Chapter 7

You're My Playground

I woke up feeling really really happy. My mom was still sleeping, so I went downstairs and made breakfast for her. After making it, I went upstairs and woke her up. She must've been exhausted, because she didn't wake up that easy. I had to shake her a few times before she woke up. 

"Mom, wake up!" I said near her ear. Her eyes fluttered open this time and she broke out in a smile. 

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong?" She said and sat up. She was still in a daze and didn't realize the plate I placed on her nightstand. I gave her a goofy smile and pointed towards her breakfast.

"You made this? Omo! Thank you honey!" She said and clapped her hands together. I laughed at her, because she can act like a child sometimes.

"You're welcome!" I beamed and gave her a kiss before getting ready for school. I skipped happily to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that, I put my clothes on and put on a little bit of make up. I made sure to eat some breakfast first before putting my shoes and jacket on. Just when I finished breakfast, someone knocked on my door. I stood up and opened the door immediately.

"Anna!" Megan and Daniel yelled and came in to hug me. I laughed and hugged them back.

"Honey, who's that?" My mom asked from upstairs. She walked down the stairs and smiled when she saw who it was.

"Megan! Daniel! I missed you two rascals!" She said and went in for a hug. After they talked for a bit, we left my house. We walked next to each other to school and talked the about the usual things that best friends talk about. 

"Ahh! I still have your scarf," I said and opened the zipper of my backpack to get his scarf out. I handed it to him and smiled, "Here! Thanks for letting me borrow it."

"You can keep it. You still don't have a scarf," Daniel said and put the scarf around my neck. He patted my head afterwards and started walking again, looking straight ahead. I muttered a small thanks and gave him a side-hug. He was slightly startled and looked down at me. 

"You're welcome little one," he said and ruffled my hair, which made me let go and put my hair back in place. I looked to my other side and saw Megan texting someone. I peeked over her shoulder and saw that she was texting a guy called 'Michael'. I giggled and whispered it in Daniel's ear.

"Megan, I see you're texting your boyfriend," I said and giggled again. Megan hasn't had a crush or boyfriend ever since she had a bad break up with Minho, a guy who's a grade higher than us.

"What? W-what a-are you t-talking about?" She stammered. I laughed at her and decided not to mingle in her business. She probably knew we saw everything, so she ended up telling us about him.

"Okay fine. We've been talking for a few weeks now and he's really nice," she said and avoided our eyes.

"How did you meet him?"

"We met at that party my parents hosted. His parents are apparantly good friends of mine," she said. 

"Tell us when it's official then," Daniel said and ruffled her hair. Megan blushed, which we usually don't see her do. After teasing her about this guy, we walked to school making small talks. There was still snow everywhere, so we had to be careful not to slip. 

"Oh, Anna. How's everything going with your choreography with Yugyeom?" Daniel asked. 

"We're practically finished, only need to work on some perfectioning," I said, "What about you and Eli?" 

"We're not that far. He's really lazy, but we're probably gonna finish it this week," he said and sighed. Poor Daniel, though.. He really really likes dancing and he likes choreographing, but working with someone like Eli will do him no good. I'm not sure if Eli is that great with choreographing, but I know Daniel is really really good.

"Sorry for not doing this with you.." I said and looked down. I actually wanted to team up with Daniel at first, but since he told me to team up with Yugyeom, I agreed, not really thinking...

"It's okay, Anna. Don't worry about it and stop feeling bad," he said and put his arm around my shoulder. Without even realizing, we arrived at school. I went to my locker and Megan went to hers. Daniel decided to tag along with me. He put his jacket in my locker, with much difficulty. We immediately walked to maths afterwards, because it was 8.27 and we would be late if we waited for Megan. We saw her in the distance and motioned to her that we were going first. She gave me an 'okay' sign and waved.

"Ahh, maths again," he said and let out a long sigh. I laughed at his pouty face, which he did not realize he was doing. I pushed his lower lip back to where it usually is and he looked at me weirdly.

"You were pouting," I simply stated and wiped my fingers on his sweater. 

"I was not," he argued and looked away. 

"Stop acting cute, it doesn't suit you. Let's get in, teacher is waiting," I laughed and dragged him inside the classroom. He went to his seat and I went to mine. This time, Jackson was there before me and smiled at me when he saw me.

"Hey Jackson," I said and patted his head while walking behind his seat to get to my seat near the window. He was wearing his hat, as usual, but teachers at my school don't allow students to wear hats in class. I took his hat and placed it on the table, which caused him to give me a weird look.

"Teachers don't allow that in class," I simply stated and slightly smiled. 

"Ahh, that's why he gave me a disapproving look earlier," Jackson said and nodded with an awkward smile. I laughed at him and got my books out of my bag. 

"Anna, do you look horror movies?" He asked. Of course I like them, they are my favorite kinds of movies. HELL YEAH! But then I remembered I had to act normal.

"Yeah, they are my favorite," I said.

"Really? I also like them. Have you seen the trailer of the conjuring?" He asked. 

"Yes I have, it seems really fun, I mean scary," I corrected myself, which made him laugh. 

"Wanna watch it tonight? It just got in the cinemas," he asked. I didn't think anything of this, so I agreed. Why not? He's nice and I like watching horror movies in the cinema. 

"Sure!" I said and gave him a big smile. He smiled back. The teacher fake coughed to grab everyone's attention and started with his lesson. The teacher didn't seem to tell everything as excitingly as he normally does, and I guess the rest of the class also noticed. One of my classmates put her hand up to ask something.

"Not to be rude, but is there something wrong with you, sir?" She asked. The class looked at her wide-eyed, and then back at the teacher. He seemed to be just as surprised as everyone else was.

"Not rude at all, but I've been getting a little sick lately. I might tell you guys about it on another day, don't worry," he said and smiled at us. Some of the students nodded and smiled back at him, but others gave him a worried look. He's one of the teachers the school actually cares about, because he's really nice and chill. Other teachers also don't really care about the students, but our math teacher actually does.

The rest of the day went by really quick, which is surprising because it's school. It was finally time for P.E., which I was really excited about. I'm not that athletic, but because we were doing the dance project, I was really excited for every P.E. class. I met up with Daniel while going to my locker and walked with him to the P.E. locker rooms. We seperated there and each went our own way. I did not get bothered by Bethany this time, so I let out a relieved sigh. 

"Hey Anna!" Yugyeom said, just when I walked out of the locker room. I greeted him back and gave him a quick hug. We started with repeating and rehearsing our choreography, but from the corner of my eye I could see Bethany standing a few feet away from us, observing us with her arms crossed. I started to get suspicious and wondering why she was doing what she was doing, but decided to concentrate on the choreography for now and worry about her later. I told Yugyeom about this when class almost ended.

"Bethany is suspiciously observing us and I don't know what to do," I whispered to him. He acted like he was looking around for his stuff, but actually looked at Bethany. 

"She is indeed very suspicious. Let's just leave it aside for now, okay?" Yugyeom said and patted my head. I nodded and sat down to look at Daniel and Eli's progress. They seemed not that far, but I trust Daniel and I'm sure he'll be okay. He would be fine without Eli, so if Eli suddenly decides to give up, Daniel would still be able to put up a performance. 

"Oh, Anna! Jackson told us that you two were going to watch the conjuring tonight," Yugyeom said.

"Yeah, why?" 

"Nothing, tell me everything about it when you get back, okay?" He said and playfully ruffled my hair. I nodded and went to the locker room to change. I went home with Daniel, but we seperated when he had to go the other way. 

"Bye Daniel! See you tomorrow and I love you loads!" I yelled when he was walking backwards. I pulled weird faces, which made him laugh.

"Bye! Love you too, idiot!" He yelled back. When I got home, mom was sleeping. I went to her room to check up on her first and went back to my own room afterwards. I changed into some comfortable clothes and decided to talk to Jenny. It's been a while since we talked so I really missed her. I skyped her and she accepted immediately.

Skype video chat with Jenny: 

J: YAH ANNA! Why are you only calling me now?
A: Well, I could ask you the same question miss!
J: Ahh, okay, you got a point there. How has life been to you?
A: Life's been okay. Mom got home yesterday and school's been okay.
J: What about you and GOT7? 
A: Yah, stop doing that weird thing with your eyebrows. GOT7 has been great to me and we're starting to get more comfortable with each other.
J: I'm so envious of youuuu! Anything else exciting?
A: I almost freaking forgot oh my god Jenny. Yugyeom and Jungkook are apparently really good friends and he videochatted him while we were practicing.
A: Yes! Stop yelling woman! I was so nervous and embarrassing at first! He did compliment me on my dancing and I wanted to cry at that moment.
J: Really? Lucky girl! I'm so happy for you!! Have you seen the teaser photos for Dark&Wild? They look amazing oh god! 
A: No, I haven't had time for that.. I'll check them out later this week. Gotta go, though. Jackson invited me to watch the conjuring with him.
J: A date?
A: No, just as friends.
J: Sure~ Speak to you later! 
A: Byeeee~


Time was flying by and I realized it was almost 5pm. Jackson told me he would pick me up at 6, so I still had an hour to get ready. I only changed into different clothes and that's it. I went downstairs to watch some TV, to waste some time. I also went to my mom's room to tell her that I was going out. 

"Don't come home too late, okay honey?" She said and lightly patted my head.

"I know, sleep tight," I said and kissed her on her cheek. I heard the doorbell ring, so I went downstairs to open it. 

"Ready?" He asked, smiling at me. I nodded and took my jacket and Daniel's scarf with me. I wrapped the scarf around my neck and shut the door behind me. It was colder than I expected to be, but the scarf gave me a little bit of warmth. I guess Jackson was noticing me shaking and my chattering teeth.

"Are you cold? I'll turn on the heat," he said and opened the car door for me. I went in and thanked him. He walked around the car to the driver's seat and sat down, starting the car and turning on the heat. We talked about some school related things, about the GOT7 concert next month and about GOT7. 

"You're still coming, right?" He asked. 

"Yeah, I still have to ask Daniel or Megan to come with me, though.." I said and nodded. I'm not sure if Daniel and Megan will agree, but I'll only know when I ask. 

The cinema was pretty far from my house, so we arrived like 30 minutes later. We parked the car, went into the cinema and bought our tickets. The movie wouldn't start until 7.30 so we went to a little place to eat first. It was very cozy and warm in there. After ordering and paying, we looked for a table. 

"You didn't have to pay.." Jackson said. I smiled at him and sat down, "You paid for the tickets, so of course I had to pay for the food," I said.

We spent a little bit less than an hour eating and talking about our lives. We laughed a lot and shared some things about ourselves. After eating, we went to the cinema and bought some popcorn and drinks. There were quite a lot of people watching the movie, which gave me a better feeling, because empty cinemas are the scariest. The advertisements started and everyone was still talking, but trying to be as silent as possible. The movie finally started and I hugged my legs, just because I like sitting in that position. I don't get scared from horror movies, just the moments after the movie. 

"Scared yet?" Jackson teased and I playfully punched him. He laughed and went back to watching the movie. There were some parts in the movie where I got startled and unknowingly grabbed Jackson's arm. The movie wasn't that scary, there were just many moments I got startled and subconsciously grabbed his arm. I don't think he was bothered by it. 

When the movie ended, everyone walked out before us. We sat there until the screen with the credits ended and when we looked around us, all the other people were gone. I have a slight fear for abandoned cinemas.. Not really abandoned, but just cinames without people in it, like after the movie or before it. 

"How was it?" Jackson asked.

"I liked it, but it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be," I said. 

"Hmm, you're right. Let's go home," he said and stood up, collecting all his stuff. Before leaving, I looked around to see if there was anything there, which I tend to do when I'm in the cinema. Jackson looked at me weirdly and laughed.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

"Ahh, nothing.." I said and hesitantly stood up. He gently grabbed my hand and we walked out of the cinema.

"Were you scared because there were no people?" He asked and laughed. I gave him a 'what-are-you-talking-about'-look.

"No, what are you talking about?" I said.

"Well, you were checking all the seats as if you were scared something would pop up," he said and slightly shook his head. 

"I did not," I argued back. 

"If you say so~ Let's go back to the car," he said and walked us back to the car. I didn't notice he was holding my hand until he let go when we got back to the car. He opened the door for me and waited for me to get in, before going to the driver's seat. My phone went off so I picked it up without looking at the caller ID. 


"Annaa~" Someone said. I immediately recognized the voice and smiled. 

"Hey Yugyeom, why are you calling?" I asked. 

"You don't want me to call you? Shall I hang up?" Yugyeom playfully asked and I could almost hear his grin.

"No no, don't! What did you want to ask?" I asked, and patiently waited for his reply.

"Just wanted to ask how your little date went," he said and chuckled. I sighed at his childish behaviour and laughed.

"It's not, but it went great. We had fun and we're heading home now," I said. 

"Hmm, okay! I'll see you later Anna! Don't forget to practice our choreography!" He said and hung up. I shook my head and put my phone back in my bag. Jackson looked at me, probably waiting for me to tell him who it was. 

"It was Yugyeomie. He asked how it went and that's it," I said and chuckled. Jackson nodded and proceeded driving. I was somehow really tired so I fell asleep. I woke up a while later, with Jackson poking my cheek. I got startled when I saw his face that close and backed away a bit. 

"We're here," he said and backed away himself. I looked around and saw that we were in front of my house. I took my bag, opened the car door and went out. Jackson did the same and walked me to the front door.

"Thanks for tonight, I had lots of fun!" I smiled and hugged him.

"I also had fun, now go in and sleep, we have school tomorrow," he said and patted my head. He gave me a quick kiss on my forehead and went back to his car. He stood there until I went in. I gave him a little wave before closing the door. It was 11.30 now, so time to sleep. When I went into the living room, my mom was sitting on the couch watching some show. Her face lit up when she saw me.

"Hey mom!" I said and sat down next to her. I hugged her and threw my legs on her lap. 

"Hey sweetie, where did you go?" She asked and patted my legs.

"I went to watch the conjuring with Jackson," I said and snuggled closer to her. 

"Really? How was it?"

"It was fun! We laughed a lot and the movie was good," I said.

"Do you like him?" She asked. I thought for a bit and shook my head. "No, just a friend," I said. It was really true, I didn't have any feelings for him. I just saw him as a friend and that's it. We're not even close enough and I don't know that much about him, so I can't have a crush on him. I rarely have a crush on someone, and if I do, it takes time. Luke was my most recent crush and I've known him for over 4 years now, but my crush on him died down, which happens quite often with me. I've had one boyfriend up till now, and that only lasted a month.

"If you maybe do develop some feelings for him or someone else, do tell me, okay?" She said and I nodded. My mom and I always tell each other everything, as like we're really friends, but the only thing my mom hides from me is the reason why she's gone sometimes. I'm okay with that, though. If she really doesn't want to tell, she doesn't have to. 

"Of course I will," I said and hugged her tighter. I looked at the clock and it was almost 12. I decided to go to bed and maybe message Jenny. 

"I'm going to bed mom, don't sleep too late," I said and kissed her on the cheek before going upstairs. I brushed my teeth, removed my make up and changed into pajamas. I checked my phone when I was lying in bed and surprisingly, I had one text message from Yugyeom, one from Jackson, one from Bambam, one from Daniel and one message from Jenny. 

Yugyeom: Anna~ Why aren't you texting me back, you promised :(

I shook my head and his silliness and texted back. 

Anna: Sorry Yuygeomie! I'm texting you back right now, right? Why aren't you sleeping?
Yugyeom: You're still not calling me or any of the GOT7 members 'oppa'.. I'm not sleeping because you weren't texting back :'(
Anna: Ahh, that.. Forgot it again, sorry kkk. Go to sleep right now! I'm going to tell Jaebum if you don't~
Yugyeom: Aish, fine. You go to sleep too! Goodnight Anna!! 
Anna: Goodnight!! 

After finishing replying to Yugyeom, I checked Jackson's message. 

Jackson: Anna~ I had fun tonight, sleep tight and don't dream about me too much, okay? 
Anna: I also had a lot of fun, thanks! Good night Jackson, and don't worry, I won't! I'll be dreaming about Bangtan~
Jackson: Ahh, you finally replied! Disappointed to see that, though.. What do I have to do to win from them? 
Anna: Nothing, don't even try! You have no chance kkk
Jackson: But am I not handsome enough? 
Anna: You are handsome, but Bangtan is also really handsome and they are funny and they dance really well!
Jackson: Are you saying I'm not funny? That I don't dance well? You are breaking my heart Anna Lee ╥╥╥
Anna: No, you are funny and you dance well, but I still like Bangtan more. I'm sorry, nothing will change that~ kkk 
Jackson: I'm never gonna win.. SIGHS go to sleep now, it's late! Good night Anna, keep loving GOT7 ♥♥
Anna: Whateverr~ Good night Jackson, see you tomorrow! 

I laughed and let out a breath. I switched positions and laid on my stomach, texting Bambam back.

Bambam: Anna Anna Anna, I miss you. When are you coming over again? 
Anna: Bhuwakul! I just came over yesterday, didn't I?
Bambam: But it seems so long ago~ *pouts*
Anna: I'll come over tomorrow if that's okay with the others, I'm going to sleep now! Byeee~
Bambam: Ahh, okay then.. See you tomorrow and good night! 

Bambam can be so clingy and whiny sometimes. I laughed and sighed. My fingers were starting to get tired, so I laid down for a bit, my face on my pillow. Today has been quite tiring and it was so so so cold today. I was slightly coughing and I think I was catching a cold. I went downstairs to get some tea with honey. 

"Sweetie, why are you still up?" 

"I think I'm catching a cold.." I said and went straight to the kitchen. My mom stood up immediately and stood by my side. She touched my forehead and nodded. 

"You definitely have a cold and maybe even a fever," my mom said and looked at me worriedly. She went to grab a cup and made me some tea. I put the honey in and took a sip, burning my tongue while doing that. 

"Go upstairs, honey. I'll bring some medicine for you and you're not going to school tomorrow," she said and lightly pushed me towards the stairs. I went upstairs and laid down on my bed, sighing. I don't usually catch fevers, but I do catch a cold quite often. I decided to text Daniel, saying I wouldn't be at school tomorrow. 

Daniel: Annaa~ Did you have fun with Jackson? 
Anna: Daniel!! Yess, I did. I'm not going to school tomorrow, though. I apparently have a fever and a runny nose... ╥╥
Daniel: Really? Noo.. You're leaving me alone? ╥╥╥╥
Anna: You have Megan! You can come visit! 
Daniel: I know, I was just joking. Of course I'll come visit! 
Anna: Okaay~ I'll be waiting! I'm gonna sleep now, feeling dead...
Daniel: Get well soon, I love you little munchkinn!
Anna: Thank youu, I love you tooo!

Just when I put my phone down after texting Daniel, my mom came in the room with some medicine and water. I went to sleep immediately. I didn't have any difficulty with sleeping, but I did have some problems breathing.I tried to breathe through my mouth and fell asleep very quickly.




Sorry for taking so long for another update! I celebrated my birthday a few days ago and needed some time to rest and scream over Bangtan....ajoiajewiafe
I'll update again soon! School is starting in a week, though.. So just keep in mind that I won't be updating a lot by then.. 
Thanks for subscribing and liking my story! I promise to make some progress in this story, just don't want to rush things with GOT7.. They have to get to know each other more before things happen~

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I'm really sorry for not updating for a few weeks! I'm planning on getting back at it, since i'm on my winter break~


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Neko_Eonni #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for your greetings, I hope you had a great time with your loved ones
suamortentia #2
Chapter 23: Happy Holidays \o/ Hope you enjoy a lot too.
Neko_Eonni #3
Chapter 22: Great chapter!!!! I really ship AnGyeom~ I'm glad they made up
suamortentia #4
Chapter 22: Still too adorable *-* I'm not the biggest fan of Yugyeom, but I admit that they're cute together :P
Neko_Eonni #5
Chapter 13: I really really REALLY hope she ends up with Yugyeom!!
Chapter 21: Awwww
princessfanfan #7
Chapter 20: she needs to end up with yugyeom. too cute together >_<
Chapter 20: ERMEHGERD I LOVE THISE DANCERS OMG!!! CX I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT CX (can I ask you how old you are and do you have a Kik??) Like seriously sorry for asking but like I never knew a person that knows those dancers cx
suamortentia #9
Chapter 19: Jackson <3 UISAJDISOASDA, well, I'll just wait for more. Fighting!
Chapter 19: Yet another amazing chapter CX but seriously she should end up with the cutie makane (if that's how you spell it hehe ><)