
Baby, I love you



Jongin has never felt so in love until he saw this particular boy with such pretty features. Big doe-eyes, button nose and heart shaped lips.


Kyungsoo was a new transfer student from out of town. His father got a better job in Seoul so the whole family moved from a cosy and quiet place to a bustling city.


Jongin was dying to approach kyungsoo but he was too shy. Kyungsoo was at his senior year while jongin is just a junior. Jongin hardly met him because their schedule was different so jongin can only watch kyungsoo from far as he walks home with a thin jacket wrap around his fragile looking body.


There are three words, that I've been dying to say to you


Burns in my heart, like a fire that ain't going out


There are three words, & I want you to know they are true...


Kyungsoo received chocolates and anonymous love letter from a person and he wonder who it was from... He found it sweet and touching but he isn't in a hurry to get into relationship since he wanted to focus more on his studies.


"I'm not that handsome though..." he mumbled.


Jongin watch Kyungsoo from afar. Every time Jongin saw his crush smiling because of the sweet treats and letters he gave, he will always feel elated. His heart goes thump thump thump.


Jongin's best buddy, Chanyeol, persuaded him to confess but he said the time isn't ripe yet.


"Get him before another person does." chanyeol warned him.


Kyungsoo was revising for his geography test immensely until he bump into someone. He look up and saw a very handsome guy and he dazed a little bit.


"hmm...back to earth?" jongin shyly wave his hand in front of kyungsoo to get his attention.


jongin have no idea he will meet he angel like this and he find kyungsoo really adorable under this kind of circumstances.


Kyungsoo's cheeks were tinted in pink please the other caught him staring and then he immediately apologize.


"I'm sorry!" he said in a very sincere tone and took a bow.


Jongin blushes back as well.


"Oh, nevermind! I'm not hurt anyway. By the way you shouldn’t have bow to someone younger than you, hyung!"


Jongin handed the book back to Kyungsoo and scratch the back of his head awkwardly.


Kyungsoo thanked him profusely and walked away.


“How did he know I was older than him..?”


I need to let you know...~


I wanna say I love you, I wanna hold you tight.


I want your arms around me & I, want your lips on mine


I wanna say I love you, but, babe I'm terrified


My hands are shaking, my heart is racing

cause it's something I can't hide, it's something I can't deny.


Jongin managed to make friends with Kyungsoo afterwards as continuously bump into each other in the library. They hang out after school and kyungsoo is no longer feeling lonely. Both of them were happy with each other's presence and enjoyed every moment together.


"Congrats, bro! You're getting closer to your goal~" chanyeol snickered and winked at him before he left.


Kyungsoo couldn't deny he has a little feelings for JongIn. Every time they went out, kyungsoo's palm gets really sweaty and stutter in most of his sentences. He gets shy easily just like jongin but jongin manage to cover it well because handsome man don’t stutter! (pffttt)


Those little behaviors didn't go unnoticed by jongin.


"Maybe he does have feelings for me…or not. At least I want to try..." he smirked.


So here I go...

Baby I lo-o-o-ve you


Jongin asked kyungsoo out for a date during an afternoon saying that he has something important to tell him. Kyungsoo agreed.


With the help of Chanyeol and Chanyeol's boyfriend, Baekhyun, they set up the cafe filled with pretty balloons and other decorations. Jongin dressed up in nice clothes with cards held tightly in his hands.


Kyungsoo carefully push open the glass door, he then walked into the cafe and wondered if he got the wrong date or something because the place was nice decorated as if there's a party going on.


Melodious music started to play at the background, a guy from far walked towards his direction and as he gets closer and closer kyungsoo saw someone familiar. His heart beats so fast again. Jongin look extra handsome today.


Jongin held up the cards with words written on it.


"Will. You . Be . My . Boyfriend, Kyungsoo?"


Kyungsoo's legs wobbled a little as he stood rooted to the marble floor.  He doe-eyes stared at the board, letting the words absorb into his brain.


Chanyeol and baekhyun walked out from the kitchen with a bouquet of roses.


The couple cheered in unison, "Please say yes! Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!"


Jongin patiently awaits for kyungsoo's answer. Kyungsoo lowered his head and gave a shy nod but it didn't go unnoticed.


Jongin threw the board on the floor and rushed to hug his boyfriend immediately. He spun the smaller one until he yelp for him to stop.


"I love you, babe!"


"I-I lo-love you t...too, nini."



Baekhyun cooed, “ D’naaawww, that’s so cute! It reminds me of us”



I've never said these words to anyone, anyone at all


Never got this close, cause I was always afraid I would fall


But now i know, that I'll fall right in-to your arms...

Don't ever let me go

Big thanks to my bestie Baek_exoloves for beta-ing this. Btw you check the song here she have amazing voice! I'm sorry for any unnoticed mistakes and errors!

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Chapter 1: Awwww... This is sooo cute. Bless my ovary. Its pretty well written and you need to write more kaisoo stories...^^
redplume #2
Chapter 1: This is too cute to handle! Keep writing for our KAISOO please! They are such an awsome couple! You feel me? T.T