One: Mona

Can i be your sunflower?

"Come right down for lunch or else i'll cut your cable line",yells my dad.

"And the internet connection too", hollers my mom.

That's my family's daily call for meals, don't get too shocked. Oh i haven't introduced myself, have i? Seriously, where is my manner? Anyways my name is My Duyen from Vietnam but since it's so hard to pronounce, my family as well as all my foreign friends call me by the name Mona. I am a 19 year-old English major who is studying Korean hard. Beside having a knack for learning languages (is that a talent?), I'm extremely normal to the point I'm almost invisible. I have a normal face and body (if you don't wanna say it's ugly), a normal family (not too poor, not to be drowned in debts, not to be hunt by loan sharks but not too rich, not to own an enterprise or rule a kingdom), a normal background (i haven't yet to commit any crimes or have i ever saved the president), and no talents (i can't cook, knit, bake and I'm totally clueless about art-related things). I've always hated my parents for not letting me learn to play any instruments (since they said it was not practical at all). I have nothing to show at the shool fairs in highschool or at the camping sites in university so i choose to silently sit and watch people in awe. Another thing about me is i get shy easily around new people. Starting a conversation is the hardest thing for me. That's why unless somebody talks to me first, I'm probably gonna sit there motionlessly like a statue. So it's not surprising that it took me 2 years to have 5 friends in highschool, which partly thanks to the educational system that lets students sit so close to each other. Now that I've entered university, the place of freedom where i know no one and no one knows me, I've officially become a ghost. Yes, i know it's all my fault and i cannot blame anyone for that. Naturally, I'm an introvert. In addition, i don't talk much at home since my parents and i have a huge . Every time i speak, a conflict will break out so i hardly ever say anything at home. Slowly it became a habit, a habit of staying silent, listening and watching people, which makes me look like a creep.

So the time people use for talking, chitchating, going out with friends, i use it for reading books, fanfics and watching Korean related things. The money the use for cosmetics and clothes, i use it for photobooks and fandom merchandise. I'm a big EXO stan, they give me laughters and relieve my stress. Or to put it another way, they lighten up my world. So basically, i stick to my TV, laptop and phone all the time. Oh it reminds me of my strength: I'm super simple-minded. All it takes to make me happy are sweets and the Internet.

One thing to note about me is that though i read tons of fanfics, novels and watch hundreds of dramas, i still hate what they call "love at first sight" aka "destiny". Please, it only works for beauties with radiant smiles. Moreover how can i ever get to meet such hoties.

"Come right down, Mona. This is my last warning. 1...2...” my dad yells.

Oh gosh. It's serious.

"I'm going... I'm going...". I say as i lazily drag my body in plain T-shirt and jeans down the stairs.

My parents are overprotective and imposing but i have never not loved them. I can't wish for more. My mom cooks for me (cuz she doesn't want us to get food poison), my dad irons my clothes. All I've ever done is to study.

"Gosh, you're so gonna be late. You make me feel like I'm the one who goes to school, not you."

"I won't be. Don't worry Mom... Done. I'm going now. Bye"

Just as I'm about to leave, something catches my attention. Its bright-yellowed pedals look like golds that are shining under the sunlight. 

"Mom, why there's a sunflower in front of our house?"

"Not sure, i, too, just saw it this morning."

"Can i keep it?"

"Well it doesn't have fur so i guess it's ok. But you'll have to take care of it."

"I know, i know. Thanks Mom".

I happily plant it in the pot in the garden on the 2nd floor. The flower comes right up the window above my study spot. I've always liked sunflower for its shape and color. It may not give off fragrance but it's strong and persistent. Its love for the sun is so admirable, always heading towards the sun no matter what.

"Hello? School. Late. HURRY!!!” screams my mom.

"Right down" i say as i take one last look at my new treasure. A breeze suddenly passes by making the flower softly dangle like it's waving me. A smile naturely draws on my face. Ah feels like today is going to be amazing.

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this is the 1st time i have ever written sth ever since highschool graduation so please kindly understand


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