
I'm Yours (Hiatus)






I looked back and saw no one running after me. Where’s Yunho? Did I annoy him? I started walking back to the direction I left him and found him standing there like a statue. Not moving even a single muscle. He seems to be preoccupied with something else.


“Yunho!” I called him, hoping that he would turn to look at me, but to my dismay he did not.


“Yunho!” I shouted this time yet he still didn’t hear me. I called him several times more and still the same. What’s with him? Some people are already starting to look at me like I’m some kind of a crazy woman. Not minding them, I walked straight at my dazed fiancé.


“Yunho, what’s wrong?” I slipped my hands in his as I stare up at him.


“Minhee…” He said ever so softly.


My eyebrows scrunched up in an instant, confused. My eyes followed his gaze. There across the street was a woman, probably a little older than me, with supermodel like height and silky black long hair. What I noticed was she was looking at our direction too. Or on Yunho’s direction I must say.


I felt Yunho gripped my hands tighter like his life depended on it. And like a flash, he dragged me away. I’ve never seen this side of him. His eyes are full of …anger? Longing? Despair?


He shoved me inside the car and I almost yelped. Why is he like this all of a sudden? It’s as if he has changed into something I’ve never seen him to be. I wanted to ask him so badly what’s wrong, but I’m afraid of his reaction so I just kept my mouth shut and stayed quiet. Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this.


The drive was excruciatingly quiet. The silence is driving me insane. Yunho has his eyes fixed on the road the whole time, and I would occasionally steal glances at him. My mind drifted to the woman I saw earlier. There’s something about her that seems so intriguing, especially the way Yunho looked at her.


“What are you thinking?” Yunho’s emotionless voice brought me back from my trance. I looked at him, but his eyes are on the road.


“Nothing.” I lied.


“Hyoyeon, you wouldn’t space out if you were not thinking of anything.” He turned to look at me but I swiftly look away.


“What happened out there?” I asked all of a sudden, only to regret it afterwards.


“I don’t really want to talk about it.” He said in a deep, cold voice.


“Oh, o-okay.” I didn’t say any other word then. I fixed my eyes outside, busying myself from the scenery.


The moment the car halted and after realizing that we are now in front of my house, I quickly scrambled my way out, not even daring to look at him.


He grabbed my arm to spin me around to look at him but I averted his gaze and my stubborn self refuses to look back at him.


“I’m sorry Hyo.”


“Sorry for what?”


“For the way I acted earlier.”


“It’s fine.” I smiled brightly at him though I am still a little bit angry. But of course I can’t stay mad at him even if I wanted to.


“I guess I have to go now.” He kissed my forehead before going back to his car. I waved at him as he sped off, yet my smile quickly faded as soon as he was out of the driveway.


I gazed at the ring on my finger. And again, it just feels so surreal. A faint smile crept into my face upon remembering the events that happened tonight. But somehow, my chest tightened a little bit, and it seemed that I suddenly feel nervous. I simply shrugged that negative feeling off as I make my way inside the house.




“Woah, this is beautiful!” SooYeon practically screamed while admiring the ring that Yunho gave me. I should have known better that showing it to her will be trouble. She’s gawking to be honest. I never really took notice of it, but it is indeed gorgeous.


“Yeah, I know SooYeon. Now enough of that and let’s attend to the customers, neh?” I laughed at her child-like protests as she attempted to grab my hand back, hoping to look at the ring once again.


Surprisingly, there seems to be more than the usual customers today. The whole day was so busy to be honest. I and SooYeon barely had the chance to sit; hence we didn’t even have lunch!


The day ended up pretty quickly actually, and before we knew it closing time came. And yes, tomorrow’s weekend and the shop will be close. Amazing!


There were still a few customers so basically, we have to wait for them to leave before we close. I noticed a familiar looking woman sitting at the far end, what made her strike was her long black hair-like a raven’s to be exact. I eyed her until she got up and walked out. I went to her table, about to clean the clutter up when I realized that she left something, her wallet. I turned back, hoping that maybe she’s still in view, but she isn’t. I didn’t want to open it, but curiosity got the best of me so I did anyways.


I looked around first, afraid that I maybe accused of something. The wallet contained a few credit cards and of course, loads of money. I found an identification card. Choi Minhee. Where did I hear that name before?


I flinched when I felt two arms wrapped around me, turning around I saw Yunho smiling at me. He then planted a soft kiss on my cheeks. I immediately blushed upon realizing that we are inside the shop… and that we haven’t close yet…and the customers are now looking at us.


“Yunho, what are you doing here?” I asked him in a calm voice as I hide my embarrassment. I linked my arms with him as we both make our way to SooYeon, who is by the way spazzing like a fan girl.


“Don’t tell me you have forgotten our dinner with my parents?” He asked me, amused. I tilted my head, dumbfounded. I honestly forgot about that. He lets out a hearty laugh, making all heads turn to him.


“Yah, could you stop that? I hate it when all women are batting their eyelashes on you.” I said all of sudden. OMO! Did I just sound like some whinny fiancée? 


“Don’t worry, I only have my eyes for you.”


“I know that you are both sweet and all, but could you take it somewhere else?” SooYeon jokingly commented, making me and Yunho laugh.


“A customer left this, just keep it until she decides to get it.” I handed the wallet to her, and then walked straight to Yunho who is staring intently at me.


He really needs to stop that since it’s making me conscious of how I look.


“Yunho, could you please stop looking at me like that?” I unconsciously tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear.


“And why not?”


“Because it’s making me self-conscious!”


“But I can’t help it, you’re too beautiful.” He looked straight me in the eyes and my face flushed in an instant.


“Okay, enough of that Jung Yunho. Let’s go.” I dragged him out as he chuckled at my actions.




We arrived at the restaurant. One of the people ushered us to where Yunho’s parents are. He was holding me by the waist and our bodies are really, really close. Some of the people dining can’t help but to look at us while we pass by them. And of course, I can feel the intense stares of the ladies.


As soon as his parents saw us, they immediately stood up and greeted us. It’s such a good thing that I decided to wear a dress today, or else…I would be out of place.


“How are your parents Hyoyeon-ah?” Mr. Jung asks me as we all sit down. Yunho is sitting beside me while his parents are across from us.


“Oh, they’re fine. Appa is out of town, so I and eomma are the only ones in the house.”


“I see. Your father did mention that he has a medical convention somewhere.”


“Then it would be okay if I and your mother catch up a bit!” Mrs. Jung happily exclaimed. It really feels like we are becoming one family. My parents and his parents have no problems whatsoever. Well, same with me and Yunho. I looked to my right and smiled sweetly at him.


“Aigoo…you two are so cute!” I can’t help but blush at Mrs. Jung’s comment. The food finally arrived and we all ate in a perfectly happy atmosphere. We mostly talked about the upcoming wedding, with Mrs. Jung’s constant public declaration of how we are perfect for each other.


We were having dessert when my eyes accidentally drifted towards the entrance. A man came in, dressed in a suit. And when I realized who it was I felt my body weaken. The fork I was holding dropped to the floor making a sharp echo that stretched all throughout the place.


“What’s wrong?” Yunho’s concerned voice was what I heard.


“Nothing…I…j-just have a litt-le headache.” I somehow managed to hide the franticness that I am feeling right now.


“Is that so? Well I think we have to go home now dear.” Mrs. Jung told me, her eyes full of concern as well.


I really don’t want this night to be ruined just because of him.


“No, it’s fine. I’ll just go to the ladies’ room.”


 I excused myself and slowly head toward my destination. I caught a glimpse of him and I panicked when he stood up from his seat. I almost ran to the ladies’ room and by the time I got there, I was already panting.  I looked at my reflection at the mirror. Wow, how did I become this pale? His presence really does scare me. And I don’t even know why. All I know is that I shouldn’t be near him. I may sound absolutely absurd, I can’t help but to feel that way. He is not the nice person that I knew of anymore.


I fixed myself and tried to feel okay, I don’t want Yunho to be worried. Yes, that’s right. Yunho is here, I’m going to be fine.




I went out and was about to go back when someone grabbed me by the waist and pinned me to the wall. I shut my eyes when I felt the small pain of the impact when my body was slightly slammed. I gasped when I saw who it is that did it. I struggled to break free, but he is just too strong for me to take.


“What are you doing?” I gritted my teeth in annoyance, and although I’m starting to feel scared, I didn’t show it.


“I told you I always get what I want right?” Eunhyuk smirked as he tightens his grip on me. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes because of the pain he’s causing me.


“G-get away from me!” I tried my hardest not to scream, creating a scene is the last thing I want.


“And what if I don’t want to?” He slowly leans on me, so close that I can feel his breath brushing against my skin. I panicked and struggled more, trying to push him away.


“Let go of me or I’ll scream.” I somehow tried to threaten him, but he seemed to not care at all.


“Then scream.”


“What are you doing to my fiancée?”


I turned my head to the direction of the voice and suddenly I felt relief rushing into me. I struggled to break free from Eunhyuk’s steel like grip yet he didn’t let go.


“We are just having a small talk.” Surprisingly, Eunhyuk’s voice was calm.


“Let go of her.” Yunho’s voice was so cold…like ice.


“I’m not doing anything though.” Eunhyuk impassively retorted.


“I said, Let. Her. Go.” Yunho emphasized every word that came out of his mouth. And finally, Eunhyuk really did let go this time.


I immediately pushed him away from me and ran towards Yunho, wrapping my arms around him as I try my hardest not to cry. He held me tight but I can feel that they are glaring daggers at each other.


“Don’t go near her ever again.” Yunho said in a very stern voice. I didn’t want to see Eunhyuk, so I kept my face buried in Yunho’s chest.


“Well, we will just see about that.”


I don’t exactly know what’s up with Eunhyuk. Why does he want me anyway? He can have any other woman that he wants, so why go through all this for me?


Yunho lead me back to our table, and I mentally thanked the heavens that no one saw what happened at the corridor a while ago. His parents asked me if I’m feeling okay, since they told me that I looked pale. Who wouldn’t anyways? After what happened there, it’s a miracle I didn’t faint.




We were all about to leave when Eunhyuk passed buy us, along with some other people. I immediately tightened my hold on Yunho’s hand, since I am nervous as hell.


“Ah Hyukjae, it’s good to see you.” Mr. Jung greeted him happily.


“Same here Mr. Jung.” They both shook hands and talked for a bit. I and Yunho just stood there, behind Mr. Jung, me averting Eunhyuk’s gaze while Yunho tries his best to stay calm.


“Well yes. That would be great. I and your father would just talk about that some other time.”  


Mr. Jung said his goodbyes to Eunhyuk and his company, leaving me and Yunho to do the same too. Yunho’s father was already out of the restaurant since Mrs. Jung is already inside their car, ready to go home.


An air of awkwardness followed. It’s pretty intimidating actually since we are all standing in the middle of the area and people are already starting to stare at us, definitely oblivious of the tension going on.


“Yunho, it’s great to see you here tonight.” Eunhyuk calmly said out of the blue. Wow, he really is a good actor. He’s acting as if nothing has ever happened earlier.


I felt Yunho’s hand on my waist as he pulls me closer to him.


“Yes it is.” To my surprise, he smiled.


“Your fiancée looks dashing tonight if I may say.” He looked at me, but I swiftly glanced away.


Without hesitation and to my surprise, he reached for my hand and was about to bring them up to his lips, but I snatched my hand away. I moved closer to Yunho, who is now flaring with anger.


“I told you to stay away from her.” It’s obvious that Yunho wanted to shout, yet he’s restraining himself.


“Tssk…Yunho, stop being so possessive.”


They glared at each other and the tension between them thickened even more. Eunhyuk clenched his fist, same with Yunho. It looks like they are about to punch each other right then and there.


I heard flashes of camera clicking away. I turned to my left, cameras where flashing non-stop. How did the media even get here?  


Yunho’s started to strip my arm away from him, and that’s when I knew that things got serious. I faced them again; Eunhyuk’s people were holding him off from trying to do something irrational.


I gripped on Yunho’s arm and pulled him back. I don’t want him to get into trouble just because of me.


“Yunho…stop.” I pleaded, hoping that he would listen to me.


Eunhyuk got out of his people’s hold and fixed his clothes. He smirked, and then turned his back from us.


“Let’s go.” Yunho held my hands as we both make our way out of the place.


It was kind of hard actually, with all the flashes of camera blinding our way. I somehow have a bad feeling about this. I can already see our faces in front of the papers tomorrow. Our bodyguards quickly helped us from the chaos and we both got in the car safe and sound.




“Are you fine?” He looked down on me, concerned. I smiled at him and simply nodded. I brought my hands up to his face and caressed it slightly. He sweetly smiled at me as he places his hands over mine, making my hands stay on his face.


“He didn’t try to do anything bad to you earlier?” He asked me, his forehead scrunching a bit.


I didn’t want to tell him that Eunhyuk tried to kiss me, for I’m sure he’ll be furious. And who knows what he might do once he finds out, so I just shook my head.


I stifled a yawn, and I didn’t know that I was sleepy until now. I heard Yunho chuckle and I can’t help but to smile to myself. I like it when he laughs.


“You sleepy?”




“Sleep. I’ll wake you up if we’re near your house.” His soothing voice commanded me. I obliged since my eyelids are slowly becoming heavy. I rested my head on his shoulder, moving closer to him at the same time. I felt him wrap his arm around me. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead before as I drift off to dreamland. 








Me wants a kiss at the forehead from Yunho too! Haha.

Guys, what do you think of the poster? Nice right?

Uhh. Aff is being stubborn these days. Good thing I type my chapters in MS Word first before transferring it here.

Anyways, seems like Hyukkie is a bad…bad boy!

Kyaaaa~~~ 100+ subscribers!!! Really?

OMO.OMO. is this real?  Thank you guys so much!! I hope I won’t disappoint you.

Please don’t forget to comment :D


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Foreversnsd01 #1
Chapter 19: Please update ur stories and did you know that all of ur stories is such a great masterpieces!
JoySNSD #2
Chapter 20: Please update soon.. :-)
Chapter 20: please update soon
When would you update this story? I miss it so much T.T
Sobs pls update...pls pls pls pls pls T.T
megsie00 #6
Chapter 20: Ok, I'll look forward to when you update and please do! I love this story :D
Chapter 19: mianhae for not comment at previous story :) update soon :)
Hyoyeonthequeen #8
Chapter 20: i really love your storyy!! plizz keep going!!
iamloveelove #9
update please :)
KwonChaeRin101 #10
Please update soon!!! I've been waiting forever for this story.