came to life

Baby, I love you

Jongin went on the a vacation to Jeju island and found a mysterious shop. He went into it and saw a beautiful painting of a young boy, a prince of joseon dynasty.

He was very hesitant about getting the painting when he first saw the pricing of it but decided to get it in the end because the possessiveness in him told him so.

The shopkeeper gladly wrap the painting properly and warned him that it is no ordinary painting. Jongin didn't take it to heart. It was a very special painting.

The next morning, jongin took the earliest flight back to Seoul. During the flight he held onto the painting carefully yet securely incase of any damages.

When Jongin reached home, he went to the basement of his house and carefully hang it up on a wall with soft light hitting against it. Jongin find the young boy in the picture even more beautiful.

Later that night, after unpacking his luggage he went to bed earlier than normal because he was too tired and there's work the night after. 


"Guys, I got souvenirs for all of you!" Jongin said cheerfully after his grand walk in to the office. 

Sehun chirped in "I guess you gotta pause for a little bit because we have a newcomer here today!" 

Everyone put their hands together and welcomed the newcomer. When jongin saw him, he assumed the latter was in his mid-twenties and his gorgeous features resembles someone... A very familiar someone. 

Jongin's heart pounding like a thousand drums and he can feel his adrenaline rushing through his body. 

"PRINCE OF JOSEON DYNASTY!!" Jongin shouted.

The newcomer laughed sophisticatedly and replied, " I'm Do Kyungsoo. Nice to meet all of you and hope you guys will treat me well. And I'm no any prince of joseon dynasty. I don't do time travel."

Jongin want to dig a hole and hide his head into it. The kyungsoo guy looked just like the prince yet he claimed that he's not.

Thousands of thought flashes across Jongin's mind and finally he settled down with a conclusion. Prince must be the recarinate into kyungsoo. 

Jongin decided that he wanted to make kyungsoo his possession as well because he don't like to share.

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Chapter 1: Awwww... This is sooo cute. Bless my ovary. Its pretty well written and you need to write more kaisoo stories...^^
redplume #2
Chapter 1: This is too cute to handle! Keep writing for our KAISOO please! They are such an awsome couple! You feel me? T.T