Two: The 1st meeting

Can i be your sunflower?

I study at Ho Chi Minh university of social sciences and humanities, which is only 20 minutes away from my house if i go by motobike. However, i have this hobby of going to school by bus, especially on the day like today, the horrifying Monday when the school's parking lot becames a battlefield. Moreover, with such great weather like this, why must i struggle with all of the driving, the dust, the honking when i can lazily sit on the bus chair and enjoy the city view? 

It always amazes me that i can never get tired of my city's view no matter how many times i see it. Just the same routine from home to school but each time i pass, each time i feel different. Is it because the city is changing fast while I'm not?

The breezes pass by creating a leaves and flowers rain. It looks like they are dancing to a slow waltz, hands in hands with each other, calmly and peacefully reaching the ground under the bright sunshine. I wonder why today's weather is so great... The sky is absolutely clear. It makes me feel like I'm staring into a beautiful pair of blue eyes. The sun is shining gently, not to harsh like every other days. The temperature is so cool, which is rare for a tropical climate country where there are only 2 extremes of super humid or super hot. Something big is gonna happen... Am i gonna meet the president?

"Next stop: USSH"

The automatic voice breaks my train of thoughts. I hurriedly grab my bag and stand at the door. Getting off the bus, i spread my arms to enjoy the cool winds once last time before starting my normal day or you can say my being-a-ghost day. Still, my mood is so good. I wonder why... 


"That's it for today. Remember to do the assignments. You can go now."

I drag my soulless body out the classroom. The whole day of studying philosophy and anthropology has drained each and every pounce of energy in me. I need to charge up. Buying sweets with all of the money i have, i indulge in the happiness of being able to eat feeling myself slowly coming back to life. Great, now my brain can function again.

When i finish all of them, the short hand of the clock already reaches number 6. Just about time for dinner, i need to get home fast. I happily walk to the bus stop while humming to EXO's 3.6.5. Nobody is at the bus stop, which means i have missed it. Usually i would panic and all but today i feel so relaxed. Sitting down the bench, i continue to hum as i wait for the next bus without any rush.

Suddenly something, or somebody to be exact, catches my attention. That person wearing all black, from a black hoodie, black torn jeans, black pair of converse to a black snapback that covers almost all of his face is walking back and forth worriedly. That kind of appearance is definitely considered as suspicious criminal or thief but weirdly, i can feel that he is not a bad person. I don't even know where that confidence comes from, I'm just sure that he won't hurt me.

5 minutes of silence passes by...

"Excuse me, can i help you with anything?"

Oh my Jesus, did i just ask a complete stranger? Did i just start a conversation first? Yes, i can't believe it myself either. But i just can't help it, he looks like a cute lost puppy. My maternal instinct has won my brain.

"Uhm...oh...ah... The thing is..."

Then he tells me quite a long story. He is a Taiwanese American. His family traveled to Ho Chi Minh for vacation and this is his first time being here so he was excited and so he asked his parents for him to go around. Then he ran off before they could say yes. At first he just intended to go around the hotel's area but somehow he ended up here, being lost in a strange city without money or phone, without knowing the native language. Basically he has nothing. He couldn't ask for help cuz it might seem weird and they could think that he was a con artist. As he is concentrating on telling his story, i come closer and take a good look at his face that has been hidden under the snapback's shade all along. Wow is all i can say. He has a defined face, his features are all beautiful, even more than a girl like me. I have to fight the urge to pat his head to calm him down. His panic face is just too cute.

"Can i ask the name of your hotel? Maybe i know that place"

"New World if my memory is correct"

N...e...w... W...o..r...l...d??? Omg that's the most luxurious 5 starred hotel of the city. Then i peek at his clothes again. Indeed he's covered in brand name items. Such a rich kid running around cluelessly... Boy, you are so in danger. Argh, i have no choice but to help him. Sorry mom, I'm gonna be late for dinner.

"I have no money with me so it looks like we will have to walk. Luckily that place is near, just about 15 minutes away. I'll walk you there"

"What? You will walk with a complete stranger?"

"Since i think you won't get there even if i draw you a map anyway. And you may think I'm weird but i have a feeling i can trust you"...

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this is the 1st time i have ever written sth ever since highschool graduation so please kindly understand


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