My perfect night


Take me to that one perfect night
My arms around your waist
Stargazing..dreaming on and on....

Yes that was a perfect night. A once in a lifetime kind of night. Something that will never happen again.

"I love Brazil!!!" Ginger shouted over the loud party music that was playing.
Me, Gen, Ayie and Ginger are in Brazil. We are here for vacation and it just so happens that EXO are having a concert in Brazil too. Since we're already here, why not watch. We watched the concert and now we are at a local bar partying with the other EXO fans that we met at the concert.
"Let's drink to that!!" Ayie raised her tequilla shot glass and we clinked our shot glasses together and drink our tequilla.
Gen was laughing and shaking her head at us saying "hey! slow down! I can't carry 3 drunk people back to the hotel!"
"Relax! We're not drunk..we're just having fun! Here, let's toast to our friendship! To friendship!" I raised my shotglass..
"To friendship!" we all cheered..
"Wohhoooo!! Let's dance!!" Ayie shouted
The place is packed with people dancing and cheering..loud party music is blaring and you can hear people laughing and having fun.
Time passed and we almost finished the bottle of tequilla.I realized I'm getting tipsy..
"I need some fresh air..." I said to the girls.
"Are you okay?" asked Gen in a worried voice
"I'm good...just feeling a little tipsy" I replied
"Okay..don't go too far.." Gen said
"Yah! Don't forget your fone!" Ayie reminded me..
I nodded and waved to them before I went out of the bar....

The bar is not far from the is kinda far..but that night I was just walking and walking to clear my head..I passed different stores..a ice cream shop..a coffee shop and a couple making out heavily on the street. I chuckled to myself thinking what would my friends' reaction would be when then see the couple making out hehehe..

I continue to walk until I hear the faint sound of waves..walking some more I realized there's the sand..I decided to take off my sandals and walk barefoot on the sand..Feeling the cold sand on my feet  sent a kind of calmness on my slightly fuzzy brain..

The night was balmy. The moon was shining so bright and I can see stars! Lots of stars! That got me excited. Being born and raised and now working in the city, I don't usually get to see stars. 

I sat in the sand..squishing the sand with my toes..I closed my eyes and let the sound of the waves calm my brain.

When I got tired of sitting, I laid on the sand..I felt the coolness of the sand seep through my cotton shirt but I didn't mind, it's actually comforting.. Looking up at the sky I tried to count the stars and name constellations, but as Iam bad in astronomy I just contented myself with admiring the beautiful starlit sky..

Then suddenly the stars start moving! I thought I was still tipsy then I realized they were shooting stars! A lot of shooting stars! I immediately sat up, closed my eyes and made a wish. 

As I was finished  making my wish I heard someone say "Wow!", I turned around and saw the most beautiful person in the world. He was standing there looking at the sky with a smile in his face, even his eyes are smiling! The wind slightly ruffling his hair. His mouth was slightly open in awe of the shooting stars..I was staring at him while he was staring at the sky and I realized that my mouth was also slightly open as I was in awe of his perfection. He may have felt me staring at him because he looked down at me and said "Hi!"

My heart was pounding so hard that I think he can hear it. I smiled at him and said "Hello!" He asked if he can sit beside me and I said "Of course!"

He sat down beside me. We were silent for a long time. But the silence is not awkward. it is a comfortable kind of silence.

"Beautiful isn't it?" He said breaking the silence..
"Yes it is!" I answered though I don't know what is he referring to..his face? the beach? the sky? stars? the moon?
"I like going to the beach. It calms me a sense of quiet, peace and tranquility.." he continued..
"Mmmm" I sounded in agreement..
"Are you a local?" he asked after a few minutes of silence..
"No..I'm just here on vcation with my friends.." I said..
"Where are yor friends?" he looked around and when he seemed sure that there's no one else is around he said nervously  "Are you seeing people that I don't see?"
That made me laugh so hard! Oh my gosh! He looked so cute  looking kinda scared! I can't stop myself from laughing! hahahahaha!!!
"Look! I know I had a few drinks but I'm not drunk and definitely not hallucinating!!" I was still laughing and I hit him in the shoulder and continued " You dummy! I left my friends in a bar! hehehe!"
"Oh!" he sighed in relief and then he laughed too! The sound of his laugh was was like a million tiny bells ringing..
We were then again quiet for a few moments..
He seems to be thinking hard..I saw his brow creasing and then he sat up staright and started to massage his backside..
"Are you okay?" I asked
"I'm's just my kinda hurts.." he replied while still massaging his back
"Do you want to lie down? It will make you more confortable" I suggested..
He laid in the sand and shifted his body until he finds a comfortable position while I remain sitted.. I felt a tug at the sleeves of my shirt.. when I looked at him he said "You can lie down too if you want"
I laid back in the sand and then I felt the tip of my fingers brushing against his fingers..Electricity shot up through my arms and then chest and brains making my heart thud against my chest..
I suddenly become very aware that this gorgeous piece of a man is laying beside me and he might be hearing the beating of my heart...but I didn't move my fingers away from his and he didn't move his fingers too..
"Do you watch the stars like this when you were a kid?" he suddenly ask
"No..I grew up in the is very rare for me to see stars" I said
" too!........You know the cold sand feels really good on my back.." he said
"I know!" and then I asked "Why does your waist hurt?"
"It's a work related injury....I'm a dancer and I tend to exert too much effort on my waist"
"I see..then why don't you take a rest until  your waist feels better...."
"I want to, but I can't do that!"
"This is what I do for a living.."..."this is what I love to do" he said as an after thought...I can sense some something in his voice. I don't know if it is sadness or tiredness...
"You know...that might lead to a permanent damage if you continue to dance while your waist hurts...."
"I know...I'm taking meds to help me relieve the pain and I'll soon go in to therapy as soon as our schedule allows it"
"Can't you make a schedule for it?"
"No..the company I works for makes our schedule..we just follow them..."
"I see..well, I hope your company gives you time off to rest and do would be more difficult for you and them specially if dancing is your way of living...."
"What about you, what do you do for a living?"
"Me? I work in a construction firm..I'm an engineer"
"Wow! Cool! A female engineer!" He turned to face me and gave a big smile
His smile is so bright that it  made me feel that the sun was shining already......


We lapsed into another round of silence..this time I heard his little snores..he fell asleep..

I my side and propped up my arm so I was facing him..I watched him sleep..

He look so innocent... he doesn't show even an once of the iness he gives off while he's dancing on stage.. he looks so young and vulnerable..but even in his sleep his brows crease, he must still be feeling pains in his waist.. looking at him like made me feel like my chest is bursting with so much emotion..I want to touch  him and take away the pain he feels.. I want to hug him and give him some more energy to take away some of his tiredness..I want to hold him and protect him from everything and everybody  that hurts him...

I didn't realize that tears were streaming down my face until my fone beeped with a new message from Ginger..

where are u? we're going abck to the hotel...

I quickly typed in a message..

I'm at the beach..don't wait up for me..I'm okay..I'll see you later..

She qickly replied
Ok..take care!

I don't know how much longer I stayed up and watch him sleep..

I can't resist the urge anymore..I combed his hair with my fingers and lightly kissed him on his forehead and on his slightly slightly parted lips..and whispered "Goodnight..sweet dreams baby..."

I was woken up by the sound of the seagulls...I checked my watch it is 6:15am..he's still sleeping.. 

I thought he was beautiful last night...but seeing him in daylight while the sun is rising is breath was stuck in my took me a couple of tries before I was able to breathe normally...

He stirred in his sleep and his eyelids flutter..then he slowly opened his eyes..he looked confused for a while not knowing where he is..then it seems that he suddenly remembered..he looked at to me and he said "Good morning!" and he smiled..

We sat in silence as we watch the sky turn into different colors as the sun fully rises....

"I guess it's time to go..." he said
"yeah, we have to go...our friends might be wondering where we are..."

We walked back together to the town..we bought fresh bread and coffee on the bakery I passed by last night...

We reached the crossroads where our hotels are in different directions..

"This is it....." I said...
"Yeah.." he said with a tinge of sadness in his voice
"Goodbye Kim JongIn!"
"Good-, wait, you know me??" he said obviously shocked
"Of course I know you!"
"Oh..." he smiled "I enjoyed last night..thank you!"
"Me too! Goodluck and take care of your waist...."
"You too!" 

And with that we turned our backs on each other and went on with our lives....

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