partners. No one seemed to have the guts to partner me though, because in the end I was left alone. The teacher placed me with that Jihoon boy, so he took a seat next to me.

"Hi Soojung, I'm Jihoon," he said with a smile.

"I would've never guessed." 

"You seem familiar," he bit his lip deep in thought. "Breakfast right? You were one of the three girls from that table."

I practically winced. "That was definitely not the best first impression. Sometimes Minjae could be a jerk. I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay." Jihoon replied "I've grown a bit used to it."

"I don't know much about photography and I'm surely not a whiz at editing pictures." I said as I our shared laptop and waited for it to load.

Jihoon beamed "I happen to be great at both. Don't worry about the project we'll do fine."

"We?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Of course. This is a skill that can be taught."


The hour passed much more quickly than I expected and class was actually sort of fun. I said goodbye to Jihoon as we left and went out of the room with a smile. 

"What happened?" Karim asked as she left her math class and saw the grin on my face.


"Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news," Karim paused hesitantly "but Zico is coming down here in a couple of days."

The smile on my face immiedately faltered. "Oh."

"Just tellin you ahead of time, mkay? I need to go pick up my sister from kindergarten." She turned to leave. "Call me if you need anything."

I nodded, but wasn't listening to her anymore. My mind was elswhere and a distasteful feeling gripped my stomach. I was nervous.

What would Zico possibly want by coming over for a visit?

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sujushineegg #1
please continue!!!
Yay! Finally a story about someone like me! Just kidding! XD<br />
Anyway~ Please update *o*
Update soon^^ <br />
can't wait~~