
My Carrion Flower

"Jinyoung, next week is the wedding. Have you gotten the flowers yet?"

"I just ordered them, Ra Hee. Don't worry." 

Tomorrow was scheduled to be Ra Hee, Jinyoung's childhood friend's, wedding. After dating her fiancée for almost two years, the two lovebirds decided to get married. Entrusting her best friend, Jinyoung, with the task of buying flowers, Ra Hee was frenzied over her wedding preparation. 

"It's just that I want everything to be perfect for me and Yugyeom. It is our first wedding, after all." 

"Just relax, I'm sure everything will be fine."

"I hope so too. Thank god I have you, Jinyoung, for everything."

"Ra Hee, that's what friends are for, right? We've known each other for a long time and I want you to be happy too. Now get some rest, tomorrow is your big day!"

"Okay okay, whatever you say. Bye Jinyoung."

"Bye, Ra Hee." 


"Mom! There's an order for special flowers for a wedding tomorrow!" 

"I'm kinda busy with another order for an anniversary. Can you take care of this one for me, Jaebum?"

Jaebum lets out a long sigh. The only reason why he's working at this small flower shop is to get enough money for new headphones. The clumsy son damaged the ones he got for last year's Christmas. The worker honestly does not know anything about any of these flowers, nor does he care. He carelessly glances around the glass cubicles for a decent looking flower. A specific one catches his attention with its flashy, elongated lobes and intricate, dramatic center. 

"Hmm this one will do."

Jaebum hastily stuffs them in the cardboard boxes for tomorrow. 

"That was easy."


The next morning, Jaebum arrives at the luxurious resort where the wedding was to be held. Outside, he watches as servers walk around carrying heaps of plates, staff moving chairs and tables here and there, and bride's friends sitting idly waiting for something to do. The scene was quite hectic. 

One of the girl friends walks towards Jaebum.

"Are you from Im's Exotic Floral?"

"Yes. I'm here to drop off the flowers for the ceremony."

"Perfect. Just leave it over there and we'll take care of everything. Thanks."

Jaebum diligently sets down the boxes in the center of the aisle. As he looks around, he starts imagining how the flowers would look, draped over the dull walls, emitting intense colors and literally lighting up the ceremony. Jaebum feels proud that he somewhat took part in the glamour of this wedding even though he did not even know who it was for. He hurriedly exits the resort feeling proud. 


The friend excitedly opens the boxes to get started on the decorations. Escaping from the crate; however, is an unpleasant stench that quickly fills up the location. She jumps back in disgust, covering her full face as if she just witnessed a terrifying beast. 

"What is that nasty smell?!"

"It's the flowers!" 

"But why does it smell like rotting meat?!"

"I don't know! But we can't just leave them here, if Ra Hee wants them here, then we have to hang them up."

After a long moment of persuasion and discussion, the friends finally decided to succumb to the wretched smell of decaying flesh. The flowers dangled around, entrapping its victims with its deadly stench. Many wanted to throw up, others wanted to sit down and rest for a bit, but all of them mutually wondered why these flowers would be the first choice for anything, especially a bride's biggest day. 


Jinyoung appears looking sharp in his brand-new, black Armani Collezioni tuxedo matched with shiny black Oxford shoes and hair neatly combed over like a model. This princely image of him soon fades as the deadly aroma enters his nostrils. Jinyoung abruptly crouches down on the floor, trying to protect himself. 

"What's going on?! Why does it smell like this?!" Jinyoung angrily questioned. 

"I don't know! Shouldn't you know? You ordered the flowers in the first place!" a friend retorted. 

"I know, but I didn't know they would turn out like this! Take them down now, before everyone comes!"

But it was too late, the guests began to crowd in through the gates, chatting happily, expecting an unforgettable experience. What they did not know was that an abominable scent and swarms of flies accompanying it was waiting inside. Yugyeom enters hand in hand with Ra Hee, the graceful looking bride in white. The newly arrived all had the same expression: repulsed, outraged, nauseated. Ra Hee, the lovely princess, even fainted to the floor. 

After Yugyeom carried Ra Hee inside after the trauma, he was met by Jinyoung who waited outside the door. 

"Is Ra Hee alright?"

Yugyeom grabs Jinyoung by the collar, "So after ruining our wedding, you have the nerve to come crawling back asking if she's okay?! She put all her trust in you! You knew how important this was to her and yet you scared her like this?!"

"Yugyeom, I didn't mean for all this to happen! It was all just a mistake and I'm sorry! I'll clean up everything, just please...please continue with the wedding! This is what Ra Hee wanted."

"Don't you bring up Ra Hee! This was your plan all along! You secretly like her and were against me marrying her from the start! That's why you caused all of this!"

"Yugyeom, why would I ever do that? You know how important both of you are to me! Can we please just stop fighting?"

"You know what? Just get out of my face and never come back here in front of us ever again! We don't want to be associated with traitors like you!" Yugyeom pushes Jinyoung to the floor leaving him speechless. 

He had no choice but to leave now that both his close friends hated him. Running out with tears in his eyes, Jinyoung felt as if he held all of the world's shame on his shoulders. His sole objective was to make his friends happy, but he ended up breaking their hearts. After knocking down the nearby trashcans, Jinyoung hurled his jacket to the floor. A business card fell out and it was then that he realized that the whole reason why the wedding was ruined, why his friends now treat him as an enemy, and why he is so troubled, is because of Im's Exotic Floral. 


Jinyoung reaches the small flower shop with full resentment. He forcefully swings the door open and charges in looking for the culprit. Crouching down and peacefully watering the plants was a young guy similar in age with himself. Without thinking, he furiously ed the watering can out of the employee's hands which caused water to spill out continuously.  

"What's wrong with you?!" Jaebum shouted in utter confusion. 

"It's all your fault!"

"What?! I don't even know you!"

"You were in charge of the flowers for today's wedding, right?!"

"Yeah, so?"

"Why did you pick those ty flowers?!"

"What do you mean? I thought those flowers were pretty!"

"Pretty? They smelled like in dead flesh!"

"Wait, hold up! In the order form, you only wrote: "Special flowers for a wedding". You didn't say exactly what flowers you wanted. So how was I supposed to know what you wanted?!" 

"You work at a flower shop and you don't even know?! There's tons of flowers here and you go and pick the worst in one. Does that even make sense?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, I didn't smell anything!"

"Because of you, everyone blames me for ruining the wedding. My friends...they hate me now.  

Tears begin to emerge from his eyes and fall slowly along his pale face. His glaring eyes became restless and desperate. Jinyoung's weary frustration was now replaced with utter sadness. Jaebum looked at the latter with a little guilt, as he did not know that simple mistake would lead to such consequences. 

Before Jaebum could apologize, Jinyoung opened his mouth once again. 

"You know what, it's over. Just forget it." 

He then turned around and left the shop sullenly. 

Jaebum ran outside hoping to catch up to him, but he was nowhere to find. Regret loomed over him. From the start, Jaebum did not have any intention of ruining anybody's life; it was just his careless nature that is to be blamed. Now he cannot even apologize for it.

"Why'd you leave already? I didn't even get to say sorry." Jaebum remorsefully muttered as he looks into the road.  


Three days later, Jinyoung came back home from his daily jog and receives a voice message from his cousin, Youngjae. 

"Jinyoung, your mom just got a heart attack! She's at the hospital right now!"

Hearing the sudden news, Jinyoung immediately sprints out the door. The frantic son did not even have the thought to change out of his sweat-stained workout attire. 

"Youngjae, is mom in there?"

"Yeah, she's inside resting." 

Jinyoung hurriedly enters to see his mother. His mom who laid there on the hospital bed turned over to see her concerned son. 

"Mom! Are you alright?! Is everything fine?!" 

"I'm alright, I'm alright. I'll be out of here in a week, don't worry."

"What did the doctor say?"

"She said that if I take these new medicines, I should be fine. I hopefully won't get another heart attack any time soon."

 "You made me so worried! When Youngjae called, I was so scared that I wouldn't get to see you again! It was just so unexpected."

"Im sorry for making my son so scared. I promise you'll never have to see this happen again, Jinyoung."

Jinyoung's tears started to fall again as he held his mother in his arms. Her warm embrace and calming voice felt like a safe haven for a frightened, lost child in the woods. No matter how grown Jinyoung is, his mother will always be the most important. 


Looking from outside was Youngjae. Seeing his cousin in this depressed state concerned him. It has not even been a week, yet so many unfortunate events already occured for pitiful Jinyoung. Youngjae knows that there is not much he can do to help, but maybe something to cheer Jinyoung up would be nice. Something simple, but with flowers! 

Youngjae promptly flipped through his phone for a nearby flowershop. The closest proximity was Im's Exotic Floral with good enough reviews. He gives them a quick call. 

"Hello, Im's Exotic Floral. How may I help you?" a young male's voice answered. 

"Hi, I want to order flowers for my cousin who's been really down lately. Do you do anything like that?"

"Yes, of course. We have flowers for all occasions. What type of flowers would you like?"

"Any flowers are fine, as long as they look pretty and will cheer him up."

"Okay and would you like anything specific written on your cousin's card?" 

"Not really, just words to bring his spirits up should be enough."

"Okay, got it. When should they be delivered?"

"Tomorrow at around 7:30 am. He would probably be awake by then."

"Anything else you would like to add?"

"Nope, that's it. Thanks."

"Thank you for ordering at Im's Exotic Floral. Have a great day!"

"Thank you, you too. Bye!"

"Bye bye."


The next morning, Jaebum arrives in front of the appartment building's address given by yesterday's customer with a basket of white gardenias.

He knocks on the polished blue painted door expecting someone to immediately open. There was no answer. Jaebum gives it another try, but there is still no one at the door. 

"Why isn't anyone here? His cousin said he would be awake?." Jaebum thought to himself. 

He did not want to leave the flowers alone in front of the door, since flowers this pretty would probably be stolen the moment he leaves. Jaebum decides to sit and wait until the owner comes back.

Fifteen minutes was bearable enough, but half an hour was becoming difficult to stay put. Not knowing what to do, Jaebum decides to reread the card he personally wrote for the unknown recipient. 

"Something seems missing."

Jaebum attempts to add a couple more lines to the message until he heard steady footsteps approaching the apartment. He haphazardly slips the card into the white gardenias and promptly stands up to dust off his pants and straighten out his clothes.

"What are you doing here?"

The near voice sounded vaguely familiar. He looks up and sees the guy from a couple days ago...the emotional mess. He looks drastically different from their last encounter. Instead of the inital Italian tuxedo, the stranger today had on a plain white tshirt with baggy Adidas sweatpants. His slick gelled-back hair is now ruffled and sweaty. For some reason, he looked slightly ill. 

"Wait, this is your apartment?"

"Yeah, why are you here?"

"Your cousin told me to deliver these flowers to you since you've been feeling sad lately."

Jinyoung snatches the basket from the delivery boy. 

"You can leave now, your job is done." Jinyoung coldly replied as he struggles to put the key in the lock. 

As soon as he entered, Jinyoung instantly collapses to the floor. The gardenias sprawl all over the floor. 

Jaebum rushes into the room. 

"Hey! Are you okay?! Wake up!" Jaebum yells while shaking the latter. 

Jaebum carries Jinyoung onto the couch and runs to get him some water. After drinking a couple of gulps, Jinyoung starts to regain some consciousness. His eyes gradually open and his eyelashes start flashing. 

"You're alive!" Jaebum blurted. He smiled brightly with his rows of teeth fully shown and eyes completely squinted. 

"Yeah, I've just been really tired lately. Did you help me inside?"

"Well I couldn't just leave you there."

"Thank you." Jinyoung awkwardly replied. 

After a long pause, Jaebum suddenly announces: "I'm sorry for everything that happened and I understand why you're mad so I'll just leave now."

As Jaebum was about to head for the door, he felt someone grasp his hand, preventing him from exiting. 

"I forgive you. Just please don't leave...don't leave yet." the latter whimpered. 

Jaebum turned back. He could not bear to abandon a weary, helpless person alone, especially one that just fainted a couple of minutes ago. 

"I'll stay, don't worry. I won't go anywhere." he warmly responded. 

Jinyoung smiled warmly at his reassurance. 

It was strange. He barely knew the person sitting in front of him; they have not even exchanged introductions or gotten to know each other a little, yet he felt an inner urge to protect that stranger. Even when he was deliberately cursed at while in the flower shop, Jaebum felt an interest spark within him. Jaebum felt as if the other's face illuminated, his face's simple charm appealed to him ever so slightly. 

 "How are you feeling now?" Jaebum anxiously asked. 

"A lot better."

"That's good. Your cousin seemed really worried."

"It's just a lot of things have been happening lately."

"I hope everything's okay."

Jaebum then notices a picture of Jinyoung happily hugging a woman. He looked very different from the way he looks now; much more cheerful and full of life, it seems.

"Is this your mom?" 

"Yeah, that was taken at our trip to Japan. She was so healthy back then and now I don't know if she's able to go to these trips anymore."

"I'm sure she'll be alright."

"Like I got a call yesterday saying she's in the hospital after a recent heart attack. She says everything is fine, but I still worry for her so much. She worked her whole life trying to raise me well and I just feel like I haven't given her back enough. I can't stand seeing her sick like this. She's just so important to me."

Right then, Jinyoung started crying. His pale face reddened and wrinkled with the mention of his mother. He had the exterior of a bright, but inside he was still a distressed mama's boy. Jaebum could see the whole world's loneliness solely in his eyes. 

"Why do you keep crying? You look so ugly right now." Jaebum teased. He gently wipes Jinyoung's tears using his whole two hands. 

"Smile." Jaebum pinches Jinyoung's sagging cheeks and forms an immitation smile.

"See, it's not hard!" Jaebum laughs cheerfully. He looks like an idiot with his nonexistant eyes. 

This natural touch causes Jinyoung's cheeks to  rapidly flush red. No one has ever made him feel so comforable, so secure; and yet a guy whom he barely knew already reached that level. This stranger must be different. 

"You're turning so red! I didn't know I was that handsome." Jaebum playfully adds on. 

"So much for the sentimental moment," Jinyoung thinks to himself, "who am i kididng, this is the boy that mistakened rotten-fleshed flowers for wedding floral afterall."

"Please, I wouldn't want you even if you threw yourself at me!" Jinyoung retorted.

"Well, I wouldn't wanna chase after you anyways. You're not my type. I'm not into cry babies like you. By the way, what is your name, you emotional mess?"

"You should be glad that I'm sick right now or else I would've smacked you." Jinyoung scowled. 

"But my name is Park Jinyoung. And yours?"

"It's Jaebum. Im Jaebum."

"Like the famous singer, except less talented."

"So rude. You must've forgotten that I saved your life just a couple of minutes ago. I should make you my servant then make you give me massages or deliver flowers for me. But since I'm so nice, I'll let you off this time."

"Aren't you so generous?" Jinyoung says in a sarcastic tone. "But seriously if Park Jinyoung ever owes someone something, then I will do it. I'll pay you back somehow, don't worry. I'm a man of his words."

"Alright, alright. So you're emotional and stubborn. Wow you're something else."

At that time, Jaebum glances at his watch. 

", I totally forgot that I had flowers to deliver an hour ago. Mom's gonna kill me!" 

Jaebum runs to the door and haphazardly puts on his Nike's and grabs his bag from the table.

"I'm leaving now! Bye, Jinyoung!" 

Jaebum leaves before Jinyoung could return his farewell. 

But before Jinyoung knew it, Jaebum runs back to the door and screams, "And I hope you feel better! Take care of yourself better or else I would have to step in." he smiled. 

After Jaebum leaves (for good), Jinyoung can't help but feel something empty. It was as if the time they had spent together was not enough and he needed to see Jaebum at least one more time. 

"You idiot, I didn't even get to say goodbye." Jinyoung sighed. 


The next morning, Jinyoung wakes up feeling notably better than the day before. He stretches the limbs on his neck, then proceeds to the arms, and finally the waist. Walking out of his room, he then notices the basket of flowers neatly placed on the table. Jinyoung did not remember the flowers being here, were they not all over the floor?

"He must've gathered them up." Jinyoung softly muttered. 

Inside that basket of gorgeous flora lies a small, plain card. The cover had a picture of a robin standing tall on a blooming cherry tree. Inside the card was a short message marked by the writer's mistakes which was scribbled using pen. The card read: 

Like the gardenias, you are lovely.  

Don't lose that loveliness by feeling sorrow. 

Be like the robin and venture on new beginnings. 

There are endless possibilities waiting to you. 

I'm sure of it. 

The sloppy writing was indeed difficult to decipher, but the meaning was clear. Jinyoung could feel the compassion that the writer of this message had for him. The simplistic figurative language also carried on the deep implication of beauty and revival. It was hard to believe that Jaebum could have pulled it off, but Jinyoung truly wanted to believe that he was able to. 

Rereading the same 5 lines, 37 words, and 52 syllables and eventually reciting them, Jinyoung starts to slowly fall for the giver of these flowers, these words, and these emotions. And this was none other than Im Jaebum. 


Im's Exotic Floral should open at 8 am, but when Jinyoung got there, the lights were turned off and no one was at sight. His inner longing to see Jaebum in the end was met with disappointment. Turning around and facing the ground with low spirits, he recognizes the familiar black and navy blue Nike shoes standing in front of him. 

"So someone was waiting for me this early in the morning?" Jaebum boastfully suggested. 

"Who is? I don't see anyone here." Jinyoung replied while looking around. 

"I'm just here to buy some flowers for a friend.", he added. 

"Oh, really?" Jaebum's tone sounded slightly disappointed. 

Jinyoung feels kind of guilty for lying, but it was his fault for being so confident. Jinyoung's feelings should not be revealed so soon. 

The two enter the flower shop and the scents of all the different flowers instantly enters Jinyoung's nostrils. The aroma was truly delightful; it must be so nice to work here the whole day. 

"So what flowers are you looking for?". Jaebum interupted. 

"Umm...any flowers are okay. I mean my friend is fine with anything." Jinyoung improvised. 

"Hmm, then I think these calla lilies would be nice." 

Jaebum reaches in to take two calla lilies: pink and white. Jinyoung watches closely as the latter neatly wraps the flowers into the yellow wrapping paper. 

"You seem to have gotten better at this." 

"Well ever since I made that stupid mistake at your friend's wedding, I've been trying to learn more about flowers. I mean, I might as well since I'll be working here for awhile anyways."

Jaebum pulls out the striped red ribbon and ties the flowers into a neat bouquet. 

"Here, finished! What do you think?" 

"It's beautiful." Jinyoung smiled looking at the lilies. 

"Who is your friend? Not that I care or anything." Jaebum abruptly asked while rubbing his hand in the back of his neck and avoiding Jinyoung's eyes. 

"You wouldn't know him even if I told you. But he's tall, handsome, charismatic, and smart..."

"Okay okay, I get it. You don't have to show off how perfect your boyfriend is." 

Jinyoung notices how irritated and petty Jaebum is becoming. Is he possibly jealous?

"What are you talking about? He already has a girlfriend."

Jaebum looked relieved for a second and broke out a small smile. 

"And plus, he's not my type. We wouldn't match well with each other either." 

"Then what is your ideal type?"

"You're awfully curious about me today."

"Mmm, just wondering about my friend here." Jaebum nudges Jinyoung's arm and smiles like an idiot. 

"I honestly don't have one."

"What? No, don't lie to me. How can you not know?"

"I'm telling the truth. I don't really see the point in having an ideal type. Why should you expect so much when you can learn to love someone for the way they are?"

Jaebum looks at Jinyoung in awe. He has never thought of it that way.

"What's your ideal type then?" Jinyoung returns the question. 

"I used to like really petite guys that are cute, but recently I've been into more emotional ones. Someone with a lot of passion and who cares for their loved ones. He shouldn't be too short, but not too tall either. And someone that smiles with eye wrinkles are really cute. Like you." Jaebum slowly brings his face closer to Jinyoung and looks at him straight in the eyes. 

Jinyoung cannot help his face from burning, his breath becomes short and his heart beats abnormally fast. Being this close to Jaebum, one can really observe his defined features. His eyes are like two crescent moons concaved down when he is happy. His eyebrows are dark and even, accompanied by two black moles underneath. His nose is acute and sloped like a mountain in the snowing winter. His lips are thin, yet his mouth is fully wide to carry the full row of pearly whites. His jawline is sharp enough to be used as a knife to cut along anything. His adam's apple that protrudes from his neck gives off a masculine, provocative charm. At that moment in Jinyoung's eyes, Jaebum was perfect.

Without thinking Jinyoung gently places his lips against Jaebum. He always had the impression that Jaebum's lips were chapped, but it in turn felt soft and moist. The two lips moved coordinately causing Jinyoung to feel immense pleasure like none other. But this momentary contentment was soon interrupted by the suddent realization of the current situation. He opens his eyes to see Jaebum's closed and engaged. Jinyoung urgently pulls his lips away and covers his embarassed face. 

"Ayy, why are you hiding your cute face? You stole my first kiss, so you have some explaining to do." Jaebum teased. 

Jinyoung cannot stop feeling flustered. Afterall, it was Jaebum's cheesiness that made Jinyoung fall for him in the first place. He gradually moves his hands away from his face and courageously looks at Jaebum. Tears begin to fall from Jinyoung's eyes out of nowhere and he then buries his face into Jaebum's shirt. 

"Why are you crying? I'll come chasing whoever did this to you."

"It's you, idiot. You made me like this." 

Jinyoung wraps his arms tightly around Jaebum's waist. 

"You're so embarassing and shameless and I judge you most of the time, but in the end that just makes me more attracted to you. You barely knew me yet you took care of me and wished me well. You even waited for me and was late for a client. You gave hope to a lonely, hopeless person that was ready to give up. I know the times we've spent with each other hasn't even added up to a day, but my eyes keep replaying your face and my ears keep replaying your voice. You became the reason why I became a fool, a desperately in love one."

"Jinyoung, there were many times that I questioned if I truly loved you. But after witnessing your cries and knowing that I was powerless of making you happier, that immense pain was just incomparable. In front of you, I force myself to smile in order to hold you up and guide you, but it makes me feel even more useless. Does pain come with love? If it does, then I am willing to submit myself to all types of agony if its for you. Now I know how important you are to me. I love you Jinyoung."

Jaebum hugs Jinyoung with all his strength. In front of him is the person he treasures the most in the whole world. He cannot describe how happy he was to see Jinyoung in front of the flower shop this morning. It was as if fate had given them another chance to see each other's faces. And here he is right now under Jaebum's embrace. 

"Wait, I have something for you."

Jaebum comes out of the storage room with something hidden behind his back. 

"Close your eyes."

Jinyoung obediently shuts his eyelids. 

"This better be expensive, whatever it is." Jinyoung joked. 

Seeing how angelic Jinyoung looks just sitting there, Jaebum quickly gives him a peck on the lips. 

"You're so lame!" Jinyoung smacks Jaebum in the arm. "What is it? Just show it to me!"

Jaebum laughs and pinches Jinyoung's cheeks. "I couldn't help it, you were so vulnerable."

The two continue with the gift giving. Jaebum holds the present in front of Jinyoung's nose. 

Jinyoung recognizes this distinct scent. He knew exactly what it was. It was the flower that smelled like rotten, decaying flesh. It was the flower that ruined his friend's wedding. But most importantly, it was the flower that allowed Jinyoung to meet Jaebum, the person he now cherishes so much. It was the Carrion Flower.

Jinyoung opens his eyes and proceeds by caressing the flower's wrinkled, hairy lobes. 

"It smells lovely." Jinyoung smiles looking at Jaebum. 

How strange it is that a wretched smelling flower can be so delightful when a person is next to the one he loves. Like flowers, all humans possess their individual appeals. It just takes one person to recognize that beauty and that love will surely blossom into something more phenomenal. 

Jaebum gently Jinyoung's dry, coarse hair as it if was a furry, compliant kitten. 

"I still don't know what I like most about you. Every time I see you, I find something different to love. Whether it's your oily skin filled with acne, your over-exagerrated reactions, or simply your twinkling eyes; you make me so smile like an idiot."

He pauses for a second. "I must really love you."

"Hey! I'm working on making my skin better!" Jinyoung laughs. "We've literally been sitting here for an hour just telling each other how much we love each other."

"Do you wanna stop then?"

"No, I like getting compliments from you. Even if its criticism, I know you still love me." 

"Of course! But tell me, you only love me right? There's no one else that you have eyes on?" Jaebum points his finger directly at Jinyoung with a pair of skeptical eyes. 

"Nope. Unfortunately, I've fallen into your tunnel and can't get out." Jinyoung nudges Jaebum's cheeks. 

Is this what love does to someone? It brings out your inner protectiveness and you start to flatter each other with cringe-worthy lines. And suddenly that person's flaws becomes the first thing you want to see in the morning. You are able to repeat the same conversation with that person and the words still feel refreshing. All the emotions of happiness and sadness are magnified when you are with him. Love really does change a person. 

"I hate you." Jaebum announces. 

"I hate you too. I love you so much that I hate you." Jinyoung responds.

"Wait, just a second." 

Jaebum gets up to flip the sign to closed.

"I don't think mom would mind if I closed for today." Jaebum smirks.


He lays his head on Jinyoung's lap and looks up at his darling. 

"This feels nice. I think I'll take a nap here then."

"You can't sleep yet!" Jinyoung lamented. "Not without me." Jinyoung seductively whispered into his boyfriend's ear. 

He traces his fingers along Jaebum's attractive jawline and down his neck. He then plants small kisses on his firm collarbones while ing Jaebum's plaid flannel shirt. 

"I didn't know you had this in you, Jinyoung."

"Hey, you said you didn't know what you liked about me. This can be one of them."

The shop was closed longer than expected that day. Luckily, no one stopped by to witness the odd couples' intimacy. But even if they did, nothing could prevent Jaebum and Jinyoung from being together right now. Love really does change a person and in this case, a careless idiot and an emotional crybaby. 

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Chapter 3: Woow! This really is such a beautiful fic! ♥
I almost missed the bonus chap, but luckily I didn't~
Wonder what happened to the wedding couple btw...
Hope you'd write more for this pairing~! @_@
wuyeong #2
Chapter 4: My favorite character was Youngjae teehee because he bought flowers for Jinrongie and caused JJP to meet again :)
Chapter 4: ♡♡♡ J&J ♡♡♡
Chapter 4: thank you~~ thank you~~
i love your story^^
and my favorite character is jinyoungie <3

And my fav character would have to be Jinyoungie
Chapter 3: goshhhhhhhhhh.. thankyou so much for this bonus chapter author-nim.
this is soooooooooooo sweet asdfghjkllllll
poor my jjp feelssss *sobsssssssss;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Chapter 3: omooo, Jaebum-Jinyoung and JB-Jr!! lol
the letters are soooo sweet~ i love it!! >.<
Chapter 2: Muahaha... fall for the cry baby jin.. ♥
Chapter 2: Yeah! Bonus chapter! ^o^
Chapter 2: This was beautiful!

And can't wait for the bonus ^^