Chapter 3

You're My Playground

"Want anything to eat? Or to drink?" I asked while walking into the kitchen, totally ignoring his question earlier.

"Something to drink would be great. And you didn't answer my question.." Daniel said and walked towards the kitchen to help me. 

"Oh, sorry I forgot. I don't know if I like him again. He's really sweet and stuff, but I don't get that tingly feeling whenever I talk to him. Just a happy feeling, that's it," I said and gave him his can of coke. I sliced some strawberries and oranges and put them on a plate.

"Let's go upstairs, mom wouldn't like it if we eat on the couch," I said and walked in front of Daniel. I sat down on my bed and put the plate with fruit on my bed. Daniel sat across from me and stared at me. 

"What?" I asked.

"I don't know, you seem a bit sad," he said and took one last glance at my face before taking a strawberry and putting it in my mouth. 

"I don't know, the subject 'love' is still a little sensitive to me. Not love with a significant other in particular, just love in general. I don't know," I said and looked down. 

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me. I'll not talk about it again, okay?" He said and I nodded. I took a piece of orange and put it at his nose, trying to lighten up the mood. 

"YAH ANNA LEE! Don't you dare do that again," he said and glared at me. I laughed at his expression and took my notebook out. Daniel looked at it suspiciously, waiting for me to tell him what it is.

"This is the notebook I write all my ideas in. Wanna read it?" I asked. Daniel shook his head and gave me a smile.

"Nah, that's your privacy. Keeping it to yourself is a little more fun, right?" He said and took a sip of his coke. I nodded and placed it under my bed. 

We decided to watch a movie together, because we haven't done that in a while. I first made sure to text Megan, telling her that we're at my house watching a movie and that we would visit her tomorrow. 

We watched Iron Man 3, because it's one of our favorite movies. We laid down on my bed. I was lying with my head on his chest and he was just lying with his arms under his head. We laughed a lot and had a lot of fun. 

"Never getting sick of Marvel related things," Daniel said and turned the tv off.


We laid there for a while until I received a text. It was from Jackson and apparantly Daniel saw it. 

Jackson: Annaa!! Wanna come over and watch a movie with us?

"You can go, I still have to study and do some homework," Daniel said and stood up. I pushed him back.

"No, who says I want to go?" I said. Daniel laid back down and sighed. He didn't even look down at me, he just looked up at the ceiling, sighing some more.

"Anna, stop being so considerate of others. You can be selfish once, you know?" He suddenly spoke up after a silence of a few minutes. 

"But you're here and you mean more to me than they do.." I said and hugged him. He my head and patted it afterwards. 

"It's okay, I still have some errands to run and some things to do. Go have fun, we can hang out another day with Megan!" he said and sat up. I looked at him for a while, to see any hint of disappointment, and of course I saw that. 

"Get home before your curfew, okay? Don't want your mom to worry about you, right?" He said. Those weren't really questions, more like commands are something lighter than a command.

"Okay okay, I'll call you! And don't you dare ignore it," I said and went downstairs with him. I watched him while he was putting on his shoes. He took has jacket and put it on.

"Wear something warm, okay? Call me when you get home," he said and went outside. We hugged and he gave me a peck on my forehead, "Take care and don't forget to eat dinner or I'll kill you." 

"Yeah, I know. You too! You should also have dinner and good luck with studying and making homework! Tell your parents I said hi!" I said and waved at him. I went inside when he was out of sight. I sighed and took my phone out to text Jackson.

Anna: Yeah sure! Just text me your address and I'll be there in a minute!

After a few seconds I received a text with their address. Surprisingly, it was really similar to an address near my street. I wore my leather jacket and my platform heels again. I the navigation of my phone, because I was never good with directions, always getting lost and having to ask strangers for directions. 

My eyes went wide when I realized their house was just a street behind my street. I made sure to check the address before ringing the doorbell. I waited for a while until 7 guys stood in front of me. 

"Annaa!! How are you! You got here fast!" Bambam said and pulled me inside. 

"You all live here?" I asked wide-eyed. They all nodded and led me into their living room. 

"Surprised? No big deal. But how did you get here so fast?" Jaebum asked. I totally forgot to say my house was a street away from theirs.

"Your house is a street behind mine.." I said. They all looked at me wide-eyed before grinning and smiling brightly.

"Really?! That means we can go to school together!" Yugyeom said.

"Yeah, about that.. I actually go to school with Daniel and Megan everyday.." I said and looked down. They all went 'aahh'. 

"That's okay, we still see each other at school, so no worries," Jinyoung said and patted me on my head. They gave me a tour around their house and literally showed me every single room in their house. Their house didn't look that big from the outside, but it was really big. They slept with two people in one room and Jinyoung slept alone in a room. They had like 3 bathrooms. They also had a dance studio and a really big kitchen. I got really excited seeing the dance studio, but kept it to myself and tried to not show my excitement. 

"Let's dance! I can teach you how to do a that flip you wanted to learn!" Jackson said and took my hand, dragging me to the dance studio. The rest followed suit and sat down in front of the mirror, watching Jackson trying to teach me the flip he mentioned earlier. Mark also joined us and tried to learn it. 

"So just put this foot like this and put all the power in your feet and upperbody okay? I'll hold you so nothing can happen," Jackson said and helped me. I didn't really get it, because I was too scared to fall. Mark decided to help me too and held me tight. 

"We'll be here to catch you, don't worry," Mark said and gave me an assuring smile. I nodded and breathed in and out, trying to calm down my nerves. 

"Wow! Almost! You almost got it! Just a little more power," Jackson said and high fived me and Mark. We went on like this for the next hour, while the guys were all watching us and talking among themselves. 

"YOU CAN DO IT ANNA! WE BELIEVE IN YOU!" I hear Yugyeom yell, even though he's like 1 meter away from us. I gave him a thumbs up and smiled at him. He smiled back and also gave a thumbs up back. 

After an hour, I quite got the hang of it and Mark also did a really good job. We decided to put on some GOT7 music and dance to it. Surprisingly, from the few times I've watched their performances, I knew almost every step of it. 

"Wow! Anna how did you pick that up so fast?" Youngjae asked and clapped while 'A' finished playing.

"I don't really know, to be honest.." 

"Let's do I Like You next! You really like this song right?" Jackson asked and I nodded. The music blasted through the speakers and Yugyeom sat in the middle doing his rap part. I quietly observed them to get the choreography of this dance, since I haven't watched that many performances of I Like You. 

"Anna, join us this time!" Jinyoung said and pulled me in the middle. I laughed and did the part with Jackson and Bambam where they walk to the front together. We continued dancing to other kpop songs and they were all surprised by my dancing skills. We all clapped at the end, sweating and tired of the 2 hour dance session. 

"You're so good! Why don't you do something with your talent and maybe audition?" Yugyeom asked and looked at me, waiting for my answer.

"Stage fright.." I said. I've had stage fright ever since I was little and it's such a stupid obstacle. Everytime I stood in front of a crowd, I just wanted to dig a hole in the ground and hide in there for the next couple days. When I still took dance classes, we had this annual thing where every group had to perform in front of all the parents, friends and families. I was always too scared and got so nervous that I almost forgot the choreography. Even with presenting things in front of the class I would almost cry. I don't have any problems with talking to each one of them seperately, but when I stand in front of a group of people, I lose all my confidence. 

"We can help you with that! Yugyeomie used to have really bad stage fright when we just debuted, but he got over it with the help of fans and the members!" Jinyoung said and ruffled Yugyeom's hair. Yugyeom pouted and ruffled his hair back to place.

I nodded and sat down in front of the mirror. Taking my phone out and sending a message to Jenny. I told her about GOT7 being here, but that she can't tell anyone. She didn't believe me at first, until I videochatted here. She almost cried when she saw them waving at her. I laughed at her cuteness and hung up after telling her why they were here. 

"Anna! I promised to teach you how to dance to house music! Come on!" He said and literally pulled me up to dance with him. He showed me a few basic steps and taught me how to combine them with other moves and make it into one smooth choreography. I nodded and repeated the few steps he showed me. He plugged his phone in and put on some music.

"5.. 6.. 7...8" 

We started dancing and it was so much fun! I copied what he did and quite got the hang of it. All the boys clapped for us when we finished. 

"Anna you're really talented! Please audition for something!" Yugyeom said and pulled me in for a hug. I was shocked at first, but hugged him back. All the boys also wanted a hug so we kinda grouphugged, with me dying in the middle.

"A-a-air!" I said and they all let go immediately. 

"Can you sing?" Mark asked. I really don't know if I can sing actually.. I've recorded myself singing a few times and it didn't sound that good...

"I don't think so.." I said.

"Doesn't matter, it's about having fun! Here are the lyrics to Forever Young, we can sing together," Jackson said and handed me his phone. I read it through and waited for Youngjae to turn on the music softly. 

  Forever young shawty forever young
    Forever young shawty forever young
    Forever young shawty forever young  

We sang the song together and the boys sometimes stopped to hear me singing. I liked doing the 'rapping parts', because they were really low and my voice isn't that girly. 

"You're not bad at all! Let's try I Like You," Jaebum said and told Youngjae to turn it on.

I started off the rapping part.

♫  Ja nae mal jal deuro nan niga joha
     Meoui adamhan kiwa jakgo ottokhan kowa
     Aengdu gateun geu ipsul
     Amureon gisuldo eobsi nae ipsure
     Geunyang gatda daego isseul        

We continued singing and the guys all praised me at the end. 

"Wow! Your rapping skills are really good! You only have to work on some techniques when you sing," Jinyoung said and clapped. 

"Thanks," I said and smiled at him.

"Oh my god, guys. It's 11 pm.." 

I checked the time on my phone and my eyes went wide. How did we lose track of time that easy? My curfew is at 10pm and I don't know if mom's home yet.. I called her and she picked up after a few rings.

"Hello? Honey? Is there something wrong?" My mom asked. I could clearly hear the worry in her voice, which made me feel bad.

"Hey mom! I kinda lost track of time, so I'm still at my friend's house.." 

"Really? What time is it now? Oh, it's 11. Hmm, it's okay. Just stay there and go home tomorrow, okay? I'm not home for the night, so I'd rather have you safe and sound at your friend's house than on your own at home. See you tomorrow, sweety!" Mom said.

"Okay mom. I'll ask if it's okay.. There's nothing wrong with you, right?" I asked. There were some times that she didn't go home at night, but I always worry and wonder why she doesn't want to tell me..

"No! Nothing's wrong. Just don't go to sleep too late, okay? I love you!" She said and hung up. I was confused for a second, but decided to leave it aside.

The boys all looked at me, as if waiting for me to tell them what the conversation was about. What's up with these guys and their curiosity? 

"Everything okay?" Jinyoung asked.

"Yeah.. Ehh.. My mom isn't coming home tonight and she kind of asked if it's okay for me to stay here.." I said, hesitantly. I wouldn't mind going home and staying there on my own, but it was what my mom wanted. And I don't want to worry her by staying home alone. I barely know these guys, but I just hope they would be kind enough to lend me their couch for the night.

"Of course you can! You can stay in my room and I'll just go sleep in one of the boy's room," Jinyoung said. I shook my head immediately.

"No no no, I can sleep on your couch. No need to move out of your room. Just some sleeping clothes would be great.." I said and patted Jinyoung's shoulder.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't mind.. I've slept in Yugyeom and Bambam's room a lot of times, because I was bored," Jinyoung said and looked at me again.

"No, really. I can sleep on the couch, just act like I'm not here," I said and gave them an assuring smile.

"I'll get you some clothes, a blanket and a pillow. You can change in the bathroom!" Jackson said, while walking towards his room. The boys said they were going to change into pajamas, so I sat down on the couch, waiting for Jackson to give me some of his clothes. I felt kinda awkward and uncomfortable, having to borrow his clothes.

"Here you go Anna! There's the bathroom. I'll put the pillow and blanket on the couch for you, okay?" He said and pointed towards the bathroom. I gave him an 'okay' sign and went to the bathroom he pointed at. It was really clean and big, which I didn't expect. Especially the clean part, since guys tend to be messy and untidy. 

Jackson gave me a black shirt (which was too big) and a pair of sweatpants (which were also kinda big). I came out laughing at myself, because everything was too big and I looked really silly. 

"Aw, you look so cute! Sorry for the big clothes, I couldn't really find anything smaller and you're really tiny," Jackson said and ruffled my hair. I laughed at him and put my hair in a bun. 

"Good night Anna! We'll wake you up tomorrow, okay? Tell me if you're uncomfortable on the couch," he said and walked away while waving and smiling at me. I waved and smiled back and laid down. I took out my phone to text Daniel. 

Anna: Danieeel! I'm staying at the guys' house, because it's kinda late and mom told me to.. Hope you don't mind! Good night, I love youuu 
Daniel: Anna! It's okay.. Just be careful, okay? Are we still going to school together, or are you going with them? Good night to you too and love you too ♥♥
Anna: You wouldn't mind if I go with them, right? It would only be a bother if you came here to walk to school with me.. We can go home together tomorrow! xo

I sighed and set an alarm first. I set it at 6.30 so I could go home, take a shower and change. I would still have time to go back and make them breakfast, since I take 10 minutes to shower, 2 minutes to get dressed and brush my teeth and 5 minutes for make up. I would be back before they wake up and cook breakfast for them. 

The next morning, I woke up at 6.20 and decided to get up immediately. I took Mark's house keys so I could enter the house when I got back. He told me it was okay, as long as I put it back where I took it.

As said, I finished taking a shower, getting dressed, putting on make up and brushing my teeth before the guys woke up. I wore tights with pattern and an oversized sweater. Of course, not without my platform heels. 

When I got to their house, I made toast and scrambled eggs for them, since they didn't have that much in house. 

I woke the guys up at 7:15. I went to the first room I saw, which apparently belonged to Jackson and Mark. Jackson was stirring in his sleep so I woke him up first.

"Jackson, wake up. Oppa, I made breakfast, you have to wake up," I whispered and his eyes opened immediately. I smiled at him and he sat up.

"Goodmorning," he said and got out of bed, "I'll wake up the others, go wash up," I said and went to Mark's bed to wake him up.

"Mark, wake up," I said and shook his body. He didn't even move an inch. I sighed and shook him some more. 

"Mark, wake up! Oppa!" I almost yelled.

"Ah.. Who are you, leave me alone," he said and covered his face with his blanket.

"It's me, Anna. Please wake up, I made breakfast."

"OH! Anna! Sorry, I'll get up," he sat up immediately and made his way to the bathroom.

Okay, next up: Jaebum and Youngjae's room. I went in as quietly as possible. They were both still sleeping soundlessly, so I felt kinda bad for waking them up for breakfast. They had to get up eventually, so might as well wake them up now.

I cleared my throat and yelled, "WAKE UP!" 

I expected them to get up immediately, but the only thing that happened was that Jackson ran into the room to see what was going on. He heaved out a breath of relief when he saw that I was trying to wake up the boys. 

"Just take their blanket and walk away, they'll wake up eventuallly," he said and gave me an assuring smile. I nodded and made my way to their bed, which they shared together. I took the blanket and walked out of the room, towards the living room. Jackson gave me a thumps up and laughed.

I had to wake up Jinyoung next, because I wanted the younger ones to sleep a little longer. I quietly made my way towards Jinyoung's room. I had to enter Yugyeom and Bambam's room first, before getting into Jinyoung's room. He was sprawled across the bed, which made me laugh. 

"Oppa," I said and slightly shook his shoulder. His eyes opened almost immediately and covered himself with his blanket. 

"Oh my god, I was scared for a moment there. I'll get up," Jinyoung said and patted my head. I nodded and walked out of his room to wake Bambam and Yugyeom. They looked really cute so I stood there for a while, trying to think of a way to wake them up. I decided to just lightly pinch their cheeks to see if they would wake up.

"Ah, what are you.." Bambam said and turned his back towards me, so I tried the same technique with Yugyeom.

"Aish, don't touch me," Yugyeom said and also turned his back towards me. I pouted, unknowingly. At that very moment, Jinyoung walked into the boys' room. 

"I'll do it, go to the living room and have breakfast with the others. They're kinda hard to wake up," he said and shooed me away. I laughed at him and walked towards the living room, where only Jackson and Mark were.

"The others are still washing up. They'll be here soon,"  Mark said and smiled. I nodded and went to the kitchen, where the breakfast was that I made. I took each plate and put it on their dining table. 

"You can eat first, right? Do you think the boys would mind?" I asked them. They both shook their head and started eating. 

While they were eating, I decided to check if Yugyeom and Bambam have woken up. When I got to their room, it was a mess. Like literally.. Jinyoung was yelling and nagging them for staying up too late and their blankets and pillows were on the floor. Yugyeom and Bambam were on the floor, still trying to get some sleep. 


"ANNA PLEASE HELP OH MY GOD!" Jinyoung said and ruffled his own hair out of frustration. I giggled, because he looked really cute. Apart from the giggling, I still helped him. I went to Bambam's bed first, because it was the nearest bed. I tickled his feet and he shot up immediately.


I gave a satisfying smile and made my way to Yugyeom. I held his nose so he couldn't breathe through it.


Jinyoung and I laughed and walked out of the bathroom, but not before checking if they actually got up. They both glared at us, which made us laugh more. Jinyoung patted my shoulder and smiled. When we got to the living room, Youngjae and Jaebum were also there. They were both eating their breakfast and talking about some stuff. Jinyoung sat down next to Jaebum and started eating too. 

After all the boys washed up and got dressed, we made our way to the front door to leave. The guys were teasing each other and having fun, while I just stood there. I took out my phone to text Daniel and Megan, so they would know I was safe. 

"Anna, you can sit here," Mark said and pointed to his motorcycle. I nodded and sat behind him. The ride to school was calm and we didn't really talk. As we got to school, I saw Daniel at his usual spot with some of his friends. He waved at me and I waved back. I got off the motorcycle and thanked Mark and the other boys for being so kind to let me stay over for the night. After that, I made my way towards Daniel and pulled him in for a hug. 

"Hey little one," Daniel said and kissed me on my head. He ruffled my hair a bit and pulled away. 

"I missed you!" I said and hugged him. 

"I missed you too, but you act as if we haven't seen each other for years."

"Well, sorta. The boys were really nice for letting me stay over and we even danced. Wanna sleep over at my house tonight? And are we still going to visit Megan? She hasn't been answering my calls or texts.." I said, sighing and looking at the ground. Daniel held my chin and lifted my head up.

"Hey, cheer up, okay? She'll be alright. Maybe her phone died and she didn't bother to charge it. Let's just check up on her after school and don't think about it too much, okay? She got better last time, so she will this time," Daniel said, and gave me a assuring smile. I nodded and hooked his arm with mine to go to class with him.


Ew, that voice. I recognize that out of thousands. What the hell is he trying to do this time. I sighed and turned my head. 

"What?" I said, coldly. 

"Don't I get a hug?" Eli said, while giving me a smirk.

"Leave. Me. Alone." I said, stopping between each word to make sure he understood everything clearly. 

"Okay! Let's walk to class together then! Since we have English class together," he said and hooked his arm with my other arm, which was not hooked with Daniel's arm. I shook his arm off and pulled Daniel with me. Daniel held my hand and gave it a light squeeze. 

I'm so glad to have a friend like him. He does have his own group of friends, and I don't mind when he hangs out with them, but he always puts me on first place and makes sure I'm okay. 

When we got to class, there were only a few students there. We sat down at our usual place, which was the window seat in the back of the classroom. No one would bother us, since the seat in front of us is usually Megan's seat. But since she's not here, no one sat there. Our teacher was very strict with the seats, since he himself put everyone in a seat and he didn't want anyone to change seats till the end of the school year. 

"Anna, I have to tell you something.." Daniel said. I was kinda scared for what he was about to say, because whenever he says this, nothing good comes out. I gave him a look to tell him to continue. 

"Jessica and I kinda broke up," he said.

"What do you mean with kinda?" 

"Ahh, we broke up," he said and sighed. It was weird, because they've been dating for almost 2 years and I thought everything was going well.. But you never know what happens behind closed doors, right?

"How did it happen?" I asked, carefully. 

"I don't know, feelings weren't there anymore and we drifted apart," he said and pinched my cheek, "But it's okay, I'm okay. So don't worry, okay?"

I nodded and gave him a slight smile. I know, I'm really bad at comforting people, please don't hate me. I always feel so awkward comforting people, how is Daniel so good with that? Please give me advice.

"Wanna get ice cream after school and bring it to Megan?" I asked, trying to lighten up the mood. He noddd and smiled. 

The teacher arrived and class started. It was boring as usual, so I kinda drifted off to dreamland. I was woken up by Daniel when class ended. He already packed my bag for me and stood in front of my desk.

"Coming?" He asked and held his hand out for me. I took his hand and we walked to our next class, which was P.E.... The subject I hated the most, unless we did something related to dancing or basketball. I went into the locker room to change into my gym clothes. 

"Anna." Someone said, making me turn around. I was faced with the girl I hated the most, Bethany Moore, the so-called beauty of the school. The only thing that's pretty about her is her face and that doesn't make up for her ty personality. 

"What do you want? I'm trying to change here," I said and continued changing.

"Good for you, now stop what you're doing, you're being rude," she said. I scoffed and looked at her directly.

"Are you kidding me? You're the one interrupting me getting dressed, go get dressed yourself. You have a class to attend," I said and continued what I was doing again. I shook my head at her behaviour. Telling me to stop being rude, while she's the one being a rude .

"Just shut up, we all know who's the better one here. Just don't come near Jackson and his friends, okay? They're trouble." 

"Don't worry about me, girl. If he's trouble, get yourself safe and stop telling me to do things, thanks," I said, closing my locker and walking away. I could feel her glare and laughed in myself, 

When I walked out of the locker room, I was greeted by a very happy Bambam, a smiling Yugyeom and a not-so-happy Daniel. I made my way towards Daniel and we walked towards one of the benches. We had P.E. inside now, since it's winter. 

"Okay kids! Listen up! This year, there will also be a choreography making project where you get graded for. So team up with someone and just do whatever, okay? If you need help, I'm in the teacher's room. You know the rest of the rules," the teacher said and walked away. 

"Anna! Wanna team up with me? Please please please?" Yugyeom asked, with a pouting face. I looked at Daniel and he nodded, telling me to take the offer and team up with him. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. Daniel is also a really good dancer and he liked dancing with me, so I didn't understand why he told me to dance with Yugyeom. 

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll just team up with Eli, since he's not that bad either." I nodded and waved at him, while Yugyeom was pulling me with him. 

"What song?" I asked. I think he prefers house music, but I've seen him do hip hop and popping, so I don't really know what he wants. I would probably agree with everything.

"Ehh, what song do you want to dance to?" Yugyeom asked and looked at me. I shrugged and told him to choose a song, because I don't really know that many songs with an upbeat.

"Anything upbeat is okay for me," I said and smiled at him. He nodded and went through his phone playlist. A moment later, he stood up and gave the phone to me. I listened to it, and it was a really nice song. It was a remix: upbeat and many styles could be danced with that song. 

"Yeah, this one is good! Now.. We could do lots of different styles with this song. Like hip hop, popping, house and some other stuff. We can show everything we can do, right?" I asked and he nodded.

"Good idea! Let's get started!" He said and pulled me up. We spent the rest of the period coming up with different moves. We got pretty far, since we finished almost half of the song. The whole song was 4 minutes and we got to 2 minutes, which is an accomplishment. 

"Okay everyone! Class is over, you did great. Now go change and enjoy lunch," the teacher said and waited for everyone to leave the room. 

I entered the locker room and was met with an angry Bethany. What does she want? Is she mad, because I teamed up with Yugyeom for this little project? Are you kidding me? 

"What? Leave me alone."

"I told you to stay away from those dudes, and you still team up with Yugyeom?" She scoffed. 

"Well, since you're nothing to me to tell me what to do and what not, I'm not listening to you. Just go have fun and live your life," I said and walked away, towards my locker, to change into my clothes. Luckily, Bethany did not follow me and cause more trouble. I'm good, for now. She's probably going to bother me again, on another day. 


I'm so surprised this story got more than 100 views LOL
Hope you're enjoying it so far! Also, please leave a comment if you like it or have anything to say about the story, it would really help!

Another thing: 
Sorry for the changing lettertype, I don't really know how to change it and cbb to type it all over again..


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I'm really sorry for not updating for a few weeks! I'm planning on getting back at it, since i'm on my winter break~


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Neko_Eonni #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for your greetings, I hope you had a great time with your loved ones
suamortentia #2
Chapter 23: Happy Holidays \o/ Hope you enjoy a lot too.
Neko_Eonni #3
Chapter 22: Great chapter!!!! I really ship AnGyeom~ I'm glad they made up
suamortentia #4
Chapter 22: Still too adorable *-* I'm not the biggest fan of Yugyeom, but I admit that they're cute together :P
Neko_Eonni #5
Chapter 13: I really really REALLY hope she ends up with Yugyeom!!
Chapter 21: Awwww
princessfanfan #7
Chapter 20: she needs to end up with yugyeom. too cute together >_<
Chapter 20: ERMEHGERD I LOVE THISE DANCERS OMG!!! CX I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT CX (can I ask you how old you are and do you have a Kik??) Like seriously sorry for asking but like I never knew a person that knows those dancers cx
suamortentia #9
Chapter 19: Jackson <3 UISAJDISOASDA, well, I'll just wait for more. Fighting!
Chapter 19: Yet another amazing chapter CX but seriously she should end up with the cutie makane (if that's how you spell it hehe ><)