The Prince's Little Princess

Dear, Daddy's Daughter!
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“Hyo-bunny, let’s sleep honey. It’s been too late. Come on!” Eunji scooped her four years old daughter who was still playing with her toys on the floor.

“Is appa home yet, eomma?” the little girl asked while yawning and rubbing her eyes by her tiny hands.

“No, not yet. Appa will be home very late. So let’s sleep now, okay? And you’ll see appa when you wake up later,” her mother coaxed.

“But I want to wait for appa. I want to see appa before sleeping. I want appa to sing lullaby for me…,” she pouted, and Eunji could only sigh to see her daughter’s stubborn demeanor. She had been trying to put her daughter to bed since two hours ago, but Hyosung insisted that she want to wait for her father coming home before going to bed. And Eunji really could not do anything since the only one who could make Hyosung going to sleep is only her father—no one else, even since the little girl was still infant.



Eunji still remembered her first years of having Kim Hyosung. The little baby would always cry in midnight and at first, Eunji thought that she was hungry or pooped or even was sick. She had tried everything, but her baby would still bawl that Eunji got so panicked and was about to take her to hospital. But then, when she passed her into her husband’s arms when she was about to change her outfit, Hyo’s cries eventually stopped that she and her husband were surprised to see how calm the baby was just in a second after her long loud bawling. The baby was even smiling when her father sung her a lullaby while rocking her in his arms.

And that night, Eunji was more than sure that Kim Hyosung really was a daddy’s girl.

They canceled their plan to take their baby to hospital since Hyosung looked all fine. But when Sunggyu passed her back to his wife or when he brought her to sit down, she started crying again thus Sunggyu eventually carried and stood up again to gently bounce her again to sleep while walking back and forth inside the room. Eunji was touched as Sunggyu never complained for their baby’s bad habit even though he had to wake up every night since then just to carry their baby around and back to sleep no matter how tired he was.

But later, Eunji found out something really interesting when she was visiting her mother-in-law and told her about Hyo’s night habit. Sunggyu’s mother eventually chuckled when she finished her story and blinked confusedly.

“Is there anything funny, eomoni?” she asked curiously.

“Omo, Eunji-yah. Really, you don’t have to sympathize over your husband since it was his karma.”


“Oh you have to know, Kim Hyosung really IS Kim Sunggyu’s daughter,” the older woman was still chuckling.

Eh? Really, what’s so funny? Of course, Hyosung is mine and Sunggyu’s daughter. Does my mother-in-law doubt it?

“And… what do you mean by that, eomoni?” she still had no idea of what was her mother-in-law talking about.

“Sunggyu… I mean, hmpft… you know, Eunji… when he was a baby, he used to cry and waking up everyone in the house at midnight and he could only be calm again when we carry and rock him back to sleep while walking around the house! Oh you have no idea how loud his cries but then he eventually stop if we carried him around just like what happened to Hyosung. And the one who took that job to carry him around and back to sleep was his old nanny. Sometimes my husband and I did it as well but still, his favorite one was his first nanny.”

Knowing her husband’s past story, Eunji smiled and shook her head then look down at the infant in her arms. “Aigoo… so, Hyosungie inherits this odd habit from appa, hm?” she nuzzled her baby’s nose and the baby only chuckled even though she could not understand what her mother and grandmother were talking about. Anyway, no wonder Kim Sunggyu never complained anything about his daughter’s night habit.

“You should visit this ahjumma sometimes, Eunji. She’ll tell you many stories about your husband since baby-Sunggyu spent most of his time with her rather than with me since I was really busy with my job back then.”

“Oh it’d be really nice to meet oppa’s old nanny, eomoni.”



“Are you sure this is ahjumma’s house, oppa?” she asked as she stood in front of a little house in an outskirt area of Jeonju, the Kim’s hometown.

“Honestly… I don’t know,” he smiled sheepishly and shrugged. “I never really visited her house since she was living with us back then.”

“Shall we knock the door?”

Sunggyu nodded slightly before knocking gentle at the front door (since there was obviously no bell attached around it).

Not long after, the front door opened and revealed a figure of young woman looking at them as if trying to figure out who the guests were. “Excuse me? Is there anything I can help?” she asked politely.

“Uhm… we are looking for Joo Woori-ssi. Is this the right house?”

“Oh? How do you know grandma?” the young woman scanning at their appearance as if judging who they were and then her eyes landed on the little baby in her mother’s arms. “Are you looking for a baby sitter? I’m sorry, but granny has been retired for now.”

“No, that wasn’t why we come here. We just come to visit. Actually I—”

“Who’s that, Chanmi-yah?”

“Oh, halmoni! How do you get off of the bed? I t

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ririsriandini #1
Chapter 15: Authornim im back to read ur stories again T.T i hope you will update this someday T.T
Nurqomariah #2
Chapter 15: Umm i just found this fanfic and read it all marathon in 2 days, now i'm looking for next chapter please.. Huhu hope to see kim hyosung dongsaeng story.. Authornim ??
fatima_ #3
Chapter 15: Please update, dear author nim . We'll wait okay?
ririsriandini #4
Authornim where are you? :(
lin_lin42879 #5
Chapter 15: So good!! Cant wait for their next child ;) hope its a boy this time. A mommas boy. :) Pleasr update soon :)
Chapter 15: Ok you need to update soon.. I have been waiting for your updates.. Hahaha.. Pleaseee....
kitsune95 #7
Chapter 15: I totally forgot about this fic~~ i reread from the beginning~ hahahahahhhha they're so cute~~~ just make eunji pregnant already~ xD hahahaha
Chapter 15: they are so cuuuuuuuute ¬ update soon
pampimpung #9
You got me, you really got me!! i cant believe you update it!!!! hundred thousand thankyou and kisssssseessss for you. :-*
ririsriandini #10
Chapter 15: Finally you update authornimmmmm yeeeay