Chapter 11

Love is Blind
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Chapter 11

Heechul was absent-mindedly cooking breakfast. Her mind was preoccupied with the drama yesterday and she was sure her husband was the same. Nevertheless they had to stay put and wait. Heechul was disturbed when her cell phone rang. She turned off the stove and walked to her phone that was sitting on the kitchen island. She was hesitant when the screen flashed an unknown number but her instinct told her it was important. So she swiped a finger across the screen to answer her call.

“aunty Heechul, good morning!” a familiar voice sounded on the other line.  

“good morning Minnie! How’s your mother?” Heechul asked the minute she answered the phone. To say she was worried after yesterday’s happenings was an understatement. So the minute Changmin called her, she had to ask.

“she’s not talking to me but she’s going about her usual routine. I guess that’s not so bad?”

“as long as she’s not shut off to the world, it’s okay. Where did you get a cell phone?”

“Appa gave me his so I could call him if there’s any problem.”

“and did you?”

“last night, when everyone was asleep. I actually sneaked back home. Umma had cried herself to sleep when I checked. I called Appa when I was back in my room.”

“how did he sound like?”

“oddly happy, not ‘jumping on the roof’ happy but ‘I got candy’ happy.”

“I don’t even know what that means.”

“that’s because you're an old woman.”


“just kidding.”

“you seem to be doing good after yesterday’s drama. Is something up?”

“Yup! Appa said that his parents want to meet Umma and me. They called us for dinner. I’m going to see my grandparents!”

Heechul didn’t want to dampen the boys spirits but she had to ask, “your Umma is okay with it?”

“that was the most she spoke. She only said a simple ‘okay’. But I’m still happy.”

“that’s good but….”

“don’t say anything!” Changmin suddenly lashed out, “why can’t everyone stop turning my mood whenever I’m happy!”

“Minnie, I know you don’t want to think about it, but you can’t ignore something like this. Jaejoong and Yunho aren’t going to fight some custody battle in court because neither wants you to be shared and I know you don’t want that either. For the three of you, it is either a complete family or the old order of things. It will be painful for you but you need to think about what you want for both your parents, especially Jaejoong. Your Umma has sacrificed so much, even her sanity and Yunho is still new at this.”

“why does everything have to be so hard?” Heechul could hear Changmin’s muffled sobs.

“the burden you have is too much for your age, but it’s yours and no one else’s. Just think of the least painful path for everyone. It will be painful, no doubt about that, but with time it will pass.”

“I’ll think about this later. For now I’m going to enjoy my time with my halmoni and harabeoji.”

“yeah, you should. Have a great time and call us if you need anything. You know we always have your back.”

“if you did, you wouldn’t throw 1 tonne of reality in my face!” Changmin mumbled and Heechul giggled at that, “talk later. Bye!” and the line hung up.

“how does he sound?” Heechul turned around to find Siwon, freshly showered and sipping on a glass of orange juice.

“not so good, not so bad either.” Heechul sighed. Siwon walked to his wife and hugged from behind. Heechul placed her hands on his arms whispering to each other that everything will be alright.


Jaejoong opened the door and scowled, but to Yunho it looked more like a cute kitten ready to pick a fight.

“hi Jaejoong!” Yunho smiled.

Jaejoong wanted to punch him in the face but she had a giant ego that wanted to claim the title of ‘the bigger person’. So she put on an awkward fake smile. “hi Yun-” two syllables and she choked. After crying all night and the vow of silence since she woke up has closed up . She spoke only once the whole day and that was when she gritted out an okay for Yunho’s dinner invitation. 8 hours later and her first attempt to speak like a diva backfired and sent her into a coughing fit.

“I told you giving me the cold shoulder would boomerang right back at you.” Changmin smirked while Jaejoong was mentally stabbing her son while glaring at him and gasping for air simultaneously.

“Changmin.” Yunho said warningly while patting Jaejoong’s back. It was a reflex action on his part but Jaejoong still wanted to break that hand that touched her. More so, she wanted to hit her head in a wall for having thoughts about hurting her son and torturing Mr I-loved- him-before-but-I-don’t-anymore-but-I-still-do-but-won’t-admit-till-I’m-dead standing in front of her.

“Umma if your done can we go?” Changmin asked while dusting of non-existent lint of his new coat. Jaejoong snapped and lunged at her son who squeaked and ran to hide behind the expensive but stupid horse ornament which Changmin knows his mother loves. Yunho was holding back Jaejoong whose was clawing wildly.

“Jaejoong no! He’s our son! You can’t maul him!” Yunho shrieked at the flailing woman in his hold.

“yeah! The law doesn’t allow it.” Changmin added from his equestrian hiding place.

“oh we can bend the law. Right Yunho? You're a lawyer, you can get me off for murdering our son right?” Jaejoong demanded from the attorney who had his arms around her face and was a bit startled when Ja

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Chapter 17: Their journey was filled with tears, laughter, and love. Minnie is so adorable with his girlfriend, sneaky Jae trying to capture their puppy love. I wonder who was behind the camera on the airplane wedding. Surely they'll look back at all these beautiful memories and continue to create new ones. Thank you for the rollercoaster ride of emotions!
Chapter 17: Rereading because i love this ❤❤❤
Chapter 13: Wooow Yunho, your stupidity knows no bounds! I'm impressed HAHAHAHA
Chapter 9: Awww Joongie~~~~ yes, do not forgive that jerk *hugs*
Chapter 8: Jung you little er can't you like stay single for some time????? D;
Chapter 17: Waaaah i love this fic ❤❤❤
Chapter 17: Finally they are together. And now I can sleep peacefully. I have enjoyed every bit of the story.. It made laugh, cry, angry, panic and so much more emotions.. I have enjoyed it and love it so much
Chapter 10: And NOW you know you love Jaejoong... Idiot!! I can't believe you are such an idiot Jung Yunho..
Chapter 15: i very much enjoy reading this...i think your the only author that i like reading in a jaejoong girl version :)