

What happens when Han-Eul is forced to become a tutor for South Korea's richest 3rd generation tycoon after a cyber-bullying incident?

Apparently, she states that it is the "most miserable years of her life." 

With a large amount of debt she has to owe the loansharks and her "cyber-bullying" incident, Han-Eul strongly believes that her life is struck with bad luck as she also has a younger brother to take care of. Their mother is dead, and the father--they have never met their father nor have they heard any news from him.

Han-Eul's life dramatically changes after meeting the oh so famous Choi Seung-Hyun (TOP), the young, spoiled tycoon she must tutor. 

Is this the start of a new love?


*scrolls down*

Wow, this guy--he's really conceited.

What the hell; I mean, who does he think he is?



---------------: OMG!!! I LOVE YOU OPPA~~~~ >< 

---------------: How can one be so handsome???!!!!! Kya!~~

Kim Han-Eul: Wow... Uhm, Mister Choi Seung-Hyun, I think you're really conceited, in my eyes. I don't know, maybe I must be blind because all the other fan girls think you're so handsome. They must be fooled by your money as I do not think you are handsome at all. I respect your father, but, however, your actions are very disapproving and a menace to the Korean society. You are supposed to set a good example to all the kids (11 year olds are surely viewing your Cyworld page). Almost all pictures you have uploaded here are of you drinking, partying, flirting... I think your father and your father's company will be very upset with you. 

----------------: @ Kim Han-Eul LOLOOLOLOL I think I agree with you!

It's not like he'll read my comment. There are, like, 300 comments with this photo. Yup, I mean, I just had to voice my opinions. I'm glad that some people agree with me here.



"Nuna! There's something weird in the mail... From the police? government?" 


[To Kim Han-Eul, 

You have been charged with cyber-bullying Choi Seung Hyun

The fine is $100,000 and you must pay by October 26, 2011. ]

Oh .



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:O <br />
Looking forward to the next update! :D
rainbowlisation #2
this is really good!!! update it ASAP!