Bonus Chapter

My Carrion Flower


It has been seven months since Jaebum claimed Jinyoung was his and although deep inside Jaebum acknowledged that he was off by a couple of hours or even a couple of seconds, he knew that love should not be so trivial as to be counted in numbers. Within these past seven months, the couple experienced all different type of emotions when together. A love that has ceased to lose it's color, yet instead only bloomed more beautifully, that was Jinyoung and Jaebum's love. 

The two have changed dramatically unlike when they first met. It is safe to say that this transition was wholly because of the other's influence. Jinyoung who was known for his abnormal and irregular temperament slowly became an affectionate and tender boyfriend. Jaebum, the recipient of all this endearment, the indifferent and careless youth matured into an attentive and warmhearted partner. 

Jaebum and Jinyoung were more attached than ever before. If love were to have a peak, then their level must have surpassed it ages ago. When they were together, it felt like no existing force could separate them. When they were apart, it felt like all existing forces did an adequate job. Their tale was not constant and should not have to be. At times, their relationship is playful and sarcastic and at other times, sentimental and passionate. 

If addiction possesses a negative connotation, then their love will too be considered repulsive. It is possible that they are simultaneously addicted to each other. When Jinyoung is laying in his bed, he often yearns for the heat originating from the warm embrace that his lover's arms assure him with. Meanwhile as Jaebum is watering the flowers outside he suddenly thirsts for his beloved's natural succulent and musky fragrance. Even hearing each other's voices on the phone was beginning to be unbearable. The need to physically see and hear each other became a daily routine. They desired the simple touches of fondness or at times the sensual interactions that only those engaged would fully know. Is this love? 


The next morning, Jaebum eagerly arrives in front of the usual polished, blue door. He casually enters the apartment with the house key that Jinyoung entrusts him with.

Cuddled inside the cozy, thermal blanket was an angel; Jaebum could hear Jinyoung's almost nonexistent breathing. Jaebum obviously could not resist this perfect image. 

He crept slowly towards his sleeping beauty and gently places his lips on the latter's smooth forehead. With one peck, Jaebum could already inhale Jinyoung's syrupy scent of nectarine combined with his natural body perspiration. Feeling the subtle contact, Jinyoung nestled into his linens, refusing to be awakened. 

"Jinyounggie, wake up. We have to go somewhere." 

"Let me sleep for ten more minutes." Jinyoung muffled through the blankets. 

"Baby, you know I can't wait that long. I wanna see your adorable face." his desperate boyfriend complained. 

"Knowing you, you probably wouldn't shut up and let me sleep anyways." Jinyoung obediently sits up from his bed. 

"You know me so well." Jaebum grinned. 

"But where are we even going?" Jinyoung tiredly asked. 

"You'll see once we get there!" Jaebum cups the latter's sleepy face. 

Jinyoung took a hold of Jaebum's hands and kissed it. "Fine fine, whatever you say." 


After the couple's brief affection, Jaebum suggested, "Go brush your teeth, your breath smells bad."

At that moment, Jinyoung opened his mouth widely and breathed out strongly causing his warm breath to spread all over Jaebum's face. 

"You're so gross!" Jaebum laughed. 

"I guess you have to deal with your boyfriend having bad breath then." Jinyoung teased. 

Jaebum then leads Jinyoung to the bathroom and places him on top of the toilet seat. "Sit here and I'll brush for you." Jaebum flashed his one of a kind smile. 

Jinyoung pouts while watching his darling carefully squeeze the streaks of mint green onto his toothbrush. "Say ahhh." he gestured using his own mouth. 

Jinyoung complies and does the same. Jaebum delicately brushes the bottom row of back teeth first, then proceeds to the top row, and finally swirling the brush in consistent cirlces onto Jinyoung's round front teeth. The foam starts dripping down Jinyoung's chin and onto his shirt, but he did not concern himself over it because his boyfriend was already putting so much effort into brushing his teeth. 

"You can spit it out now." 

But Jinyoung did not seem to hear that command. He was too mesmerized with Jaebum's face. 

"Jinyoung, can you hear me?" Jaebum waved his hand over the latter's face. 

"Huh?" Jinyoung confusedly replied. By then, half of the toothpaste's bubbles were already on his shirt. 

"You're so clumsy!" Jaebum shrieked while hurriedly wiping the mess with a hand towel. 

The teeth brushing session ended with Jaebum having to clean up his sloppy, toothpaste-stained boyfriend. 


"Now you just need to change into some comfortable clothes." Jaebum advised. 

"Okay, but you'll just be sitting here watching me change?" 

"Of course, this is not the first time I've seen you like this." Jaebum smiled creepily. 

Jinyoung throws a pillow at his face. "You're too erted for your own good!"

"Now help me pick out an outfit. Does this shirt look nice with these pants?" Jinyoung presented a pastel blue collared shirt and white ripped skinny jeans. 

But Jaebum's eyes were diverted elsewhere. 

"Are you actually helping me or are you just staring at my ?" Jinyoung questioned, but already knowing the answer. 

"I'm multi-tasking." Jaebum giggled. "But honestly, you can walk out this door and still look beautiful." 

Jinyoung cracked up at his boyfriend's greasy comment. "I can't with you anymore!" 

"But I wouldn't want other people staring at your glory anyways. You're mine." Jaebum locks his lips with Jinyoung's in a heated kiss. His hands mischievously makes their way down Jinyoung's subtle abdominals. Jinyoung takes this opportunity to Jaebum's collarbones and ended up leaving a trail of saliva down the latter's neck. Jaebum lets out a lingering moan. 

The ual intimacy continued for another half an hour until Jaebum finally broke away from his overly-attached boyfriend whose lips were heavily swollen. 

"Look at your sausage lips." Jaebum lightly squeezed them. 

"It's all your fault for seducing me." Jinyoung pouted. 

"Alright alright, I know. Shame on me." Jaebum smoothed his sweetheart. "Now go get dressed...for real this time." He handed Jinyoung the same pastel blue collar and white skinny jeans. 

Jinyoung obeyed and quickly got dressed. Although he is dressed plainly, Jinyoung remained as graceful as usual. "There I finished. Let's go now."

Jaebum grasped Jinyoung's hand and led him outside the apartment. The couple then headed to a small cafe for breakfast. 

"Baby, I'll be right back. Just wait for me here." Jaebum said.

"Don't be gone for too long. I might miss you too much." Jinyoung sulked. 

"Of course not, I can't leave my puppy here for too long." Jaebum kisses Jinyoung on the forehead and headed elsewhere. 

Twenty five minutes passes and Jaebum is still not back. Jinyoung was beginning to worry about him. As if his brain wanted him to stress even more, Jinyoung started to think of all these scenarios. What if Jaebum got kidnapped? Is he hurt? Where is he? Why isn't he calling? These thoughts started to run through his mind constantly. Jinyoung had to go look for him. 

As soon as Jinyoung got up from his chair to find his darling, Jaebum was right behind him. There he was, holding a tray of waffles and fruits accompanied by two cups of milk. 

"Surprise!" Jaebum's face lit up. "I made this all by myself! It might taste a little bad though since it's my first time."

However, his boyfriend's reaction was not what he was expecting. "You idiot! You made me so worried! I thought something happened!" Jinyoung hugged Jaebum tightly. 

"Aww baby, I'm sorry for making you so scared. I didn't realize I took this long."

"I'll forgive you this time, since you made me all this food." he said as eyed the the table filled with food. "Im Jaebum, I didn't know you were the type to plan these sort of things."

"I'd try anything just to make you happy." Jaebum smiled. 

Jaebum cut a piece of the handmade waffles and fed his beloved. "How is it?"

The waffles were definitely not five-star quality, but it was not terrible. Although it was slightly crusty and saltier than it was supposed to be, Jinyoung kept on eating deliciously. 

"I love it!"

"Really?" Jaebum's face turned especially cheerful. He took a bite of the waffle, curious of how good it actually taste. 

"It taste so bad! How can you like it?" Jaebum's face wrinkled. 

"I don't know, something about it just makes me want to eat it more." Jinyoung calmly replied. 

"Jinyoung, you don't have to keep eating, if you don't want to. I'll understand."

"What are you talking about? If you don't wanna eat it, I'll finish it all." Jinyoung continued to stuff his mouth. 

Jaebum looked at his boyfriend lovingly then ends up eating along with him. For some reason, food tastes even better when you eat with someone you love, even if it is on the verge of being inedible. Jinyoung realizes that Jaebum's effort to put this breakfast all together for him was much more valuable than the end result. The image of Jaebum clumsily pouring batter into the waffle maker and stumbling while cutting up the fruits made Jinyoung smile like an idiot. 

"What's so funny? Is there something on my face?" Jaebum asked. 

"Yeah there is." Jinyoung dots Jaebum's nose with a bit of syrup. "Right there!" Jinyoung laughs hysterically. 

Seeing Jinyoung so happy, made Jaebum smile like an idiot too. Nowadays, it seems that he is willing to do anything if it makes Jinyoung laugh so genuinely. 

As Jaebum was about to wipe the syrup off his nose with a napkin, Jinyoung stopped him. "No, let me." 

He got up from his seat and leaned towards Jaebum's face. Although the latter was slightly confused, he allowed his boyfriend to proceed. Jinyoung stuck out his tongue and the syrup off clean. "There, finished."

Across from him is Jaebum whose face is clearly flushed. Only Jinyoung could make him this flustered and embarassed. His sneaky and provocative teasing tempts Jaebum especially. 

"Seeing you this red, it must mean that you like me this much." Jinyoung joked. 

"It's time like these, where I find you most y and it really drives me insane." Jaebum confesses. "I think I'm under your spell." he leans his head on his hand and stares intensely into the charmer. 

"You have no idea how much I have to control myself when I'm around you, Jaebummie. And after this morning, I don't think I can stop loving you. I've fallen too deep." 


The contented couple leaves the coffee shop while tightly holding each other's hands and sways them wildly in the air. 

"We still have a couple of hours until the next place I'm taking you to starts. Where do you want to go?" Jaebum thoughtfully asked. 

"Let's go to playground!"

"Really? The playground out of all places?" Jaebum said in disbelief.

 "Yeah! It's been so long since I've been there, I miss it." 

"Okay let's go then." Jaebum complied. 


The two arrive at the nearby playground and Jinyoung immediately hops on one of the swings. He excitedly sways back and forth like an enthusiastic child absorbed in his own little world. 

"You seem to like going here when you were little?" 

"I always played here in the afternoon when I was in elementary school, since mom always worked so late. I was alone most of the time so no one coujld push me on the swings. But now I have you to help me."

Jaebum gently pushes Jinyoung as he had requested and gradually increases the force. Jaebum could hear the latter's constant "wahh"s and "woah"s in amazement. Hearing these words made him extremely joyful and it was as if he had a small child to play with and keep him occupied.  

"Jaebum, you can sit down now." Jinyoung gestures him to the seat right next to him. 

The couple finally sit down next to each other, both swaying in the light noon breeze. 

"Jaebum, before being with me, have you ever dated anyone else?" Jinyoung suddenly brought up.

"I remembered dating this one guy during my freshman year of high school." Jaebum answered. "But he broke up with me after two months for being too distant."

"That jerk. He missed out on someone amazing and that's his loss." Jaebum could tell that Jinyoung was getting annoyed.

"But now that I look back at it, I'm glad we broke up. If we hadn't, I wouldn't have been the Jaebum I am now. And most importantly, I wouldn't have fallen for you." Jaebum smiled warmly. 

Jinyoung poked his Jaebum's cheeks. "Where did you learn to be this cheesy? You better not be such a smooth talker with anyone else." 

"Of course not. My mouth can only speak these words for one person only. And that person is JYP." Jaebum whispered. 

"God please help me, my boyfriend is so lame! What am I gonna do with him?"

"You have to love him forever."

"I guess that's my only choice." Jinyoung walked over to Jaebum and gave him a backhug. Jaebum then lightly kisses his sweetheart's soft, milky hands. 

"It's feels so nice when we're together like this." Jaebum said. 

"If everyday can be like this, life will be so much easier." Jinyoung sighed.

"Then I guess the only way that'll happen is if we spend everyday of our lives together."

"I'm up for it." Jinyoung adoringly smiled. 


Jaebum leads Jinyoung to a moderate size music hall and there Youngjae was, standing at the entrance. 

"Youngjae! What are you doing here?" Jinyoung surprisedly asks. 

"I'm performing here with my band tonight! What are you doing here?" Youngjae's eyes lurk over the person standing beside his cousin. "And who is this? Is he your boyfriend?"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Im Jaebum, Jinyoung's boyfriend." Jaebum politely extends his hand for a handshake. 

The latter exchanges the handshake and introduces himself. "Hello, my name is Choi Youngjae. I'm Jinyoung's cousin."

"I bought tickets to see Got7's performance, but I didn't expect to see Jinyoung's cousin here too. What a coincidence." 

"Really? It really is a small world! By the way, Jinyoung you never told me you were dating! How long has it been?"

"Seven months."

"You guys were together that long and I didn't even know?! And I thought we were close." Youngjae sounded quite disappointed.

"I was gonna tell you sooner or later. I just didn't find the right timing, but now you know!"

"I guess it all worked out."

"Believe it or not Youngjae, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been together in the first place!" Jaebum exclaimed. 

"Wait what? I don't understand."

"Remember that one time you ordered flowers at Im's Exotic Flowers, because you wanted to cheer Jinyoung up? The guy you spoke to on the phone was me! And thanks to you, I was able to see Jinyoung again and now look where we are!" 

"Wow I didn't know I had so much impact."

"Yeah, I owe you big time, cousin."

"Well I'm glad to see you both so happy! And let's go inside, the show is almost starting." Youngjae led the couple towards the front row seats then left to meet his band. 


"Welcome everyone to Got7's live show today! The group will first perform their newest title track "A"!", the host introduced. The crowd cheered passionately at the sight of the boys in their new, lovable stage outfits. 

During the performance, Jinyoung was quite amazed at the well-trained choreography as well as the harmonious vocals. Before they knew it, Jinyoung and Jaebum were already dancing and singing along to the repeated words "AAAAAAAAAAA" within their seats. The song ended with two members flipping synchronously in the air. The audience became even more enthusiastic with their shouts. 

"The next song is called "Forever Young"! Let's give a warm applause for the boys!" 

The song had a soothing melody along with touching lyrics. The crowd swayed harmoniously while enjoying the tranquiliizing tune. Seeing Jinyoung so mesmerized, Jaebum decided to hold his hand while listening. Hearing these lines, Jinyoung could relate deeply to them. He too wanted to stay forever young with the person he loves. Being with Jaebum has given him so much happiness that he himself would never have dreamed of. Jaebum has shown Jinyoung that there's much more to him than the eye can witness; it is as if Jaebum has the miraculous ability to uncover the inner self that Jinyoung has kept buried throughout his whole life. 

The short concert soon comes to an end with JB, the leader, to say the closing statement. "Thank you everyone for coming here today and supporting us! We will work hard to prepare more spectacular performances in the future, so please continue loving us. But before I end, I would like to tell the person who is standing right next to me, a few words." JB then faces his fellow member Jr. and continues with his confession, "Jr., I've known you the longest out of all the members and I want you to know how special you are to me. From the start, when we met each other at the auditions and to the time when we eventually won first, I knew you and I were fated. When we promoted as JJ Project, you took such good care of me since we knew we only had each other. I still clearly remember the exhausting late night dance practices and the midnight snacks we used to sneak. Those days were tough, yet you still stuck together with me and never go. Even when we debut again as Got7, please know that our relationship hadn't changed.  I know it may seem like I don't give as much care to you as I did before, but to me, you'll always and will be my first love. Jr. will you accept my heart?" JB kneeled down and gave him a ring. 

Jr. without hesitation let out a loud, clear "Yes!" and hugged JB tightly. Everyone including the remaining Got7 members, stood up and applauded loudly for the couple. JB latches his hands onto Jr.'s neck and kisses him passionately. All the people in the room became even more roudy at the sight of the long smooch. The atmosphere was truly exhilarating. Jinyoung and Jaebum look at the two in awe as seeing other people kissing was such a new sight to them  

The room slowly less congested as everyone leaves after congratulating the JJ Project couple and the rest of the Got7 members, of course. 

It was finally Jinyoung and Jaebum's turn. "Wow congratulations! You two look so good together!" Jinyoung complimented. Jaebum also added, "That was so romantic, JB!" 

"Thanks, I was so nervous at first, but I knew it was something I had to do." JB smiled. 

"I never would've thought he was the type to do all of this. This was honestly one of the best days of my life." Jr. confessed. 

"And you all did an amazing job today! I love "A" so much!" Jinyoung blurted out. 

Got7 thanked the fan wholeheartedly. The small concert ended with high spirits and was truly a success. 


"I'm glad you enjoyed Got7's performance. To tell you the truth, it was my first time seeing them too." Jaebum admitted. 

"It was amazing! They're all so talented! And so good looking! Especially JB!" 


"But no one can compare to my little Jaebummie of course!" Jinyoung clutches onto Jaebum and acts cutely. 

Jaebum pinches Jinyoung's nose, he cannot stay upset with this cutie latched beside him like this. The two then seat themselves on a nearby stone bench. The sky is already growing dark and the moon is coming out, bright as ever. 

"You remembered the letters we were talking about before right?" Jaebum takes out a piece of a neatly folded paper.

At that time, Jinyoung also takes out his pretty looking stationary paper. 

"I thought you forgot." 

"Hey! I wrote it as soon as I got home that day!" 

The two exchanged their heartfelt letters, both curious of the other's content. 

"Let's read it aloud!" Jinyoung suggested. 

"No! Mine is so embarassing! You can't!" 

"Hey, mine is pretty sappy too! C'mon it'll be fun!" Jinyoung begged. 

"Fine." Jaebum eventually caves in. "But I'm going first." He carefully opens Jinyoung's flowery paper and reads out loud: 

To my dummy Jaebum, 

Seven months have already passed and yet it still only feels like yesterday when I cursed at you in the flower shop. It really is not a lie that time really does fly when you're having fun. All the times I've spent will you were filled with so much happiness that I can't even remember the last time we've fought. Thank you for putting up with all of my mood swings and pickiness, even though know it was probably really hard  putting away your pride to please me. And I'm really sorry for all of that, but please know that I love you so so much. Even telling you those three words everyday won't fully express how much I truly love you. You've become such an essential presence in my life, that if you were to suddenly disappear, I wouldn't even to know what I would do. 

I used to think how cliché all these couple things are, but before I knew it, I've said almost all the cliché sayings there is to know and have done most of them too. And I realized that clichés are nothing bad. I guess love makes you accept all of these things. Because of you, my life has gotten so much more interesting. I now have someone to look forward to the next day. You give me these special feelings and I'm glad you were the one, Jaebum. 

I know being together forever is nearly impossible, but I hope we can continue life like this for a long time. I love you. 


your emotional mess, Jinyounggie

P.S.- Im Jaebum you are the handsomest, iest, cutest, nicest, coolest, and most perfect person in my eyes. No doubt. 


Jaebum finished reading the remaining words with watery eyes. 

"Are you crying right now?" Jinyoung teased. 

"Yes." Jaebum wipes his eyes quickly. "You really think so?" 

"Of course, you're the best!" Jinyoung puts his thumb up. "Now hurry and cheer up! I wanna read your letter!"

"Don't get your hopes up, it's not that great." 

Jinyoung anxiously unfolds the piece of paper, revealing a border of adorable hand-drawn kittens and hearts. Jinyoung's smile is wide and his signature eye wrinkles show. Getting back on track, Jinyoung begins to read the hand-written letter: 

Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung 

I can go on forever and you know it hehe. Everyday I wake up and your name is the first one I call. I don't know if its a habit now to say your name, but it seems like it is starting to be. Jinyoung, your face is so lovely. There's no way I can explain your beauty without stuttering, but you really are so charming. Not only on the outside, but your personality too. I love your odd little ways even though you sometimes try to fix it. You're flawless the way you are, so please don't feel the need to change yourself!

Jinyoung, if someone asked me if I loved you, I would answer faster than a heartbeat. If you asked me to do something for you, I would also say yes in a heartbeat. It seems that you manipulated my heart to only beat for you, but I don't really mind. You really are so special to me. I don't know if us meeting each other was fate or just mere coincidence, but whatever it is, I'm happy that it was you all along. 

I think I'm the luckiest guy on earth to have you. To be with you, to hold your hand, to caress your face and see you everyday, I truly am blessed. Although I am lacking a lot, I will give my all to make you the happiest person on earth, believe in me.

Jinyoung, you're the only one for me. I love you. 


the love idiot, Jaebum

P.S.- Now kiss me, you whiny little baby!


Instead of being offended at the last comment, Jinyoung laughs and immediately joins his lips with Jaebum's into a long, steamy kiss with his arms wrapped firmly around the latter's neck. Both their heart beats race coordinately and sweat beads seize their faces. 

Jaebum stops to take a breath and mutters, "I have something for you." Pulling out from his front pocket was a silver necklace with two dangling JJ's in the middle. He gently fastens the chain onto Jinyoung's neck. The necklace definitely looked better on it's owner's neck. 

"It's gorgeous." Jinyoung said in complete wonder. 

"I'm glad I picked the right one." Jaebum smiled. 

"But where did you get the money to buy all this? Weren't you saving up for those headphones, you've been talking about?"

"I ended up using that money for today's date." 

"What?! But you were saving up for so long! I feel so bad now." Jinyoung sighed.

"No, don't worry about it! Those headphones aren't as important to me than you. And plus, we both had a good time today and that's all that matters."

Jinyoung hugs his sweet boyfriend again. "Today was perfect", he thought to himself. 


Jaebum insisted on giving Jinyoung a piggy back ride home, because he was worried that Jinyoung's feet would hurt. 

"If one day, I become extremely big and heavy, would you still carry me like this?"

"I'll carry you until my back can't handle it anymore." 

"If one day, I turn really hideous and disgusting, would you still tell me I'm beautiful?"

"No matter what happens to you, you're the most dazzling in my eyes."

"If one day, I turn old and picky, would you still accept me?"

"Of course! I'll never let you go."

"Through thick and thin, you'll still love me right?"

"As long I live, you'll be the only one I love."

"Can you scream it to the world that you love me?"

"Jinyoung I love you!!! Im Jaebum loves Park Jinyoung!!" 

"Hey! You'll wake up the neighbors! I was just kidding!" Jinyoung slapped Jaebum's arm. 

"If it's for you, I will do anything."

"You'll regret saying that one day."

"Nope, never."

"Once we get married, you'll change your mind completely."

Jaebum smiled, "So does that mean I don't have to propose to you, since you already accepted?"

"No, you still have to get down on your knees with a 15 carat ring and ask me properly or else I won't marry you."

"That'll take a pretty long time, but I'll work my off to get you that ring, just trust me."

"But until then, let's just stay the way we are right now. You loving me and me loving you back. I like it the way it is right now, just the two of us." JInyoung softly mumbles.

At that moment, the two arrive at Jinyoung's apartment. 

"You must be tired, since I woke my baby up so early today. Now go get some sleep Jinyoung." Jaebum urged. 

"I should, but there's still something we need to finish since morning." Jinyoung smirked. "And you're definitely not going to pull me away this time."

Jaebum winks at his lover and quickly enters the familiar bedroom. The date today ended perfectly and even though it wasn't 100% as Jaebum had planned, he was glad that they were both able to enjoy themselves to the fullest without any worries or distractions. Love really is strange. It is something that cannot be explained but can be clearly understood by two people. Love should not be molded into the ideal expectations. It cannot be owned nor controlled. Love is not complicated nor is it simplistic. To mutually understand one another yet still have countless to discover about each other, that is love. And love welcomed itself into Jaebum and Jinyoung's life and completed it's mission. 

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Chapter 3: Woow! This really is such a beautiful fic! ♥
I almost missed the bonus chap, but luckily I didn't~
Wonder what happened to the wedding couple btw...
Hope you'd write more for this pairing~! @_@
wuyeong #2
Chapter 4: My favorite character was Youngjae teehee because he bought flowers for Jinrongie and caused JJP to meet again :)
Chapter 4: ♡♡♡ J&J ♡♡♡
Chapter 4: thank you~~ thank you~~
i love your story^^
and my favorite character is jinyoungie <3

And my fav character would have to be Jinyoungie
Chapter 3: goshhhhhhhhhh.. thankyou so much for this bonus chapter author-nim.
this is soooooooooooo sweet asdfghjkllllll
poor my jjp feelssss *sobsssssssss;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Chapter 3: omooo, Jaebum-Jinyoung and JB-Jr!! lol
the letters are soooo sweet~ i love it!! >.<
Chapter 2: Muahaha... fall for the cry baby jin.. ♥
Chapter 2: Yeah! Bonus chapter! ^o^
Chapter 2: This was beautiful!

And can't wait for the bonus ^^