Chapter 22

You're My Playground

I woke up from another nap, when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes, only to see Jackson's face maybe 2 inches away from my face. I retreated my head immediately, "Yah oppa.. why were you so close.." I said, feeling my cheeks heat up. 

"I'vé been trying to wake you up for the past 5 minutes," he said and took my bag from me. He got out of the car, joining the others. I looked outside and saw that we were in front of a building with the name "The Grand Brighton". We took our suitcases and other bags out of the car and went inside. We greeted the receptionist and asked for 5 rooms. I was put in a room alone again, Mark & Jackson in one room, Yugyeom & Bambam in one room, Jaebum & Youngjae in one room and lastly, Jinyoung in a room alone. Jaebum was nice enough to give the room to Jinyoung, because Jaebum already had a room for himself in London for a few days. 

"Let's all get back to our room, sette in and meet up in half an hour, okay?" Jaebum said, waiting for the other's approvals. We all nodded our heads and each went to our own room. This hotel wasn't as big as the one in London, because we didn't want to spent too much money on another hotel. By now, it was 10am. We had a lot of things planned for today, because well, we only had one day in Brighton. 

"Woah," I said, while walking in the room. It was big enough for me; i had a bed for two, a bathroom with a shower and a bathtub, a seperate room with the toilet and one huge closet. I also had windows that were as high as the room itself, the view was beautiful and the weather was also quite lovely. I suddenly got a text, so I took my phone out of my pocket.

Jaebum: Anna, what do you these things to do today; eating some fish and chips for lunch, visit the Brighton Pier at night, going on the Brighton wheel (also at night), visiting sea life and maybe kayaking? Let me know as soon as you read this! - Jaebum oppa

Before replying to his message, I decided to lay down and look up all the things he mentioned. For example, I have no idea what the Brighton Pier is nor do I know anything about Sea Life or the Brighton wheel. I didn't do my research for Brighton at all..

I decided to look up the Brighton Pier first, since it sounded the most interesting. I visited the site and saw that it was (as the name says) a pier with a fair on it. It seemed like a lot of fun, especially at night. Next up, I looked up Sea Life. I've heard of it before, because I think we also have one back in my country, but I've never been there before. As I expected, it turned out to be a huge walk-in kind of aquarium. Just tons of fish and other sea animals. I've always wanted to visit something like this! Last up, the Brighton wheel. It was just a huge ferris wheel in Brighton. I wouldn't mind going on it with all the boys, unless they start trying to scare me by moving a lot.. 

Anna: Hello oppa! Sorry for a late reply, I was looking up all the things you mentioned. They all seem like a lot of fun! Especially excited for the fish and chips!! aha~ 

I put my phone aside and got off the bed. I opened my suitcase and took a few things out of it. Since we were only staying here for a day, I didn't want to go through all the fuss to put everything in my closet and get it out a few hours later to put it back in my suitcase.. 

After 20 minutes or so, I finsihed washing up, changing into some more comfortable clothes. I locked the door of my hotel room and went to the lobby to meet up with everyone else. I only took my phone, my roomkeys and my wallet with me. When I got to the lobby, everyone was already there. Guess the others also didn't do anything. I did notice that they were all wearing other clothes. 

"Everyone's here! Let's go then~" Jaebum said and walked in front of us. We all followed him, since we assumed that he knew where we had to go to. First off, lunch! We mad our way to a restaurant or whatever it was. It was only a 10 minute walk, but some of the boys already started complaining while we were walking for like 3 minutes. 

"Anna~ please carry me!" Bambam said and pouted. I laughed and shook my head, "Oppa, don't you think people would look at us weirdly?" I raised up an eyebrow, "Besides, you're too heavy." I joked and ruffled his hair when he pouted again. 

"I'll carry you!" Jackson said, while raising his hand. We all gave Jackson a weird look before shrugging it off and letting those two lovebirds do whatever they wanted to. A few minutes later, we arrived in front of a restaurant. Walking this distance wasn't tiring at all for me, but for some (Bambam and Youngjae) it seemed like the longest walk they've ever been on. 

We walked in and were led to a table for 8. The waiter was really nice and friendly, which may be the reason that the receptioinist told us the way to this restaurant. We were asked what we wanted to drink and after that, the waiter left to get our drinks ready. We all took the menu, which was on Youngjae's side, and took a look. Everyone ended up ordering fish and chips.

"I honestly don't even like fish, but maybe I do this time," Youngjae said. We all laughed, because it didn't sound logical at all. Soon, our food arrived and we started eating. It didn't look like anything special, just a plate with some fish and chips and some sauce. The chips were crispy and yummy and the fish was also really good!

"Hmmm, haven't had fish in a while," Bambam said with a satisfied smile on his face. We continued eating without saying much. Jackson occasionally glanced up at me, flashing me a smile everytime I caught him in his act. At the end, we all gave Jaebum money to pay for the food. Of course, we didn't forget a tip, because the service was so good and the food was very enjoyable. 

"Okay, what do you guys want to do now? I made a reservation for kayaking at 2pm. That will take 1,5 hours and after that, we can go to sealife. And of course the Brighton Pier and the Brighton wheel at night," Jaebum said. It was 11.30 now, so we had approximately 2,5 hours to spare. Guess we'll just stroll around Brighton's mall and look for souvenirs or clothing. The restaurant wasn't far from the mall, according to the waiter, and of course Bambam and Youngjae were very happy with that. 

"Can we split up?" Bambam requested. Everyone nodded and went their own way. I didn't really feel like going with anyone, so I walked off on my own, not before asking the others if that was okay of course. I saw a little store and decided to go in, because it looked interesting. The worker greeted me very nicely and left me alone for the next few minutes I was in there. I spotted a cute dress, so I went to the back to try it on. It looked pretty good on me, which sounds conceited, but I honestly didn't mean it like that. Why am I even defending myself? I can say something looks good on me without feeling like everyone's judging me, right? 

"This dress is nice, huh?" The worker said, when I stood in front of the counter to pay. 

"Yeah, I really like it!" I said and smiled. She nodded and scanned the item. "That will be 20 pounds, please," she said. I handed her the money and got back some change. She put it in a plastic bag and handed it to me.

"Thank you so much! I'll be sure to come back~" I said and waved at her. She waved back and smiled. I proceeded my solo tour around the mall. I saw a store that sold CD's. When I walked in, I saw it wasn't just a store with 'normal' CD's. They actually sold kpop in here! I went to the poster section and looked for GOT7's poster. After a few posters of mainly exo and shinee, I finally found GOT7's poster! It was huuuuge (60 x 90"). I asked the owner of the store for the poster, and he came to take it out. I asked if it was okay to put it on the counter for a moment, so I could look through other stuff, and he luckily agreed. I went to the CD section and looked for GOT7's newest album "Identify" and they had it! I was super happy and picked it up immediately, and I also picked up BTS' Dark & Wild album, their Skool Luv Affair album and their Thailand photobook. After that, I went back to the owner to pay for the poster and the albums. He thanked me for my purchase afterwards and I left the store. The poster was rolled up and put in the same bag as the albums, but half of it stuck out. I went on with my alone-time and entered all kinds of random stores that looked interesting to me. I ended up in a topshop. I wasn't really looking for anything specific, I just wanted to fill up my skirt collection and maybe buy some flannels. 

I was casually looking through the racks with clothes until someone tapped me on the shoulder. 

"Uh.. Anna.." I turned around and saw Yugyeom standing there. He was looking down and fidgeted with his coat. 

"Oh hey," I said and hung the clothes I was holding back on the rack behind me, "What's up?" I asked.

"Uhm, we still didn't sort everything out.." He said, "Look, I know it was very dumb and selfish of me to leave you alone like that.. I really didn't mean to. I'm also sorry for not really talking to you the whole day.. I can't fully blame Jenny for it, because I was of course also at fault. I kinda found out that she's a horrible person.. she literally yelled at me when I wanted to go look for you and call you.. But I really missed not talking to you, even though it was only for a day, I just really want you back as my best friend.. Please forgive me, pretty pretty please?" He pouted and made his eyes bigger. 

I sighed and looked away for a moment, before looking back at him. He didn't look away once. I admit that I was being a little bit harsh for not speaking to him at all or avoiding him.. I also know that it's not entirely his fault, big part of it was Jenny's fault. And I also really missed him..

I stepped forward and hugged him, really tight. It seemed like he was taken aback by it, because he froze for a moment. After realizing I was hugging him and actually forgiving him, he also put his arms around me.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you and walking off on you.." I said.

"No, don't apologize for that.. If I realized you were gone earlier, that would've never happened. Thanks for forgiving me Anna, I really missed you," he said. 

"Hmm, okay, but can you please let go? We're in the middle of a store, remember?" I said and slowly let go. Yugyeom nodded and also let go. I grabbed the clothes I held earlier and went on with looking around. Yugyeom followed me the whole time and gave comments on some pieces.

"You'll be freezing in that."

"People will look at your legs."

"It's too cold for that."

"Yah, oppa! Just because I forgave you, doesn't mean you can tell me what to do." I said and turned around. I wasn't mad at him, just wanted to point something out, because he was literally giving commnets on everything.

"I'm sorryyy~" He said and gave me a backhug. 

"I'm not mad.. just wanted to tell you," I said, "Oh, they also have a topmen in here!" I went down the stairs to the topmen section. I picked random things out for Yugyeom and gave them to him. Surprisingly, he liked everything I gave him. They were mostly blouses or flannels, but he didn't really mind.

"Hey, we'll be matching if we both buy these," Yugyeom said and pointed at the flannel in my hand. I looked at my flannel and then to his and smiled. We ended up buying a few flannels (some were matching) and I bought a few skirts. Yugyeom also bought a pair of pants and a jacket. After that, we had 30 minutes left until we had to meet up with the others. We decided to get some coffee at Starbucks and go to the others right afterwards.

"Same as usual?" Yugyeom asked. I nodded and gave him the money, but he refused to let me pay. I sneaked up behind him and slid some money in his backpocket, in hopes of him not noticing. 

"Can I have two pumpkin spice lattes, please," he said. He handed the cashier the money and we stepped aside to wait for our drinks. Just then, Yugyeom reached out for his backpocket and fished out the money I put in there. "Yah, you sneaky little thing," he said and put the money back in my hands. I pouted and grabbed the two pumpkin spice lattes that were on the counter. I thanked the barista and walked away, sticking my tongue out at Yugyeom. He chuckled and caught up with me. 

"Here," I said and gave it to him after a minute or so. He smiled and thanked me. We went to the spot we agreed on meeting up with the others. The first ones there were Jaebum and Jinyoung, as expected.

"Hey! You two finally made up?" Jinyoung asked with a smile on his face. We both nodded and smiled. 

"Good. It felt like forever," Jaebum joked and grabbed Yugyeom's cup to take a sip. Yugyeom whined and snatched it back after Jaebum took a sip. We sat down on the benches, waiting for the others and making small talks. 

"Seems like you two finally made up, huh?" Mark said, and sat down next to Yugyeom. We both nodded and flashed him a smile. "I'm glad you two did. Yugyeom has been way too annoying for the past day," Mark said and got a glare from Yugyeom. We spent another 15 minutes, waiting for Jackson and Bambam. Seemed like they had a lot of fun, because their hands were full with bags and they had a big smile on their faces. 

"Finally!" Jaebum said and got up, "We have 30 minutes left to get to the kayaking place, so let's go and take the bus. It's not that far." We got up and followed him, obviously not knowing which way to go. 

"Glad you two made up," Jackson said and patted both me and Yugyeom on our heads. We smiled and nodded. 

"Oh Anna, what did you buy? What's that rolled up thing?" Bambam asked. 

"This?" I pointed to the poster and got it out of the bag. I rolled it out and showed them. "Tadaa!! I bought a huge poster of you guys," I said and laughed. I rolled it back up and took their album out of the bag. "I also got this one! Since you guys keep telling me that I'm not a true friend for not buying your album." They smiled and thanked me for buying it. 

"Hey, but what are those other things in your bag?" Yugyeom asked. 

"Oh.. uh.. nothing," I said and hid the bag behind me. Just then, Jaebum and Jinyoung came to my rescue and told us that the bus arrived, so we had to run. We all ran as fast as possible and luckily made it to the bus in time. We all paid for our own bustickets and went all the way to the back. I was walking in front of Yugyeom, and just when I almost turned around to sit down, he snatched the bag out of my hand and looked at the other thing I bought. 

"You bought two BTS albums and a photobook?" Yugyeom asked. He was raising one eyebrow at me. "Do you not love us enough? You buy two BTS albums and only one GOT7 album? Not even other goods?" He pouted and 'sadly' put the albums back in the bag and handed in to me. 

"Yah, you guys don't even have other albums," I said and stuck my tongue out. 

"Yes we do! What about Girls Girls Girls? That's an mini album! And what about 'A'?" 

"Oh.. I-I'm sorry.. I'll buy it next time we see a store where they sell your album, okay?" I said and put my face in front of his. He burst out laughing, because of my expression. 

He gave me a hug, "I was just joking, you don't have to spend your money on us. We can just give you free albums or let you listen to our album whenever you're at our house," he said and smiled. 

"Thank you so much for making me feel bad.. And I already downloaded all your songs, so I still paid money for that, right?" I said, "You're too mean.."

"I'm sorryyyyy~ I know you did, but you still love me," he said and proudly smiled.

"Maybe." I said, "But you're still mean." I stuck my tongue out and looked out the window afterwards, enjoying the view. We sat in silence for the next 10 minutes. Yugyeom was leaning his head on my shoulder and Bambam and Jackson were basically passed out on the seats in front of us. They were sitting very close to each other and Bambam was leaning his head on Jackson's shoulder. I giggled and turned my head around to see the others. Jaebum was listening to music, Jinyoung was doing the same, Mark was playing some kind of game on his phone (or texting) and Youngjae was sleeping with his head against the window. 

"Oppa.. we're almost there," I said and pinched his cheeks, "Oppa, your head is heavy," I whined and pulled on his bottomlip. He shot up immediately and looked around. "What happened?" 

"Nothing. I was pinching your cheeks and pulling on your bottomlip," I said and shrugged. I got my bag off the ground and put my phone and earphones in it. 


"Get up, we're almost stopping," I said and waited for him to get up. He eventually did and walked to the door, holding on to anything so he wouldn't fall over. On my way to the door, I woke up Jackson and Bambam.

"Oppa's, time to wake up~" I said and ruffled their hair. Their eyes shot open and they both glared at me. "What? It's time to wake up. You need your energy." I walked forward and joined Yugyeom in front of the busdoor. The bus was slowly stopping, and because I wasn't holding onto anything, I almost fell over. Luckily, Yugyeom was there and quickly held my arms and steadied me. 

"Thanks," I said and got off the bus when the doors opened. We waited for the others and walked behind Jaebum. After all, he's the one that knows where we have to go to.  

"We're going in and they're going to explain some things before we can actually start kayaking," Jinyoung said. We nodded and stepped inside a building. We were greeted by a guy (he was really handsome, if I may say). He had brown hair that was swept up, his eyes were a light shade of brown and he had a little beard that looked really good on him. Oh, he's also really tall, maybe around 6 feet?

"Nice to meet you, I'm David, I'm 19 years old and I'm going to help you with mastering this beautiful thing," he said and pointed to the kayak next to him. After his introduction, he led us outside where all the kayaks were (and the water). We got to choose from the colours and I chose a blue one. I stood next to it and waited for the others to do so too. David then suddenly stood next to me. "How come you landed here with all these boys?" He chuckled. 

"We're all friends. I do have a girlfriend, or a friend that's a girl, but she moved to France so now I'm left with them," I laughed and shrugged. I know I don't have many friends that are girls, but girls just don't seem to like me very much, which is weird, because I never talk to any of them and they don't know me.. But I'm glad and happy I have friends as GOT7, Megan and Daniel.

"Hmm, are you guys here on a holiday? Doesn't seem like you're from here," he said.

"Yeah, just two weeks. And yeah, we're not. Just people that are very curious of this country," I said and nodded my head. 

"How's it been so far?" He asked. 

"A lot of fun! People here are very nice," I said.

"Well thank you," he said and did a little bow. I tilted my head and looked at him, "Let's not say thanks too soon, okay?" I joked and laughed. He also laughed and nodded his head. He patted me on the shoulder, "Good luck," and stood behind us, so we all had to turn around.

"Okay, I'll just show and tell you the basic rules and after that, we can start kayaking," he said and started off with the rules. After a good 15 minutes, we were allowed to get into the kayak and go into the water. I slightly pushed my kayak forward, just so one half was in the water and the other half was in the sand. I sat down and grabbed the paddles. 

"You can go in!" David yelled from behind us. I moved my body forward so the kayak would move forward as well. I got into the water without any problems and started paddling. It wasn't going very well, because I didn't seem to go forward, while some of the others were doing great. Youngjae and I were the only ones struggling. David ran to Youngjae and helped him first, before helping me. After a while, Youngjae paddled without any problems.

"I see it's going great for you," David said. 

"Yeah, can you please help me? Why isn't it moving?" I asked, paddling furiously. 

"It's because you're moving too fast and unstable," he said and stood next to me, "Just lean back a bit, hold these two paddles and don't hold them too tight. Instead of leaning your arms too far forward and extending your waist like that, try using your torso to turn into the ." I leaned back a bit and loosened my grip on the paddles. I tried to move my torso, but it felt very unnatural and awkward.. 

"Just do it like this," he said and did it for me to see. I copied what he did and eventually did it with the paddles. "Yeah, just like that! Good job!" He said when I was (finally) moving forward. He clapped and smiled. "Thank you!" I yelled and got two thumbs up from him. I smiled and tried to paddle to the others. We weren't allowed to go that far, since we were still beginners. I didn't mind, because I honestly hate deep water or the sea. Absolutely hate it.

"Oh my god! You did it!" Jackson said and cheered for me. The others turned around and did the same. I was smiling ear to ear and decided to go back, because I had the feeling that we were pretty deep.. The boys all stayed there and watched me to make sure I was safe, which wasn't necessary, but still very nice.

"What's up? Why did you go back that fast?" David asked, frowning.

"Wasn't feeling comfortable in the water," I said and shrugged. I got out of the kayak and dragged it with me and let it go on the sand. 

"Hmm, that's understandable. Want to get something warm to drink?" He asked. I nodded and went inside with him. They had a little cafe there, which was very nice. 

"Sit down, I'll get us something," he said. I nodded and waited for him. I didn't have my phone with me, since it was in a locker, so I just stared at his backview, not really knowing what else to look at. I immediately looked away when he turned around. When I returned my gaze to him, I saw him smiling while turning his head away. Although it was super cold, I started blushing. I put my hands on my cheeks to quickly cool them, but I wasn't sure if it was working. 

"I got us both some hot chocolate with a lot of whipped cream," he said and put the mug in front of me. I took the spoon out of the mug and ate the whipped cream first.

"Are you cold? Wear this," he said and put a jacket around me. 

"Thanks," I said and smiled at him. I continued eating my whipped cream and seeing it slowly melt. 

"Is it good?" He chuckled. I nodded and blew in my mug to cool the hot chocolate down. 

"How long have you been kayaking?" I asked him. He was silent for a minute, which seemed like he was thinking. "Since I was 10 years old, so 9 years now." I widened my eyes and my mouth fell open. He chuckled and closed my mouth. 

"Do you have anything you like doing?" He asked. I nodded and smiled.

"I like dancing and singing, but I'm not very good at singing," I said and smiled. 

"And you are at dancing?" He asked. I nodded, "People say I am, so I guess so."

"Can you show me?" I looked around and nodded. David walked to the cashier and asked if he could put on some music and the cashier agreed. David motioned for me to come over, so I did. I looked for a song and eventually decided on 'Rocket' by Travis Garland. I did a choreography by Brian Puspos, that I once spent a whole day learning.

I put a lot of energy in it, so I was heavily breathing afterwards. David was loudly clapping when the music stopped. 

"Wow, I trusted you when you said you were good, but I didn't expect you to be this good.." He said, still clapping. 

"Thank you, that means a lot," I said and sat back down, smiling. I dronk from my hot chocolate that wasn't as hot as it was 4 minutes ago anymore. I didn't mind, because I could finally drink normally out of it. 

"What about singing?" He asked.

"Nah, not confident enough for that, sorry," I said. 

"That's okay," he said. Just then, the others came and walked towards us. 

"Hey, there you are," Yugyeom said and sat down on the chair next to mine. We spent the next half an hour talking about kayaking and dancing. The others also ordered something warm to drink, and after everyone finished their drinks, we went back to kayaking, This time, David also joined us. We spent the next hour kayaking around and playing around, until it was almost 6pm. We decided to stop so we would still have enough time to go to sealife. Sealife was open until 10, but we still wanted to go to the Brighton Pier (which closed at 11pm). 

"Thanks for everything today, man," Jackson said and gave David a bro-hug. The others did the same. David and I tried the same, but we must've looked very awkward, so we just gave each other a normal hug. 

"Thanks for helping me with kayaking, David. You were great company! Good luck with everything," I said and got closer, "I forgot to tell you, but you're really handsome." I laughed and walked away with the others, who were already walking. I glanced back and saw him winking at me. I stuck my tongue out and waved. I soon caught up with the others and hooked my arm with Yugyeom's. We went to the busstop and took the bus to Sealife. Again, everyone sat at the back and most of us slept. This time, it was me who slept instead of Yugyeom. 

A moment later, I was woken up by Yugyeom. We all got out of the bus and stood in front of the beautiful building. Jaebum told us to hurry so we could go inside, so we did. I snapped a quick picture of the building and caught up with the rest. There weren't that many people, which was a relief. We got our tickets and went inside. The first thing we walked in on, were aquariums all over the place. There were jellyfish in one aquarium, normal fish in the other, starfish in one and so on. I stopped at every aquarium and almost put my head against it. I've always loved aquariums, but I can't really take care of fish, so my mom never allowed me to get fish ever again after I killed 6 of them, because I forgot to feed them. It wasn't on purpose, I swear!

"Anna~ hurry up!" Bambam whined and dragged me along by my arm. I agreed and we went to the next 'section'. I almost squealed when I saw sharks. It was an indoor aquarium and there were sharks EVERYWHERE! I really really like sharks and I'd love to swim with them once. I've never seen sharks in real life, so I was really excited and happy. I fished my camera out of my bag and started taking pictures of the sharks. 

"Uhm.. Anna? Aren't you.. scared?" Youngjae asked.

I turned around and shook my head, "No, sharks are one of my favorite animals," I said and smiled, continuing taking pictures afterwards. After snapping a lot of pictures, I put my camera away and stood in front of the glass, waiting for a shark to come 'near' me. One swam towards me and turned away just before it touched the glass. Suddenly, I felt someone poking my sides. 

"Can you please stop, oppa," I said and went to the glass opposite of the one I was standing in front of. As expected, it was Yugyeom poking me on my sides. I need to see these animals for a minute and I don't want to get disturbed. I'm not annoyed with him, I'm just too amazed at these sharks that I can't pay attention to anything else..

"Yah, you're ignoring me.." Yugyeom said and put his head next to mine. He jumped back when a shark approached us. I laughed and turned around. 

"I'm done," I said and smiled. The others were bundled up in a corner, trying to ignore the gaze of any sharks. "Aren't you guys coming?" I asked. The all nodded and ran through this aquarium part, because, as I said earlier, they wanted to avoid the sharks. I laughed and followed them. Meanwhile, Yugyeom was clinging onto me, because he must've been scared too. He was holding my coat by the sides and he was pushing me. 

"Oppa.. You're pushing me," I said and pried his hand off of me when we got out. 

"I'm sorry.. I don't like sharks.." He said and walked next to me. 

"I understand. That's fine," I said and hooked my arm with his. We caught up with the others and continued walking through the aquariums. After 1,5 hours, we got to the end and it was around 8.15pm. We quickly left Sealife and took the bus to the Brighton Pier. 

"I had a really nice day, guys. Thanks!" I said and flashed them a big smile. They all smiled back and agreed. It was tiring, but it's been a lot of fun so far! I didn't expect it to be so much fun, because at the beginning of the day, I didn't talk to Yugyeom at all, which made everything kinda awkward. But since we made up this morning, the whole day got ten times better for me. I'm the closest to Yugyeom in this whole group, so I was really happy when we finally made up. 

"Make sure to keep your bags and everything else safe, okay? We don't want to lose anything in a foreign country," Jaebum said and waited for everyone to nod or respond. Everyone said "Yeah." and went back to whatever they were doing. Yugyeom and I were bored, so we played thumb war. I won most of the times, but that was because I cheated or because Yugyeom lost on purpose. After a good 30 minutes, we finally arrived. There were lights coming from the Pier and it looked really pretty. From where we were, I couldn't see if there were many people or not. I hoped that it wouldn't be too crowded, but also not too "abandoned". 




Thanks to everyone who has patiently waited for another chapter. I've been too busy with school, that I could barely touch my laptop.. I'm sorry!! 
I'm on my winter break now, but please don't expect me to update a lot, because although I am on my break, I still have a lot of school work that needs to be finished.

I hope you all understand! Until then, please enjoy this chapter~ 


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I'm really sorry for not updating for a few weeks! I'm planning on getting back at it, since i'm on my winter break~


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Neko_Eonni #1
Chapter 23: Thank you for your greetings, I hope you had a great time with your loved ones
suamortentia #2
Chapter 23: Happy Holidays \o/ Hope you enjoy a lot too.
Neko_Eonni #3
Chapter 22: Great chapter!!!! I really ship AnGyeom~ I'm glad they made up
suamortentia #4
Chapter 22: Still too adorable *-* I'm not the biggest fan of Yugyeom, but I admit that they're cute together :P
Neko_Eonni #5
Chapter 13: I really really REALLY hope she ends up with Yugyeom!!
Chapter 21: Awwww
princessfanfan #7
Chapter 20: she needs to end up with yugyeom. too cute together >_<
Chapter 20: ERMEHGERD I LOVE THISE DANCERS OMG!!! CX I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT CX (can I ask you how old you are and do you have a Kik??) Like seriously sorry for asking but like I never knew a person that knows those dancers cx
suamortentia #9
Chapter 19: Jackson <3 UISAJDISOASDA, well, I'll just wait for more. Fighting!
Chapter 19: Yet another amazing chapter CX but seriously she should end up with the cutie makane (if that's how you spell it hehe ><)