
Our First

Yongseok's POV

As soon as Casper closed the door Shin held my hand and began to lead me to our destination. He still hasn't told me where we were going. He wanted it to be some kind of big surprise for me. I tried to be good and not ask questions, but I could only do so for so long.

"So, what does my hyung have planned for us this evening?" Shin looked me in the eye. "Ah ah ah. It's a secret. But you'll find out soon." He smiled as he said that. I could tell whatever it was it would be amazing. But that just made me more curious.

I tried to think of what it could possibly be but I kept getting distracted by Shin's hands. They were soft and I couldn't help but wonder how the rest of him felt as we walked. Especially his lips. Then I realized that I had yet to kiss Shin. I wonder what it'd be like to kiss his plump little lips. Feeling them slowly kiss their way down my neck.  I let my mind wander as we walked to our destination. I was lost in thought until I realized that we stopped walking.

"Where are we Shin?" He let go of my hand and ruffled my hair. "We're at the park." I looked around and saw trees with beautiful light pink blossoms that looked even more astonishing in front of the red and orange sky. "Wow." I whispered as I took in the amazing view. "It's beautiful..." Shin looked into my eyes. "...but not as beautiful as you." He held my hand again and we began walking down the dirt road.

I saw a red and white checkered blanket, and a picnic basket on a hill in front of a tree. Shin sat down and opened the basket. There were two sandwiches, some chocolate covered strawberries, and a small cake.

I looked around and saw that Shin picked a pretty good spot for our first date. The sun had now set and you could see the light coming from the crescent moon. The park was illuminated by the street lamps along the empty dirt road. It was, romantic.

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nylie_k #1
Chapter 3: cuuuuuuute <3
Chapter 3: Omo~ cho kawaii even though I don't ship that much as I ship TakuShin.
Chapter 3: Awe!!! Its so cute. I love it. ♡♡♡ Update it soon.^^