Chapter 9

You're My Playground

The rest of the week passed pretty quickly. The whole week was pretty fun. I got to know GOT7 better and Daniel and Megan hung out with me a lot. The only thing I'm sad about, is that they both disagreed to go to GOT7's concert with me. Megan was acting a bit weird, but I don't know why and Daniel just basically didn't want to go see them and be trapped in a sea of fangirls. I understood why they didn't want to go with me, but that meant I had to go alone.. I was planning on asking the guys if it would be okay if I didn't go, since I would only cause them more trouble, but when I gave it a second thought, I realized that would be quite bad from me. I'd feel guilty for not going to something they invited me to.. I decided to still go on my own. Who knows maybe I meet a friend there. A lot of fangirls have the same interests right? I'm also not THAT bad with socializing, I'm just a bit shy, but since I don't want to be alone, I'll try for the sake of myself. 

The only that's been a bit weird, is that Bethany and Eli have been observing me and Yugyeom during P.E. class while we were practicing. Don't they have something else to do? They have to practice for their own choreography, right? I talked about it with Yugyeom, but being the positive little bubble he is, he told me to ignore it and it was probably just because they were bored and probably finished with their choreography, so I shrugged it off. 

It was now Saturday and I stayed home. Mom was downstairs watching Masterchef, and I was upstairs, lying on my bed with my phone in my hands. I was talking to Jenny and to some people from twitter. My mom shouted my name from downstairs, I got startled and dropped my phone on my face.. 


"WHAT?" I yelled back, because I couldn't hear her. 

"I ASKED IF YOU WANTED TO GO TO THE SUPERMARKET WITH ME!" Mom shouted back. I finally understood what she meant and ran downstairs. I was wearing a thick pair of leggings and an oversized sweater, so I could just go in these clothes. When I came downstairs, my mom had her jacket on, still trying to put on her shoes. I slipped my pair of docs on and a jacket. 

"Sweetie, you're gonna freeze if you don't wear a scarf or gloves," she said. Just then, I remembered the scarf Daniel gave to me. I grabbed it and went outside with my mom. We went by car, so we wouldn't have to carry anything if we bought a lot. 

"What are you gonna buy?" I asked.

"Just some groceries. What do you want to have for dinner?" She asked. I thought for a while. I haven't had pizza for a while, so maybe me and my mother could make one together. It would be fun, right?

"Wanna make pizza together?" I asked. 

"Yes! Pizza it is then!" My mom said and started the car. The supermarket is pretty near my house, so we got there in like 2 minutes. Luckily, there weren't a lot of people. I grabbed a shopping cart and started looking around for ingredients. My mom yelled after me, but I was too busy looking at ingredients that I didn't hear her. My mom ended up sighing and just followed me. 

"Anna, don't pick too many ingredients," she said, while I was filling the shopping cart with tons of ingredients. I also put a smoothie in the cart and some chocolate. My mom shook her head when she saw them, but just let me buy them. I grinned, because my mom normally puts them back without me noticing. I was walking pretty fast with the cart, until I almost bumped into someone, or two people. 

"Oh my god! Sorry sorry," I said and bowed. I continued looking through the shelves.

"Anna?" Someone said. I looked up and saw it were Daniel and Megan. My mouth slightly opened, but then turned into a smile. 

"Meg! Daniel!" I said and hugged them. 

"Hey, little one. Thanks for noticing us earlier," Daniel joked and ruffled my hair. I put it back into place and shrugged. 

"What you doing here?" Megan asked.

"Just grocery shopping with le moms," I said, continuing looking through the shelves. I saw what I was looking for and put it in the cart. 

"Megan! Daniel!" A woman's voice yelled. I turned my head and saw my mom. Megan and Daniel smiled at my mom and waved. They went to my mom to hug her. They hugged for a while and I just stood there, kinda awkward. 

"Thanks for including me in, love you guys," I joked. I didn't mean anything of it, though. I was suddenly pulled into the hug and couldn't really breathe. I slapped Daniel and he let me go immediately. We all laughed it off and went on with our shopping. Daniel and Megan were going to eat at our house tonight and make pizza with us. We did have to make 2 pizzas, but the last time I made a pizza, it turned out really big and rectangular and I couldn't finish it with my mom. This time, we planned on sticking to a round one that wasn't too big. 

We went home and spent almost 2 hours, just to make 2 pizzas. We messed around a lot, so that must be why. Besides from that, we did get the pizza out of the oven without it burning. We talked a lot over dinner, serious talks but also joking around. I love doing things with my mom, Daniel and Megan, because they all get along really well. My mom treats both of them like her own children, and they treat my mom like a 2nd mother. It just put a smile on my face by thinking of how happy they were and looked. 

The day passed by really quickly, and Megan and Daniel went home after talking with us. It was almost 11pm when they left. I sat on the couch with my mom and watched tv with her. I looked through my phone once in a while, and saw a text.

Jackson: Annaa, wanna go to the arcade with us tomorrow?
Anna: Suree~ Tell me when and I'll be ready by then! 
Jackson: Just text us when you're ready, okay? We're planning on leaving before 5pm. 
Anna: I'll be ready before 5 then! Thanks for inviting me~

I put my phone away and told my mom that I wasn't going to be home tomorrow after 5. 

"Don't be home too late, okay? I trust those guys to take good care of you," she said and hugged me.

"I know, they will and I can also take care of myself, so don't worry," I said and kissed her cheek. My mom my hair and nodded. My mom plugged the laptop into the tv and some Korean drama to watch. We sat there until midnight to watch it. It was 4am when I went upstairs to brush my teeth and change into pajamas. I was planning on sleeping in the next day. I just had to make sure not to wake up after 3, because that would be too late. After brushing my teeth and changing into pajamas, I went to bed and played on my phone. I updated my twitter, read some tweets of BTS and checked instagram. I saw a picture that Megan posted and liked it. She put up two pictures, one of the pizzas and one of herself, my mom, Daniel and me. I smiled at the picture, because everyone looked really happy. I decided to edit a picture and also post it on instagram, since it's been a while since I posted something. Megan liked it immediately and I chuckled. Her obsession with her phone or her social media is ridiculous, but also kinda funny. When it was almost 6am, I decided to sleep. Still need to look decent tomorrow, you know? Bags under my eyes wouldn't be a good look. 

I woke up the next day and it was 2pm. I was quite shocked at how long I slept in. I quickly checked my mom's room and saw she was still sleeping. I let her sleep until I left, because I'm a nice daughter (LOL). I quickly brushed my teeth, put on some comfortable clothes (since we were going to an arcade), did my make up lightly and went downstairs. I ate some fruits and went upstairs to wake my mom up. She was already awake when I entered her room.

"Hey, when did you wake up?" Mom asked.

"A while ago, I was just eating some fruits downstairs. I'm leaving in a while okay?" I said and kissed her. 

"Have fun and be safe!" She said. I nodded and went back downstairs. I texted Jackson, to say I was ready. It was now exactly 2.36pm.

Anna: I just finished getting ready, so you can come anytime you want!

I put my phone down and continued eating my fruits and watching tv. A sudden knock on my door got me startled, but I stood up to open it. All the GOT7 boys stood in front of my door. 

"Hey Anna!" 

"Goodmorning to you too!"

"Ready to leave?"

"Good afternoon! Let's go," I said and grabbed my jacket and scarf to put them on. Jaebum drove us with a big van, and I was actually quite surprised that they owned a car that big, but they're with 7 people so it's actually not that surprising.. 

We were sitting in the car and everyone was being their noisy usual. I was sitting near the window, next to Jackson. 

"How long is it going to take to get there?" I asked. I yawned and wiped the tears away that were forming in my eyes. I did get enough sleep, so I don't understand why I was yawning so much.  

"It's pretty far.. There's this arcade we went to when we just moved here and it's about 2 hours away," Jaebum said and awkwardly laughed. I nodded and smiled at Jaebum. I always liked going somewhere far, whether it was by car, by plane, by bus or by train. 

"Is it okay if I sleep for a while?" I asked. I don't know if it was okay for them, since they did take me on this 'trip' to the arcade. 

"Of course. Kids, don't be too loud," Jaebum said and looked in the rearview-mirror, glaring at the younger ones. I silently giggled and took my phone out, looking for my 'sleep'-playlist. I plugged my earphones in and fell asleep.

Jackson's POV

I was playing around with Bambam who was sitting next to me, until I felt something on my shoulder. I looked to my left and saw Anna, passed out on my shoulder. Bambam was poking me and still trying to joke around, but I didn't dare to move. I sat there, not even moving an inch, scared to wake her up. 

"Jackson hyung," Bambam whined. He probably didn't realize that Anna was sleeping. I pointed to my left, and when he saw Anna, he nodded and took his phone out, snapping a picture of her. 

"What the hell are you doinf, Bhuwakul?" I asked.

"I thought you wanted me to take a picture of her sleeping?" He said. He looked really confused.

"No, I was trying to tell you to stop talking and joking around, but we can use that picture in our advantage," I said and laughed. Bambam gave me a thumbs up a giggled. After a while of looking out of the window, I also fell asleep. 

Anna's POV

I woke up, but felt a weight on my head. I saw it was Jackson and tried to sit up straight. Jackson woke up when I moved. 

"Ahh, sorry.." he said and sat up straight. 

"It's okay, I think I was the first one to lean on your shoulder," I said and smiled at him. He gave me a little smile back and nodded. 

"Hyung~ Are we almost there?" Yugyeom asked Jaebum. Jaebum had an annoyed look on his face and sighed. 

"20 more minutes," Jaebum said and put the music on louder. BTS - Boy in Luv started playing. I almost jumped up, but composed myself quickly. Yugyeom, who was sitting behind me, saw it and ruffled my hair. We both started singing to the song and doing the dance while sitting. Everyone else, except for Jaebum who was driving, joined us and we ended up screaming. Jaebum also joined the fun and sang with us. We spent the next 20 minutes of the car ride singing, laughing and dancing. We were exhausted when we arrived in front of the car ride. Everyone started stretching when they got out of the car. 

"Wahh! That was so much fun!" Bambam yelled and started stretching. We all went inside and explored the arcade. An employee went to us and told us to get special coins to play the games. We all went to the cashier and got tons of coins. Almost everyone went their own, some went in groups and others just went on their own. The arcade was really big and there were even some little rides. There was also a bowling place, trampolines and you could play a rescue game in the dark. Those were all seperate parts of the place, and the arcade was just one of those parts, but you didn't have to pay extra to jump on the trampoline or to play the rescue game.

I decided to just walk around and explore first. I saw a basketball game and decided to play that. You basically had to throw the ball in the basket. I played against another guy I didn't know. We started to get competitive when we were both on the same scores. At the end, he won, just with a 3 points difference. 

"Ahh, that was fun!" The guy said and high-fived me. We both laughed.

"Wanna walk around and look for some other games to play?" He asked.

"Sure!" I said and smiled. Instead of playing another game, we decided to eat something. We sat and ordered something to drink and ordered some food. 

"So, what's your name actually?" He asked. 

"It's Anna Lee. What about yours?" 

"Jihoo Yang," he said. 

"You're Korean?" I asked, wide-eyed.

"Yeah, my father is Korean, my mother is French. You're also Korean, right?" He asked. 

"Yeah, both my parents are so that makes me full Korean. I don't know what it is, but never in my life had a met a Korean person in this country until a month or so ago," I said. Ever since meetinf GOT7, I've started to meet more Korean people, at least more than before. First GOT7, then the Kevin guy from the ice cream shop and now him.

"Same, besides from my best friend, you and a few other guys I saw earlier," he said. 

"Were there seven of them?" I asked. He might be talking about GOT7.

"Yeah, I think so.. Some had blonde hair, some black and some brown. I also think I saw one with grey hair.." He said. I chuckled, he's definitely talking about GOT7.

"Ahh, that's GOT7. Do you know them?"

"GOT7? I've heard that name before... AH I KNOW! My best friend knows about them and he mentions them quite often," he said. I was slightly startled by his raised voice. 

"Really? What's his name?" I asked. 

"Kevin Lee, he lives pretty far from here, but we visit each other a few times every week," he said. Kevin Lee? Isn't that the guy from the ice cream shop?

"Does he work at an ice cream shop?" I asked. This is pretty coincidental, don't you think?

"Yeah, how do you know?"

"I met him once.. I went there with 2 members of GOT7 and we talked and I gave him my number," I said.

"Really? He told me about that! He was only too shy to text you back so he didn't.. Sorry about that," he said and laughed. Our food arrived and we started eating. While eating, we shared some interests, stories about ourselves and general stuff when you meet new people. 

"Wanna go on the trampolines?" Jihoo asked. I nodded and we headed towards the trampolines. There were 2 other people and that's it. The place was pretty big. I was happy there weren't too many people, because jumping on trampolines with too many people can go wrong... 

"Oh my god, we have the whole place to ourselves! Well, not really, but let's go!" I said and dragged him with me. We took our shoes off quickly and went on the trampolines. We jumped and bumped into each other. There was also a spot where you could jump in and would land in these soft blocks, I'm not sure what it's called, though. Anyways, I jumped in there and couldn't get out so I was stuck there, laughing and gonig deeper.

"Yah, Jihoo! Save me, please~" I said. He stood there, laughing at me, but helped me eventually. I punched him when he pulled me out of there.


"That's what you get for laughing at me," I said and went on a long rectangular-shaped trampoline. 

"Okay, I'm sorry! Wait up!" Jihoo yelled and tried to run to me on the trampoline. He tripped and fell, so I decided to stop and laugh at him. He glared at me, but stood up immediately. 

"I think that's enough," he said and pulled me out of the trampoline place. We went back to the arcade and played some games. I spotted a few of the guys at the dance game and decided to scare one of them. When I walked up, Youngjae and Mark spotted me, but I put my index-finger up, trying to tell them to not say anything. Jackson and Bambam were dancing against each other and it looked really competitive. Jihoo followed behind me and just watched. 

"BOO!!" I yelled and put my hands on Bambam's shoulders. He jumped up and fell down afterwards, causing Youngjae, Mark, Jihoo and me to laugh at him. Jackson was still puzzled and didn't know what was happening.

"ANNAAA!" He whined and pouted. I put my hand out to help him up, and he took it. I decided to not play any tricks on the poor boy, so didn't let his hand go when he was about to stand up. When he was back on his feet, he hugged me really tight.

"What are you doing?" I asked, puzzled and confused at his action.

"Hugging you till you can't breathe," he said, obviously joking.

"Wow thanks," I said, still trapped in his 'hug'. He eventually let go and kissed me on the cheek, "Joking, I wouldn't do that to you!" He said and pinched my cheek. I pouted and flicked his forehead. He winced in pain,  but put his big smile back on his face when I looked at him worriedly. From the corner of my eye, I could see Jackson and Mark glaring at Jihoo.

"Ahh! I totally forgot. This is Jihoo and we're friends," I said and grabbed his arm to pull him in front of the guys. He awkwardly waved at them.

"Hi, I'm Jihoo Yang and I'm Anna's friend," he said and bowed. 

"Oh, Youngjae! He's a friend of that Kevin guy we met at the ice cream shop last time," I said. 

"Really? Hi! My name is Youngjae," Youngjae said, smiling and bowing. They shook hands and gave each other a friendly smile. 

"Aren't you guys gonna introduce yourselves?" I asked Jackson and Bambam. Bambam spoke up immediately and pushed Youngjae away.

"Hello! I'm Bambam and I'm Anna's bestest friend, so don't steal her from me, okay?" He said with a big grin on his face, which made it hard to believe anything he said. I chuckled and looked at them shaking hands. I nudged Jackson in his side, when he didn't move. 

"Ouch.. Oh, I'm Jackson and I'm a good friend of Anna," Jackson said and shook Jihoo's hand. Jihoo slightly winced, but turned back to normal in a matter of a second. I could see Jackson squeezed his hand pretty hard.

"Okay, since you know each other know, let's go play some games!" I said and started walking around. I wouldn't mind if they hung out with each other, playing those games with strangers is actually pretty fun. Just when I thought I was alone, someone pulled on my shirt. I turned around and saw Jihoo and Jackson. We walked around for a bit, until I spotted the basketball game again.

"Jihoo, I want a rematch!" I said and pointed at it. He nodded and went to the basketball game with me. We both put a coin in it and started playing. Again, our scores were really close to each other, but at the end Jihoo won again.

"Ahh, whatever. I ," I said and unknowingly pouted. Jihoo laughed at me, "What?" 

"People normally say the other person , but your way is also good," he said and chuckled. I glared at him and went to the air hockey table. It wasn't occupied by anyone, so I put my coin in it and Jackson stood on the opposite side of the table. Jihoo stood at the sight and just watched, just as what Jackson did with the basketball game.

After a while, it was 5-5.. 

"I'm gonna win, just give up already Lee Anna!" Jackson said and hit the puck towards me. 

"No, why don't you give up?" I said. We started to get competitive. There were 10 seconds left and it was now 6-6. I hit it and made another point!

"HAHA I WON!" I said and started jumping up and down with Jihoo. Well, it was actually me jumping and trying to get Jihoo to jump with me. I composed myself quickly and fake coughed. 

"Let's go to another game.." I quickly said and walked away. I looked around at the prized that you could get with your amount of points, and with my points (25 points), I could get a lighter and 4 lollipops, wow amazing. I pouted and looked for another game to play. I sat down on one of the chairs to race. Soon, Bambam, Jihoo and Jackson joined me. We raced against each other. Bambam and I were yelling at the game, while Jihoo and Jackson sat there very calm. Although the screaming, Bambam and I ended up as the 2 last people. Jackson was first and Jihoo was second. Bambam and I groaned and went to another race game, this time on motorcycles. 

"Bambam, you're gonna lose so hard," I said and sat on the motorcycle. I put a coin in the machine and waited for Bambam to do the same. We pressed play and started racing. 

"Ahh! What the hell, these things hate me!" Bambam said and stood up. He walked away, leaving me behind. I don't think he was really mad, so just followed him. He didn't look annoyed at all and had his usual grin on his face.

"Sorry.. Oppa.." I said, whispering the 'oppa' part. It's still embarrassing to call them oppa.. 

"Oh my god! It's okay Anna! Come here," he said and pulled me in for a hug. It was really awkward because we were walking. 

"Okay okay, can you let go, can't walk properly," I said, still struggling to walk normally. 

"I know," he said and let go. He ruffled my hair and ran towards Yugyeom when he spotted him.

"Yuygeom! Anna just called me oppa," he said, grinning even wider than he usually is. I shook my head and internally facepalmed myself. 

"What? Annaa~ That's unfair," Yugyeom said, whining. He pouted and shook me by my shoulders. 

"Okay okay, I'll try, stop shaking me," I said shakingly. He stopped when I said this and smiled. He then went off with Bambam, probably grabbing something to drink or some food. I shrugged and spotted a photobooth. I wanted to gather all the boys to take a photo with me, but I couldn't see them from where I was standing, so I walked around to look for them. The first people I spotted were Jaebum and Jinyoung. They were aggressively playing a game, and it looked really silly. 

"Uhh, Jaebum and Jinyoung.. uh.. oppa.. Wanna take a photo at the photobooth with all the others?" I asked, whispering the 'oppa' part. Their eyes widened and they stopped their game immediately. 

"Yes yes! Of course! Let's find the others then!" Jinyoung happily said and put his arm around my shoulder. Jaebum also smiled and followed us. The next one we spotted was Youngjae. He was playing something with a little kid.

"Ahh, typically something for Youngjae to do.." Jinyoung said and chuckled. 

"Youngjae-ah! Wanna take a photo at the photobooth with us?" Jaebum asked in Korean. I luckily understood it, so I didn't have to ask them.

"Yeah, sure! Bye little kid, it was fun!" Youngjae said and ruffled the little kid's hair. We went to look for the others and spotted Jackson and Mark playing the race game Bambam and I were playing earlier. Just as we got there, they finished their game. After getting them to go with us, we saw Yugyeom and Bambam eating in a distance. 

"Yah maknaes! Let's take a picture at the photobooth!" Mark yelled. Bambam looked up immediately and jumped up. He grabbed Yugyeom's arm and dragged him with him to us. Yugyeom seemed sad because he didn't get to finish his food. 

"You can eat again later on, Yugyeomie," I said and gave him a assuring smile. 

"Really?" He asked, excited. I nodded and his playful grin appeared back on his face. We went to the photobooth and tried to fit everyone in there. Everyone's face fit in the picture and everyone was smiling happily. We let this photo print out first and decided to take another one with fun decorations after this. The first picture came out and there were 8 of them, so each one of us could get one.

"Let's do a silly face!" Bambam said. I crossed my eyes and stuck my tongue out at the first picture. I'm not sure what the others did, but we would find that out later. There was another one take, and Yugyeom pinched my cheeks while I pulled on his double chin that he was making. The machine counted down for another one, and I went all out. I did my ugliest face, which was a double chin with an ugly face. All the photos were taken, the only thing we had to do was wait for the pictures to come out. It came out after a while, and we passed the pictures between the 8 of us. We laughed at everyone's faces, especially the last one, since everyone pulled an ugly face in that one.

"Oh my god! Look at Anna!" Mark said and laughed. The others looked at my face on the last picture and laughed. We then looked at everyone's pose and burst out laughing. There were 2 pieces of pictures, 4 on each, so we divided those among the 8 of us. Just then, I realized I hadn't seen Jihoo for a while. I excused myself from the guys and looked for him. He was playing basketball by himself, but he seemed to have fun. I crept up behind him and scared him.

"BOO!" I yelled and poked his sides. 

"AHH! OH MY GOD!" He yelled and I burst out laughing. 

"Annaa~" He whined and pouted. He looked really cute so I pinched his cheeks. 

"Wanna take a photo with me at the photobooth?" I asked. 

"Sure~ This beautiful face always has time for pictures," he said and framed his own face. I flicked his forehead and pulled him with me. We waited for the one in the photobooth to get out, and when that person came out, we saw it was Bambam! He stood there, waiting for his pictures without realizing we were standing there.

"Hi to you too Bambam," I said and patted his head. 

"Oh! Anna! Oh my god!" Bambam yelled, wide-eyed. I laughed and entered the photobooth when he got his pictures out. He showed them to me before closing the curtains. Jihoo sat down beside me and we clicked on the menu to take pictures. We decided to take a normal one and a silly one. First, the normal one. We both posed, smiling. I put up a V-sign and flashed my brightest smile, which made my eyes disappear. Jihoo almost did the same pose. The picture came out and we looked at it.

"Aw, you look cute Anna!" He said. 

"Oh my god, you too!" I said and laughed. We proceeded with the silly pictures now. The machine took 4 different pictures, both of us posing differently on each one of them. We decorated it with some funny things and waited for it to come out. We laughed at the silly pictures.

"Wow, didn't know you could look that.. weird," I joked and took another look at the picture.

"Same goes to you, missy," he said and laughed. We went to an employee to ask for scissors. We cut the pictures in two. I put them in the my pocket, the same pocket I put the picture with GOT7 in. I smiled at all the pictures. 

We spent the next hour playing more games and gaining more points. 

"Anna, here you can have my points," Jihoo said and gave them to me. I rejected them, though.

"No, you keep them. Those are your hard earned points," I chuckled and shoved them back in his hands. 

"Then give me yours," He said. I looked at him quizzically, but still handed them over. I didn't have a lot of points, and I could probably only get more lollipops with mine, so I didn't hesitate to give them. He walked away with a small thanks when I handed them over. 

"Weird.." I mumbled in myself and went to Jackson. He was looking at some candy and a rilakkuma plushy.

"Sup Jackson," I said and appeared beside him. He was a bit startled, but greeted me after.

"Oh, hey Anna. Aren't you gonna pick something out? We're leaving in a bit.." He said, still looking at the plushy and at the candies.

"Nahh, I gave them to Jihoo," I simply stated and shrugged. Jackson also didn't seem to be bothered about it so just nodded. I wanted to walk towards Jinyoung, when Jihoo suddenly appeared in front of me with a simba plushie. It was pretty big..



"What are you doing?" 

"Giving this thing to you," he said and shoved it in my hands. I held it and looked at it, confused. Jihoo chuckled.

"I chose that out for you! I only needed like 50 more points, since I had 400 points and that thing was 450," he said and pointed at the simba plushy. 

"But.. Now you don't have anything..." 

"I do! They gave me 2 free lollipops, he said and took the lollipops out of his pocket. He handed me one and opened the other one and stuck it in his mouth. 

"Thanks Jihoo," I said and hugged him. He hugged me back and patted my head. We exchanged numbers before seperating. He lived in the area, and we had to drive 2 hours. All the boys also said goodbye to Jihoo and went to the car. All of the boys had plushies or candy. Jinyoung had a gigantic bag of popcorn, Bambam had a bambi plushy, Yugyeom got a hat, Jackson had 2 plushies and some candy, Mark also had a plushie, Youngjae had a bag full of lollipops and Jaebum had given his points to Bambam, so he didn't have anything. I gave him my lollipop and he accepted it with a smile on his face. We all sat on the same place as we did on the way here, but this time, Mark was driving. Everyone else passed out and slept, some with plushies in their arms, others with a bag of candy. 

They put me off at my house and said their goodbyes to me. 

"Call us oppa more often, okay?" Jinyoung joked and ruffled my hair before hugging me tightly. I shook my head and hugged him back.

"Anna, I'll miss you!" Bambam said, even though we had school the next day. 

"Ohh! Anna, this one is for you," Jackson said and handed a rilakkuma plushy to me. 

"Really? Thank you!" I said and hugged him. He hugged me back and ruffled my hair. One by one, I hugged each one of them. At the end, my hair was a mess and I had a ton of lollipops in my pockets, thanks to Youngjae. I thanked them for the amazing day and went in. Mom texted me this afternoon that she was having a girl's night with one of her friends, so she wouldn't be home until later. I went to bed immediately, since it was almost 12. I took the plushies with me, placed them on my bed and did my night routine before actually going to bed. I put all the pictures on my desk and smiled before lying down. I fell asleep with some music in, whilst holding the plushies.

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I'm really sorry for not updating for a few weeks! I'm planning on getting back at it, since i'm on my winter break~


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Neko_Eonni #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for your greetings, I hope you had a great time with your loved ones
suamortentia #2
Chapter 23: Happy Holidays \o/ Hope you enjoy a lot too.
Neko_Eonni #3
Chapter 22: Great chapter!!!! I really ship AnGyeom~ I'm glad they made up
suamortentia #4
Chapter 22: Still too adorable *-* I'm not the biggest fan of Yugyeom, but I admit that they're cute together :P
Neko_Eonni #5
Chapter 13: I really really REALLY hope she ends up with Yugyeom!!
Chapter 21: Awwww
princessfanfan #7
Chapter 20: she needs to end up with yugyeom. too cute together >_<
Chapter 20: ERMEHGERD I LOVE THISE DANCERS OMG!!! CX I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT CX (can I ask you how old you are and do you have a Kik??) Like seriously sorry for asking but like I never knew a person that knows those dancers cx
suamortentia #9
Chapter 19: Jackson <3 UISAJDISOASDA, well, I'll just wait for more. Fighting!
Chapter 19: Yet another amazing chapter CX but seriously she should end up with the cutie makane (if that's how you spell it hehe ><)