Chapter 1

The Movie That is Life


"Okay, okay tell me this Sa-rang. If a tree falls in the middle of the forest, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" Dong-min asked.


"Hmmmmmmm," thought Sa-rang" well you would just have to ask the animals, they'd know," she said as they both chuckled a little.


"Well, I suppose I could tap into my super human powers," Dong-min added on playfully.


"You do that, tell me how it works out for you."


"CUT! That was beautiful," exclaimed Seung-hyun, his chestnut brown eyes exploding with happiness.


At that, many people behind the cameras breathed a silent breath that some didn't even know they had been holding.


Finally. After five long retakes of the exact same scene, they were finally done shooting half of the movie. They were actually making very good progress as the movie was expected to take a year to film and it had only been months. "Catching the Little Things" was a simple movie that received a lot of hype and grew in popularity rapidly. People in every corner of South Korea couldn't wait for its premiere.


Because it was such a popular movie, only the best director could oversee it. So, Choi Seung-hyun was called in. Seung-hyun was the number one director in all of South Korea. Though was only twenty-seven, he had already directed five movies. All five were major hits.


That was how all of them, cast and set workers alike, ended up where they were at that very moment. Each cast member and worker had been meticulously hand selected by Seung-hyun himself to ensure the movie's success. This was why Kwon Jiyong wondered why on earth he was on this set. All the excessive makeup, flashy lights, and scripted scenes were not his style (XD Kris!). Yes, the movie business was not his stage. Yet he was still here. 


In truth, he was just a newbie intern on the busy set. When he signed up to be an all around intern for YG Entertainment six months ago, he was just looking something to do in his free time. All he had to do was fetch coffee for the workers, print and deliver copies, and not "get in the way of progress" as Mr. Yang Hyun-suk -AKA Yang Goon (YG)- the head of YG Entertainment, often told him kindly. The workload wasn't particularly heavy and they people were nice enough, so even though he was not getting paid, he enjoyed his "side job." 


So, for the first month of his internship, Jiyong got things for workers and kept his head low. However, throughout this entire time, his intern work never extended to outside the entertainment building.


 This was extremely boring for his adventurous spirit. It was because of his sheer boredom that, when Mr.YG told him that he could work on a movie set, outside, in Incheon - a place he hadn't been to recently- he jumped at the chance and cast all confusion aside.


Mr. YG hadn't told him much about the movie or its set, just the shooting location and the movie being promoted. When Jiyong found out he'd be part of the workers producing "Catching the Little Things," he was ecstatic, even if it was only a miniscule part!


That's the story of how he ended up were he was.


"I have exactly sixty seconds before Young-bae goes off, he needs his coffee. Now." This is what Jiyong mumbled to himself as he rushed through the other workers. He was on a mission, one that was life or death. 


He had to get Young-bae his coffee, fast. 


For an Assistant Director (AD), Dong Young-bae was actually very nice, but he said" quiet on set," he meant it. The last person to breath to loudly while the cameras were rolling received a stern talking to from Young-bae that they were, as Jiyong had later heard it," seriously reevaluating not only there careers, but their entire life."


Forty seconds left.


Jiyong shivered at the thought of Young-bae "going off" on their set, as it had yet to happen. But hat was nothing. The only thing worse than "be quite" Young-bae was "coffee. NOW" Young-bae. Legend has it that that once a person gave him his coffee five seconds to late and they were" scarred for life." At this thought, Jiyong paled, but quickened his pace. 


Twenty seconds left.


One thing was true no matter what. The only thing that could calm a raging Young-bae was coffee. It was vital to deliver the coffee on time. Jiyong ran for his life.


Ten seconds left.


Young-bae was only eight feet in front of him, he could make it!


He was only five feet from the AD when a loud, commanding voice rang out.


"CUT!!! That was beautiful!"


Though Jiyong had heard the same voice for five months straight, he had never quite gotten used to it. This was why, that after the voice resounded, Jiyong stumbled forward on his feet- the steaming hot coffee in hand. It was only because on his cat-like grace and reflexes that he was able to right himself and not spill a single drop off coffee. Especially since Young-bae was only a little over a foot away from him.


 However, once he regained his composure and looked up, his twinkling coco brown eyes met with a pair of marvelous chestnut brown.






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