Page 2

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“Hey,” he whispered in my ear.


I turned around, “Eww, off Greg,” and jokingly pushed him away.


He laughed, “Looks like Seoul didn’t change that foul mouth of yours.”


“Looks like time didn’t change you either,” I retorted and smirked.


He narrowed his eyes at me. Even my best friend’s actions reminded me of him.


“So how was YG?” he teased as he sat down next to me and ordered a vodka.


“ you. That’s a really low one, you ,” I punched his arm.


“Hey, I didn’t think you were really into that kpop idol. I thought you would have been fine by now, it’s been 6 months since you left Seoul,” I glared at him but seeing his sincere eyes, I sighed.


“And it’s been 6 months since I’m back in Japan but only now we meet? I miss you, dunderhead,” and I grabbed him into a tight hug.


“There there, you can cry all your problems out to me,” he cooed, which I suspected, in a joking manner. Playing along, I pretended to wail in his arms. Everyone else in the bar had started to pay attention to us and he begrudgingly said, “Alright, alright, this is on me.”


“One Tequila please!”







“We’re almost there, don’t puke just yet. At least not in my new car. You have no idea how difficult it was to get this beauty.”


“You’ll never get any beauty,” I smirk.


“Yeah yeah and so won’t you,” he poked my head.


“Hey, be nice. I’m one broken-hearted poor little soul here,” I pouted and tried give him the puppy eyes.


“Wow, are you pouting?” He burst out in laughter, “You should really be sober right now to see how ugly you look.”


“Hmm, I know I’m ugly.”


“Hey hey, I’m just joking around. You know I didn’t mean that,” he reached out to wipe tears off my cheeks. I didn’t even realise I’m crying.


“You know who else didn’t mean it?” I looked at him and smirked. “T.O.P!!!!! CHOI ING SEUNG HYUN! Big Bang’s TOP….bingu top! …..choom top….tabi….TOP TOP TOP!!! That er.”


“Let it all out, you’ve held it in for too long,” he looked at me with pity in his eyes.


“Hmmmmm,” I fumbled to open the car window and stuck my head out “LET IT GOOOOOOO, LET IT GOOOOO, GO AHEAD AND SLAM THAT DOOOOOOR”


“Hey hey hey,” he pulled me back.


“I DON’T CAREEEEEEEE” I screamed sang into his face.


He stopped the car suddenly, “Congratulations for making a fool out of yourself in front of your entire neighbourhood, miss,” he hissed.


“Whoopie, do I get a prize? Maybe something that can help me heal my broken heart,” I hiccupped, “or hiccups.”


“Yes yes, let’s make it safely to your apartment first and we’ll talk about that prize alright?”






“Here some water for your hiccups. Geez. Are you sure there wasn’t any wild boar or something, that broke into your apartment?”


“You’re looking at it.”


“Hmm, thought so too. Do you have any aspirins?”


“Kitchen, third drawer. I think.” Greg walked to the kitchen, seeing the mess, he let out a sigh.


“You know, I might as well ahead down to the convenient store, that would be faster.” He said from the kitchen. “Yup, I’m going, can you take care of yourself for 5 minutes? I’ll be back real quick.”


“Hmmmmm,” I watch him wear his coat and shoes and suddenly it hits me again. Loneliness. Despair. Agony. Pain.








It has been 6 months since I left Seoul, since I left YG. I left YG quietly, only inf

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Chapter 2: Amazed! Please do write more :) the story line is interesting so far and I can't wait to read next. Good job, authornim. You have my support! x