His perfect night


"EXO saranghanda!"
"Woots!!" the members shouted as we hear the champagne bottles popped
You can hear cheers and high fives going around the private room of the bar as we celebrate EXO's very successful first concert in Latin America.. We just finished our concert in Brazil!
Everybody is happy..Even Lee SeoMan seonsaeng nim is here to celebrate with us..
The music and the sound of the people from the dance area downstairs can be heard in the private room upstairs..
"Let's party!!" Chanyeol shouted while dancing around the room
"Can we go to the dance floor downstairs?" asked Chen to our manager
Manager hyung don't know what to say so he turned to Lee SeoMan seonsaengnim to ask if we can go down on the dance floor
"Of course! You are here to celebrate! Just make sure you don't get involved in anything scandalous okay?" he replied
"Yes!!!" Chanyeol and Baekhyun shouted
"Let's go!!" Tao shouted while pulling Xiumin...
One by one the members, our managers and some of our staff went down...
I don't feel like partying or dancing..I'm tired and my waist really hurts..I'd rather go back to our hotel..
"Jongin! Let's go!" Kyngsoo said while tugging my shirt sleeves
"No..you go ahead.."
"Are you okay?"
"I'm tired...I'll just go back to the hotel..."
"Are you sure? You want me to go with you?"
"No, it's okay..stay..enjoy.."
"Okay..if you need anything just call me..okay?"

I  said goodbye to our manager and told him I'll walk around first then head back to our hotel. he offered to walk with me but I turned him down and told him I won't be long and since it's already dark and I'm wearing dark clothes and a cap no one will notice or recognize me.. He said okay and asked me to call him if anything comes up...

I walked away from the bar..away from the loud music and loud voices..and the people...

Don't get me wrong.. I love my members.. I love our fans.. I live and breathe music.. I love my work..but sometimes everyhting gets so overwhelming that I feel like I'm getting suffocated and that I need to get away from everything...And this is one of those nights..

I walked along the unfamiliar streets and take in the unfamiliar sights around me.. everything here seems to be very colorful..vibrant..alive..

I continued to walk and didn't notice that I walked farther than I intend..

I noticed a couple kissing in the street near the streetlight.. I felt envious.. It has been a long time since I've been in a relationship.. My last relationship was before we debuted and it has been 3 years already.. I felt envious though I know it would be very difficult for me to date someone.. Everything we do and say always gets published.. I was hurt when the news of Baekhyun hyung  and Taeyeon noona came out.. I was hurt for them, the pain and anger left by the scandal was a big thing and I was really glad that they survived it.. Iam in no hurry to be in a relationship right now..my career comes first...

These were the thoughts that was going on my mind when I realized that I was walking on sand. Sand! I hear waves! I'm at a beach! 

I got really excited that I'm at a beach..it has been a while since I've been to a beach..the last time was.......it was an episode of Showtime..I think...I'm not sure...

I took of my shoes and walked on the sand..it's cold but not too cold...I let my feet get used to the cold.. it feels good..I felt my feet relax..

I was walking on the sand when I saw it.. Shooting star! A lot of shooting stars!! "Wow!" I breathed.. I've never seen that much shooting stars before! I can't help but smile.. It was beautiful.. I made a wish..

 I was admiring the stars when I noticed that someone was sitting down at the sand near my feet, "Hi!" I said to her.. 
She smiled and said "hello!"
Wow, nice smile! dimples too!
"Can I sit down?"
"Of course!"

I sat beside her and we were silent for a while.... I'm the type of person who keeps to himself.. I don't usually open up to anyone..it would take a while for me to warm up to a person..I need to get to know them first before I start showing or sharing my emotions..even my thoughts are usually guarded..I'm not the one to always speak what's in my mind..

I don't know why but I felt comfortable with the person sitting beside me..there's something with her smile earlier that warmed me to her...

"Beautiful isn't it?" I said breaking the silence between us...
"yes it is!" she agreed
"I like going to the beach. It calms me..gives me a sense of quiet, peace and tranquility.." I don't know why I told her..but this is true..with the work we have, we are always around a lot of people..there's always music..it is very rare that we are in solitude..in peace..and being in the beach is one of those rare moments..
"Mmmm" she sounded..I don't know if she agrees with me..


I noticed her deep black hair and tanned skin..she is actually darker than me. Finally! someone is darker than me! I smiled to myself.. Her skintone and hair color makes her look a local but looking at her round face and slightly round eyes that almost closes when she smile says that she has a different lineage.. "Are you a local?" I finally asked her
"No..I'm just here on vcation with my friends.." she said
"Where are your friends?" I looked around and I didn't see a single soul that's around us.. Oh my! Is she one of those who have imaginary friends or see dead people!?!?!? I'm not scared but that suddenly worried me "Are you seeing people that I don't see?" I asked.. I sounded more nervous than what I really feel..
And then she laughed! as in laugh out loud! It was one of those belly hugging laugh that can make you cry! Okay...now I'm getting scared...
"Look! I know I had a few drinks but I'm not drunk and definitely not hallucinating!!" she was still laughing like she can't control herself and then she hit my shoulder and continued " You dummy! I left my friends in a bar! hehehe!"
"Oh!" they are in a bar! whoosh! that was a relief! Dead people my ! Ahahahahah! I started laughing at my stupidity! 
It took a while before my laugh subsided...and then I felt the pain in my waist..
I sit up straight thinking it might help ease up the pain..I also massaged my waist..
She seemed to notice my discomfort...
"Are you okay?" she  asked
"I'm good..it's just my waist..it kinda hurts.."I  replied while still massaging my back
"Do you want to lie down? It will make you more confortable" I suggested.. I was already thinking about that but stopped myself thinking she might get offended if I just lay on my back like that....
But since she suggested it, I laid down..I moved around a little to get a comfortable position for my back..the sand feels cold and it somehow eases the pain in my waist..
I noticed that she was still sitting so I tugged at the sleeves of her shirt and told her "You can lie down too if you want"
After contemplating for a while, she laid by my side..and when she did that her fingers brushed with mine..I suddenly felt warm all over and then there are goosebumps all over my arms..I felt nervous..my hands start to sweat that sands are sticking in them...
To keep my mind busy I asked her questions...
"Do you watch the stars like this when you were a kid?" 
"No..I grew up in the city..it is very rare for me to see stars"she  said
"Aah..me too!........You know the cold sand feels really good on my back.." I  said
"I know!" she agreed and then she suddenly asked  "Why does your waist hurt?"
"It's a work related injury....I'm a dancer and I tend to exert too much effort on my waist"
"I see..then why don't you take a rest until  your waist feels better...."
"I want to, but I can't do that!"
"This is what I do for a living.."..."this is what I love to do" I wanted to be a dancer since I was a kid..I studied jazz and ballet..I dreamed to be a performer.. I don't know anything aside from dancing...
"You know...that might lead to a permanent damage if you continue to dance while your waist hurts...."
"I know...I'm taking meds to help me relieve the pain and I'll soon go in to therapy as soon as our schedule allows it"
"Can't you make a schedule for it?"
"No..the company I works for makes our schedule..we just follow them..."
"I see..well, I hope your company gives you time off to rest and do therapy..it would be more difficult for you and them specially if dancing is your way of living...."
"What about you, what do you do for a living?"
"Me? I work in a construction firm..I'm an engineer"
"Wow! Cool! A female engineer!" I can't help but smile at her..

She's an engineer! wow! just wow! she must be really smart! If she's an engineer then she's older than me..hmmm..how long does it take to finish engineering? 5 years? if she finished high school at 18 + 5, then she's 23 then..I think they take exams after graduating..if she's working already and can afford to have vacations abroad then she must be earning a lot..and if she's earning a lot already then she's what maybe 6 years older than me? Will she date a younger guy? Wait, I didn't ask if she's already dating someone..I fell asleep with these ramblings going on my head..

I didn't how long I have been asleep when I felt her breath on my face..She started combing my hair with her fingers...my heart was beating so fast..my hands are sweating..She kissed my forehead and then my lips..it was a very soft kiss..almost feather light but it rocked my whole being..i don't think my heart can beat any faster..she then whispered "Goodnight..sweet dreams baby..." I felt like my chest will explode any minute.. 

Baby??...she called me baby! Is that an endearment or that's how she sees me, a baby? Does she call the guys she dated baby too? Or she just calls everybody and her friends baby? I like babe better.. I don't want to call my girlfriend jagiya, that's sooo common.. honey sounds too foreign for me and sweetheart is too long.. wait! Why am I thinking about endearments? and why am I thinking about her in that way?? I just met her!! She doesn't even know me! My mind was getting really fuzzy...

This time I fell asleep for real...

I feel like someone the light in my room..it's getting bright..I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the sky..sky?? what the? where am I? I bolted up right..oh right! the beach! wait..where is she?? I thought she already left and I breathed in a sigh of relief when I saw her sitting there watching me "Good morning!" I greeted her..she smiled at me and my chest constricted..her smile is probably brighter than the lights in our concerts..it can even compete with the shining sun.. 

Even though we can't really see the sun rising, we can still see the sky changing colors.. It was a breath taking view...

But then we have to go...I felt my fone vibrating in the pocket of my jeans..reality calls....

"I guess it's time to go..." I said 
"yeah, we have to go...our friends might be wondering where we are..."

We walked back together to the town..we bought fresh bread and coffee at a bakery we passed byt...

We reached the crossroads where our hotels are in different directions..

"This is it....." she said...
"Yeah.." I don't want this to end...
"Goodbye Kim JongIn!"
"Good-, wait, you know me??" omo! she knows me!!  
"Of course I know you!"
"Oh..." of course he knows me..she's probably aware about EXO.. I guess there's no hiding the fact who Iam... "I enjoyed last night..thank you!" I said..I can't keep the sadness away from my voice...
"Me too! Goodluck and take care of your waist...."
"You too!" 

And with that we turned our backs on each other and went on our separate ways...but I can't stop myself from looking back at her.. I stood there for a while..watching her getting smaller and smaller until I can't see her anymore...

I didn't even asked for her name or where she's from...but I felt like I've know her for a long time...

I don't really believe in fate..but that moment I told myself if we are meant to be, we will meet again...

If not...then at least we had our perfect night last night....



A/N: I haven't decided yet if I'm going to add other chapters..this will be the end for now :)

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